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                                                                   Student Name: ________________________

Unit 2 Outcome 2: Analyse and compare the use of argument and persuasive language in texts that present a point of view on an issue currently debated in the media.

Very low (1-3) Low (4-6) Medium (7-8) High (9-11) Very high (12-13)

Analysis and Limited understanding of the Some understanding of the Sound and clear understanding of Detailed and accurate Comprehensive and complex
understanding of ways in arguments presented in the arguments presented in the texts the arguments presented in the understanding of the arguments understanding of the arguments
which arguments used to texts showing limited showing some awareness of how texts and how they have been presented in the texts and how they presented in the texts and how they
position readers awareness of how they have they have been constructed to constructed to position audiences. have been constructed to position have been constructed to position
been constructed to position position audiences. audiences. audiences.

Analysis and comparison Limited analysis and Some analysis and comparison of Clear and appropriate analysis and Detailed and careful analysis and Sophisticated and insightful analysis
of ways in which comparison of arguments with arguments with limited discussion comparison of arguments with comparison of arguments with and comparison of arguments with
language is used to some reference to the texts. of the intent and development of broad discussion of the intent and thoughtful discussion of the intent complex discussion of the intent and
position readers the arguments, persuasive use of development of the arguments, and development of the arguments, development of the arguments,
language and the impact of the persuasive use of language and the persuasive use of language and the persuasive use of language and the
texts. Some use of textual evidence impact of the texts. Suitable use of impact of the texts. Careful use of impact of the texts. Considered and
to justify the analysis. textual evidence to justify the textual evidence to justify the accurate use of textual evidence to
analysis. analysis. justify the analysis.

Very low (1) Low (2-3) Medium (4) High (5-6) Very high (7)

Effective and accurate Limited control of the features Some control of the features of Sound control of the features of Careful control of the features of Skilful control of the features of
language with of comparative analysis. comparative analysis, including comparative analysis, including the comparative analysis, including the comparative analysis, including the
appropriate use of the use of structure, conventions appropriate use of structure, careful use of structure, conventions highly proficient use of structure,
metalanguage and language, including the use of conventions and language, including and language, including the use of conventions and language, including
metalanguage. the use of relevant metalanguage. relevant metalanguage. the use of relevant metalanguage.

Expressive, fluent and Written language that shows Mostly clear written language that Generally fluent and coherent Expressive, fluent and coherent Highly expressive, fluent and coherent
coherent writing / use of limited control of spelling, employs some conventions of written language that employs the written language that employs the written language that employs the
appropriate language punctuation and syntax of spelling, punctuation and syntax of appropriate use of spelling, appropriate and accurate use of skilful and accurate use of spelling,
conventions Standard Australian English. Standard Australian English. punctuation and syntax of Standard spelling, punctuation and syntax of punctuation and syntax of Standard
Australian English. Standard Australian English. Australian English.

Total score:                                                           /40 Please note:  If you score less than 20 you will required to redeem the task.

Very low 1– Low 10-19 Medium 20- High 30-34 Very high 35-40
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