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Cianjur Population Rate Crop Production Ecosystem Flow It is expected that this industrial ecosystem will be run
2022 2021 continuously, considering that the waste collected every
year reaches millions of tons of waste, this waste is
2021 2022 sometimes difficult to decompose. So with that, this
industrial ecosystem designs so that the waste can be a
valuable byproduct, and can be used as raw material for
other products. So that later it is hoped that Zero
Waste can be applied, so that no more waste is wasted
which will later have a negative impact on the natural
environment and also humans themselves.

2 506,68 2 542,79 661 773,02 631 728,18

Food waste usually consists of vegetables, bones, oil etc. This waste can be
processed and reused to meet needs, then a cycle will be created. Processed waste
will become fertilizer and biofuel products, fertilizer will be used as plant nutrition,
plant products will be used by industry, restaurants and the community, biofuel will SUGGESTION
Average monthly per capita be used as fuel and will help industrial, restaurant and community activities. Waste
Rp.508.099 expenditure on food
generated from industry, restaurants, the community, will be collected by a 4th
party and will be reprocessed into products, The cycle will create 3R activities. In this management system it is expected that industrial
players must understand waste as something of value
1. Reuse
emphasis on reducing the amount of waste in the culinary home industry so for other industrial basic materials. This is because if
that the amount of waste produced can be controlled and does not exceed
the processing is carried out properly and correctly it
the limit. The activity of reducing home industry culinary waste is very
important because if left unchecked it will cause pollution to the will provide a side product that is environmentally
The Number of Micro environment and damage pollution.
friendly and able to minimize existing waste. And
Companies in Cianjur
44.089 2. Reduce
Culinary industry home waste can be utilized and reused, because the because the reproductive capacity of this ecosystem
culinary home industry waste consists of organic materials, if processed
must also be considered in industrial systems and
properly it will certainly become a product that is beneficial to humans and
the environment. And reusing culinary industry home waste is effective in materials must be recycled by other industrial actors.
reducing the amount.
Later, if this closed ecosystem can be applied properly,
3. Recycle
Cianjur has a lot of plantation land and the average work of the people is there will be no more wasted waste that will disrupt
Food Waste in as a farmer. Of course this can help and be a solution for the Cianjur region
210 TON to handle fertilizer needs. Oil waste generated from the culinary home
natural ecosystems and human health. By applying
Cianjur industry can be processed into biofuel products. This product can be used as reduce, reuse and recycle in a closed industrial
fuel, and is very much needed in daily activities and operations.
ecosystem, Zero Waste can be created which can have a
positive impact on both the industry and the natural
ecosystem itself.

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