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ENG1011 Project 1: Truss Bridge Design and Build.

Marking Feedback
Semester 2 2022
Team members Team number:
Aryaman Mangwani
Chhordapitou Nguon V15
Thomas Oldale
Shirsho Roy
Elorenzo Joseph San Pedro

Note: The following marking scheme shows personalised feedback in pink. The text under each heading lists what was
required to achieve full marks for that section.

Report Structure, Assumptions, Figures & Tables, Summary, Max mark Team mark

Assumptions, Conclusion & Recommendations (5 out of 36)

Report Structure………………………………………………………………. 2.0

Report template provided or similar standard used. Chosen Section and subsection
headings are appropriate and included in Table of Contents, pages are all numbered,
sufficient figures presented in body of report and figures and tables all labelled and text
refers the reader to the correct Figure. Calculation template paper used correctly with
title blocks all filled in. Figures and hand calculations all presented in a size that can be
easily read without zooming in.

Summary………………………………………………………………………. 2.0
Concise summary that addresses the aim of the project in providing a practical and
theoretical understanding of Engineering Mechanics and design. Key requirements of
build competition listed, and how this was achieved through trial builds and theoretical
calculations involving, planar truss modelling and analysis, material strength calculations
allowing member and overall structural strength calculations to be made. Key outcomes
listed and recommendations made.

Conclusion & Recommendations ……………………………………………. 1.0

Customised feedback:

Report structure 2/2

Summary 1.05/2
Conclusions and recommendations 0.5/1

Need to tell me how you iterated your structure. How heavy was your final build?
What was the factor of safety?

You should tell me what the factor of safety and the self weight of your final bridge
is again here.
Total out of 5 3.65
Concept Design (4 out of 36)

A minimum of 2 concepts and the final built design are presented. Information of all concept
(paper, CAD and built) designs; their pros and cons, whether they meet the design brief
and how they are improved on in the following iteration is provided in an easy to read and
understandable format. A clear transition leading to the final design is clearly provided.
Figures showing images of structures are provided for each variation for easy viewing and
Customised feedback:
Concept Design 4/4

Total out of 4.0

Material properties (8 out of 36)

Stress-strain graphs and materials properties………………………………… 6.0

All data were graphed correctly with axes labelled and graphs were clear. Yield strength
and UTS were labelled correctly for all four samples. Equations for the elastic modulus
were shown following the examples provided in the graph plotting video. Correct theoretical
values were provided for Young’s Modulus, yield strength and ductility. The experimental
values for Young’s modulus, yield stress, 0.2% proof stress, UTS and ductility were
calculated correctly and shown in a table.

Answers to question……….…………………………………………………….. 2.0

Question answered to sufficient detail with similarities and differences and reasons for
differences proposed.

Customised feedback
Stress-Strain graphs and materials properties 6/6
Answers to questions 1/2

For acrylic and PLA, it’s more appropriate to say that you couldn’t find the 0.2% yield stress,
not the UTS (UTS is where they snap). Discuss experimental errors rather than data fitting
errors when considering why the experiment has given you lower values than you would
expect (Refitting can be done rapidly).

Total out of 8.0 7

Truss Analysis & Design Assumptions (2 out of 36)

At least five relevant assumptions are noted, comparing the theoretical model and its
assumptions to the built form of the structure.
Customised Feedback

Amazing work

Total out of 2 2
Truss Analysis (6 out of 36)
Loading…………………………………………………………………………… 1.5
Applied loading and truss self-weight loading are correctly calculated and applied to truss;
self weight load distributed as point loads along length of truss and 2kg applied where it
acts. Total Loads have been halved accordingly for each planar truss.

Method of Joints Analysis .……………………………………………………… 3.0

Method of Joints analysis appears to be correct. C alculations are well set out with joints
and forces correctly labelled and drawn for easy viewing by the reader. Final results are
clearly presented on a Figure of the truss.

Method of Sections Check .…………………………………………………… 1.5

Method of Sections Check carried out at the correct location to verify the full method of
joints analysis. A statement confirming this is made.

Customised feedback
Loading 1.5/1.5
Methods of Joints 3/3
Methods of Sections 1.5/1.5
Table 4/5 belongs in an appendix. Not all the data is important, as you’ll only be
discussing a handful of items from it – That’s what makes it appendix worthy vs
something like the materials table (because that’s showing unique systems).
Amazing work here!

Total out of 6.0 6

Member Design checks and Bridge Factor of Safety (6 out of 36)

Brief written text somewhere in report of the actual design member checks
undertaken and how factors of safety are calculated………………….……. 0.5

Tensile Strength and Factors of safety (FOS) calculated for the members
experiencing the greatest tensile forces ….........................................……… 2.0

All members made from different materials (acrylic, PLA, nylon) and having different
member cross-sectional areas have been checked. The cross-sectional area of the section
is conservatively accounted for in the calculations or a statement is made about this.
Compression Strengths and Factors of safety (FOS) calculated for members
experiencing the greatest compression forces and having the greatest
lengths…………………………….…................................................……… 3.0
Members in compression checked for buckling as well as yield failure. All possible critical
combinations of members made from different materials (acrylic, PLA, nylon) and having
different member cross-sectional areas have been checked. Buckling has been considered
to occur about both axes. The second moment of area is conservatively accounted for in
the calculations or a statement is made about this

Factor of safety of the entire truss is noted and justified.…………………….. 0.5

Customised feedback
Design member checks 0.5/0.5
Tensile strength + FOS 2/2
Compression strengths + FOS 2/3.0
FOS of truss 0.5/0.5

Great work on the FOS calculations! You missed the minor axis for buckling though.

Total out of 6.0 5

CAD Drawing & Bill of Quantities (5 marks)

CAD drawing(s)…………………………………………………………………. 4.0

Quality drawing(s) that closely follow the example drawing provided. Drawing(s) have
all of; title block, plan, side, end and isometric view. There are sufficient dimensions
shown on drawings (including member widths and thicknesses), and a sufficient
number of detailed views of PLA printed items. Drawings are presented at a size that
they can be easily viewed. Includes drawing notes and item numbers

Bill of Quantities Table………………………………………………………….

Complete Bill of quantities presented 1.0

Further feedback:
CAD drawing 0/4
Bill of Quantities 0/1
Neither provided.

Total out of 5.0 0

36 27.65
Overall Report Mark
( 76.8%)

Final mark allowing for teams less than 5 members

5% increase for team of four or 10% increase for team of three

Overall Feedback:

Fantastic report, but the tables go on a little long – I would try to condense information a little more
concisely, and move large swaths of data to the appendix if you aren’t about to talk about each and
every single number represented.
But again, overall a fantastic report!

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