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Thematic Review Series

Respiration 2016;92:199–214 Published online: September 6, 2016

DOI: 10.1159/000449037

Personalized Medicine for Chronic

Respiratory Infectious Diseases: Tuberculosis,
Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Pulmonary
Diseases, and Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis
Helmut J.F. Salzer a, c, f Nasstasja Wassilew a, c, f Niklas Köhler a, c, f
Ioana D. Olaru a, c, f Gunar Günther a, f, g Christian Herzmann a, b, f
Barbara Kalsdorf a, c, f Patricia Sanchez-Carballo a, c, f Elena Terhalle a, c, f
Thierry Rolling d, e Christoph Lange a, c, f–h Jan Heyckendorf a, c, f
Division of Clinical Infectious Diseases and b Center for Clinical Studies, Research Center Borstel, and
German Center for Infection Research, Clinical Tuberculosis Center, Borstel, d Section of Infectious Diseases and
Tropical Medicine, 1st Department of Internal Medicine, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, and
Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine, Hamburg, and f International Health/Infectious Diseases,
University of Lübeck, Lübeck, Germany; g Department of Internal Medicine, University of Namibia School of
Medicine, Windhoek, Namibia; h Department of Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

Key Words gillosis are emerging infectious diseases. In contrast to oth-

Personalized medicine · Chronic respiratory infectious er infectious diseases, chronic respiratory infections share
diseases · Tuberculosis · Nontuberculous mycobacterial the trait of having highly variable treatment outcomes de-
diseases · Chronic pulmonary aspergillosis spite longstanding antimicrobial therapy. Recent scientific
progress indicates that medicine is presently at a transition
stage from programmatic to personalized management.
Abstract We explain current state-of-the-art management concepts
Chronic respiratory infectious diseases are causing high of chronic pulmonary infectious diseases as well as the un-
rates of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Tuberculosis, a derlying methods for therapeutic decisions and their impli-
major cause of chronic pulmonary infection, is currently re- cations for personalized medicine. Furthermore, we de-
sponsible for approximately 1.5 million deaths per year. Al- scribe promising biomarkers and techniques with the po-
though important advances in the fight against tuberculo- tential to serve future individual treatment concepts in this
sis have been made, the progress towards eradication of field of difficult-to-treat patients. These include candidate
this disease is being challenged by the dramatic increase in markers to improve individual risk assessment for disease
multidrug-resistant bacilli. Nontuberculous mycobacteria development, the design of tailor-made drug therapy regi-
causing pulmonary disease and chronic pulmonary asper- mens, and individualized biomarker-guided therapy dura-

© 2016 S. Karger AG, Basel Christoph Lange, MD

0025–7931/16/0924–0199$39.50/0 Division of Clinical Infectious Diseases, Research Center Borstel
Parkallee 35
DE–23845 Borstel (Germany)
E-Mail clange @
tion to achieve relapse-free cure. In addition, the use of ther- Current Standardized Management Approach
apeutic drug monitoring to reach optimal drug dosing with
the smallest rate of adverse events as well as candidate Tuberculosis
agents for future host-directed therapies are described. Tak- Antimicrobial chemotherapy for TB was first intro-
en together, personalized medicine will provide opportuni- duced in 1946 in a randomized controlled trial on strep-
ties to substantially improve the management and treat- tomycin monotherapy [16]. The development of high
ment outcome of difficult-to-treat patients with chronic re- rates of drug resistance after treatment with the drug and
spiratory infections. © 2016 S. Karger AG, Basel similar long-term mortality rates in both trial arms did
not support this monotherapy approach. Combination
therapies were developed which improved treatment out-
comes, even though successful drug regimens had to be
Introduction given for at least 12 months. In 1970 the first combination
of streptomycin and isoniazid with rifampicin or pyrazin-
Chronic respiratory infections including tuberculosis amide significantly reduced relapse rates, which led to the
(TB), nontuberculous mycobacterial pulmonary disease development of the current short-course treatment last-
(NTM-PD), and chronic pulmonary aspergillosis (CPA) ing 6 months [17]. The latest WHO guidelines recom-
are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. mend treatment of drug-sensitive pulmonary TB with ri-
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) fampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol for 2
Global Tuberculosis Report 2015, TB affected about 9.6 months (intensive phase), followed by a conservation
million persons globally, including ∼480,000 cases of phase of 4 months of rifampicin and isoniazid, for a total
multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB, defined as resistance duration of treatment of 6 months [18].
against rifampicin and isoniazid). The annual mortality Animal studies led to the hypothesis that the anti-
rate was estimated at about 1.5 million [1]. mycobacterial activity of fluoroquinolones (FQs) might
In contrast to pulmonary TB, direct human-to-human allow a further shortening of treatment to 4 months [19].
transmission of nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) Unfortunately, 3 phase III trials, all published in 2014,
seems to be unlikely, although single cases have been re- showed the inferiority of the FQ-containing short-course
ported [2–4]. Incidence rates of NTM-PD in Europe regimens, leading to increased relapse rates during fol-
range from 0.2 to 2.9/100,000 persons. The main risk fac- low-up compared to standard regimens [20–22].
tors are preexisting respiratory disorders such as cystic While TB drug resistance was a known challenge since
fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, the streptomycin trial in 1946, the outbreak of extensive-
and bronchiectasis. However, NTM-PD also occurs in ly drug-resistant (XDR) TB (defined as MDR plus resis-
immunocompetent patients without underlying respira- tance against at least one second-line injectable and at
tory disorders [5, 6]. least one FQ) in South African HIV-positive patients in
The prevalence of CPA is estimated at about 3 million particular directed the attention towards the disease and
people, with 1.2 million CPA cases occurring in patients led to large investments in research for new anti-TB drugs
with prior TB worldwide [7]; however, CPA complicates and regimens [23]. While the development of regimens
also other chronic respiratory disorders, such as sarcoid- for drug-susceptible TB was based on a large number of
osis and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis [8, 9]. clinical trials, the current guidelines for the treatment of
The diagnosis of chronic pulmonary infections is often drug-resistant TB are mainly based on a retrospective in-
challenging, and their therapy is complex and requires a dividual patient data analysis from cohort studies [10].
long duration of antimicrobial treatment, which often Until May 2016 the WHO had recommended a regimen
leads to a high frequency of adverse events, suboptimal consisting of at least 4 active drugs plus pyrazinamide for
adherence to treatment, and poor outcomes (table 1) [10– a treatment duration of at least 20 months [24]. During
12]. Therefore, improving individual risk assessment for the initial intensive phase of 8 months’ duration, the reg-
disease development, the design of tailor-made therapies, imen is based on the use of an injectable drug (kanamy-
therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM), and the use of bio- cin, amikacin, or capreomycin). The other key compo-
markers to guide and individualize the duration of anti- nents of the regimen are FQs of the later generation, of
microbial therapy are of great importance for the quality which levofloxacin and moxifloxacin are the most fre-
of life of patients and to ensure treatment success, as well quently used. Ethionamide or prothionamide, cycloser-
as for health economic reasons [13–15]. ine/terizidone, or para-aminosalicylic acid are added to

200 Respiration 2016;92:199–214 Salzer  et al.


DOI: 10.1159/000449037
Table 1. Current standards of care and future perspectives for individualized TB, NTM-PD, and CPA disease management

Options for Timeline TB NTM-PD CPA


Prevention Current Identify latent infection by TST None Antifungal prophylaxis to prevent
standards and IGRAs invasive aspergillosis for high-risk
Limitation: poor positive patients (e.g. neutropenic patients,
predictive value etc.); effect on CPA unknown
Preventive therapy over 3 – 9
Limitations: poor compliance,
no clear recommendation for
Future Use of gene transcription profiles Identification and elimination of the Identification of host susceptibility
perspectives to identify individuals who will bacteria’s reservoirs factors: host gene expression
develop disease Identification of host susceptibility factors: profiles to detect genetic
Short-course regimens for LTBI, host gene expression profiles to detect predisposition to CPA in risk
drugs with a long half-life, active genetic predisposition to NTM-PD/define groups
on MDR-TB strains high-risk groups
Diagnosis Current Microscopy, culture, molecular Microbiology, radiology, clinic Radiology, serology (culture)
standards techniques Limitations: differentiation between NTM according to ESMCID/ERS
Limitations: insufficient sensitivity pulmonary infection and disease guidelines [49]
for children and extrapulmonary
TB, no real point-of-care tests
Future More sensitive methods, Biomarkers for differentiation between Biomarkers for differentiation
perspectives development of point-of-care tests infection and disease (e.g. immune reaction between colonization and infection
Gene expression signatures to against MAC-specific glycopeptidolipid
identify patients with TB core antigen, transcriptomics)
Drug resistance Current Phenotypic DST (solid and liquid Phenotypic DST (broth microdilution Broth microdilution for Aspergillus
testing standards media), molecular DST (NAATs) method, CLSI standards), molecular DST species according to the EUCAST
Limitations: cultures have a long (for M. abscessus ssp. only) and CLSI [131]
time until results are obtained, Limitations: lacking standardized MICs for
molecular DST is limited to certain several antimicrobial drugs used in clinical
drugs, and some tests can be practice
performed only in reference Molecular DST limited to M. abscessus ssp.
laboratories and two drugs
WGS for prediction of drug
resistance limited to few
specialized centers
Future Simplification of platforms for Better understanding of in vitro MIC Better understanding of in vitro
perspectives drug resistance testing, increase results and clinical correlations MIC results and clinical
the use of WGS Development of molecular techniques correlations
Use of MICs to guide drug Development of molecular
selection and dosage techniques
Treatment Current Standardized drug regimens and Standard regimens mainly based on expert Standard regimens based on
standards weight-based dosage opinions and traditions cohort studies or case reports
Limitations: interperson variability Lack of in vitro/in vivo correlations for Limitation: just two prospective
TDM mainly for first-line drugs most of the regimens studies, which are not really
and limited to few specialized applicable; most studies do not
centers differentiate between CPA forms;
no study directly compared two
triazole regimens
Future TDM for all drugs with wide Prospective clinical trials to evaluate Prospective clinical trials; TDM for
perspectives availability current standards and new antimicrobial all drugs; dose selection based on
Dose selection based on drug levels drugs drug levels

Monitoring Current Standardized duration of Mainly based on microbiology, combined Based on radiology
standards treatment, monitoring based on with radiologic and clinical response Limitation: no outcome definition
microscopy (insensitive) and Limitation: no outcome definition
culture (long time until results)
Future Biomarkers and gene expression Define treatment outcomes Disease outcome definition
perspectives signatures for treatment response Biomarkers for treatment response Biomarkers for treatment response

Personalized Medicine for Chronic Respiration 2016;92:199–214 201

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Table 1 (continued)

Options for Timeline TB NTM-PD CPA


Duration of Current Standardized Defined as 12 months after culture Single aspergilloma: surgical
therapy standards conversion resection; all other forms of CPA,
Limitation: lacking evidence, long-lasting at least 6 months
treatment regimens not necessarily leading Limitation: lacking evidence
to cure
Future Tailored according to extent of Biomarkers to predict clinical treatment Prospective clinical trials
perspectives disease, resistance patterns, and outcome early in the course of therapy Gene expression profiles to define
treatment response (biomarkers, Gene expression profiles to define risk risk groups
gene expression profiles) groups

EUCAST = European Committee on Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing; IGRA = interferon-γ release assay; NAATs = nucleic acid amplification tests;
TST = tuberculin skin test.

the drug regimen, provided there is no in vitro resistance with chronic respiratory diseases [32]. Isolation of NTM
to those drugs. In a trial conducted in Bangladesh, pa- from respiratory samples is not necessarily associated
tients were treated with a therapy regimen consisting of with pulmonary disease; it may reflect colonization or in-
gatifloxacin, kanamycin, clofazimine, ethambutol, pyra- fection of the lungs without inducing disease, or contam-
zinamide, prothionamide, and high-dose isoniazid for ination of the respiratory samples. Therefore, the diagno-
only 9 months [25]. Patients treated with this short- sis and management of NTM-PD is often challenging
course regimen showed a relapse-free cure rate of more [33]. The American Thoracic Society (ATS) and the In-
than 80%, compared to approximately 60% in patients fectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) suggested
treated with standard regimens. Based on this concept criteria that help to differentiate between patients requir-
and on further operational study results, but not on clin- ing treatment and those who do not [32]. These include
ical trials, the WHO has recommended a short-course the repeated isolation of mycobacteria from respiratory
regimen for 10–12 months for patients with pulmonary samples, compatible clinical and radiological presenta-
MDR-TB since May 2016 [26]. The application of this tion, and the exclusion of any alternative diagnosis. Nev-
recommendation is limited to patients who have no sus- ertheless, these criteria are not generally applicable to all
pected or proven resistance to the drugs mentioned above patients with NTM-PD in the same manner [34]. They
(moxifloxacin instead of gatifloxacin). Unfortunately, may for example differ between patients with nodular-
this is only applicable to a small proportion of patients, bronchiectatic and those with fibrocavitary disease, with
i.e. in Europe to less than 10% (manuscript submitted). the latter disease often necessitating a more aggressive
For patients with resistance to second-line drugs, and in treatment approach.
particular to the second-line injectable drugs or FQs, two Treatment recommendations are mainly based on ex-
new drugs are available. Delamanid and bedaquiline are pert opinions and ‘traditions’ [35]. Macrolides (clarithro-
licensed under specific conditions due to lack of evidence mycin or azithromycin) are the cornerstone of most NTM
for their efficacy in large phase III trials [27, 28]. Other drug regimens; they are usually combined with rifamy-
drugs which were originally licensed for non-TB infec- cins and ethambutol [32]. But there are exceptions such
tions, such as linezolid and meropenem/clavulanic acid, as Mycobacterium kansasii or M. simiae. M. abscessus
also have antimycobacterial activity. Both drugs play an subspecies (ssp.) are particularly difficult to treat, as they
increasing role in the treatment of MDR-TB [29, 30]. are resistant to multiple antimicrobial drugs and require
long-term intravenous treatment [36]. Relapse-free cure
Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Pulmonary Disease from M. abscessus ssp. PD is almost impossible.
The current management of NTM-PD differs substan- Drug sensitivity testing (DST) can be used to guide the
tially from TB management. NTM are environmental choice of drug regimens [37]. Phenotypic DST is per-
mycobacteria which can be isolated from soil and water formed using the broth microdilution method according
[31]. They are not obligate pathogens, but some may af- to a standardized protocol from the Clinical and Labora-
fect certain vulnerable patient populations, e.g. patients tory Standards Institute (CLSI) [38]. Molecular tools for

202 Respiration 2016;92:199–214 Salzer  et al.


DOI: 10.1159/000449037
detecting resistance to clarithromycin and amikacin are culture from biopsy of the lung) or an immunological re-
available for M. abscessus ssp. only [39]. Still, in vitro/in sponse to Aspergillus species, and (c) exclusion of alterna-
vivo studies evaluating their clinical efficacy are lacking. tive diagnoses – all present for at least 3 months [49].
Clarithromycin and amikacin are the only drugs for According to its radiological features, CPA can be clas-
which a correlation between in vitro drug susceptibility sified as (1) chronic cavitary pulmonary aspergillosis,
and in vivo efficacy in M. avium complex pulmonary dis- which is the most common manifestation, with the risk
ease (MAC-PD) has been shown [40, 41]. to progress to (2) chronic fibrosing pulmonary aspergil-
The evidence for the current treatment recommenda- losis when untreated [50–52], (3) Aspergillus nodule(s),
tion is weak [42]. Only one prospective placebo-con- or (4) a single aspergilloma, which are less frequently seen
trolled clinical trial on MAC-PD is available, which com- [53–55]. All these manifestations are primarily found in
pares the treatment outcome of pulmonary MAC infec- immunocompetent patients. Clinical risk factors primar-
tion with and without an aminoglycoside in addition to ily are chronic respiratory diseases such as TB, NTM-PD,
the standard treatment regimen [43]. Clinical improve- or other respiratory diseases leading to structural lung
ment was more common in that study’s streptomycin damage. Furthermore, (5) subacute invasive pulmonary
group, but the difference was not significant. aspergillosis (formerly called ‘chronic necrotizing pul-
Surgery should be considered for patients with exten- monary aspergillosis’) is usually found in moderately im-
sive but localized cavitation, severe nodular-bronchiec- munocompromised patients [56]. Radiological findings
tatic disease, and/or a poor response to medical therapy are usually similar to those of chronic cavitary pulmonary
[44]. The benefit from and risk of surgery has to be well aspergillosis, but disease progression is more rapid (<3
considered, as complication rates can be high [45]. If sur- months). However, each form of CPA may evolve into
gery is feasible, it should be considered for patients with another over time depending on the immune status of the
persistent culture positivity after 6 months of medical host, and may present as an overlap [49].
treatment [44]. The diagnosis of CPA can be challenging and requires
A treatment duration of 12 months is recommended a combination of characteristics as described above.
after sputum culture conversion [32]. Patients with co- While the finding of Aspergillus hyphae in respiratory
morbidities taking long-term multidrug treatment regi- samples may support the diagnosis, it does not validly
mens for NTM-PD often face a high risk of adverse events, confirm it, since colonization, infection, and even con-
drug-drug interactions, and noncompliance, reducing tamination cannot be distinguished from one another.
the chances of treatment success and cure [46]. Standard- The detection of human Aspergillus-specific IgG antibod-
ized endpoints for treatment outcomes are missing [47] ies is a key feature to diagnose CPA. It discriminates be-
and the risk of recurrence is high [48]. Therefore outcome tween infection and colonization with a positive predic-
objectives may vary from sputum culture conversion to tive value of up to 100% [57]. Several commercial Asper-
simple improvement of clinical and radiological signs, gillus-specific IgG assays are available, but they show
prioritizing a patient’s quality of life. differences in sensitivity and specificity [58]. This is even
more problematic when an in-house assay or Aspergillus
Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis precipitins are used. The latter is a gel-based immunodif-
So far, the current management approach to CPA was fusion method used for decades to test patients’ serum for
highly heterogeneous due to lack of evidence, missing the presence of precipitating antibodies to Aspergillus
guidelines, and the inconsistent disease definitions and [59]. Although precipitin testing (beside Aspergillus-spe-
diagnostic methods used. Recently, an expert group from cific IgG antibodies) is also recommended by the novel
the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infec- ESCMID/ERS guidelines, more recent evidence indicates
tious Diseases (ESCMID) and the European Respiratory a poor performance with a sensitivity of 59% and a spec-
Society (ERS) proposed clinical guidelines for the diagno- ificity of 100% [58]. Furthermore, this manual technique
sis and management of CPA [49]. According to these is time consuming, provides subjective results, and is dif-
guidelines, the diagnosis of CPA requires a combination ficult to reproduce [58, 60, 61]. Recently, Page et al. [58]
of radiological and mycological characteristics including: compared the diagnostic performance of six Aspergillus-
(a) one or more cavities with or without a fungal ball specific IgG antibody assays in a large cohort of CPA pa-
present or nodules on thoracic imaging [preferably by tients. The IMMULITE (Siemens Healthcare Diagnos-
computerized tomography (CT) scanning], (b) direct tics, Tarrytown, N.Y., USA; cutoff 10 mg/l; 96% sensitiv-
evidence of Aspergillus infection (microscopy or fungal ity, 98% specificity) and the ImmunoCAP (Phadia AB,

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Respiratory Infectious Diseases DOI: 10.1159/000449037
Uppsala, Sweden; cutoff 20 mg/l; 96% sensitivity, 98% in these risk groups are not known, making prevention
specificity) assays performed statistically superiorly to the strategies difficult [32].
other assays tested. For CPA a personalized approach – including, for ex-
Surgical resection of a single aspergilloma is recom- ample, DST-guided therapy, treatment alterations based
mended as the treatment of choice. A combination with on (e.g. genetically determined) host factors, and/or TDM
antifungal treatment is only indicated when the lesion has to improve disease management and outcome – has not
not been fully resected or multiple Aspergillus nodules are been established so far [49]. Antifungal DST is available,
present. In case of severe hemoptysis, catheter emboliza- but DST-guided therapy is not used for CPA routinely
tion of bronchial arteries or surgery may be necessary [62, [67]. Although the novel ESCMID/ERS guidelines for the
63]. For all other forms of CPA, long-term antifungal diagnosis and management of CPA allow for a consistent
treatment with oral triazoles such as itraconazole or vori- definition of the disease, a definition of the disease out-
conazole for at least 4–6 months is recommended [49]. In come is still missing [49].
some patients, intravenous antifungal treatment (e.g. in
patients with intolerance to or treatment failure with oral
triazoles) or installation of antifungal agents in an asper- Future Perspective: Personalized Medicine to
gilloma cavity (e.g. when surgical resection is impossible) Improve Clinical Management and Outcome
may be considered [49, 64, 65]. (Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Monitoring)

The diagnosis of latent infection with M. tuberculosis

Is Personalized Medicine Established for Treatment (LTBI) that carries the risk for progression to active dis-
of the Disease at Present? ease relies on the presence of a positive adaptive immune
response to M. tuberculosis in the tuberculin skin test or
The high incidence of TB, particularly in low-resource a positive reaction in an interferon-γ release assay in the
settings, determines the widespread use of standardized absence of active TB [68]. The positive predictive values
approaches under WHO guidance [18, 26]. If available, of adaptive immune responses to M. tuberculosis are
personalized therapy is mostly based on the use of DST to highly dependent on the disease prevalence. In the past
guide the composition of effective regimens. With the ex- years it has been shown that in countries with a low TB
ception of rifampicin resistance testing, which can be prevalence (e.g. Western Europe), the value of the tuber-
done in a point-of-care test (Cepheid® GeneXpert; Ce- culin skin test and the interferon-γ release assay for the
pheid, Sunnyvale, Calif., USA), resistance testing is com- risk evaluation of future TB was very limited (progression
plex [66]. Unfortunately, the treatment duration cannot rates of <2/100 patient-years) [69, 70].
currently be determined by personalized approaches, as New strategies for evaluating the risk of progression to
no specific markers for cure have yet been identified. disease are essential to reduce the number needed to treat
Treatment alterations based on host factors and TDM to prevent a case of TB [71] and to lead to better accep-
currently play a minimal role in the management of TB tance of preventive chemotherapy in vulnerable groups
patients [15]. [72]. Recently, in South African adolescents with LTBI a
For NTM-PD no personalized medicine strategies are transcriptomic approach revealed a signature of 16 gene
established, although its management heavily relies on transcripts that was able to differentiate between healthy
personal opinions. The criteria for a differentiation be- individuals and those who progressed to active disease
tween infection and disease are imprecise, making the [73]. The risk signature predicted TB progression with a
diagnosis of NTM-PD difficult. Different management sensitivity of 66.1% (95% CI: 63.2–68.9) and a specificity
approaches depending on the NTM species isolated, the of 80.6% (95% CI: 79.2–82.0) in the 12 months preceding
underlying diseases, or different disease presentations TB. Although the predictive power was reproduced in
(e.g. nodular-bronchiectatic vs. fibrocavitary disease) are independent South African and Gambian cohorts with a
discussed but not established [34]. There is a severe lack sensitivity of 53.7% (95% CI: 42.6–64.3) and a specificity
of knowledge about the correlation of in vitro suscepti- of 82.8% (95% CI: 76.7–86), the test has not been vali-
bility with in vivo efficacy of antimicrobial drugs, mak- dated in individuals from countries with a low TB inci-
ing DST-guided therapy difficult [37]. Although patient dence to date; however, it seems to be a very promising
risk groups are described, specific host susceptibility fac- approach which could change the management and defi-
tors determining the small subpopulation affected with- nition of LTBI.

204 Respiration 2016;92:199–214 Salzer  et al.


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Dose reduction to avoid adverse events

MIC assay in


0 h1 h 3h 8h 0 h1 h 3h 8h
Patient DBS HPLC-MS/MS PK profile PK/PD profile

Finger prick sampling Multianalyte Multianalyte

based on LSS e.g.: extraction assay

0h1h 3h 8h

Dose escalation to avoid subtherapeutic concentrations

Fig. 1. Schematic explanation of TDM. Optimized dose adjust- Based on the results, an approximate pharmacokinetic profile is
ment algorithm in TDM. Blood samples are obtained as dried calculated. If the drug levels are too high and the patient is likely
blood spots (DBS) by finger prick (3–5 spots per sampling time to experience adverse events, the drug dosage is reduced. Integra-
point). Time points are defined in the limited sampling strategy. A tion of the MIC of the respective pathogen results in a pharma-
multianalyte method is employed to extract the antibiotics from cokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) profile. If this profile re-
the DBS. The extracts are analyzed using high-performance liquid veals subtherapeutic drug concentrations, the dosage is increased.
chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS). LSS = Limited sampling strategy.

The introduction and rollout of molecular techniques and analyzed, has been shown to have a relatively rapid
has revolutionized the diagnosis of M. tuberculosis and turnaround time and to predict resistance mutations with
led to a more rapid detection of drug resistance and to the good sensitivity and specificity [79, 80]; it could be used
initiation of an appropriate therapy for patients with in the future to guide the selection of anti-TB drugs for
MDR-TB. For example, rapid molecular tests such as the patients with MDR-TB before phenotypic drug suscepti-
automated, cartridge-based Xpert MTB/RIF (Cepheid) bility results are available. Although it has been shown
or the line probe assays GenoType MTBDRplus and that WGS can be performed from direct sputum samples
MTBDRsl (Hain Lifescience, Nehren, Germany) have re- [81], in most cases, cultures of M. tuberculosis strains are
ceived support from the WHO for their implementation used. WGS can also be used for outbreak investigations,
and are used in many settings across the world [74–76]. and thus may lead to a better understanding of transmis-
By far the most simple and rapid test is the Xpert MTB/ sion pathways and to the introduction of measures for
RIF, for which the time to result is less than 2 h [77]. The preventing further transmission [77, 82]. The cost of
results from the line probe assays are available within just WGS – prohibitive in the past – can be less than £70 per
2 days and, based on the presence of particular drug re- bacterial genome [83], which is insignificant when com-
sistance mutations, can be used to design an individual- pared to the costs of MDR-TB therapy [13]; however, the
ized treatment regimen for patients with MDR-TB [78]. use of molecular tests is limited in some settings due to
Another new technology that can be used for resistance their relatively high cost, technical complexity, and the
testing of M. tuberculosis strains as well as for outbreak requirement of an adequate laboratory infrastructure.
investigation is whole-genome sequencing (WGS). WGS, TDM is of increasing interest in the management of
in which the entire genome of M. tuberculosis is sequenced TB treatment (fig. 1). Measuring drug concentrations in

Personalized Medicine for Chronic Respiration 2016;92:199–214 205

Respiratory Infectious Diseases DOI: 10.1159/000449037
patients’ blood may contribute to increased efficacy and rial pneumonia is recommended to last from 3 to 14 days,
optimized dosing in difficult-to-treat patients by adjust- treatment for pan-susceptible TB is recommended for 6
ment of drug dosages according to drug plasma concen- months and treatment for MDR-TB for at least 20 months
trations [84] and may particularly reduce the toxicity of with combination antimicrobial therapy [11]. Newly pro-
second-line drugs. In particular, TDM avoids subthera- posed short-course regimens of 9–12 months are rarely
peutic drug concentrations that may result in functional applicable for patients in Europe (manuscript submit-
monotherapy. Therefore, it might have the potential to ted). Treatment for CPA and NTM-PD is generally rec-
prevent the development of resistance to additional drugs ommended for 6 and 12 months, respectively, despite
[85]. large intrapatient variability in disease severity and re-
Drug levels are mostly determined either as peak con- sponse to therapy [34, 49].
centrations (Cmax) or as areas under the curve (AUCs). It Patients with chronic respiratory diseases would ben-
is recommended to use the ratio of these parameters and efit from biomarkers that serve as surrogates to identify
the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the re- treatment success or failure early in the course of treat-
spective M. tuberculosis strain to address the pharmaco- ment [14, 15]. As an example, TB-specific, mainly inter-
dynamic effect [86]. The parameters that are employed feron-γ-driven transcriptional profiles and their changes
(e.g. Cmax/MIC or AUC/MIC) to assess the pharmacody- upon treatment initiation in patients with susceptible TB
namic effect are drug specific and still subject to discus- have been described [93–95]. Transcriptional changes
sion. Determination of drug kinetics requires several that can be detected as soon as 2 weeks following therapy
blood samples. The sampling strategy is dependent on the initiation were characterized in patients with susceptible
targeted parameter and the respective drug. Cmax can be TB [93]. In addition, the kinetics of cellular markers (i.e.
determined by analyzing two blood samples, but AUC peripheral T-regulatory cells, exhaustion T cells) and in-
requires a minimum of 10–15 samples involving a con- flammatory proteins (i.e. vascular endothelial growth fac-
siderable amount of time and costs. Therefore, limited tor, interferon-γ-inducible protein 10) in the course of
sampling strategies that minimize the number of samples treatment was also described [96–98]. Biomarkers or
but still achieve an AUC approximation are required [87]. compound markers consisting of blood markers, radio-
Analysis of blood samples is performed either as a sin- logical assessment by chest X-ray, CT or positron emis-
gle [88] or (especially in regimens containing multiple sion tomography-CT, and clinical scores could eventu-
second-line drugs) a multianalyte approach using high- ally help to subsequently individualize the duration of
performance liquid chromatography and tandem mass therapy for patients affected by chronic respiratory infec-
spectrometry [89]. Due to its complexity this assay is re- tions [14, 99, 100].
stricted to a few specialized centers. For the use of TDM Prevention strategies for NTM-PD and CPA are un-
at sites lacking this specialized infrastructure, the collec- known. They could be based on identification and better
tion and transport of dried blood spots may facilitate understanding of the bacterial or fungal reservoirs and of
sample logistics [15]. Dried blood spots have been devel- host susceptibility factors. WGS of the host genome could
oped for five different antimicrobial drugs so far [87]. detect a genetic predisposition to NTM-PD and CPA ac-
Reference values for drug concentrations as well as the quisition, but no studies have investigated this until now.
benefit from TDM, however, remain unclear. Studies that Differentiation between colonization and real infection
report an association of TDM with treatment outcome as well as contamination of respiratory samples is one of
and acquired drug resistance are scarce [90–92]. The re- the key challenges in NTM-PD and CPA management.
ported associations were often not based on those refer- For NTM-PD, IgA directed against an MAC-specific gly-
ence values but used regression or multivariate analysis copeptidolipid core antigen has been analyzed, showing
[84, 90–92]. Further studies are needed to confirm or re- the potential to differentiate colonization from infection
vise the current reference values and to assess the benefit with a high specificity of 89–100%, even if its sensitivity
from TDM. is highly variable at 52–92% [101–103]. Further studies
A major difference between mycobacterial infections need to be conducted to prove its usefulness. Concerning
(NTM and TB) and CPA and other infectious diseases is treatment, in vitro studies aiming at a better understand-
the duration of treatment recommended to achieve re- ing of current and future drug regimens for NTM are be-
lapse-free cure. However, not even consistent definitions ing conducted [104–108]; still, prospective clinical trials
of disease outcome (at least for NTM-PD and CPA) are to examine in vitro and in vivo correlations are lacking.
currently available; while treatment for common bacte- A few novel antimicrobial drugs for the treatment of

206 Respiration 2016;92:199–214 Salzer  et al.


DOI: 10.1159/000449037
NTM-PD are attracting attention. Liposomal amikacin strated no therapeutic effect on pulmonary TB with the
for inhalation is currently under investigation for MAC- exception of individuals with the tt genotype of the TaqI
PD patients who have failed to respond to standard treat- vitamin D receptor polymorphism, opening a window to
ment regimens, and it has shown promising preliminary personalized medicine [118].
results [109]. Bedaquiline was given to 10 patients with New anti-inflammatory targets, such as ibuprofen
therapy-refractory M. abscessus- and MAC-PD, showing [119], the phosphodiesterase inhibitors cilostazol or
clinical (90%) and microbiological (50%) improvement sildenafil [120], or the autophagy-inducing drugs vera-
[110]. Identification of biomarkers guiding the decision pamil [121] or reserpine [122], aim to restrict organ dam-
when to initiate NTM-PD therapy and allowing the pre- age due to aversion of M. tuberculosis-induced inflamma-
diction of treatment failure or success early in the course tion. Metformin and statins should augment immune
of therapy would be useful, but such biomarkers have not defense [123]. An outstanding example of personalized
been investigated so far either. For CPA, Aspergillus- medicine with promising results is found in a trial evalu-
specific IgG antibody has been shown to differentiate ating the reinfusion of autologous bone marrow-derived
between colonization and infection with a sensitivity of mesenchymal stromal cells into patients with MDR/
96% and a specificity of 98% [58]. Antifungal prophylax- XDR-TB [124].
is in patients at high risk for CPA may prevent disease Other personalized attempts at searching for underly-
development; however, host factors identifying patients ing immune defects that facilitate chronic mycobacterial
at high risk are unknown. Furthermore, personalized dis- or fungal infections in single individuals resulted in vari-
ease management including TDM for CPA has not been ous host-directed cytokine-driven therapy approaches
established so far, even if some studies indicate that rou- aiming to readjust the natural defense mechanisms (ta-
tine TDM in patients with invasive aspergillosis may re- ble 2). Therapeutic cytokine administration in active TB
duce drug discontinuation due to adverse events and im- has been studied for interferon-γ, IL-2, and IL-12. Al-
prove the treatment response [111, 112]. Despite invasive though a meta-analysis suggested a potential benefit from
aspergillosis, CPA requires long-term triazole treatment, adjuvant interferon-γ, large randomized trials are needed
which makes TDM even more attractive to improve the to further evaluate this option, considering that only 9 tri-
individual treatment outcome; however, this would im- als with aerosolized, intramuscular, and subcutaneous
ply a definition of disease outcome, which is currently not administration routes were analyzed and the microbio-
established for CPA. logical outcomes differed [125]. Clinical data on IL-2 ad-
The increased drug resistance of microorganisms and ministration are controversial, with beneficial results in
the limited drug treatment options have drawn attention MDR-TB but no effect in susceptible TB [114]. It has been
to adjunct host-directed therapy. Vaccination, antiretro- suggested that the inflammatory response triggered by M.
viral therapy, and the immunomodulating properties of tuberculosis varies with the drug resistance profile; how-
antimicrobial drugs (e.g. macrolides, clofazimine, pyra- ever, further data are needed to implement this com-
zinamide, and co-trimoxazole) belong to this category. In pound in a clinical routine. For individual patients with
general it is still unknown whether with immunoadjuvants IL-12 receptor-β1 deficiency, adjuvant treatment with
and interfering cytokines ought to tip the balance towards IL-12 has been shown to be beneficial [126].
proinflammation or anti-inflammation [113, 114]. Patients with chronic respiratory infectious diseases
A wide range of approaches has been explored, includ- often suffer from multiple comorbidities. A simple dis-
ing sunlight exposure, melatonin, supplementation with ease-focused approach to these patients may fail to en-
vitamins A, C, and D, and treatment with corticosteroids compass the complexities linked to the interplay of their
[115]. Treatment with corticosteroids was validated by a diseases [127]. Transition of care between multiple physi-
meta-analysis including 41 trials, including 20 studies cians and between in- and outpatient care may even lead
conducted before rifampicin was introduced for TB treat- to medical errors [128]. In the outpatient setting, the
ment. Corticosteroids were shown to reduce mortality by management of complex cases should be undertaken by
17%, consistently across all organ manifestations [116]. experts, and individual solutions and settings tailored to
The only vitamin that found its way into clinical practice a patient’s medical and social situation have to be found
is pyridoxine (vitamin B6) as a supplement to prevent iso- by a multidisciplinary team which may be led or support-
niazid-related neuropathy. The evidence for ascorbic acid ed by case managers or TB link workers who integrate the
(vitamin C) is very poor and based on data from a single care for individual patients [129, 130]. Such teams involv-
group [117]. For vitamin D, several studies have demon- ing physicians, psychologists, physiotherapists, social

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Table 2. Examples of approaches to host-directed therapies in chronic respiratory infections

Microorganism Concept Stage Comment

Aspergillus fumigatus CAR+ T-cell therapy [132] Rodent model Treatment with dectin-1-specific CAR+ T cells resulted in
(NOD SCID-γ mice, diminished fungal infection and better outcome in infected mice
immunosuppression with
Aspergillus nidulans G-CSF substitution [133] Human application A 16-year-old patient with chronic granulomatous disease and
(case report) A. nidulans osteomyelitis was successfully treated with liposomal
amphotericin B, extensive surgical debridement, itraconazole,
and G-CSF
Mycobacterium IL-2 substitution [134] Human application A 39-year-old patient with idiopathic CD4+ lymphopenia and
avium-intracellulare (case report) pulmonary infection with M. avium-intracellulare was successfully
treated with subcutaneous IL-2 following clarithromycin
Mycobacterium IFN-γ substitution [135] Human application A 20-year-old patient with a homozygous homomorphic I87T
avium-intracellulare (case report) mutation in the gene encoding the ligand-binding chain of the
IFN-γ receptor and disseminated infection with M. avium-
intracellulare was successfully treated with subcutaneous IFN-γ
Mycobacterium Adjuvant IFN-α inhalation Human case series Inhalation of IFN-α reduced the bacterial load in 5 of 7 patients
tuberculosis [136] not responding to standard antimycobacterial therapy
Mycobacterium MSC infusion [124] Phase I trial in patients In 30 patients, a single adjuvant MSC infusion 4 weeks after
tuberculosis with MDR/XDR-TB antimycobacterial treatment initiation was safe and well tolerated;
two grade 3 adverse events were recorded
Mycobacterium IL-2 substitution [137] Phase III trial in In 110 Ugandan patients (treated with 225,000 IU IL-2 vs. placebo
tuberculosis HIV-seronegative patients adjunctive to the first 30 days of standard antimycobacterial
with drug-susceptible TB therapy) no effect was seen on bacillary clearance or symptoms
Mycobacterium IFN-γ substitution [125] Several studies in IFN-γ administration varied from subcutaneous or aerosolized
tuberculosis TB patients (1 trial) and aerosolized (5 trials) to i.m. (3 trials); no treatment
discontinuations due to side effects; for i.m. application, sputum
conversion improved; symptomatic improvement was reported
Mycobacterium IL-12 substitution [126] Human application 3 months of adjuvant IL-12 to standard antimycobacterial therapy
tuberculosis (case report) improved the outcome in 1 patient with progressive drug-
susceptible TB

CAR = Chimeric antigen receptor; G-CSF = granulocyte colony-stimulating factor; IFN = interferon; i.m. = intramuscular; MSC = mesenchymal stromal
cell; NOD SCID-γ mice = severely immunodeficient mice.

care workers, pharmacists, and ambulatory nurses (e.g. eases. They will hopefully lead to precise, tailor-made
for ambulatory intravenous treatment) – as well as other therapeutic interventions with substantial advances in
auxiliary staff as required (e.g. such as professional trans- treatment outcomes.
lators for immigrants and refugees) – should work in Recent scientific progress in the area of whole-blood
close collaboration with health authorities and estab- transcriptomic analysis opened the door for improving
lished social support systems such as accommodations the prediction of the future development of TB, NTM-PD,
for homeless people or methadone replacement pro- and CPA in individuals from risk groups and for the dis-
grams. crimination of active disease from colonization with di-
rect implications for individual treatment decisions. WGS
will provide opportunities to identify host genetic factors
Conclusion increasing disease susceptibility and adverse events on
therapy. Rapid and automated sequencing of entire ge-
Medicine is presently at a transitional stage between nomes of microorganisms provides computed informa-
programmatic and personalized management concepts. tion for the prediction of phenotypic drug resistance by
In the near future, scientific innovations will allow sub- identification of resistance-associated mutations. This
stantial improvements by computer-derived, algorithm- technology will enable physicians to select customized
based risk assessment and diagnostics in many disease treatment regimens shortly after an initial diagnosis and
areas including that of chronic respiratory infectious dis- will have a dramatic impact on the management of pa-

208 Respiration 2016;92:199–214 Salzer  et al.


DOI: 10.1159/000449037
Fig. 2. Different elements of personalized medicine for chronic respiratory infections.

tients with MDR/XDR-TB. Prediction of minimal inhibi- of patients (fig.  2). Putting the elements together and
tory drug concentrations by genomic information put making the concept available and affordable will be a
into relation to blood level drug measurements will opti- forthcoming challenge.
mize individual treatment outcomes on antimicrobial On average, patients with chronic respiratory infec-
therapies. With a better understanding of the correlates of tions remain hospitalized much longer than patients with
immune protection and by identifying distinct immune other medical disorders. Personalized medicine also
signatures, host-directed therapies may potentially aug- needs to take the psychosocial and physical needs of pa-
ment antimicrobial treatments for chronic respiratory in- tients into account by providing individual psychosocial
fections and at the same time prevent overshooting im- support, physiotherapy, and rehabilitation.
mune responses causing irreversible tissue destruction. We have no doubt that personalized medicine will im-
Predictive biomarkers will be used in clinical practice to prove decision-making for individual patients. However,
predict treatment outcomes. They will enable physicians it should still be patients and physicians who make per-
to individualize the duration of therapy needed to achieve sonal decisions, not computers. While computerized al-
relapse-free cure from chronic respiratory infections. gorithms will improve informed decision-making, they
Although this scenario appears futuristic, individual are not intended to serve as a substitute for the physician-
aspects of the personalized medicine concept have al- patient relationship – only the latter makes medicine tru-
ready been realized at specialized centers for the benefit ly personal.

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