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HxGN EAM (Infor) Work Process

Abbreviations Table ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Generate Work Order (WO).......................................................................................................................... 3
New Installation & Renovation / Upgrade Work Order Process .................................................................. 4
Purchase Requisition Process (PR) ................................................................................................................ 5
Request For Quotation (RFQ)........................................................................................................................ 6
Quotation ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
Purchase Order - EAM (PO)........................................................................................................................... 8
Purchase Order - Oracle (PO) ........................................................................................................................ 8
PO Receipt - Parts ......................................................................................................................................... 9
PO Receipt – Service ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Supplier Return ............................................................................................................................................. 9
PM Schedule Creation................................................................................................................................. 10
Task Plans Creation ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Warranty Creation ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Tool Usage management and tracking ....................................................................................................... 11

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Edition: 4 – Updated: 2023-02-06
Abbreviations Table

Abbreviations Long-form
EAM Enterprise Asset Management
WO Work Order
PR Purchase Requisition
RFQ Request For Quotation
PO Purchase Order
NIWO New Installation Work Order
CMWO Corrective Maintenance Work Order
INS Installation
SS System Supervisor
AM Assistant Manager
FM Foreman
TH Technician
SK Storekeeper
PU Purchaser

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Generate Work Order (WO)

System Supervisor (SS):

A Service request will be created in Prolease and Auto-generated in EAM. To Create a Work Order

1) Go to the Operations menu → Service request. (Select the new service request)
2) In the Record View tab: Verify the request, Confirm the Department, and location, Select the
Service Code, and other related fields.
3) Click Generate WO icon. A WO will be generated, and the WO description, comments,
location, and Account combination will be auto-filled.
4) Double-click the WO and go to the Record View tab: change the Status, Assigned To, and
verify the activities.

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New Installation & Renovation / Upgrade Work Order Process

System Supervisor (SS):

5) Go to the Work menu → Work Orders.

6) In the Record View tab: Enter Description, Select Store, Assigned to, and other related fields.
7) In the Activities tab, add the Trade needed (if outsourced, select the Hired labor checkbox)

In the Record View Tab

Change the Status: from NIWO-Initiated → NIWO-Assigned for Site verification

Foreman (FM) or Technician (TH):

• In the Activity tab: Select the Activity line item

• In the Comments tab: Add the scope of work.
• In the Parts tab: Add the parts needed

• If the item is not in the store:
Change the Part in the work order from “Stock” to “Direct Purchasing”.

• If the Service is contractor work:

Check the “Hired Labor” in the Activity tab in the work order.

After the site verification is completed,

• In the Activity tab: select the site verification is completed checkbox.

SS Or AM to Change the Status:

In the Record View Tab
Change the Status: from NIWO-Assigned for Site verification → NIWO-Site verification Completed

Change the Status: from NIWO-Site verification Completed → NIWO-Estimation in Progress

Then follow the same process to create the PR, RFQ, Quotation, PO

AM to Change the Status:

From NIWO-Estimation in Progress → NIWO-Assigned to Assistant Manager
→ NIWO-Quotation Forwarded to Customer → NIWO-Quotation Approved By Customer
→ CMWO-INS-Initiated → CMWO-INS-Planned and Scheduled → CMWO-INS-In-Progress
→ CMWO-INS-Completed

AM or SS to Change the Status:

→ CMWO-INS-Closed

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Purchase Requisition Process (PR)

1. Storekeeper (if there is Part) or Assistant Manager (if it is a service/Contractor)

1) Go to the Work menu → Work Orders → Select the WO.

• In the Part tab: (make sure the parts are added and “Direct Purchase” is selected)
• Go to Actions → Create Parts Requisitions,

• In the Activities tab: (make sure “Hired Labor” is selected)

• Go to Actions → Create Labor Requisitions,

SS or FM: If it is a Cash Requisition, update the Parts’ Prices before approving it as Petty cash.


1) Go to the Materials menu → Purchase Requisition.

2) Click + to create a new Purchase Requisition record.
3) In the Record View tab: Enter Description. (Make sure to add the WO# in the title).
Select Store, Requested by, and the default approval → Click Save.
4) In the Parts tab: add the required Parts.
5) In the Service tab: add the required Service.

In the Record View Tab

Change the Status from Initiated → Sent to Assistant Manager Approval → save

2. Assistant Manager

Change the Status from Sent to Assistant Manager Approval → Approved for Procurement
OR → Petty Cash Purchase Approved

Purchaser: If PR is approved as a “Petty Cash Purchase”, A “Cach PO” will be created.

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Request For Quotation (RFQ)

1. Assistant Manager

1) Go to the Materials menu → Purchase Requisition.

Select the PR for which RFQ will be created.
2) In the Record View tab: Right Click →“Generate RFQ”.

3) Go to Purchasing menu → Quotes → Request for Quotation.

Select the RFQ number generated from step (2) (Add the WO# in the work order field)
4) In the Comments tab: Add the terms and conditions for the RFQ
5) In the Suppliers tab: Add the suppliers to send the quotation for them.

In the Record View tab

Change the Status from Initiated → Ready to Send

Change the Status from Ready to Send → Sent to Supplier

(Quotations will be Created according to the number of suppliers.)

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1. Assistant Manager)

After the quotation has been received:

1) Go to Purchasing Menu → Quotes → Quotation Reserved.

Select the quotation from each supplier.
2) In the Parts/Services tab, enter the price against the items/Services quoted by the supplier.

In the Record View tab:

Change the Status for all Quotations from Initiated → Received

1) Go to the Parching menu → Quotes → Request for Quotation.

Select the RFQ; note that the Status automatically changed to “All Quotations Received”.

In the Record View tab:

Change the Status from All Quotations Received → Sr Manager for Approval

2. Senior Manager

In the Selection tab: select the supplier and click on Action → Award items.

In the Record View tab:

Change the Status from Sent to Sr Manager for Approval → Awarded/ Closed

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Purchase Order - EAM (PO)
1. Assistant Manager or Purchaser

1) Go to the Materials menu → Purchase Requisition.

Select the PR for which the Purchase Order will be created.

In the PR Record View tab:

Change the Status from Fully Quoted → Approved.

2) Right Click on the PR screen and click on “Generate PO”. (Purchase Order will be generated.)

3) Go to the Purchase menu → Purchase Order.

4) In the Record View tab: Enter Description. (Make sure to add the WO# and PR# in the title).
5) Go to the More menu → Documents
6) In the Documents tab: Click Create/Upload Documents to attach the Quotations

Create one PO for multiple PRs (same store, the same supplier only)
Go to the Parts/ Service tab to add the Requisition – Line(s) from the multi PRs.

In the PO Record View tab:

Change the Status from Initiated → Ready to Send.

2. Purchaser
1) Go to Purchasing menu → Purchase Orders → Select the PO
2) Verify the data and adjust the prices if needed, add the cash invoice if ablicabule.

In the Record View tab: Change the Status from Ready to Send → Sent to Oracle

After it is approved from Oracle, the Status changed from Sent to Oracle → Approved from Oracle

Change the Status from Initiated → Petty Cash Purchase Approved

Purchase Order - Oracle (PO)

1. Purchaser
1) Change the company and account segments (as per the finance department update)
2) Attach the documents (Approval + PR)
3) Forward the PO in Oracle to the management for approval.

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PO Receipt - Parts

1. Storekeeper

To receive all the parts:

1) Go to Purchasing menu → Purchase Order → Select the approved PO

2) Right Click on the PO screen and click on “Receive All Parts”.

To receive some of the parts in the PO:

1) Go to Materials menu → Transactions → PO receipt.

2) Click + to Create a new PO Receipt.
Enter the Description, select the PO number (After it’s approved in PO Screen), select the
Supplier and Store
3) In the Packing Slip tab. → Click on Actions → Retrieve lines.
4) Click on Actions → Record Packing Slip.

5) Select the line in the Active Lines tab and enter the receipt quantity.
6) Click on Actions → Approve Part. (PO receipt will be approved)

PR/PO Status automatically changed to “Fully Received“ / ”Partially Received”

PO Receipt – Service

1) Go to Work menu → Work Order → more → Book vendor Hours

2) Select the work order and the activity from PO Line.

PR/PO Status automatically changed to “Fully Received “/” Partially Received”

Supplier Return
1) Go to Materials menu → Transactions → Supplier Return.
2) Click + to Create a new supplier return.
3) Select the Purchase Order (all the details will be auto-generated).
4) In the Parts tab → Select the Part and Save.
5) In the Record View tab:
Change the Status from Initiated → Approved → Save

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PM Schedule Creation

1) Go to Work menu → WO Planning → PM Schedule

2) Select the PM (for example, PMP-023A SUB MAIN DISTRIBUTION UNIT (SMDB))
Check how often it needs to be performed.
3) Go to the Activity tab and add the Trade and Task Plan (the checklist)
4) Go to the Equipment tab and add the following and save:
a. Equipment location or AGT number
b. Department,
c. Due date (when you need this PM started),
d. Assigned to

You can add multiple equipment with a different due date

Task Plans Creation

1) Go to Work menu → WO Planning → Task Plans

2) Create the Task Plan the same as the PM name (for example, PMP-023A )
3) In the Record view, Select the Active Checklist box
4) Go to the Checklist tab to add all the Taskes lines needed and save.

Warranty Creation

1) Go to the Equipment menu → Warranty → Warranties

2) Click + to Create a new warranty. Enter the Description, Warranty Type (Equipment/Part)
3) Add the Warranty Details and select the supplier
4) Go to the Equipment tab and add the following and save:
5) Equipment (Location/Asset) Agreement Start Date/End Date

You can add multiple equipment with different warranty coverage/dates as long they belong to the
same supplier

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Tool Usage management and tracking

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Edition: 4 – Updated: 2023-02-06

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