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Appendix C: civilian industry


The real volume of Soviet civilian industrial production in the years of

World War II is estimated from output data for 113 products in physical
units, and ruble prices from 1937 or closely adjacent years.
Our product data (table C.I) are taken primarily from the limited-cir-
culation statistical handbook for the war period. An abridged version
was published by Goskomstat in 1990; however, the 1959 original is the
basis of much of the data utilised here; it is the only source for nonfer-
rous metallurgy, and it doubles the product coverage of light industry
compared with the 1990 abridgement.
The product data are comprehensive, and contain no interpolations.
Their scope (113 civilian products, which together with 105 defence
products make 218 series in total) is sufficient for a reliable measure. It
is comparable with Nutter's 203-product index, which spanned 1928-58
with a break between 1940 and 19451 Present coverage exceeds that of
the 104-product index used by Khanin for 1928-80; Khanin is said to
have also calculated parallel indexes covering approximately 400 and
1,000 products respectively, finding almost no divergence between the
three series.2
At the same time it is clear that not all branches are covered equally
well; as well as products whose output has remained secret, such as
gold, there are also many products not included in the quantity data
presented here. This is particularly the case with branches such as
machinebuilding and the light and food industries, where the product
assortment was most varied. For example, in the case of light industry
there is no mention of cutlery, crockery, and cooking utensils.
The price data (table C.2) were mostly assembled years ago by Naum
Jasny, Richard Moorsteen, Janet Chapman, and, more recently, Eugene
Zaleski; our choice of 1937 as the base year is designed to allow compa-
rability of our results with theirs.3 Despite their efforts, however, prices
are now less abundant than quantity series, and gaps in the price data

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Table C.I. Civilian industry products, 1940-5

1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945

l Iron, steel
l.l Crude steel, '000 tons 18317 17893 8070 8475 10887 12252
1.2 Pig iron, total, '000 tons 14902.3 13815.6 4779.1 5591.1 7296.4 8802.7
1.2a conversion 11791.6 10744.2 3896.8 4177.1 5332.3 6499.4
1.2b foundry 2605.9 2577.6 692.3 1176.1 1660.7 1942.1
1.2c other 504.8 493.8 190 237.9 303.4 361.2
1.3 Tubular steel, total,
'000 tons 966.1 780.3 280.9 370.4 482 571.4
1.4 Rolled metal, total,
'000 tons 13113 12588 5415 5675 7278 8485
1.4a roofing steel 182 185 48 44 60 108
1.4b rails 1360 874 112 115 129 308
1.4c wire 680 649 210 191 224 350
1.4d other 10891 10880 5045 5325 6865 7719
1.5 Iron ore, '000 tons 29866 24687 9763 9320 1163 15864
1.6 Manganese ore, '000 tons 2557 2306 767 901 1005 1470
2 Nonferrous metals
2.1 Copper, '000 tons 138.5 185.4 117.9 129.8 139.9 136
2.2 Aluminium, '000 tons 60.1 67.6 51.7 62.2 82.7 86.7
2.3 Lead, '000 tons 91.9 100.3 77 48.5 44.9 43.3
2.4 Zinc, '000 tons 92.3 100.1 53.5 37.6 51 48.5
2.5 Nickel, '000 tons 10.3 11.3 8.9 13.4 15.8 18.4
2.6 Tin, tons 1709 2424 3622 2874 2884 3789
3 Fuel industry
3.01 Coke, '000 tons 21102 18483 6903 8220 11495 13649
3.02 Coal, '000 tons 165923 151428 75536 93141 121470 149333
3.02a black 139974 124418 48951 54767 76283 99428
3.02b brown 25949 27010 26585 38374 45187 49905
3.03 Peat, '000 tons 33229 27431 14738 21274 22993 22443
3.04 Shale, '000 standard tons 600 700 140 150 170 400
3.05 Firewood, '000 standard
tons 34100 30000 22500 29300 28800 28400
3.06 Oil, '000 tons 31121 33038 21988 17984 18261 19436
3.07 Gas, million cu. m. 3219 3555 2071 1847 2422 3278
3.08 Petrol, total, '000 tons 4435 4306 2537 2782 3792 3159
3.09 Kerosene, '000 tons 5553 4497 1906 2742 3156 3231
3.10 Diesel fuel, '000 tons 629 936 209 478 535 518
3.11 Motor fuel, '000 tons 1459 1313 306 535 419 528
3.12 Fuel oil, '000 tons 9858 9211 5305 5236 7011 6051
4 Electric power, million
kWh 48309 46698 29068 32288 39214 43257

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Table C.I. (contd.)

1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945

5 Chemical industry
5.1 Soda ash, '000 tons 536.1 463.1 62.4 105.1 158 235.3
5.2 Caustic soda, 92%,
'000 tons 190.4 198.4 84.2 105.6 122.2 128.2
5.3 Mineral fertilizer,
'000 tons 3237.7 2674.4 364.4 539.3 775.6 1121.2
5.4 Synthetic ammonia,
'000 tons 337.7 338.3 166.9 244.9 290.2 275
5.5 Nitric acid, cone, '000 tons 231.7 273.3 251.7 342.1 367.5 203.2
5.6 Sulphuric acid, '000 tons 1586.6 1465.2 646 766.3 892.9 780.7
5.7 Toluene, '000 tons 37.9 57.9 38.1 39.8 38.3 33.5
5.8 Synthetic dyestuffs,
'000 tons 34.3 31.3 6.5 9.9 13.1 15.3
6.01 Lathes 58437 44510 22935 23281 34049 38419
6.01a turret 2088 2109 806 1932 2764 2920
6.01b automatic, semiautomatic 2039 2327 895 519 419 419
6.01c milling 3701 3471 1102 761 1181 1353
6.01d planing 2221 1149 0 69 527 633
6.01e drilling 15251 6956 3423 3468 5228 7168
6.01f other 33137 28498 16709 16532 23930 25926
6.02 Presses 4668 3119 2210 2423 2691 2871
6.03 Steam turbines 57 45 3 4 6 8
6.04 Hydraulic turbines 89 74 0 17 34 414
6.05 Steam boilers 1784 854 141 267 426 726
6.06 Diesel engines 1329 1016 142 100 105 452
6.07 Steam turbine generators 27 13 0 7 19 22
6.08 Hydraulic turbine
generators 4 5 0 9 9 13
6.09 Electric motors >100kW 3067 2570 209 453 1797 3237
6.10 Electric motors <100kW,
'000 259.5 184.2 12 27.4 73 110.7
6.11 Power transformers 3506 3004 960 1086 1559 1848
6.12 Telephone switchboards 0 0 0 0 0 0
6.13 Trunkline steam locomotives 914 708 9 43 32 8
6.14 Trunkline diesel locomotives 5 1 0 0 0 0
6.15 Trunkline electric
locomotives 9 6 0 0 0 0
6.16 Trunkline freight cars 30880 33096 147 108 13 819
6.17 Trunkline passenger cars 1051 552 0 0 0 5
6.18 Tram cars 252 151 0 0 0 0
6.19 Automobiles 145390 124176 34976 49266 60549 74657

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Table C.I. (contd.)

1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945

6.19a trucks, buses 139879 118704 32409 46720 55167 69662

6.19b cars 5511 5472 2567 2546 5382 4995
6.20 Bearings, million 44.8 38 21.8 29.8 33.4 34.2
6.21 Tractors 31649 23827 3520 1063 3154 7728
6.21a caterpillar 26530 23827 3520 1063 2889 6562
6.21b wheeled 5119 0 0 0 265 1166
6.22 Tractor ploughs 38438 18527 1338 3056 3371 8474
6.23 Horse ploughs 34252 36495 1212 41736 35638 39230
6.24 Tractor ridge ploughs 12845 2865 0 0 0 0
6.25 Tractor harrows 3753 3329 0 0 0 0
6.26 Horse harrows 81072 391 0 3266 8541 21999
6.27 Tractor seed-drills 21426 13173 0 0 504 1578
6.28 Horse seed-drills 10927 15591 33 *151 1648 3289
6.29 Tractor potato-planters 3570 1244 0 1 10 0
6.30 Tractor cultivators 32309 11601 2250 1030 120 929
6.31 Horse cultivators 13843 6647 0 950 3767 14496
6.32 Grain combines 12756 5755 0 0 184 323
6.33 Tractor mowers 3317 1600 0 0 0 0
6.34 Horse mowers 46378 19859 3608 6354 7799 11552
6.35 Tractor rakes 870 724 0 0 0 0
6.36 Horse rakes 43050 24564 0 27 866 4742
6.37 Tractor threshers 2231 182 0 0 113 799
6.38 Horse threshers 3830 3005 50 49 2695 8810
6.39 Grain cleaners 4314 1381 0 0 0 0
6.40 Silage cutters 1614 950 0 0 0 522
6.41 Excavators multibucket 52 34 3 3 1 2
6.42 Excavators single bucket 222 201 7 4 6 8
6.43 Scrapers, bulldozers 2222 931 117 268 210 35
6.44 Graders 693 412 112 110 138 98
6.45 Concrete mixers 1584 887 30 5 30 466
6.46 Cranes 454 350 1 26 62 57
6.47 Elevators 513 268 12 11 9 44
7 Timber, paper
7.1 Commercial timber, million
cu. m. 117.9 115.1 48.2 43.4 52.4 61.6
7.2 Firewood, million cu. m. 128.2 114.2 84.5 110 108.2 106.8
7.3 Sawn timber, million cu. m. 34.8 29.7 15.1 13.1 13.2 14.7
7.4 Plywood, '000 cu. m. 731.9 429.7 154.9 133.9 125.1 192.2
7.5 Matches, million boxes 10 8 1.7 2.1 1.9 2
7.6 Paper, '000 tons 812.4 729.8 165.7 204.9 193 321.1
7.7 Cardboard, '000 tons 150.8 133.8 25.2 35.4 39.5 55.9
Construction materials

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Table C.I. (contd.)

1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945

8.1 Cement, '000 tons 5675 5514 1133 980 1490 1845
8.2 Building/technical lime,
'000 tons 4470 3392 780 786 1427 1929
8.3 Builders' plaster, '000 tons 892 746 143 159 239 357
8.4 Bricks, million 7454.7 5574.7 1572.2 1316.6 1558 2026
8.5 Slates, million 205.6 144.8 16.8 38.3 67 83.6
8.6 Rolled roofing, '000 sq. m. 127148 108806 19945 21855 33320 71232
8.7 Tiles, million 173.3 94.3 21.7 9.7 21.6 29.6
8.8 Window glass, '000 sq. m. 44690 38487 6333 7184 13533 23309
9 Light industry
9.01 Cotton textiles, million m. 3953.8 3824.1 1643.5 1634.7 1778.6 1616.5
9.02 Woollen materials, '000 m. 119678 93829 44976 48946 52405 53570
9.03 Linen materials, '000 m. 285452 245733 74155 84445 91081 106454
9.04 Silk materials, '000 m. 77304 66121 30089 36027 38424 36353
9.05 Socks, stockings, '000 prs 485441 405143 89607 87831 90473 91043
9.06 Leather footwear, '000 prs 211033 157687 52675 55804 67423 63115
9.07 Clocks and watches, '000 2796.3 1838 61.2 416.7 354.6 336.2
9.08 Radios and TVs, '000 160.8 100.9 0 0 0 13.9
9.09 Refrigerators 3457 1100 0 0 0 301
9.10 Sewing machines, '000 175.2 200.1 0 0 0 0
9.11 Cameras, '000 355.2 0 0 0 0 0.01
9.12 Bicycles, '000 255 142.4 0 0 0.7 23.8
10 Food industry
10.01 Sugar, granulated, '000 tons 2165 523 114 117 245 465
10.02 Sugar, refined, '000 tons 628 638 14 28 25 54
10.03 Meat, excl. kolkhoz,
'000 tons 1501 1172 723 614 543 663
10.04 Fish, '000 tons 1404 1281 962 1208 1235 1125
10.05 Butter, '000 tons 226 205 111 101 106 117
10.06 Vegetable oil, '000 tons 798 685 253 215 238 292
10.07 Margarine, '000 tons 121 112 46 26 30 28
10.08 Tinned goods, million tins 1113 926 485 546 557 558
10.09 Confectionery, '000 tons 790 643 190 163 134 212
10.10 Macaroni, '000 tons 324 292 237 238 207 243
10.11 Raw spirit, million del. 89.9 66.4 24 20.1 17.7 26.5
10.12 Vodka, million del. 92.5 64.8 22.3 18.2 28.1 44.3
10.13 Beer, million del. 121.3 97.3 29.8 31 32.9 40.5
10.14 Salt, million tons 4.4 3.3 1.4 2.6 3.2 2.9
10.15 Tea, '000 tons 24.5 20.4 14.1 18 20 17.5
10.16 Cigarettes, billion 100.4 74.3 3.5 6.2 7.4 25
10.17 Makhorka, million boxes 4.6 3.9 1.4 1.2 1.2 0.7

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Table C.I. (contd.)

1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945

10.18 Tobacco, '000 tons 26.1 15.9 40.5 33 39.6 31.9

10.19 Soap, '000 tons 700 591 243 195 250 229
10.20 Flour, million tons 29 24 16 13 13 15
10.21 Milled groats, million tons 1.7 1.5 0.9 0.8 0.9 1.1
10.22 Starch, '000 tons 107 72 16 10 22 22
10.23 Treacle, '000 tons 140 108 22 7 10 14

Source: TsSU (1959), 69-269.

Table C.2. Civilian industry product prices, 1937 or near year

Unit Rubles

1 Iron, steel
1.1 Crude steel lton 276.4
1.2 Pig iron
1.2a conversion lton 110.5
1.2b foundry lton 176.8
1.2c other lton 139.8
1.3 Tubular steel 1 metre 6.04
1.4 Rolled metal
1.4a roofing steel lton 589.2
1.4b rails lton 260.9
1.4c wire lton 608.0
1.4d other lton 453.8
1.5 Iron ore -
1.6 Manganese ore - -
2 Nonferrous metals
2.1 Copper lton 2322
2.2 Aluminium lton 3768
2.3 Lead lton 748.6
2.4 Zinc lton 1210
2.5 Nickel - -
2.6 Tin lton 8551
3 Fuel industry
3.01 Coke lton 47.80
3.02 Coal
3.02a black lton 36.25
3.02b brown lton 30.07

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Tablei C.2. (contd.)

Unit Rubles

3.03 Peat lton 28.00

3.04 Shale _
3.05 Firewood - -
3.06 Oil 1 20.50
3.07 Gas - -
3.08 Petrol 1 ton 1000
3.09 Kerosene 1 ton 700.0
3.10 Diesel fuel 1 ton 450.0
3.11 Motor fuel lton 141.9
3.12 Fuel oil lton 48.10
4 Electric power lkWh 0.20
5 Chemical industry
5.1 Soda ash lton 122.0
5.2 Caustic soda, 92% lton 355.0
5.3 Mineral fertiliser - —
5.4 Synthetic ammonia - -
5.5 Nitric acid, cone. lton 525.0
5.6 Sulphuric acid lton 145.6
5.7 Toluene - -
5.8 Synthetic dyestuffs - -
6.01 Lathes
6.01a turret 1 12500
6.01b automatic, semiautomatic 1 45000
6.01c milling 1 10703
6.01d planing 1 6492
6.01e drilling 1 9491
6.01f other 1 14827
6.02 Presses 1 6060
6.03 Steam turbines 1 46629
6.04 Hydraulic turbines 1 136305
6.05 Steam boilers 1 1289
6.06 Diesel engines 1 399.0
6.07 Steam turbine generators 1 1931
6.08 Hydraulic turbine generators 1 1931
6.09 Electric motors >100kW 1 6708
6.10 Electric motors <100kW, '000 1 906.7
6.11 Power transformers 1 12164
6.12 Telephone switchboards 1 938.6
6.13 Trunkline steam locomotives 1 152316
6.14 Trunkline diesel locomotives _ _
6.15 Trunkline electric locomotives _

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Tables C.2. (contd.)

Unit Rubles

6.16 Trunkline freight cars 1 8807

6.17 Trunkline passenger cars - -
6.18 Tram cars - -
6.19 Automobiles
6.19a trucks, buses 1 11431
6.19b cars 1 10839
6.20 Bearings, million - -
6.21 Tractors
6.21a caterpillar 1 13377
6.21b wheeled 1 3825
6.22 Tractor ploughs 1 758.7
6.23 Horse ploughs 1 65.81
6.24 Tractor ridge ploughs 1 800.0
6.25 Tractor harrows 1 606.0
6.26 Horse harrows 1 40.00
6.27 Tractor seed-drills 1 909.0
6.28 Horse seed-drills 1 298.7
6.29 Tractor potato-planters 1 556.0
6.30 Tractor cultivators - -
6.31 Horse cultivators - -
6.32 Grain combines 1 6700
6.33 Tractor mowers 1 3000
6.34 Horse mowers 1 303.0
6.35 Tractor rakes 1 4000
6.36 Horse rakes 1 141.0
6.37 Tractor threshers 1 3232
6.38 Horse threshers 1 555.0
6.39 Grain cleaners _ _
6.40 Silage cutters 1 1212
6.41 Excavators multibucket 1 101000
6.42 Excavators single bucket 1 146654
6.43 Scrapers, bulldozers - -
6.44 Graders 1 7200
6.45 Concrete mixers 1 3179
6.46 Cranes 1 74999
6.47 Elevators 1 4967
7 Timber, paper
7.1 Commercial timber 1 cu. m. 26.00
7.2 Firewood 1 cu. m. 26.00
7.3 Sawn timber 1 cu. m. 26.00
7.4 Plywood 1 cu. m. 370.0
7.5 Matches 10 boxes 0.20

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Table C.2. (contd.)

Unit Rubles
7.6 Paper 1 ton 460.7
in Cardboard lton 420.0
8 Construction materials
8.1 Cement lton 57.16
8.2 Building/technical lime lton 37.00
8.3 Builders' plaster lton 108.0
8.4 Bricks 1000 56.00
8.5 Slates _ _
8.6 Rolled roofing - -
8.7 Tiles - -
8.8 Window glass 1 sq. m. 3.34
9 Light industry
9.01 Cotton textiles 1 metre 8.24
9.02 Woollen materials 1 metre 54.30
9.03 Linen materials 1 metre 12.07
9.04 Silk materials 1 metre 56.46
9.05 Socks, stockings 1 pair 2.76
9.06 Leather footwear 1 pair 70.72
9.07 Clocks and watches 1 300.0
9.08 Radios and TVs _ —
9.09 Refrigerators - -
9.10 Sewing machines 1 183.8
9.11 Cameras 1 792.5
9.12 Bicycles 1 250.0
10 Food industry
10.01 Sugar, granulated lkg 3.98
10.02 Sugar, refined lkg 4.10
10.03 Meat, excl. kolkhoz lkg 17.19
10.04 Fish _
10.05 Butter lkg 16.00
10.06 Vegetable oil lkg 13.50
10.07 Margarine lkg 10.05
10.08 Tinned goods -
10.09 Confectionery - -
10.10 Macaroni lkg 3.92
10.11 Raw spirit -
10.12 Vodka 1 litre 13.10
10.13 Beer _ _
10.14 Salt lkg 0.12
10.15 Tea 100 gm 8.00
10.16 Cigarettes 25 1.90

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Table C.2. (contd.)

Unit Rubles
10.17 Makhorka lbox 0.77
10.18 Tobacco 100 gm 6.32
10.19 Soap lkg 3.10
10.20 Flour lkg 2.40
10.21 Milled groats lkg 2.16
10.22 Starch lkg 1.30
10.23 Treacle

Sources: Jasny (1951b), Jasny (1952), Kaplan et al (1952), Moorsteen (1962),

Chapman (1963), Zaleski (1980). The price recorded for each product is from
as near to 1937 as possible, in most cases from the period 1936-7, but in a few
cases from as far away as 1946. Some prices required further adjustment of
units for compatibility with product series (for example, a price is given for
firewood per cubic metre, whereas its output figure is expressed in tons).

are one constraint on our ability to make use of available product data.
We have filled some gaps with prices from other years, or by informed
guesswork, resorting again to Wiles' principle that 'it is better to guess
a weight than to omit a growth series'.4
For present purposes civilian products are grouped under ten indus-
trial branch headings:
• iron, steel
• nonferrous metals
• fuels
• electric power
• chemicals
• civilian machinebuilding and metalworking
• timber, paper
• construction materials
• light industry
• food industry
The gross value of output is calculated for each branch separately, in
constant prices of 1937, from the listed series of product quantities and
prices. These values are then expressed as index numbers, with 1940 as
the base year, results being reported for each branch separately in table
C.3. The process of combining them with defence industry product
series into a measure of overall industrial production is dealt with in
chapter 4.

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Table C.3. Civilian industry gross output, by branch, 1941-5 (1937 prices
and per cent of 1940)

1941 1942 1943 1944 1945

1 Civilian MBMW 83% 21% 25% 35% 45%

2 Iron, steel 96% 41% 44% 57% 65%
3 Nonferrous metallurgy 121% 84% 86% 102% 103%
4 Fuels 91% 45% 55% 70% 72%
5 Power 97% 60% 67% 81% 90%
6 Chemicals, rubber 100% 54% 70% 79% 61%
7 Timber, paper 91% 50% 56% 58% 62%
8 Construction materials 83% 19% 17% 26% 35%
9 Light industry 87% 35% 37% 40% 38%
10 Food industry 78% 44% 37% 39% 46%

Source: Products (table C.I), multiplied by 1937 prices (table C.2).

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