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ATOM He discovered the nucleus in the year 1911,
through the Gold Foil Experiment.
The basic unit of matter and the smallest particle that
make up elements. It is composed of three QUANTUM (QUANTA)
subatomic particles.
It is the smallest amount of energy that can be
SUBATOMIC PARTS OF AN ATOM measured. Quantum comes from Latin, meaning
● Neutrons - has no charge / uncharged "an amount" or "how much?"
● Protons - positively charged
● Electrons - negatively charged QUANTUM MECHANICAL MODEL OF AN ATOM
It is the center part of the atom, also the densest part It is the most advanced and accurate model of the
as the mass is concentrated here, it contains the atom used by chemists & physicists — proposed by
neutrons and protons which makes it positively Erwin Schrodinger. In this model, electrons
charged. surround the nucleus in a form resembling a cloud
called, “electron cloud.”
The region around the nucleus where an electron is
DEMOCRITUS most likely to be found is called the electron cloud. A
He is an ancient Greek philosopher who is viewed by high density is where the electrons are most likely to
many as being the “Father of Modern Science.” He be and a low density is where the electrons are least
was the first person to use the word ‘atom,’ which likely to be.
means indivisible. He also called the smallest unit
of matter, ‘atomus.’


He believed that matter came from the four He introduced the idea that particles, such as
elements, namely, Fire, Air, Earth, and Water. electrons, could be described not only as particles
but also as waves. (Wave Particle Duality Theory)
He adapted Democritus’ theory and discovered the WERNER KARL HEISENBERG
atom. Dalton believed that the atom is a solid He believed that we cannot know both the
sphere. (Billiard Ball Model) position and speed of a particle, such as a photon
or electron, with perfect accuracy. (Heisenberg
Uncertainty Principle)
He discovered the electrons in the year 1897,
which he called corpuscles, through the Cathode ERWIN SCHRODINGER
Ray Experiment. Thomson believed that the He used the wave-particle duality of the electron to
negatively charged electrons are embedded in a develop and solve a complex mathematical equation
positively charged soup/fluid. (Plum Pudding that accurately describes the behavior of the electron
Model) in a hydrogen atom. (Electron Cloud Model)


He created the Planetary Model of an Atom. Bohr Bohr's model postulates the electrons to revolve in
believed that the negatively charged electrons circular orbits while the quantum mechanical model
revolve around the positively charged nucleus in removes the possibility of a definite electronic
definite circular paths called ‘orbits’ or ‘shells,’ each pathway.
of which has their own fixed energy.
** The Quantum Mechanical Model rejects the idea
that the electron travels on fixed orbits.
WHAT DESCRIBES THE PROBABLE LOCATION OF It has an ionic bond, the elements involved are
“metal + non-metal.” In this type of compound, the
THE ELECTRONS electrons are transferred.

PRINCIPAL ENERGY LEVELS The valence electrons of the metal elements are
It indicates the relative size and energy of atomic transferred to the non-metal elements as a chemical
orbitals. N = Integers. “N = 1, N = 2, N = 3, N = 4” reaction — metals lose e, non-metals gain e.

As N increases, the orbital becomes larger, the Other properties of Ionic Compounds:
electrons spend more time farther away from the ● Soluble in Water
nucleus, and the energy of the atom level increases. ● Conducts Electricity
● High Melting and Boiling Point
To know an element’s principal energy level, you can ● Solid
look at the rows of the PTE called the periods.
ENERGY SUBLEVELS It has a covalent bond, the elements involved are
Principal Energy Levels are broken down into “non-metal + non-metal,” or, “metalloid +
sublevels. non-metal.” In this type of compound, the electrons
are shared.
Sublevels define the orbital shape (s, p, d, f):
N = 1, 1 sublevel (s) The valence electrons of both elements are shared
N = 2, 2 sublevel (s, p) as a chemical reaction. It becomes neutral, no
N = 3, 3 sublevel (s,p, d) charge.
N = 4, 4 sublevel (s, p, d, f)
Other properties of Covalent Compounds:
● Insoluble in Water
● Does Not Conduct Electricity
Each sublevel has a different number of orbitals. ● Low Melting and Boiling Point
● Solid, Liquid, or Gas
s orbital: 1 x 2 e = 2e
p orbital: 3 x 2 e = 6e
d orbital: 5 x 2 e = 10e OTHER TERMINOLOGIES
f orbital: 7 x 2 e = 2e Neutral Atom - protons = electrons

ELECTRON SPINS Valence Electrons - electrons that are found in the

Each orbital of an atom can have two electrons, they outermost shell of an atom, electrons that can be
have to be in opposite spins. gained or lost as a chemical reaction

Cations - positively charged ions, this can be formed

COMPOUNDS when an atom loses an electron
Pure substances made up of 2 or more different Cations - negatively charged ions, this can be
elements. It has a definite proportion and is formed when an atom gains an electron
chemically combined. The elements lose their
individual properties and produce new substances. Ion - acquired a charge by gaining or losing and
electron, it forms when atoms of different elements
It can be broken down into smaller type of matter. combine by transferring electrons (the chemical
All compounds are molecules, but not all molecules
are compounds.

** Molecules - 2 or more atoms connected through

chemical bonds.

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