Shanthi Pavan - CT DSM, Design Considerations - 2016

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Design Considerations for Power Efficient

Continuous-time Delta-Sigma Converters

Shanthi Pavan
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

Abstract—Continuous-time Delta-Sigma Modulators quantizer and operate with a high oversampling ratio
(CTΔΣMs ) are a compelling choice for the design of (OSR), or a multi-bit quantizer and use a smaller OSR
high resolution analog-to-digital converters. Many delta- instead? Is the successive approximation register (SAR)
sigma architectures have been published (and continue to
be invented). This leaves the designer with a bewildering architecture a good choice to use for the coarse ADC?
array of choices, many of which seem to pull in opposite Is a switched-capacitor DAC appropriate to mitigate the
directions. Further, it is often difficult to make a clear effects of clock jitter? It is also often difficult to make
comparison of various architectures, as they have been a clear comparison of various architectures, as they have
designed for dissimilar specifications, by different design been designed for dissimilar specifications, by different
groups, and in different technology nodes. This paper
examines various design alternatives for the design of power design groups, and in different technology nodes.
efficient single-loop continuous-time delta sigma converters. The aim of this tutorial paper is to help the reader
navigate through the dizzying maze of design choices.
The rest of this paper, which focuses on single-loop
I. I NTRODUCTION designs, is organized as follows. Section II describes
Continuous-time ΔΣ modulation is a robust and various trade-offs in the design of the ADC and DAC,
attractive technique that uses oversampling and negative which form the coarse quantizer of the loop. Clock jitter
feedback to achieve high resolution analog-to-digital con- and loop filter linearity considerations are discussed in
version [1]. The block diagram of a CTΔΣM is shown Section III. In Section IV, we compare three CTΔΣMs
in Fig. 1. The input u is processed by a continuous-time from the literature. All these audio modulators attempt to
loop filter, before being sampled by a coarse ADC. The achieve similar SNDR using different architectures, and
output of the ADC is converted into a waveform using a are designed in the same flavor of technology, by the
DAC, which is fed back to the loop filter. same research group. Thus, a good “apples-to-apples”
comparison is possible. Section V gives the conclusions.

u L0,ct (s)
%(' v
L1,ct (s) A. ADC Design

The ADC in a one-bit modulator is simple to

(%' implement, as it consists of a single comparator. Since
the ADC compares the loop-filter output with zero, a
Fig. 1. Block diagram of a CTΔΣM. reference ladder is not necessary. Clock generation and
distribution circuitry is simple, and consumes relatively
A CTΔΣM has several advantages over its discrete- less power. More importantly, comparator offset is of no
time counterpart. If the loop filter is time invariant, a consequence. This means that small devices can be used
CTΔΣM features the remarkable property of implicit in the comparator, reducing its power dissipation, and
anti-aliasing. Further, the active circuitry in the loop that of the clock generation circuit.
filter is more power efficient than the corresponding
In a multibit design, the ADC is commonly im-
discrete-time realization, since settling is not necessary. plemented using a flash architecture so as to minimize
Finally, a CTΔΣM presents a resistive input impedance.
delay in the loop. As a result, the hardware complexity
This makes them easy to drive, and simplifies system of the ADC increases exponentially with the number
design. Due to all the appealing aspects mentioned above,
of bits resolved. Though the sampling rate needed to
CTΔΣMs are now routinely used in many signal chains, achieve a desired SQNR in a multibit modulator is
ranging from sensor interfaces to wireless transceivers. lower, the increased number of comparators more than
Many delta-sigma architectures have been published compensates for the reduction in operating frequency. For
(and continue to be invented) [2]. Most authors show example, using a 4-bit quantizer instead of a 1-bit one
experimental results proving the virtues of their design in a third order CTΔΣM enables the sampling rate to
techniques. This leaves the designer with a bewildering be reduced by a factor of about 2. This means that if
array of choices, many of which seem to pull in opposite the same comparator was used in both the single-bit and
directions. For example, should one choose a single-bit multi-bit designs, the ADC in the latter would consume
978-1-5090-1830-7/16/$31.00 2016
c IEEE 369
(when compared to feedback DAC nonidealities), worst
case comparator offsets do have to be restricted to a
fraction of the nominal step size. One way of achieving
this is to use comparators with large devices – this is not
a power efficient solution. An alternative is to use offset
correction. This increases design complexity.
A multibit loop also complicates the design of the
loop filter due to the following. The input range of the
ADC in a multi-bit loop is often chosen to be as large as
possible to relax offset requirements on the comparators
of the flash ADC. This means that the swing at the
Fig. 2. In-band SNDR of a third order, 15-level CTΔΣM in the output of the loop-filter has to be large, which makes the
presence of random offset in the comparator thresholds. design of the integrator driving the flash ADC difficult.
Combined with the fact that a multi-bit ADC presents
a larger load to the loop-filter, the design of the loop
about 8x more power though operating at half the rate. filter can become particularly challenging. The single-bit
Unfortunately, it also turns out that the comparators used CTΔΣM scores over its multi-bit cousin on this count.
in the multibit case need to be “better” – the reason is After all, the 1-bit ADC only determines the sign of
comparator offset, as described below. the loop-filter’s output, which means that the latter can
The shape of the quantizer’s transfer curve is modi- be conveniently scaled without affecting the modulator’s
fied by offsets in the comparators that comprise the flash output.
ADC. As a result, the in-band quantization noise and All things considered, therefore, it appears as if
the maximum stable amplitude change. Fig. 2 shows the the design of the ADC in a multibit modulator is much
simulated in-band SNDR of a third order modulator with more involved, consumes a larger area and dissipates
varying levels of comparator offset. The quantizer has 15 more power.
levels, OSR = 64 and the NTF is maximally flat with
an out-of-band gain of 2.5. The input is a -6 dBFS tone
in the signal band. Comparator offsets are assumed to SAR-Based Quantizers: Many recent works (see
be Gaussian distributed, with σoff denoting the standard [3] for example) have advocated the use of a succes-
deviation of offset normalized to the nominal step size. sive approximation register (SAR) ADC in place of
200 Monte Carlo simulations are performed for each the typical flash converter. What advantages does this
value of σoff . It is apparent that the SNDR can degrade approach have? A traditional SAR ADC uses only one
significantly (by about 20 dB) when σoff is large. It is comparator and resolves one bit per decision cycle. Its
necessary, therefore, to ensure that comparator offsets are power dissipation, therefore, increases linearly with the
kept small. Fig. 2 indicates that σoff = 0.05 is a good number of bits resolved. A synchronous SAR design
value to target in our example. needs its sampling clock frequency to be several times
that of the modulator. This has motivated the use of
 asynchronous SAR ADCs in the loop.
ˆ The offset of the comparator does not influence
performance, as it is equivalent to an offset in its input.
17% H&*7

The SAR ADC’s decision thresholds are determined

ˆ by device matching in its internal capacitive DAC. 1%
matching can be easily achieved on chip, and this is
more than adequate to achieve the 4-5 bit resolution
needed from the SAR ADC. Since comparator offset is
ˆ not problematic anymore, the input to the ADC can be
scaled – just like in a single-bit modulator. A SAR ADC,
therefore, addresses two key problems associated with a
Fig. 3. MSA of the CTΔΣM with varying σoff . flash converter.
Unfortunately, however, the use of a SAR ADC
Fig. 3 shows the MSA of the CTΔΣM as a function
poses its own set of difficulties. The first is the problem
of comparator offset. We see that this is also affected,
associated with sampling the loop filter output on to
though not quite as much as the in-band SNDR.
the capacitors of the SAR ADC. This is particularly
A commonly touted advantage of a multi-bit design challenging for the loop filter, which needs to charge
is that a more aggressive NTF can be used, resulting in the ADC’s input capacitance within a fraction of the
better in-band noise shaping. The simulation results and modulator’s clock period. Further, the binary output of
discussion above show that a large part of this benefit the SAR ADC needs to be converted into a thermometer
could be lost if comparators with sufficiently low offset code to drive the feedback DAC. This adds extra delay
are not used. While flash ADC errors are less critical
370 2016 IEEE International Conference on Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits (EDSSC)
into the loop.
clk adc
Multi-bit with a SAR ADC or a Single-bit CTΔΣM?
u(t) L(s) %(' v[n]

Given the above arguments in favour of using a SAR

ADC, it is natural to wonder how a multi-bit CTΔΣM
using a SAR ADC in the loop fares in comparison
with a single-bit CTΔΣM. For better insight into this, (%'
consider an N th order, single-bit modulator that achieves
a certain in-band SQNR while sampling at fs . Let us now clk dac
replace the ADC with a 2-bit SAR converter operating
at fs /2. Since the number of ADC levels has increased
to four, the quantizer step size is smaller. The OSR, Fig. 4. Modeling jitter induced errors in a CTΔΣM .
however, is reduced by a factor of two. This lowers the
modulator’s resolution by (N + 0.5) bits. It is thus seen
that the reduction in SQNR due to a smaller OSR greatly III. C LOCK J ITTER AND L OOP F ILTER L INEARITY
overwhelms the increase due to a smaller quantizer step.
It thus seems that the advantages of using a single-bit Clock jitter can be a significant source of SNR
quantizer are hard to beat. degradation in a CTΔΣM . The effect of jitter on the
modulator loop can be modeled by errors at the input
and output of the ADC and DAC respectively [4], [5]
B. DAC Design as shown in Fig. 4. It is immediately apparent that eadc
is shaped by the modulator’s NTF, just like quantization
noise, and has virtually no effect on the in-band spectrum
The performance of a negative feedback loop is a
of the CTΔΣM .
strong function of its feedback block, and a CTΔΣM
is no exception to this rule. The fidelity of the DAC, The story is different, however, with the error in-
therefore, has a tremendous bearing on its in-band per- duced by jitter at the DAC output. As seen in Fig. 4,
formance. Distortion in the DAC is of two types – static edac adds to the input to the modulator and degrades the
and dynamic. The former is caused by element mismatch modulator’s in-band SNR.
in the DAC. The latter is dependent on implementation We first consider the case of an NRZ DAC, as
details. Assuming an NRZ DAC, dynamic distortion is shown in Fig. 5. Without jitter, its output waveform has
due to inter-symbol-interference (ISI) caused by unequal transitions that occur at multiples of Ts . The difference
rise and fall times of the DAC pulse. between the ideal and jittery output waveforms is shown
A commonly heard refrain is that “the two level in the lower part of the figure – it consists of a sum
DAC needed in a single-bit modulator is inherently of slivers, whose width and height at nTs are given by
linear”. This is largely true, though it neglects dynamic Δt[n] and height (v[n] − v[n − 1]) respectively. We see
distortion introduced by the DAC, which limits linearity
at high speeds/resolution. (%'MRTYXGSHI 26>(%'SYXTYX
Element mismatch in the feedback DAC of a v[n] ;MXLNMXXIV -HIEP
multi-bit CTΔΣM can dramatically degrade the in-band
SNDR. This has spawned a variety of methods that
address the problem – ranging from analog calibration
to dynamic element matching (DEM). Most of these
techniques address only static mismatch. DEM, in partic- (a)
ular, is a hugely popular technique that shapes mismatch
edac (t)
noise out of the signal band. This, however, introduces
additional delay in the feedback loop and increases
power dissipation. Further, DEM algorithms designed Δt[n](v[n] − v[n − 1])
without dynamic mismatch in mind, in combination with
DAC designs that do not carefully address this issue,
typically worsen CTΔΣM performance. While recent (%' (%'
DEM algorithms address dynamic distortion, it appears (b) (c)
edac eeq,dac
as if the design complexity is increased. clk dac clk dac

In summary, dynamic distortion is a problem with

single-bit and multi-bit modulators, and needs to be Fig. 5. (a) DAC input sequence, and output waveforms with and
addressed anyway. From the implementation viewpoint, without clock jitter. (b) Error waveform (c) Equivalent model, accurate
therefore, a single-bit DAC seems a lot more attractive. at low frequencies.

2016 IEEE International Conference on Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits (EDSSC) 371
that jitter in a particular clock edge introduces an error
at that edge only if the modulator output changes in that v1 (t)
cycle. Further, the noise is dependent on the height of
the transitions in the output waveform. Using a multi-bit GPO

quantizer, therefore, is a very good way of reducing the
sensitivity of a CTΔΣM to clock jitter. (a)

Example : Jitter Noise in 1 and 4 bit CTΔΣMs * ^ u(t) v1 (t)

Assume that we need to design a CTΔΣM with an

in-band SQNR of 110 dB in a 25 kHz bandwidth. Several v z −1 z −1 z −1 z −1
combinations of order, OSR and number of quantizer
levels can be used to achieve the desired SQNR. We con- (b) a0 a1 aN −2 aN −1
sider two modulators: one which uses a 1-bit quantizer,
and another which employs a 16-level quantizer. Further,
we restrict the orders of both modulators to three. The v1 (t)
NTFs of both modulators are chosen to be maximally flat Fig. 6. Using an FIR feedback DAC to mitigate noise due to clock
with an out of band gain of 1.5. Clock jitter is assumed jitter in a single-bit modulator.
white, with an rms value of 25 ps. Calculations show that
the two-level modulator needs twice the OSR as its 16-
level counterpart to achieve the same peak SQNR. We
also see that the SNR due to jitter is about 28 dB worse tap weights of F(z) are assumed to be identical. Since
in the single-bit case than in the multibit one. This makes v = ±1, the magnitude of transitions in v is 2. With F(z)
sense - the step size, relative to full scale, in the latter in place, this is reduced to 2/N . Thus, the magnitudes
is smaller by a factor of 15, and the MSA is higher by of the steps in the feedback DAC waveform (denoted
about 2 dB. When compared to Ts , rms jitter is smaller by v1 (t) in Fig. 6(a)) are N times smaller than what
by a factor of 2 (6 dB), but OSR is also smaller by the they would have otherwise been. Since noise due to
same factor (-3 dB). The net increase in SJNR due to clock jitter is proportional to the height of the transitions
multibit operation, therefore, is seen to be (25 + 6 - 3) in the DAC output, it follows that the in-band mean
= 28 dB. square noise due to jitter is reduced by 20 log(N) dB.
This argument assumes that the jitter is common to all
2-levels 16-levels the DAC elements. An implementation should therefore
Order 3 3 use a common clock for all elements– i.e. not a tree of
NTF’s OBG 1.5 1.5 clock buffers.
OSR 128 64
The FIR DAC has other important benefits. Since
fs 6.4 MHz 3.2 MHz
F(z) is a low pass filter, the input component of v is not
Ts 156.25 ns 312.5 ns
affected, but the power of the shaped noise is reduced.
Maximum Stable Amplitude 0.8 FS FS
The DAC’s output v1 (t), therefore, has a reduced high
Peak SQNR 110 dB 110 dB
frequency content that closely follows the input u. The
Peak SJNR 88 dB 116 dB error processed by the loop filter, which is u(t) − v1 (t),
is therefore much smaller. This relaxes the linearity
From the discussion above, we see that clock jitter
requirements of the loop filter, just like in a CTΔΣM
can be a potential show-stopper for a single-bit CTΔΣM
with a multi-bit DAC. Intuitively, since v1 (t) “looks”
. This has motivated research into techniques that aim
like the output of a multibit DAC, one should expect
to address this problem. One such approach the use of
similar benefits with respect to clock jitter and loop filter
switched-capacitor (SC) feedback [6]. An SC-feedback
DAC attempts to reduce jitter sensitivity by feeding a
packet of charge into the loop filter in an impulsive Implementing the FIR DAC as drawn in Fig. 6(a) is
fashion. Unfortunately, this greatly increases the peak- problematic when the DAC levels are not equally spaced
to-average ratio of the feedback waveform, and causes (due to mismatched components). Recognizing that v[n]
linearity problems in the loop filter. Further, SC DACs is a two level sequence, a linear DAC-filter combination
severely compromise alias rejection of the modulator can be realized using the semi-digital approach [10], as
around multiples of the sampling frequency [7]. shown in Fig. 6(b). Here, the delays are implemented
digitally, while the individual DAC outputs (which are
Another (particularly elegant) approach to address
assumed here to be currents) are weighted and summed
the jitter sensitivity of a single-bit CTΔΣM is the use of
in the analog domain. It is easy to see that DAC mismatch
FIR feedback [8], [9]. We illustrate with the single-bit
modifies the transfer function of the filter, but does not
example shown in Fig. 6. The 2-level output sequence v
cause nonlinearity.
is filtered by an N-tap low pass FIR filter with transfer
function F(z), before exciting the main feedback DAC. Fig. 7 compares the PSDs of single-bit, multi-bit and
The DAC has an NRZ pulse shape. For simplicity, the single-bit+FIR DAC third-order CTΔΣMs with clock
jitter [11]. The PSD without jitter is also shown. The

372 2016 IEEE International Conference on Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits (EDSSC)
exist. The switched-resistor NRZ DAC feeds back a rail-
−20 to-rail waveform. If the OTA was ideal (Gota → ∞), the
virtual ground potential would be zero, and the current
through the integrating capacitor would be (u + v)/R,
−60 which would in turn be sunk by the OTA. In practice, vx
P SD (dB)

−80 would need to swing due to the finite transconductance

2 − level quantizer of the OTA. Finite bandwidth of the OTA would make
matters worse – the rail-to-rail steps in the feedback
−120 12 − level quantizer waveform would necessitate large swings at OTA’s virtual
ground. Such large swings result in significant nonlinear
2 − level quantizer Ideal currents in the OTA, and degrade CTΔΣM linearity.
−160 + 12 − tap F IR DAC
Several ways of addressing this have been proposed.
0 10 20 30 40 One method is to use a multi-stage OTA, so as to
f (kHz)
increase its gain within the signal band. This enhances
the linearity of the integrator. An alternative technique is
Fig. 7. Comparison of the PSDs of various CTΔΣMs with clock to use the concept of opamp assistance [13]. The idea is
jitter. The ideal (jitter-free) spectrum is also shown for comparison.
the following. The current that the OTA needs to sink is
known, since the feedback sequence v and the modulator
input u are readily accessible. Thus, the current (u+v)/R
multibit modulator employs a 12-level quantizer, and is
can be generated by the so-called ‘assistant’ circuitry,
clocked at 1/3 the clock rate of the single-bit design.
shown in the lower part of Fig. 8. A transconductor
This way, both modulators have the same in-band SQNR.
gm = 1/R generates the input component of ic . The
As expected, the performance of the single-bit design is
DAC component v/R is generated by a current steering
significantly worse than that of the multibit one. When a
DAC. Thus, the assistant supplies the current that the
12-tap FIR DAC is used, however, the noise due to jitter
OTA would otherwise be called upon to sink, and no
reduces by 20 log(12)=21.5 dB, and the performance of
current flows into the OTA. Thanks to this, vx remains
the 1-bit and multibit designs are nearly the same. The
zero, and speed and distortion problems are avoided. In
assumption here is that NTF of the single-bit modulator
practice, the OTA would have only sink the mismatch
has been restored after incorporating the FIR DAC.
between assistant and input currents. At any rate, the
This can be accomplished using several methods – in
quiescent current in the assistant circuitry must be large,
a CTΔΣM , using the method of moments [12] is a
since the magnitude of the error current is large.
convenient technique that avoids going back-and-forth
between continuous and discrete time domains. In a multibit modulator, this problem is avoided,
since the fedback waveform is a good approximation
A. Loop Filter Linearity of the input. Since the first integrator needs to process
the small difference between the input and feedback
4Vref waveform (which is a few quantizer levels), the power
u C R
dissipation of the integrator can be small.
Using a single-bit modulator with FIR feedback
R vx
(originally intended to address clock jitter) also helps
R Gota with respect to the linearity of the loop filter, as seen
 from the input and feedback waveforms of Fig. 6.
± ref
R To summarize the discussion so far, we have seen
u that using a plain 1-bit quantizer, while being a very
R efficient use of hardware, is severely impacted by jitter
u gm
and is problematic for the linearity of the CTΔΣM .
Assistant Fortunately, using FIR feedback with a one-bit ADC not
v (%'
only addresses the jitter problem, but also greatly relaxes
± R the linearity requirements of the loop filter, just like with
a multibit quantizer. FIR feedback, therefore, combines
Fig. 8. The problem of integrator nonlinearity in a single-bit
modulator, and its mitigating using opamp assistance. the beneficial aspects of single bit and multibit designs,
without the disadvantages of either approaches.
The loop filter processes the difference between
the modulator input and the feedback DAC waveform. IV. M EASUREMENT R ESULTS
This has serious linearity implications for the loop filter,
as illustrated using Fig. 8. The figure shows the first This section compares measurement results from
integrator of the loop filter, and is assumed to be realized three experimental CTΔΣM chips reported in the open
using OTA-RC techniques. For the time being, let us literature. The modulators cited here were all designed
assume that the circuitry marked “assistant” does not for the audio band (24 kHz bandwidth), and targeted sim-
2016 IEEE International Conference on Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits (EDSSC) 373
ilar resolutions. They were all designed in the same flavor design choice. This was borne out by comparing mea-
of a UMC 180 nm CMOS process, and operated with surement results from three CTΔΣMs designed in the
the same 1.8 V supply. The first, reported in 2008, uses same process and supply voltage, targeting the same
a multi-bit architecture. The second, reported in 2010, bandwidth and similar specifications.
is a single-bit CTΔΣM which uses opamp assistance
to enhance the linearity of the first integrator. The two R EFERENCES
designs referred to above targeted 15-bit resolution. The [1] R. Schreier and G. C. Temes, Understanding Delta-Sigma Data
third, reported in 2014, uses a single-bit design with FIR Converters. IEEE press Piscataway, NJ, 2005, vol. 74.
feedback, and targeted 100 dB in-band SNDR. [2] J. M. de la Rosa, R. Schreier, K. P. Pun, and S. Pavan,
“Next-generation delta-sigma converters: Trends and perspec-
TABLE I tives,” IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits
P ERFORMANCE COMPARISON OF THREE ARCHITECTURAL and Systems, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 484–499, Dec 2015.
ALTERNATIVES . [3] T.-C. Wang, Y.-H. Lin, and C.-C. Liu, “A 0.022 mm2 98.5 dB
SNDR hybrid audio modulator with digital ELD compensation
in 28 nm CMOS,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 50,
Reference [14] [13] [15] no. 11, pp. 2655–2664, 2015.
Architecture Multibit CIFF 1-bit CIFF 1-bit + FIR [4] J. Cherry and W. M. Snelgrove, “Clock jitter and quantizer
BW (kHz) 24 24 24 metastability in continuous-time delta-sigma modulators,” IEEE
SNDR (dB) 90.8 88 98.2 Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital
Signal Processing, vol. 46, no. 6, pp. 661–676, 1999.
SFDR (dB) 94 95 106
[5] J. A. Cherry, “Theory, practice, and fundamental performance
Power (μW) 121 110 280 limits of high speed data conversion using continuous-time delta-
Feature (nm) 180 180 180 sigma modulators,” Ph.D. dissertation, Carleton University, 1998.
Supply (V) 1.8 1.8 1.8 [6] M. Ortmanns, F. Gerfers, and Y. Manoli, “A continuous-time ΣΔ
modulator with reduced sensitivity to clock jitter through SCR
Walden FoM (fJ/lvl) 89 111 88
feedback,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular
Schreier FoM 173.7 171.4 177.5 Papers, vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 875–884, 2005.
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The performance comparison of key measurements cuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 233–243,
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with FIR feedback outperforms modulators implemented 1233, 1993.
using other architectures, and that too by a comfortable [11] P. Shettigar and S. Pavan, “Design techniques for wideband
single-bit continuous-time delta sigma modulators with FIR feed-
margin. Significantly, the SFDR achieved in [15] is about back DACs,” IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, no. 12, pp.
12 dB better than its multi-bit and single-bit counterparts. 1–15, 2012.
The results above lend credence to the analysis presented [12] S. Pavan, “Continuous-time delta-sigma modulator design using
the method of moments,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and
in this paper. Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 61, no. 6, pp. 1629–1637, June
Does this mean that multi-bit CTΔΣMs are not 2014.
[13] S. Pavan and P. Sankar, “Power reduction in continuous-time
relevant? Of course not. In applications that demand delta-sigma modulators using the assisted opamp technique,”
extremely high resolutions (in the 20 bit range, for IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 45, no. 7, pp. 1365–
example), the power dissipation of the modulator is 1379, 2010.
[14] S. Pavan, N. Krishnapura, R. Pandarinathan, and P. Sankar, “A
predominantly that of the first integrator. This is because power optimized continuous-time delta-sigma ADC for audio
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stable amplitude as much as possible – a 1 dB increase pp. 2515–2525, 2014.
in the input amplitude allows a 2 dB reduction in power
dissipation, while achieving the same SNDR. A multi-
bit modulator with a sufficiently large number of levels
can be stable for virtually the full scale of the CTΔΣM
, making it attractive in such applications.


This tutorial paper discussed tradeoffs in the design

of low power CTΔΣMs. For a wide range of resolutions
that occur in practice, it appears that using a single-
bit quantizer and FIR feedback makes for a compelling
374 2016 IEEE International Conference on Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits (EDSSC)

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