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Educational Level : Junior High School

Subject Lesson : Science
Class/ Semester : IX/I
Learning Material : Solar System
Time Allocation : 1 x 35 minutes
A. Identification :
Basic Competance Learning Indicators
3.11 Menganalisis sistem tata surya, rotasi 3.11.1 Membedakan objek benda luar
dan revolusi bumi dan bulan, serta angkasa dalam system tata surya
dampaknya bagi kehidupan di bumi. (C4) kita.
3.11.2 Mengorganisasikan karakteristik
benda dalam tata surya seperti
matahari, planet dalam, planet luar,
meteor, dan komet.
3.11.3 Menganalisa karakteristik dampak
rotasi dan revolusi bumi bagi

B. Learning Objectives :
1. After learning the structure and function of animals, students are able to defferenciate
function of organ in animals. (C4 Analyzing).
2. After watching the video and paying attention to the teacher's explanation about Structure
and Function of animals, students are able to organize characteristics tissue, cells, organs
and . (C4: Analyzing).

C. Learning Activities
Learning Model : Discovery Learning
Approach : Process Approach
Learning Method : Lecturing/discussion/Visual illustration

Step Learning Model Learning Experiences Time
Introduction 5 minutes
1.1 Students tell the teacher about their condition and they are
ready to learn the topic in this meeting.
1.2 Students fill the attendance.
1. Stimulation
1.3 Students pay attention to the picture and video about
Structure and Function of animals showed by the
1.4 Students answer the pre study question provided by the
Sample questions:
 What are the phenomena in the videos?
 What was the impact of human life?
Main 2. Problem Statement 2.1 Students watch video learning about Structure and 35 minutes
Activity Function of animals provided by the teacher.
2.2 Students are given phenomenon or problems related to
Structure and Function of animals to be observe.
2.3 Students clarify the problem to be solved.
3. Data Collection: 3.1 Students are divided into groups based on their
problems to be solved.
3.2 Students find various resources to solve the problem.
3.3 Students have discussion within the group and
record the findings.

4. Data Processing
4.1. Within the group, students conduct investigation
related to the problems guided by the teacher.
4.2. Within the group, students conduct investigation
related to the problems guided by the teacher.
4.3. Students discuss the results of all of their experiments
in group.
4.4. Each group make a conclusion.
4.5. Students make reports of their findings.

5. Verification:
5.1 Students present their report in front of the class
5.2 Other group members evaluate the presentations by
giving some questions to the presented problem.

Closure 6. Generalization: 6.1 Teacher helps students summarize the materials, 5 minutes

 Teacher tells the following topic for the next

 Teacher gives assignment.

D. Teaching media
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