Hidden Gold Series2

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Narco Coordination Center (NCORD)

● The Narco Coordination Centre (NCORD)

mechanism was set up by the Ministry of Home Affairs
(MHA) in 2016.

● The NCORD is a mechanism for effective

coordination among all the drug enforcement agencies
and other stakeholders and also to provide a common
platform for discussion on drug-trafficking-related

● NCB (Narcotics Control Bureau) is the nodal agency


SIMS (Seizure Information Management System) Portal

● For digitisation of pan-India drug seizure data, the MHA
launched an e-portal called ‘SIMS’ in 2019.

● It was launched for all the drug law enforcement agencies

under the mandate of Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances Act (NDPS).

● NCB (Narcotics Control Bureau) is the nodal agency for
Marcotic control


formed under NDPS act

Home Affairs
- Prohibition
of Consumption
I investigation of crimes
related to it
A of Narcetics

HQ- Ralior
Ref Revenue
Stop Illegal Production

& issue licenses for

production of synthetic drugs



0 2025

HiV -



Lymphalic - 0.


Kaln Azal
Diseases eliminated in India

● Smallpox (eliminated in 1980's, is caused by Virus)

Y● Polio (eliminated in 2011, is caused by Virus)

● Yaws (eliminated in 2015, is caused due to bacterial


● Maternal And Neonatal Tetanus (eliminated in 2015, is

caused by bacterium Clostridium tetani)

Bedaquiline is a drug in tablet form used to

treat drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB).
Global Tuberculosis Report 2022

● The World Health Organization recently released the report

noting the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on the diagnosis,
treatment and burden of disease for Tuberculosis (TB) all over the

● Number of people diagnosed with TB in 2021 was higher by

4.2% than 2020.

● With 28% of global TB burden, India was among the eight

countries accounting for more than two-third (68.3%) of the total
TB patients’ count.

The Cantillon effect refers to the idea that changes in the
money supply in an economy causes redistribution of
purchasing power among people, disturbs the relative
prices of goods and services, and leads to the misallocation
of scarce resources.
Money supply is expanded
Fresh money is injected into particular sections of the economy

People in these sections of the economy are enriched compared to
people in the rest of the economy

The purchasing power of people who first receive the freshly-
created money is enhanced at the cost of the rest of society

Prices of goods and services that the first recipients of freshly-
created money spend their money on begin to rise

Prices of these goods and services rise before the prices of other
goods and services
Environmental Kuznets curve

● The environmental Kuznets curve (EKC), shows the

relationship between economic progress and environmental
degradation through time as an economy progresses.

● Simply, it suggests that economic growth is good for the


● It was given by Nobel laureate Simon Kuznets in 1950's

About the Curve

● When an economy is primarily pre-industrial and agrarian, the

environment is usually clean and untouched by pollutants from
industrial economic activities.

● As the economy shifts towards development and

industrialization, the environment is at a higher risk of being
harmed by pollution and depletion of natural resources.

● The curve then returns to a cleaner environment when

economic growth continues, and people choose to spend their
incomes on improving the environment by cleaning water and
improving air quality
Keeling Curve

●The Keeling Curve is a graph that shows the ongoing change in the
concentration of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere - as per National
Geographic Society.

● The Keeling Curve, named after its creator Dr. Charles David Keeling, is a
global benchmark for carbon levels in the atmosphere.

● It is a graph that represents the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in

Earth’s atmosphere since 1958 at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii.

● It is the longest uninterrupted instrumental record of atmospheric CO2 in the

world, and it is commonly regarded as one of the best and most recognizable
products of a long-term scientific study.



What is Disease X? -

Disease X refers to an unknown pathogen that can cause the

next pandemic.

It is part of WHO’s priority diseases list prepared for R&D

in a public health emergency context.

According to WHO, it represents “the knowledge

that a serious international epidemic could be
caused by a pathogen currently unknown to cause
human disease”.
WHO’s Blueprint List of Priority Diseases
The current list of priority diseases
WHO’s current list of priority diseases includes:

Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever
Ebola virus disease and Marburg virus disease
Lassa fever
Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV)
and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
Nipah and henipaviral diseases
Rift Valley fever
Zika virus disease
Disease X
Flash droughts have been defined in two
ways, either as a short-lived yet severe
event where soil moisture completely
depletes or a multi-week period of rapid
intensification toward drought.

a 0

Countertrade is a reciprocal form of international
trade in which goods or services are exchanged for
other goods or services rather than for hard


N -


A bio-jet fuel, also known as sustainable aviation fuel
(SAF), produced using home-grown technology from
cooking oil and seeds of oil-bearing plants will likely be
certified internationally this year.

$-,IP Dehradu

eocygenation; selective
L isomerisation
⑧ plastic





-threat to coral in

Gulf of Mauna

carrageenan, a polysaccharide extracted from the alga
that finds use in industrial gums and as a smoothening
agent in ice cream, toothpaste, jellies, medicines and


- macro
-food, medical,
beoethand, climate

change mitigation
Seagrasses produce flowers, fruit and seeds - algae
produce spores. Seagrasses, like terrestrial grasses,
have separate roots, leaves and underground stems
called rhizomes

- grass restoration process in
Gulf of Munna

-flowering plank submeged

in watel

Ecosystem Engineers

-provide nursery
Ecosystem engineers are organisms that significantly
modify their environment, creating or modifying
habitats that benefit other species.

Sea grasses are often referred to as ecosystem

engineers because they play a critical role in shaping
and maintaining the marine ecosystems they inhabit.

Etalin Hydroelectric Project (EHEP):

It is one of the largest hydropower projects proposed in the

country in terms of installed capacity.

EHEP is proposed to be developed as a combination of two run-

of-the-river schemes.

The project involves the construction of concrete gravity dams

on the Tangon and Dri rivers which are tributaries of Dibang

The project area falls under the “richest bio-geographical

province of the Himalayan zone” and “one of the mega
biodiversity hotspots of the world”.
The project area is dominated by indigenous population
belonging to Idu-Mishmi tribes.
Forest Advisory Committee:

FAC is a statutory body of the Ministry of Environment

Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC) formed under the
Forest Conservation Act of 1980.

It considers questions on the diversion of forest land for non-

forest uses such as mining, industrial projects, townships and
advises the government on the issue of granting forest
About the Green Credit Scheme:

The scheme allows companies, village forest communities to

identify land and begin growing plantations.

After three years, they would be eligible to be considered as

compensatory forest land if they met the Forest Department’s

An industry needing forest land could then approach the agency

and pay it for parcels of such forested land, and this would then be
transferred to the Forest Department and be recorded as forest
Green Credit Programme

The idea is to create a market-based mechanism for
undertaking environment-friendly activities by providing

additional incentives in the form of green credits.

A monetary value will be put for each green credit

depending on the activity for which it has been earned

Under this, the government will incentivise the companies,
individuals and local bodies that adhere to sustainable
practises under the Environment (Protection) Act and help
mobilize additional resources for such activities

Bluewashing is using misinformation to deceive

consumers into thinking that a company is more
digitally ethical and secure than it really is.

It is just like greenwashing but focused more on social

and economic responsibility rather than the

The term ‘bluewashing’ was first used to refer to

companies who signed the United Nations Global
Compact and its principles but did not make any actual
policy reforms.

Background Radiation
Background radiation refers to the radiation emitted

from natural sources such as rocks or mountains.

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) found

that certain areas in Kerala

The standard unit of radiation dose rate used in

environmental monitoring is nGy/h (nanograys per
The Space Sustainability Rating '

● The global initiative, launched by the World Economic Forum, is the
first of its kind launched in 2022.

● As the challenge of orbital debris or “space junk” is set to grow, current

and future missions face an increasing risk of possible collisions.

● SSR will provide a new, innovative way of addressing the orbital

challenge by encouraging responsible behaviour in space through
increasing the transparency of organizations’ debris mitigation efforts.

● The SSR will provide a score representing a mission’s sustainability as it

relates to debris mitigation and alignment with international guidelines.

The Space Sustainability Rating (SSR) provides a rating system informed

by transparent, data-based assessments of the level of sustainability of
space missions and operations.

● The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is
building up its orbital debris tracking capability to tackle an
increasing threat to Indian assets in space

● NETRA project is an early warning system in space to

detect debris and other hazards to Indian satellites.

● Under NETRA, ISRO plans to put up many observational

facilities: connected radars, telescopes; data processing units
and a control centre.

● They can, among others, spot, track and catalogue objects

as small as 10 cm, up to a range of 3,400 km and equal to a
space orbit of around 2,000 km.
Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee ⑯
● The Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee
(IADC) is an international governmental forum for the
worldwide coordination of activities related to the issues of
man-made and natural debris in space.

● It was established in October 1993.

● The primary purposes of the IADC are to exchange

information on space debris research activities between
member space agencies, to facilitate opportunities for
cooperation in space debris research.

● ISRO is a member of this committee.


What is Reverse-flipping

● Flipping is the process of transferring entire ownership of

an Indian company to an overseas entity.

● It is generally accompanied by a transfer of all intellectual

property and data owned by an Indian company.

● Reverse Flipping is the process of shifting the domicile of

those companies back to India who flipped earlier.

● Companies reverse flip because of easy access to capital

from private equity and venture capital, changes in rules
regarding round-tripping, and the growing maturity of India's
capital market.
Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment

● The G7 Leaders’ Summit in Germany, launched the

Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII).

● It is a joint initiative to fund infrastructure projects in

developing countries.

● G7 and EU have noted the infrastructure projects being

undertaken and funded by China at a global level and decided
to present their alternative mechanism for it.
Carbon Payments for Development (CP4D) initiative

● UNDP set up a CP4D which is a facility designed to
incentivize private investments into countries’ NDC targets and
development objectives.

● Carbon Payments for Development (CP4D) initiative

promotes ambitious climate action.

● CP4D will de-risk and incentivise private sector investments

into climate change mitigation projects.
● Over its ten year lifespan, the CP4D aims to reduce
emissions by approximately 27 million tCO2e.

● CP4D is a flagship example of UNDP’s ‘future-smart’

approach to development

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