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GeoInfinity Analytics and Management (GIAM): The use of Artificial Intelligence to manage
Mining Exploration Data and Decision Making.
Creating an AI Interactive platform which may help to manage geoscientific exploration data and
hence, help to quicken and optimize the decision-making phase so as to get information on the best
alternatives during a mining project, increase productivity and save time.
In the world, a lot of companies in the domain of mining engineering invest huge money amounts
in exploration which makes it primordial to effectively manage the end-to-end exploration data
from various sources (seismic, electric, geological data etc.). The diversified sources of these types
of data contained in several management systems reduces the uniformity of data and hence reduces
scaling up due to little or no communication between the various infrastructure systems rendering
decision making to be a tough and lengthy process. Many challenges are observed such as:
i. Partial or broken (fragmented) data in multiple locations under several belongings;
ii. Most historical records are not kept digitally especially field surveys;
iii. Absence of standard data model;
iv. Absence of data storage and management infrastructure;
v. No unique integrated view of multiple sets of data.
Our proposed solution will consider the full view and extensions of geoscientific exploration data
in its globality. From the surveys on the field to data controls, quality checks, quality reviews and
signal-based events and state of survey management progress which leads to predictive analysis
and optimized decision making from the association present or newly formed databases.
Our proposed enterprise solution brings to you the following technological advancements:
• Data Reliability and Security: The platform checks the reliability, precision and
interpretation through standardized review procedures. International standards such as the
Federal Geographic Data Committee (FDGC) and the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
guides the creation of the used data and its archiving. Data security ensured at the level of
the platform by the maintenance of integrity, availability and confidentiality at the data
level and end user device levels;
• One Single and Unique Platform: Comprising of the most viable and trusted
Geographical Information Systems solutions brought up as a Software as a Service (SaaS)
model, the platform will provide a unique centralized service for the provision of data
gotten from the field expeditions;
• Simplified Usage: Visualization of data from geospatial domains is rendered easier
through its simplified interface over the other geoscientific domains since multiple datasets
can be displayed;
• Offers a Research Service: In the context of mining exploration, its integrated database
makes it possible for an enterprise to establish secured searches through its own data;
• Provides Analytic driven decision-making solutions: Data collected from the field is
standardized and rendered consistent so as to track project advancement in real and provide
an alternative of solutions based on AI probability checks and predictive analysis in relation
with the portfolio when a problem arises thereby reducing decision taking time and
improving efficiency;
• Process Management: The combination of geoscientific data management solutions
integrated with process from field survey projects hence ensuring smooth project
advancement. The corresponding related data used during the management can then be
visualized on the dashboard.
This proposed solution is applicable in every aspect of the upstream activities in the mining
engineering domain especially during the field exploration phase as it concerns the collection of
the various required data. It is complementary to mining industries and field professionals of the

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