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Describe a schedue for a visit or a tour.

This is the schedule for my two-day visit to Washington D.C. On the first day, after
arriving at airport 6:30 AM and checking in a hotel 6:30 AM, we canoe along the C&O
canal, enjoy the beautiful scenery at 9:30. Along with that, we go to Tidal Basin to enjoy
the cherry blossom and take some photos. After lunch and having a break, at 13:00, we
hire a a Hop- on Hop- off trolley and explore Washington D.C. On the second day, we
continue our trip, after cycling on bike trails in the National Park in the morning , we
have lunch at there. In the afternoon, we visit the National Children’s museum. I hope I
would experience many interesting things in this city.
A news report on a natural disaster
The most destructive disaster that I have experienced was the flood in 2020, in my
hometown- QUANG NGAI province. It had been raining heavily for many days. All
homes, trees and animals were flooded. The water got to the roof of houses. Damage was
caused to property and people. Many people were injured and died. Rescue workers
helped people trapped in the flooded houses and they brought people who were left
homeless to safe place. My house was flooded but we had been evacuated before.
Although the time has gone by, I still can’t forget that terrible disaster.
An email using nettique
Dear Lan,
Are you OK? Did you travel to any places last holiday?
Last summer, I went to Da Nang with my family. We traveled by car. The weather was
great. So I decided to go to the beach in the morning on the first day. The sea was very
clean and cool. Then, we went to a seafood restaurant and enjoyed the local food here. It
was delicious. In the evening, we caught a bus to Hoi An Ancient Town. The view was
very beautiful. There were lots of multi-colored lanterns which made the town more
glorious and charming. The next day, I stayed at a hotel to relax all morning and in the
evening I went to Dragon bridge. It is the most fantastic thing I have ever seen. There
were many interesting things to do and I really enjoyed my trip.
Write me soon
Opinions about the future roles of science and technology
In my opinion, science and technology play an essential role in our everyday lives.
Firstly, they raise the standards of living to new levels. With the advent of digital devices
like television, air-conditioner or the Internet, the society has become more civilized and
people are enjoying much more convenience than they ever were. In addition, science is
the necessary basis for humanity to create medical breakthroughs and cure once incurable
diseases. It is evident that thanks to developments like vaccine or laser beams, doctors
have been able to eradicate a lot of potential ailments that might threaten world
population such as rabies or tuberculosis. Lastly, technological advances facilitate
transportation. No more horse-drawn vehicles to deliver letters, e-mails have risen to
meet the demand for speed of human beings. Communication is happening at a faster
rate, which means more efficiency in work and business. In a word, so indispensable in
science in our daily lives that the world would no longer develop without its assistance.
Theo tôi, khoa học và công nghệ đóng một vai trò thiết yếu trong cuộc sống hàng ngày
của chúng ta. Thứ nhất, họ nâng mức sống lên một tầm cao mới. Với sự ra đời của các
thiết bị số như tivi, máy lạnh hay Internet, xã hội ngày càng văn minh hơn, con người
được hưởng nhiều tiện ích hơn bao giờ hết. Ngoài ra, khoa học còn là cơ sở cần thiết để
nhân loại tạo ra những đột phá về y học, chữa trị những căn bệnh nan y một thời. Rõ
ràng là nhờ những phát triển như vắc-xin hoặc tia laser, các bác sĩ đã có thể loại bỏ rất
nhiều căn bệnh tiềm ẩn có thể đe dọa dân số thế giới như bệnh dại hoặc bệnh lao. Cuối
cùng, tiến bộ công nghệ tạo thuận lợi cho giao thông vận tải. Không còn xe ngựa đưa
thư, thư điện tử ra đời đáp ứng nhu cầu tốc độ của con người. Giao tiếp diễn ra với tốc
độ nhanh hơn, đồng nghĩa với hiệu quả cao hơn trong công việc và kinh doanh. Nói một
cách dễ hiểu, khoa học không thể thiếu trong cuộc sống hàng ngày của chúng ta đến nỗi
thế giới sẽ không còn phát triển nếu không có sự hỗ trợ của khoa học.

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