Presentation Skills

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Dr. Milena Head

Professor, Information Systems
+ 2

Body Language

n More than 50% of communication

n Often,
it’s what isn’t said that is heard the
n What does body language convey?
n Your confidence
n Your commitment
n Your intentions
n Your trustworthiness
n Your likeability
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Connecting through body language

n Smile

n Eye Contact
n Openness (arms, hands, legs)

n Turning towards your audience

n The business greeting

n Then … Now … Future
+ 4

First Impressions – the words

n What you say and how you say it

n Set the stage
n Who are you? Who is the audience?
n What are you presenting?

n How do you draw the audience in?

n Skip the Table of Contents
n Tell a story – yourself or a persona
n Build on core values/mission/vision
n Quote
n Ask a leading question
n Make them want to listen
+ 5

Where to Stand


+ 6

Checklist for effective presentations

n Enthusiasm!

n Connection
n Body language (eye contact, smile, openness)
n Common points of interest; making it personal

n Voice
n Varying pace, tone and volume
n The power of the pause
n Fillers – replace them with effective pauses

n Practice, practice, practice

The Support – Your PowerPoint
n Audience wants to see and hear YOU

n Less is more

n Don’t use the same template as everyone else

n Keep transitions fast

n Bulletpoints are meant to be bullet points that synthesize

your thoughts in a concise manner and should not be
complete sentences or paragraphs that are difficult to
digest and encourages you to turn your back to your
audience as your read them….
n Back up slides … are the BAM!
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Words vs. Pictures

Boring, Hard Interesting, Easy

n New Idea New
n Next This
Win Next
n Then This Here This

n Learn

n Win Here Learn
+ 9

Listen to your audience

n Practice picking up on non-verbal cues

n Watch your audience to gauge their reactions

n Are they bored?
n Do they look confused?
n Do they not believe in what you are saying?

n Modify your delivery to suit your audiences current state of mind

+ The Team 10

n What role are you playing?

What role is the audience playing?
n Become that role and be consistent!
n Set the stage in the opening

n Strongest speaker opens/closes

n Time Management – police yourself!

n Transitions
n know your first and
last sentences

n Know where you will stand

n ALWAYS look engaged!

+ The Team 11

n Look like a team n Know your team!

n Stand together but don’t n Strengths
/ weaknesses
crowd the speaker n Complementariness
n Support each other
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n Anticipate
n You want those BAM moments!

n Participate

n Have a system – where you stand and who answers

n NEVER disagree with a team member
n Only one follow-up
n Speak with …
n Clarity
n Conciseness
n Conviction
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n Know how to get back to a specific slide
n Don’t feel like you have to answer the question right away
n OK to pause for a couple of seconds to ensure you understand the
question and to formulate an appropriate answer

n Could ask for the question again (limit this!)

n Body language is even more important!

Dealing with Nerves – techniques
that may help
n Deep breaths
n Quiet meditation
n Activity to stimulate endorphins
n Drink water – adrenaline can cause dry mouth
n Have some honey
n Smile J
n Give yourself a pep talk!
n Body language …

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