Immunohistochemical Localization of Keratin-Type Protein

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Immunohistochemical Localization of Keratin-Type Proteins in

Epithelial Neoplasms

Correlation with Electron Microscopic Findings


A rabbit antiserum prepared against human keratins isolated or desmin.6 Specific intermediate-sized neurofilaments
from calluses was applied to sections of 108 neoplasms using have been found in neurons, and a glial fibrillary acid
indirect immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase technics.
The vast majority of epithelial neoplasms were strongly pos-
protein has been identified in astrocytes.8,17 Antibodies
itive for keratin-type proteins, even in the absence of obvious to those specific intermediate-type filaments will be used
keratinization or squamous differentiation as revealed by light more frequently by surgical pathologists as an aid in the
microscopy. This keratin-positivity was invariably correlated differentiation between epithelial, mesenchymal, and
with the identification of intermediate-sized filaments arranged neuroectodermal neoplasms.

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in loose or dense bundles in the cytoplasm of neoplastic epi-
thelial cells. Keratin-negative neoplasms included nevi, malig- This paper deals with an immunohistochemical study
nant melanomas, carcinoid tumors, malignant lymphomas, and of 108 neoplasms from humans, using a rabbit antise-
a variety of connective-tissue tumors. Immunologic identifi- rum prepared against human keratin-type proteins ex-
cation of keratin-type proteins was particularly helpful in es- tracted from calluses. Our results indicated that the
tablishing the epithelial nature of "undifferentiated" malignant anti-keratin reaction is particularly useful in the iden-
tumors, including oat cell carcinomas. (Key words: Immuno-
chemistry; Immunoperoxidase; Electron microscopy; Keratins; tification of poorly differentiated or "undifferentiated"
Intermediate filaments; Epithelial neoplasms) Am J Clin Pa- carcinomas of most sites. Keratin-positivity was invari-
thol 1982; 78: 500-507 ably correlated with the finding of cytoplasmic inter-
mediate-sized filaments associated with desmosome
(macula adherens) type junctions in neoplastic epithelial
KERATIN-TYPE PROTEINS or prekeratins, chemi- cells. Our preliminary results are reported briefly else-
cally and immunologically related to intermediate-sized where.4
(average 10 nm in diameter) epidermal tonofilaments,
have been identified in a variety of human and animal
Materials and Methods
epithelial cells with the use of immunofluorescence and
immunoperoxidase techics.51013"15 In recent years, an- Antigen Preparation
tibodies to keratin-type proteins have been found useful
in the identification of a number of epithelial tumors, The isolation, purification, and identification of ker-
and in their differentiation from tumors of lymphoid atin proteins was performed according to the method
and mesenchymal origin.'•2'6'9,11 Generally, neoplasms of Sun and Green14 with some minor modifications.
appear to maintain the type of intermediate-sized fila- Briefly, 900 mg of human calluses were finely minced,
ments found in cells they derive from. Whereas keratin- and extracted at room temperature as follows: (1) the
type proteins are found in a variety of human epithelial sample was vigorously homogenized at 4°C in a Pyrex®
neoplasms, mesenchymal tumors contain vimentin and/ homogenizer, then in a Polytron, using 20 mM Tris-HCl
(pH 7.4). The suspension was centrifuged at 12,000 rpm
for 20 minutes in a Beckman® J21 B centrifuge. The
Received November 5, 1981; received revised manuscript and ac- pellet was resuspended in fresh buffer, and after two
cepted for publication December 1, 1981. additional extractions with this buffer, the pellet was
Supported by the Veterans Administration and an educational fund extracted three more times with 20 mM Tris buffer con-
of the Department of Pathology, University of South Florida College
of Medicine. taining 8 M urea, leaving a pellet without water-soluble
Presented in part at the 70th annual meeting of the International proteins. Then, the pellet was resuspended in 20 mM
Academy of Pathology (U. S.-Canadian Division), Chicago, March Tris buffer (pH 7.4) containing 8 M urea and 10 mM
Address reprint requests to Dr Espinoza: Laboratory Service (113),
dithiothreitol (the latter to solubilize the disulfide cross-
James A. Haley Veterans Hospital, Tampa, Florida 33612. linked protein), sonicated for 20 seconds at a setting of

0002-9173/82/1000/0500 $01.25 © American Society of Clinical Pathologists

50 in an Artek® sonic 300, and ceritrifuged at 12,000 20 dilution for 10 minutes. Rabbit antihuman keratin
rpm for 20 minutes. The supernatant fluid was used as antiserum was used in dilutions of 1/40 to 1/100 for 30
antigen. minutes. Swine antirabbit serum protein 1/20, and rab-
To prove the presence of keratin in the supernatant, bit peroxidase antiperoxidase complex 1/20 also were
the formation of filaments in vitro was observed by elec- applied for 30 minutes. All dilutions of antisera were
tron microscopy after a portion of the supernatant sam- made in Tris buffer 0.1 M/?H 7.6. After each incubation,
ple was dialyzed against distilled water and mounted in the sections were washed three times in Tris saline. Tris
carbon-coated grids. In addition, a sample was run in saline is a 1:10 dilution of Tris buffer 0.1 M/?H 7.6 in
one-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with saline. Antibody localization was determined by detec-
11 % SDS, and found to contain three keratin bands of tion of peroxidase activity, effected by a 10-minute in-
molecular weights ranging from 43K (ovalbumin) to cubation of the sections with 3'3' diaminobenzidine te-
68K (bovine serum albumin). trahydrochloride (Sigma Chemical Company, St. Louis,
MO), 6 mg in 10 mL of Tris buffer containing 0.01%
of freshly added hydrogen peroxide. The sections were
Antibody Preparation washed in water, counterstained with hematoxylin, de-
Keratin proteins purified from human calluses as de- hydrated, and mounted in Permount.® This method
scribed above were emulsified with Freund's complete yielded a brown reaction product. All reagents for per-

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adjuvant and injected subcutaneously into three New oxidase antiperoxidase staining were obtained from
Zealand white rabbits. One milligram of protein was Dako, Copenhagen, Denmark, and supplied by Accu-
used for the primary injection. This was followed with rate Chemical and Scientific corporation, Hicksville,
a second injection given a month later, using 1 mg of New York.
protein mixed with incomplete Freund's adjuvant.
Serum was collected at weekly intervals following the Immunofluorescence Staining
second injection. Two additional injections were needed
to achieve a high titer. Antisera was run against the ker- The indirect immunofluorescence technic was used.
atin proteins using an Ouchterlony double diffusion test. Human tissue used for immunofluorescence was either
A precipitin line was obtained. The plates that were used frozen, sectioned andfixedin acetone, or formalin-fixed.
contained 1% agar, 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate, and Paraffin-embedded tissue was first dewaxed and then
0.5% triton X-300 in PBS (pH 7.2) with thiomerosol. digested with trypsin according to the technic described
The antibody was absorbed with normal human serum. by Huang and co-workers.7 After thorough washing with
In addition, a portion was absorbed with keratin proteins phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), the tissue was incu-
for control studies. bated with rabbit antikeratin antiserum at 1/40 dilution,
and then with fluoresceinated goat antirabbit antisera
Immunoperoxidase Staining at 1/10 dilution (Behring Diagnostics, Somerville, N. J.).
Between incubations, the tissue was washed with PBS
Immunoperoxidase staining was performed according pH 7.2. The sections were examined with a fluorescence
to previously published procedures'2,16 with some mod- microscope, and a hematoxylin-eosin-stained section
ifications. Fresh tissue was fixed in 10% buffered for- was used for orientation. Control sections were incu-
malin and then routinely embedded in paraffin. These bated with the primary antibody absorbed with keratin,
paraffin-embedded tissues from tumors accessed at the and in some instances, a nonimmunized rabbit serum
James A. Haley Veterans Hospital and the Medical Clin- was used.
ics of the University of South Florida College of Med-
icine, were cut into 4-/im thick sections, mounted in Electron Microscopic Studies
glass slides, and dried at 60°C for 30 minutes. After the
sections were deparaffinized in xylol and placed in al- In selected cases, 2-mm fresh tissue fragments were
cohol, endogenous peroxidase activity was blocked with fixed in 2.5% buffered gluteraldehyde, post-fixed in 1%
methanol containing 0.3% hydrogen peroxide for 30 osmium tetroxide, and embedded in Epon. One-mi-
minutes. Subsequently, the specimens were hydrated crometer thick sections stained with methylene blue
and digested with 0.05% trypsin in 0.1% calcium chlo- were examined for orientation, and representative areas
ride adjusted to pH 7.8 with 0.1 N sodium hydroxide for were selected for ultrathin sectioning. The ultrathin sec-
35 minutes. The specimens were rinsed in distilled water tions were mounted in copper grids, stained with uranyl
and then placed in Tris saline. Nonspecific staining was acetate and lead citrate, and examined with a Phillips®
reduced with application of normal swine serum at 1/ 301 electron microscope.
502 ESPINOZA AND AZAR A.J.C.P. • October 1982

Table 1. Keratin Positivity Using Immunofluorescence and Immunoperoxidase Technics

and Correlation with Electron Microscopic Findings
Number of Cases
(with No. Keratin- EM Findings* Desmosome-
positive) Antibody Reactivity Tonofilament Complex
Keratin positive tumors
Skin and conjunctival tumors
Basal'cell carcinoma 14(14) 4+ 4+0)
Squamous cell carcinoma 5(5) 4+ 4+(5)
Sebaceous carcinoma 4(4) 4+ 4+(2)
Lung and upper respiratory tumors
Squamous cell carcinoma 12(12) 4+ 4+(12)
Adenocarcinoma and adenosquamous carcinoma 7(7) 1+ to 4+ 1+ to 3+ (7)
Large cell (undifferentiated) carcinoma 6(3) - to 4+ - to 3+ (6)
Small ceil carcinoma, oat cell type 5(4) - to 3+ (focal) 3+(5)
In few cells
Salivary mucoepidermbid carcinoma 2(2) 4+ 2+(2)
Bladder transitional cell carcinoma 3(3) 4+ 2+(3) .
Breast adenocarcinoma .2(2) 2+ • Not done
Colonic adenocarcinoma 10(2) - to ± focal ±(10)
Prostatic adenocarcinoma

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2(2) - to ± focal Not done
Extramammary Paget's disease KD 1+ Not done
Keratin negative tumors
Epithelial neoplasms
Gastric poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma 2 -(2)
Renal cell carcinoma 5 - -(5)
Seminoma 1 — -d)
Neuroectodermal (including melanocyte tumors)
Nevus 2 — Not done
Malignant melanoma 6 - -(6)
Carcinoid 3 — -(3)
Malignant lymphomas (Hodgkin's and non-
Hodgkin's) 6 ' - -(6)
Atypical fibrous histiocytoma 9 - Not done
Dermatofibroma 1 - Not done
s studied are in parentheses.

Results idase technics gave comparable results; The immuno-

fluorescence technic was less time-consuming. However,
Immunohistochemical Localization of Keratin Proteins immunoperoxidase stainings offered the advantages of
The findings are summarized in Table 1. In general, permanent sections, better localization of cellular land-
both indirect immunofluorescence and immunoperox- marks, and easier photography.

FIG. \A (upper, left). Well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. All tumor cells are strongly positive for keratin (immunoperoxidase X400).

Fie \B (upper, right). Moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. Most tumor cells stain strongly
for keratin (immunofluorescence, X250).
FIG. \C (upper middle, left). Metastatic poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma in cervical lymph node originating in nasopharynx
(Schmincke's tumor). In spite of their poor differentiation, all tumor cells stain strongly for keratin in contrast to the negative staining for
lymphoid cells (immunoperoxidase, X400).

FIG. \D (upper middle, right). Moderatly differentiated transitional cell carcinoma of urinary bladder. Most tumor cells stain for keratin with
varying degrees of intensity, with the superficial cells showing more intense staining (immunoperoxidase, X400).
FIG. \E (lower middle, left). Metastatic mucoepidermoid carcinoma in cervical lymph node. Several malignant cells show strong
staining for keratin (immunoperoxidase, X400).
FIG. 1F (lower middle, right). Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the breast. A variable degree of staining for keratin is shown, with
most tumor cells demonstrating a weak, diffuse staining (immunoperoxidase, X400).

FIG. \G (lower, left). Papillary adenocarcinoma of the lung. Tumor cells show weak and variable staining for keraun (immunoperoxidase, X400).

FIG. \H (lower, right). Malignant lymphoma of the skin, infiltrating adjacent epidermis. Note negative staining of lymphoma cells
in contrast to the strong staining of epidermal cells (immunoperoxidase, X400).
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T * £f*,r
Vol. 78 • No. 4
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A.J.C.P. • October 1982
FIG. 2 (upper). Electron micrograph of transitional cell carcinoma cell (same as Fig. ID). Note the presence of numerous delicate and slightly
interlacing intracytoplasmic filaments without formation of dense tonofilament bundles. Uranyl acetate and lead citrate (X 16,530).

FIG. 3 (lower). Electron micrograph of a mucoepidermoid carcinoma cell. Discrete intracytoplasmic filaments, similar to those seen in the
transitional cell carcinoma, are found without condensation into dense tonofilaments. Uranyl acetate and lead citrate (X43,500).

The tumors that were studied were placed in two In the weakly or focally positive group, the pattern
broad categories according to their reaction with the of staining for keratin was either limited to a few tumor
anti-keratin serum: keratin-positive and keratin-nega- cells, or it was diffuse but weakly positive. This applied
tive. There was, however, a considerable overlapping to two examples of adenocarcinoma of the breast and
between the degree of positive immunostaining which to adenocarcinomas of the lung (Figs. IF, \G). Occa-
was graded on a scale of 0 (negative) to 4 +. In the sional tumor cells of adenocarcinomas of the colon and
keratin-positive group, a strong reaction was observed prostate, and of an extramammary Paget's disease gave
in all squamous cell carcinomas regardless of tissue of weakly positive reactions for keratin.
origin (i.e., ectodermal of skin and conjunctiva, endo- Keratin-negative tumors included two examples of
dermal of esophagus and lung). In well-differentiated poorly differentiated gastric adenocarcinomas, five renal
and moderately differentiated squamous cell carcino- cell carcinomas, and a seminoma. All nevi, melanomas,

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mas, every single tumor cell stained for keratin. The carcinoid tumors, malignant lymphomas, and fibrohis-
reaction was strongly positive even in poorly differen- tiocytic tumors were negative for keratin.
tiated squamous cell carcinomas. Basal cell carcinomas
and skin adnexal tumors, urothelial transitional cell car-
cinomas, and salivary mucoepidermoid tumors were Correlation with Electron Microscopic Findings
also strongly positive for keratin (Figs. I A, IB, \C, ID, With electron microscopy, heavy bundles of tonofila-
and IE). ments as well as developed macula adherens type of

FIG. 4. Electron micrograph of renal cell carcinoma. The cytoplasm of two neighboring tumor cells contain empty spaces formerly occupied
by glycogen and a variety of organelles but no fibrils. Note also absence of intercellular junctions. Uranyl acetate and lead citrate (X43.500).
ESPINOZA AND AZAR A.J.C.P. • October 1982
intercellular junctions were readily seen in squamous carcinomas were positive for keratin. Focal staining for
cell carcinomas of all sites, and regardless of degree of keratin was distinctly observed in adenocarcinoma of
differentiation, in basal cell carcinomas and in sebaceous lungs, carcinomas of the breast, as well as in carcinomas
carcinomas. Thesefindingscorrelate well with the strong of the colon and prostate. However, renal cell carcino-
immunohistochemical staining for keratin of the tu- mas stained negatively for keratin. Without exception,
mors. tumors of nonepithelial origin (i.e., malignant lympho-
In contrast to skin and adnexal tumors, urothelial mas, nevi, malignant melanomas, carcinoid, and sem-
transitional cell carcinomas (Fig. 2), and salivary mu- inoma) gave a negative staining for keratin.
coepidermoid carcinomas (Fig. 3) showed only delicate The use of immunohistochemical localization of ker-
aggregates of 10-nm filaments, as well as discrete fila- atin proteins with immunofluorescence and immuno-
ments, during electron microscopic examination. It ap- peroxidase in human tumors provides the pathologist
pears, therefore, that the antikeratin serum can detect with a reliable and reproducible procedure for the di-
the keratin cytoskeleton of epithelial cells prior to the agnosis of epithelial tumors. Combined with electron
aggregation of keratin proteins into heavy bundles of microscopy, the use of immunohistochemical technics
tonofilaments. Keratin-negative epithelial tumors such has helped in reaching a more precise histopathologic
as renal cell carcinomas failed to show, after careful diagnosis in the majority of neoplasms that were con-
search, any cytoplasmic intermediate-sized filaments or sidered to be "undifferentiated" by routine light micro-

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any macula adherens type junctions (Fig. 4). Likewise, scopic examination.2 With the increasing use of anti-
in the few instances in which 10-nm filaments or finer bodies to specific intermediate-sized filaments and other
fibrils were observed in non-epithelial tumors, they were stable cellular antigens, the surgical pathologist will be
not clustered in bundles or linked to desmosomes. It better prepared to clarify the histogenesis of tumors still
was assumed that these fibrils and filaments did not be- called "large," "small," "pleomorphic," "spindle-
long to the class of keratin proteins. shaped," "myxoid," or "organoid." Antibodies raised
against intermediate-sized filaments appear to be di-
Discussion rected against groups of cells with shared embryologic
origin or similar differentiation (i.e., epithelium, con-
From the initial studies of localization of keratin in nective tissue or mesenchyme, glial, and neural cells),
normal human epithelial tissues, it was anticipated that and are not species specific. There is, however, some
tumors of epithelial origin would be positive, while non- merit in raising antibodies against individual polypep-
epithelial tumors should give a negative staining for ker- tide bands of purified human intermediate-size filaments
atin.10 Recent studies of the localization of keratin in and determining their presence or absence in individual
human neoplasms of diverse origin have confirmed this epithelial and non-epithelial neoplasms.
hypothesis to a large extent.1'3,6'9" Schlegel and col-
leagues,9 in their survey of a large number of neoplasms Acknowledgments. The authors thank Dr. John U. Balis and Dr.
from humans, found that the use of keratin antisera was Paul Byvoet for their advice and guidance in this study. The technical
helpful in establishing the epithelial nature of primary assistance of Miss June E. Paciga, Mr. Walter McAllister, Mr. George
or metastatic poorly differentiated neoplasms of the Harrison, and Mr. George Kasnic, Jr., is gratefully acknowledged. The
secretarial assistance of Mrs. Bernadette Farnsworth and Mrs. Lynn
lung. Battifora and associates3 found the use of antikera- Hubbard is greatly appreciated.
tin antibody helpful for distinguishing thymomas from
lymphomas and seminomas. They observed positive References
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