Final Rms Haerunnisa Siddik

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This chapter covers the background, research question, objective of the research,
and the significance of the research.

A. Background
Technology has an important role in various aspects of life. In this era of
development, many people have used technology in their daily activities. Technology
comes from the Greek, namely Technologia. According to the Webster’s Dictionary
means technique or systematic handling, while technique as the basis for the word
technology means skills or expertise, skills, and knowledge (Soedarto et al., 2020)

Technological advances make English proficiency very important. The use of

English is a must in dealing with technological developments. The digital era makes the
world borderless because everything is now connected via the internet. Technology has
provided many conveniences and new ways of carrying out human activities during the
pandemic that has occurred for approximately two years, changing some of our behaviors
and thought patterns (Jasmia et al., 2023). Currently a lot of information in cyberspace is
provided in English. (Wahyuni, 2019) shows that more than 80% of the information
stored on the internet is in English. This is what makes the ability to understand
international languages very important to have. Along with the development of
technology, learning English is also increasing. According to (Azizah et al., 2023) E-
learning is a way for teachers and students to learn that uses information and
communication technology (ICT) to change the way they learn from each other. People
think that technology can help organize and provide materials for students, making it
easier for students, teachers, and parents to talk to each other at any time and in any

In the process of learning English, a student certainly has experienced obstacles in

learning. These obstacles can lead to a lack of student learning outcomes. The difficulty
faced by many students of English as a foreign language is a lack of understanding of
English pronunciation which is expressed at normal speed through listening material.
English has become a second language nowadays. The majority of people, especially
students, understand the importance of learning English. It will be beneficial to us in the
future, particularly if we want to pursue a successful job, to be able to speak or
understand English well. As a result, English is one of the courses that students in
practically all Indonesian schools are required to master. Regarding reading skills, argues
that the problem faced for understanding reading texts lies in a lack of knowledge about
reading material and ignorance of how to connect ideas between sentences with one
another. Writing skills are difficult because these activities require complex and
systematic thought processes, however, they need to be mastered by English learners.
According (Jumiatmoko, 2016) in communication writing skills are also important to
master. The benefits will be felt when the written language is published and read by many
people. So that the quality of writing must always be improved As for speaking skills,
Journal of student difficulties) in his research found that the difficulties students often
face when speaking English are caused by a lack of English vocabulary.

The researcher interviewed 28 students of SMAN 1 Pamboang on September 11

2022 by asking several questions to find out the current condition of the students
regarding the difficulties they faced in learning English and they said they had difficulty
speaking English due to a lack of confidence because they were afraid make mistakes
when pronouncing sentences (pronunciation) and they have difficulty speaking English
due to their lack of vocabulary.

The current phenomenon requires teachers to be more creative in developing

teaching and learning processes to overcome difficulties experienced by students. Now
educators no longer only use conventional methods in classroom learning but can also
carry out independent learning. The paradigm shift in education, especially in classroom
learning, must be in line with technological developments. One of them is by utilizing
audiovisual technology such as Tiktok.
Tiktok is a popular social media platform today. (Fatimah et al., 2021). Tiktok has
surpassed other large programs such as Facebook and Instagram. This happened because
the tiktok application was downloaded by more than 700 million people in 2019 and
continued to grow until May 2020 (Mana, 2021). Tiktok can be used as an entertainment
medium for creating and sharing videos with other TikTok application users. Currently,
Tiktok is not only an entertainment medium but can also be used as a learning medium,
especially those related to English. There have been many content creators who provide
English lesson content such as vocabulary, grammar, common mistakes, and so on.
Currently, many content creators upload videos of English lessons which are presented
briefly and interestingly. In addition, the findings also show that Tiktok has appeal as a
medium for learning English such as short videos, simple and interesting material
equipped with backgrounds, images, and edit filters that can be both beneficial and

The first related study was carried out by Almaidah Bahri1 , Chella Meira
Damayanti2, Yosephine Helena Sirait3, (Hutajulu et al., 2022). Entitled "Application of
Tiktok as a Media for Learning English in Indonesia" This study used a qualitative
method with an inductive approach. . This research focuses on discussing the TikTok
application for its users to learn English through online video content shared by content
creators with the popular hashtag #samasamabelajar. Research findings show that TikTok
can package learning English in an interesting way. It was found that there are four types
of subjects from the TikTok application that are often made, namely vocabulary,
grammar, pronunciation, and common mistakes. After research, it was concluded that
TikTok users prefer videos in the grammar category. Several factors make TikTok
attractive as a medium for learning English, namely short videos, clear and non-
monotonous delivery of material, coupled with interesting writing effects and emoji
features that can have a positive impact on the learning process of its users.

The second related study was conducted by (Priatama et al., 2021) entitled "The
Attraction of Tiktok as an Online English Learning Media". This study aims to describe
the phenomenon of the widespread use of social media as a medium for online English
learning. It focuses on discussing the appeal of TikTok for millennials and generation Z
to learn English through online video content presented by the best content creators under
the popular hashtag #learnenglish. This research uses a qualitative method. Data is
collected with online video documentation on TikTok from the four best content creators
and also using the Exolyt tool. The research findings show that there are five types of
lessons from online TikTok videos that are often made, namely pronunciation,
vocabulary, grammar, common mistakes, and English facts. The pronunciation category
is the highest category of the four best content creators. In addition, the findings also
show that TikTok has an appeal as a medium for learning English; short videos, simple
and interesting material, equipped with backsound, images, editing filters that can
provide benefits, and are also entertaining.

The Third related study was done (Ernata, 2017) entitled "Efforts to Increase
Motivation to Learn English through Tiktok Media for Class VIII Students of MTS
Bontote'ne Kab. Gowa, South Sulawesi". The type of this research is classroom action
research. Data collection techniques are observation and student motivation
questionnaires. The background of this research is to improve the quality of learning
English to increase students' learning motivation. In learning activities, the material is not
contextual and students' motivation is low, both in the learning process and product. Most
teachers still carry out traditional learning. This situation has the potential to cause
boredom, boredom, and reduce student interest and motivation to learn. Based on the
problems above, through this research it is hoped that teachers will be able to play the
role of learning innovators. Increasing teacher creativity absolutely needs to be
developed. This study aims to determine whether the use of Tiktok media with the
Project Based Learning learning model for English subjects can increase the learning
motivation of 8th grade MTS Bontote'ne students. From the results of the study it can be
concluded that the use of Tiktok media with the Project Based Learning learning model
for English subjects can increase the learning motivation of 8th grade MTS Bontote'ne
students with very good results.
Regarding the previous research above, there are some differences and similarities
between the current research and the previous studies. The similarities between the
previous research with this research deal with investigating the use of Tiktok in learning
English. This current research also finds out the students' perceptions and motivation. On
the other hand, the difference between this research and the previous research is dealing
with the investigation. This research tries to explore the perception of students in a
secondary senior high school toward the use of Tiktok for learning English. Students'
perceptions are very crucial to be known in the teaching and learning process because
teachers need to know their students' preferences in terms of their learning style, interests,
and others that can influence their learning outcomes. The current research also wants to
examine whether using Youtube can influence student motivation in learning to use
TikTok. According to (Amriyati et al., 2022) Motivation is often defined as an inner urge,
emotion, or desire that propels one to take on a specific activity. A person not only learns
via association but also by what he or she gains from the circumstance.

(Amriyati et al., 2022) motivation is the 'reason' that underlies an action carried
out by an individual, which leads to a particular goal and a good encouragement from
within students or from outside that will cause a change in oneself the individual as the
experience of the individual himself in interact.

Besides that, According to (Bridgeland et al., 2008), motivation is an internal

force that arouses someone to perform something to reach a desired goal. Moreover,
motivation is believed to include three elements: effort, desire, and positive effect.

Some of the positive effects of using TikTok are that it is easy to access for
students and can help students display their talents. The negative impact of tiktok is that
with varied content on tiktok, they can neglect their productive study time if it is not used

B. Research Question
The background above clearly shows that current technological developments
influence students' English learning. Based on this statement, the researcher would like to
find the answer to the question How do the students' perceive and motivate on the use of
TikTok application in learning English?”

C. Objective of the Research

Based on the formulation of research question above, the objective of this study is
to know students’ perception on use of Tiktok application in learning English.

D. Significance of the Research

The results of this study will include theoretical and practical contributions

1. Theoretically, it is hoped that the results of this study can be shared

input to English teachers about students' perceptions of the use of the Tiktok application

in learning English.

2. Practically, it is hoped that the information from this research can help
teachersimprove the teaching-learning process by using the Tiktok application.



This chapter presents review of related literature to this research. It deals with
previous related research findings, some pertinent ideas, and conceptual framework.


This part covers with perception, factors influencing perception, and perception in
language learning.
1. Perception

In this part presents a definition of perception, dimension of perception, types of

perception, the process of perception, and factors of perception.

a. Definition of perception

According to the Longman Applied Language Dictionary perception refers to the

knowledge and interpretation of objects and sensations using the senses (such as sight
hearing and touch). Similarly in the dictionary of psychology perception is defined as the
process of making sense of things through sense and objective phenomena (Soedarto et
al., 2020)

(Amar et al., 2023) found that cognition is the process by which individuals
organize and interpret sensory input to give meaning to their environment. Furthermore,
(M. Paul, 2015) states that perception is a constructive process that seeks to construct
meaningful situations beyond the presented stimuli.

There are two main theories studied about the way humans understand the
world. They are constructive and direct perceptions. The constructive theory of
perception suggests that by consciously choosing stimuli and integrating impressions
with memory, humans create perceptions. Another concept is that perception is created
by the acquisition of data directly from the environment. Perception is a biological
process that takes place in the human’s brain. Perception can be positively and
negatively, it depend how the people think and environment through physical sensation.

In addition perception is also interpreted as an interpretation of an object event or

information based on the life experience of the person who gives that meaning.
According to (Triana et al., 2021) perception is an individuals experience of an object or
event by gathering information and identifying messages. In other words perception is
how we interpret information using our human senses. When something happens people
use their five senses and brain to pay attention to interpret information as meaning and
respond in a good or bad way.
Perception is what a person believes based on what he sees.
What this means is that holding a certain opinion about a persons attitude is a process of
knowing something because the person involved is a persons conscious belief about
something. Similarly Gibson (Putri et al., 2022) presented word perception as a cognitive
process used by individuals to interpret and understand the world around them. He added
that perception is a mental process that involves observing understanding and consciously
reacting to what one is trying to interpret the received signal. Perception is also defined as
the process of organizing and interpreting various stimuli in the environment of various
events in Indonesia and includes memory as part of the cognitive process and further
observing certain activities (Nofrika, 2019). From here. Basically perception means
understanding some stimuli that appear around us.

According to (Putri et al., 2022) Perception is broadly interpreted as a form of

thinking about something that is form a certain attitude pattern. Perception is also a
process of entering information or messages into the human brain. Perception is divided
into two forms: positive and negative. Positive perception is an individuals assessment of
an object or information with a positive image or in accordance with what is expected of
the perceived object or existing norms. The reason for the emergence of a persons
positive opinion is personal satisfaction with the object of perception personal knowledge
and personal experience of the object of perception.

Meanwhile negative attitude is a personal perception of certain objects or

information that has a negative view of the perceived object or contradicts what is
expected from existing norms. The reason for the emergence of a negative perception of a
person can arise from personal dissatisfaction with the object which is the source of the
perception of personal ignorance and the lack of personal experience of the visible object
and vice versa. Perception involves experience which does not only refer to sets of past
events but also refers to what human beings are constantly at work trying to make
meaning of what is going on around and ‘within’ them (Kumar & Vigil, 2011) Referring
to the study which will be conducted, media are regarded as something that stays among
the English teachers and becomes what they are working with every day. Thus, the
perception here (indeed what each teacher has) plays a role as a standard of measuring the
efficiency of the implementation of instructional media in language learning. In other
words, we can say that English teachers’ perceptions are needed to judge whether the
instructional media is worth or worse in the English language teaching process.

According to the aforementioned researchers perception is a biological process in

the human brain. Awareness can be active or negative depending on how one thinks
through bodily sensations and the environment. Perception is also how a person perceives
things based on how they look.

a. Dimension of Perception

(Viberg, 2015) stated there are three dimensions of perception based on one's
experience. They are the understanding of the object, the view, and the action toward the
object. It means that when we want to explore someone's perception, those three
dimensions are the basic components to deal with.

1. Understanding

Understanding can be defined as having knowledge of something's operation. It is

the ability to think and respond quickly in response to new information . Understanding
involves the process of selecting and organizing information. This particular information
is integrated with prior knowledge (Bridgeland et al., 2008). In addition, (Nofrika, 2019)
formulates understanding as a sufficient grasp of concepts, principles or skills so that one
can bring them to bear on new problems and situations, deciding in which ways one's
present competencies can suffice and which ways one may require new skills or
knowledge. Wiggins himself states that understanding is not a sudden "Aha!" whereby
we go from ignorance to deep understanding.

According to (Febriani et al., 2023) Understanding is being conscious of the

relationships between the many kinds of knowledge. Utilizing knowledge requires
understanding. Compared to the simple level, it reflects a higher level of expertise. If we
comprehend the concept, we can appreciate its importance, its implied relationship to
other significant concepts, and its relevance.
Understanding helps people to judge possible responses that come to their mind.
When the English teachers understand the concept of instructional media and English
language teaching, they can grasp and judge which component of instructional media that
can be apply in English language teaching.

2. View

The word view refers to the way of thinking about something. Ramsey (Zb et al.,
2021) defines a view as a judgment based on fact. It is an honest attempt to draw a
reasonable conclusion from the factual evidence. Ramsey argues that the view is
potentially changeable depending on how the evidence is interpreted. A view also can be
regarded as an opinion. Nick (Bruce, 2018) states that an opinion is a belief or conclusion
held with confidence. It is applicable to any conclusion to which one adheres without
ruling out the possibility of debate. It can be concluded that a view or opinion is a
statement as the result of the interpretation of facts. It is changeable depending on how
the evidence is interpreted.

In a particular case, a view or opinion is not always necessarily support by

evidence, and this kind of view is known as a subjective statement. Some factors that
influence subjectivity are emotion and individual interpretation of a fact. A view as a
judgement based on fact. A view or opinion is said to as a subjective statement when it is
not always supported by facts. Emotion and the way in which a fact is interpreted by a
particular person are two aspects that affect subjectivity.

The English teachers may judge the components of instructional media which are
in line with the components of English language teaching based on their experiences of
using it. Their views of instructional media will be implemented in English language
teaching in this case related to the design, approach, and procedure. In other words, how
the teachers view instructional media can meet the English language teaching
3. Action

Action can be simply defined as something that we do. It involves the use of the
five senses and bodily movement, like the acts of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and
smelling. According to action is a causal process that begins with intentions that are
actualized in a form of bodily motions that eventually influence the environment. The
action involves the subject of the motion, the target of the action, and the causality that
connects them (M. Paul, 2015). In addition, (Amar et al., 2023) action is something an
agent does that was intentional under some description. The action only deals with
something done by a person, not happens to the person. Thus, we may say that when the
English teachers implement instructional media in their teaching-learning process, it is
regarded as an action, since they have intentions to do so.

Based on the description above, it can be concluded that perception refers to

understanding, view, and action. Related to the English teachers' perceptions of ELT
media, it refers to the teacher's understanding of the media, their view on the media, and
their action toward the media.
a. Types of Perception

There are many types of perception according to Zaden (1984:109) there are
person perception, social perception, and situation perception.

1. Person Perception

Person perception refers to those processes by which we come to know and think
about others, their characteristics, qualities, and inner state. We construct images of
others in ways that serve to stabilize, make predictions, and render our manageable view
of the social world to the extent to which we attribute stable straits and enduring
disposition to others people. We feel that we are better able to understand their behavior
and predicted their future actions and we use their nations to guide our interaction which
them. A person without sight may perceive sound differently than somebody with the
ability to see. Each person’s individual perception is based on how people perceive life
experience and with that being the case no two people’s perception of the same situation
is likely to be the same.

This type is important for students who have their own personal perception or
perception. Characteristics of the teacher Each student perceives the teachers way of
thinking differently. The quality of the teacher and also the medium used by the teacher
in the teaching and learning process. Each student also perceives the material taught by
the teacher differently. Therefore, it can be concluded that subjective perception refers to
the general tendency to make impressions on others. The various conclusions we draw
about other people are based on our own impressions.

2. Situation Perception

Social psychology views a situation as all the social conditions that influence
one’s experience or behavior at a particular time and place. It is a relation of time and
space in which we act in certain ways. The context in which the stimuli occur has
consequences for their meaning. One of many words can appear. Depending on the
stimuli we record. The relationship we make between these stimuli is in the interpretation
of the stimuli. This means that people’s opinions often change depending on the situation.
The attitudes of today’s students are different from those of the past. This is due to
changes in social factors that influence people’s behavior and changes in students’
knowledge of information and technology that influence student thinking.

3. Social Perception

Social Perception means trying to understand people whether they are

professional athletes’ politicians, politician’s artists, or familiar people. Knowing that
other people have thoughts beliefs intentions and desires you will be able to read other
people’s inner thoughts from their behavior and facial expressions. Social awareness is a
complex process. People carefully observe the behavior of others until they fully analyze
the situation and the person’s behavior. This means that people perceive something
through the quality of knowledge. Quality people will give good opinions. You can read
other people’s perceptions in a variety of activities.

b. Process of Perception
Perception involves specific processes. It begins with receiving stimuli from an
object through the body’s senses and then registers the stimuli to the nervous system
called the senses. Further, this process ends with thoughtful analysis and interpretation to
arrive at a comparison with the object.

According to (Saputra et al., 2023) perception consist of three processes claims

that there are three processes decision, organizing, and interpreting.

1) Decision
Selection is the process of sensory screening for various types, intensities, and
amounts of external stimulus.

2) Organizing

Organizing is the process of arranging information such that it makes sense to a

particular person. Factors including prior experience, intelligence, drive, personality, and
value systems chosen have an impact on interpretation. The ability to classify information
received that is, the transformation of complicated information into simple information—
is another factor that influences interpretations.

3. Interpretation

Then, as a reaction, interpretation and perception are translated into conduct. As a

result, the selection, interpretation, and collection of information constitute the perception

c. Factors of Perception

According to (Nofrika, 2019) there are two factors that influence someone’s
perception, those are as follows:

1. Internal Factors

Internal factor is a factor that comes from inside of an individual. It depends on

psychological factors such as thoughts, feeling, willingness, need, sex, attention, and
motivation. Every human being has different characteristics and temperaments shaped by
an individual's family and environment.

2. External Factors

An external factor is a factor that comes from outside a person. External factors
also influence the individual’s perception, and the stimulus is an internal factor in the
monitoring process. The stimulation will be connected through processing organs or
receptors such as hearing sight sound etc. It can be concluded that a person’s sense
organs are like a relationship between a person and an object in the world.

2. Tiktok

In this part presents a definition and explanation about Tiktok Based English

a. Definition of Tiktok

TikTok is a social media platform that allows users to create 15-60 second videos
accompanied by a wide selection of features such as music, filter stickers and several
other creative features (Jumiatmoko, 2016). Considering that there are supporting
features in the TikTok application that can make content more interesting and easier to
market (Adawiyah, 2020). This application was launched by a company from China,
China, ByteDance first launched an application that has a short duration called Douyin.
In just 1 year, Douyin has 100 million users and 1 billion video views every day.
(Fatimah et al., 2021) The popularity of TikTok allows many users, especially young
people, to take advantage of this platform to obtain information and knowledge that is
packaged densely and clearly through content TikTok. According to (Adawiyah, 2020),
the presence of Tiktok media in Indonesia is widely used by the public for creativity and
for doing business (Wahyuni, 2019). The use of TikTok social media can affect a
person's self-confidence, especially teenagers TikTok users who use English more in the
delivery of their content, indirectly have an impact on users of this application. Starting
from how to speak, compose sentences, learn new slang words, and understand the
contents of English content in videos.
Tiktok is an entertainment format that tells a story through sound and image
sequences that give the illusion of continuous movement. Tiktok is a language education
medium. This is very useful because it can make students more interested in learning.
Sometimes students are bored with English class situations, so they need entertainment,
and Tiktok is one of the right media in the modern era of ICT (Information
Communications and Technology).

Currently, Tiktok users are spread all over the world, from children to adults.
Users can download videos for free, search for videos, watch, discuss videos and share
video clips. Millions of people depend on it every day. So TikTok can be used as a means
of learning English. The purpose of using TikTok as a vehicle for learning English is to
create an engaging, fun, and interactive environment and learning environment. The use
of TikTok as an English language learning medium can be used anytime, anywhere, with
any computer or multimedia presentation on any Internet-related requirements, without
any limitation of space or time. Therefore, students should take advantage of TikTok to

b. TikTok based English Learning

(Ismail et al., 2023) Media has become a part of our daily life. Media plays a
dominant role in the learning process. Media has the potential to shape our personality
and change the way we perceive and understand the world and our immediate reality.
Media is a collaborative communication tool or tool used to store and communicate
information or data. It is either associated with media of communication or the
specialized mass media communication businesses such as print media and the press,
photography, advertising, cinema, broadcasting (radio and television), publishing and
point of sale.

According to (Abdal et al., 2023) learning media can be interpreted as a tool in

the form of physical and non-physical which becomes an intermediary between teachers
and students in understanding learning effectively and efficiently. Based on its efficiency,
it is hoped that the learning materials will be easier to understand, faster, and more
interesting for students to learn more extra. In short, media are tools used by teachers that
are designed as attractively as possible to improve quality and increase knowledge.

The availability of educational technology and self-produced videos on TikTok

has made teaching even more enjoyable. These videos receive more positive reactions
from foreign language learners ticktock Another point is that people find TikTok to lack
privacy. Tracking TikTok statistics shows that the site is growing significantly in
cyberspace. TikTok videos are proven to have a positive impact on education and
learning. The appeal of video in the classroom lies in the combination of pictures and
audio. In this way, it can create influential media which can be used in learning English,
especially independently with content that provides a lot of meaning.

It will help students to create abstract interpretations of concepts and processes

through visuals that can be provided by videos. TikTok videos can be supported by
interactive activities for the purpose of stimulating speech. Effectiveness evaluation value
using TikTok Videos has been invited with many of these materials from various Online

B. Conceptual Framework

English Course students

Learning English


Perception Motivation

Understanding views Action

Conceptual Framework This research will be focus on students’ perception of
TikTok in Learning English. The researcher will use interview to the students about their
perception and motivation on the use of TikTok application in Learning English to
collect the data for this research.



This chapter consists of research design, variables and operational definition,

research participants, research instruments, technique of collecting data, and technique of
data analysis.

A. Research Design

In this research, the researcher will use a descriptive qualitative design. This
means that the data collected is not in the form of numbers but the data comes from
interview scripts, field notes, personal documents of the subject to be studied (if
available), and other official documents. So that the purpose of this qualitative research is

The type of this research is descriptive research. In this descriptive research, the
researcher wants to describe the conditions that will be observed in the field in a more
specific, transparent, and in-depth manner. It is said that this research uses a descriptive
approach because what will be examined is a phenomenon that arises among students
where many students experience difficulties in learning English. This research aims to
describe students' perceptions and motivation on the use of TikTok application in
Learning English, especially for independent learning.
B. Research Participant
The participants of this research are students of SMAN 1 Pamboang. In taking the
participant,. students at SMAN 1 Pamboang of the 20202022 generations. In this study,
the researcher will use purposive sampling techniques based on certain characteristics
that were in accordance with the research objectives so that they were expected to be able
to answer research problems. Therefore, inclusion criteria are needed to consider the
sample. The following are some of the criteria made by the researcher.

1. Students from all majors who are in the top 10 ranking category for the 2020-2022
class of SMAN 1 Pambaong.

2. Often use the TikTok application

3. Using the TikTok application to learn English.

C. Research Variable and Operational Definition

This research has two variables research they are students’ perception and
students’ motivation. Perception is the process of complex nature observing in the
received and interpreting the information that is in an environment with the use of the
dimension (understanding, view and action). So when students have the perception and
motivation of an object by using the three dimensions, it means that they know,
understand, and realize.

D. Instrument of the Research

Researchers use interviews as an instrument to collect data. This instrument is

important for obtaining rational and in-depth data and serves to provide answers to
research questions contained in the problem formulation. Interview is a data collection
technique that involves verbal communication between the researcher and the respondent.
In this case, the question instrument will be semi-structured and include in-depth
interviews that the researcher chooses to contain topics related to the field of study.
Researchers will use interview guidelines to help researchers conduct interviews.
Interview guidelines can be broadly divided into three stages, such as interview
preparation, interview process, and evaluation, including problems commonly
encountered in research using interview techniques. Researchers will also interview one
student together using Whatsapp voice call/Private Chat to obtain data.

E. Techniques of Collecting Data

The researcher will interview students of SMAN 1 Pamboang class of 2020-2022

who meet the criteria set by the researchers. For example, the researcher will describe the
steps for collecting data as follows:

1. Before researching

a. The selection of informants was chosen by researchers to achieve research objectives.

2. During Research

a. The researcher will arrange the interview time and the subject will be informed about
the content of the interview in the research context.

b. Researchers interviewed private chat/voice call students via WhatsApp.

c. Record / write student responses.

3. After researching

a. Make transcripts of interviews with students

b. Making the final results of students' perceptions and motivation on the use of Tiktok
application in learning English.

F. Techniques of Analyzing Data

Data from the interview section were analyzed using the method (Miles and
Huberman, 1984)

1. Data collection

Researchers collect data by interviewing students as information. All recording

data were collected then the researcher wrote a transcript of the recording. From the
transcription, the researcher receives the data. At this stage, the researcher found students'
perceptions and motivation towards using the tiktok application in learning English.

2. Data Reduction

Data reduction is the stage of reducing or simplifying data to suit the needs and
easy to obtain information. Data simplification is done by selecting and sorting important
data and unimportant data from the interview results, then unimportant data will be
removed and arranged in such a way that the final results can be determined.

3. Data display

At this stage, researchers can present data that has been reduced or simplified at
the previous stage. Through the presentation of data, data can be arranged and arranged in
a relationship pattern, so that it will be easier to understand. Data can be presented using
various forms of data presentation such as tables, graphs, charts, and others.
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