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The villagers of east Java believe that Surabaya city comes from this story. Once upon the time, in the
wide ocean, there was used to a fight between a shark and a crocodile. The name of the shark was Sura.
The story did tell the main reason why Suro and crocodile could not be a friend.Everyday, they fought to
know who was stronger. But all fights did not tell who the winner was. Sura and Crocodile was

One day, the Crocodile told to Suro that he was bored in fighting by him. He wanted to live comfortably
without fighting. Suro answered  that he was bored too to fight with him, he would have a enjoying live
without fighting. They made a deal to stop the fighting and live together by   dividing a land into two
lands. The crocodile told that all the land was his land. He may find the prey only in land. And the Suro
told that all the ocean and the prey in ocean was his land. They agreed each other.

But one day, Suro found a prey in the river silently. There, many fish were in that river. He ate fish and
other preys. In that moment, he was fortune because the crocodile did not know it. Due to, he was safe
so he came back to the river again to find prey there silently. But in his second chance was not his lucky
day, the crocodile realized and knew Suro’s bad attitude which collided the deal. He was angry with

Suro had argument that the river was his ocean and all the fish were his power but crocodile’s argument
told that river was not an ocean part so it was his power. They argued  in his own argument and there
was no yielded. The fight of argument wasted much time. And the fight came again between Suro and

The fight took place in the river between Suro and a crocodile, they hit each other. Crocodile used his
sharp and strong tail and Suro bit by his sharp teeth they hurt as strongly as. So their blood poured on
the ground and the river. Because the crocodile had bigger size so Suro was yielded, his tail was broken
and finally he was died. The crocodile was the winner because he could endure his land.

The fighting between Suro (Shark) and crocodile was become name of that place, Surabaya. The icon of
that region is  Suro (Shark) and crocodile.

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