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Chapter 13 Study guide

Note: For all paintings and sculptures, you need to know they are from the Renaissance Era

and have a Renaissance style of art.

1) Name the individual who brought the papal states back under the control of Rome after the

Avignon papacy and planned to glorify Rome, using art and architecture to establish his

power and wealth and to guarantee his legacy.

Pope Urban VIII. He was the one who commissioned Bernini to build the massive colonnade

in front of St. Peter's Basilica. He also had the Barberini family coat of arms sculpted on the

back of a bronze eagle that still stands atop the Palazzo Barberini.

2) Who were the prominent patrons of the arts and letters during the High Renaissance (Late


Some of the most prominent patrons of the arts and letters during the High Renaissance

were the Medici family, Pope Julius II, and King Francis I of France.

3) Which Italian city became the center of artistic excellence, humanist learning, and the

revival of all things antiquity?

Florence city. The city's concentration of wealthy Italian merchants and bankers allowed for

private patronage of the arts on a scale unseen in other parts of Europe.

4) Who painted the following? Mention the characteristic that shows the painter's signature

The Madonna and Child with the Blue Veil is a French artist's Jean-Honoré Fragonard

painting. The painter's signature humanization characteristic is how he painted Madonna's

face with a gentle smile.

5) Define chiaroscuro

Chiaroscuro is an Italian word meaning "light-dark." In paintings, it is a technique that uses

strong contrasts between light and dark, usually with dark areas in the shadows and light

areas in the highlights.

6) What painting technique creates a blurry, soft, or vague effect? Who invented it?
Impressionism is a painting technique that creates a blurry, soft, or vague effect. It was invented

by French artist Claude Monet in the late 1800s

7) Who painted the Last Supper? What technique (medium) did the artist employ here?

Leonardo da Vinci painted the Last Supper. He employed mixed media of tempera paint on

gesso, oil paint, and gold leaf on wood.

8) What is the name of this composition? Who created it? How did the artist modernize the

genre of portraiture? Where is it located? (name the museum and country)

Mona Lisa by Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci. The artist modernized the genre of portraiture by

painting a realistic and lifelike portrait of a woman. The painting is located in the Louvre

Museum in France.

9) a) Who created The School of Athens?

Raphael created The School of Athens. It is a painting that features many famous philosophers.

The picture is located in the Apostolic Palace in Vatican City.

b) What is the type of perspective the artist uses? (hint: when parallel lines converge at a single

vanishing point on the horizon, and it is used to create the illusion of depth)
Note: in the exam, this painting may be presented without the implied lines since they are not

part of the original work.

The artist uses a one-point perspective. This means that the painting has one vanishing point on

the horizon. This creates the illusion of depth in the painting.

10) Who created La pieta? Where is it located? (name of building, city, country)

The artist Michelangelo created the sculpture known as the Pietà. It is located in St. Peter's

Basilica in Vatican City. Vatican City is a country located within the city of Rome in Italy.
11) Who created David? Where is it located? (city and country)

David was created by Michelangelo. It is located in Florence, Italy. The original is in the

Academia Gallery, but there are many replicas.

12) Why did Michelangelo sign the Sistine Chapel Fresco "Michelangelo, Sculptor"?

The Sistine Chapel is a place of worship, and so Michelangelo signed the fresco to ensure that

people would know that a Christian artist had created it. Michelangelo was also very humble, so

he wanted people to know that he was just a sculptor and not a great artist like some of his


13) Who painted this Fresco (in the ceiling)? What is the name of this building and its location?
The painting is a fresco, The Creation of Adam, located in the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City. The

artist is Michelangelo.

14) What is a Dome? ( Search this information online)

A dome is a rounded structure, often made of stone or concrete, that forms the roof of a

building or shelter. Domes are often used in religious architecture, such as churches and


15) What is the name of this building? Its location? Who designed its dome?
St. Peter's Basilica is located in Vatican City. Michelangelo designed the dome of St. Peter's

Basilica. He is also responsible for the overall design of the basilica.

16) What was the main source of inspiration for architect Andrea Palladio?

The primary source of inspiration for architect Andrea Palladio was the architecture of ancient

Rome. He also drew inspiration from other Italian Renaissance architects, such as Brunelleschi

and Michelangelo.

17) What is the name of this building? Architect? Architectural Style?

Villa la Rotonda, designed by Andrea Palladio with a Palladian-style

18) What are two characteristics found in the architecture above that show a perfect example of

the Renaissance revival of classical ideals?

Note: The term classical has several meanings, but one refers to ancient Greek or Latin

literature, art, or culture.

The first characteristic is the use of columns. The Villa la Rotonda has four columns supporting

the entrance on each side. The second characteristic is the use of a pediment. The Villa la

Rotonda has a large pediment on the roof. These two features show that the architects were

trying to create a classical look. They used classical ideals to create their architecture.

19) How important are form and color to the Renaissance painters of Florence and Rome, and

those of Venice?

Renaissance painters in Florence and Rome were highly concerned with form and color. They

believed these two aspects were essential in creating realistic and lifelike images. On the other
hand, Venetian painters were more interested in capturing the light and atmosphere of their


20) What are some benefits of oil painting?

 Oil painting is a very versatile medium that can be used to create a variety of different


 Oil paint dries slowly, capturing a high level of detail.

 Oil painting is resistant to water and other elements, which makes it ideal for paintings that

need to be kept in a dry environment.

21) Who was the master of the colorist methods and painting techniques for which Venice was


The master of colorist methods and painting techniques for which Venice was renowned

was Giovanni Bellini. He was an Italian Renaissance painter who was known for his use of

light and colors.

22) Who created Vinus of Urbino?

Titian created the painting, which is called Venus of Urbino. It was painted in 1538.
23) What are the characteristics of Mannerist art? Who did they oppose?

Some characteristics of Mannerist art are elongated figures, an artificial setting, and an overall

sense of imbalance. Mannerists opposed the idealized perfection of High Renaissance art.

24) Define Iconography

Iconography is the study and interpretation of the symbolic, often religious, images and visual

codes used in a work of art.

25) Are conventional narratives or iconography relevant for mannerists?

Mannerism is known for its eccentricity, so there is no one answer to this question. Some

mannerist paintings adhere to traditional narratives or iconography, while others subvert or

ignore traditional modes of representation.

26) Who created this composition? What is the style?

Raphael -This painting depicts the body of Jesus on the cross with the two thieves, who are

convicted of their crimes, in the background

27) What is something noteworthy of Lavinia Fontana's Noli Me Tangere (Do not touch me) ?
Lavinia Fontana's Noli Me Tangere is one of the first paintings to depict a woman with her

breasts exposed.

28) Who composed the Abduction of The Sabine Women? what is its style?
The Abduction of the Sabine Women was composed by Nicolas Poussin. Its style is Baroque.

29) Name some ways Michelangelo broke tradition with established conventions and any notion

that form needs to be connected with function when he created this staircase? What style is

Some ways that Michelangelo broke tradition with established conventions when he created

this staircase include the following: He used a variety of different materials, including stone,

marble, and wood, instead of using traditional stone columns and balusters. He used a more

free-flowing style with less emphasis on symmetry and balance.


30) What is the meaning of Acapella?

Acapella is a form of music sung without instruments. It is often used in religious settings or as a

form of protest.
31) Name the composer considered a bridge figure between the music of the Middle Ages (the

era before the Renaissance) and the Renaissance.

Guillaume Dufay (1400-1474) was a Franco-Flemish composer of the early Renaissance. He is

considered a transitional figure between the Medieval era and the Renaissance, and his music is

often described as having a "medieval feel" with Renaissance features.

32) What are madrigals? What are motets? (the definition of motet is in in the Vol I; therefore,

you can look up the definition online)

Madrigals are secular vocal music compositions of the Renaissance and early Baroque eras.

Motets are sacred vocal music compositions from the Renaissance and early Baroque eras.

33) a) What is polyphony?

Polyphony is a type of music where there are two or more independent melodic parts that

combine to create a complex harmony.

b) What is Monophony? (In the music terms video lecture, I talk about this, you can look it up

online as well)

Monophony is a musical texture consisting of a single melodic line. This line may be

accompanied by harmonic accompaniment, but the melodic line is an essential element.

34) Who composed Missa Papae Marcelli (listen to a part of it below- Credo)? What is the type

of musical texture (Monophony or Polyphony?) You will hear the music in the exam without

visuals. You won’t see the title either. Listen to it and associate the answer with what you


Papa Marcellus Mass was composed by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina. The musical texture is


35) What are some of the musical innovations of the Venetians? (mention the choirs and the


Some of the musical innovations of the Venetians include their use of choirs and instruments.

The Venetians were known for their skill in using choirs to create harmony and for using tools to

make music.


36) The Book of the Courtier lays out the model for the perfect Renaissance gentleman. Describe

this perfect gentleman (see description in Pg. 446)

Note: Know that this book is from the Renaissance and that it was written by Baldassare


The perfect Renaissance gentleman should be skilled in all areas of courtly life, from

horsemanship to dancing to music to poetry. He should be well-educated and well-spoken and

able to converse on any topic. He should be gracious and kind, always putting others first.

37) What is Terza rima?

Terzarima is a type of verse rhyme scheme that consists of three-line stanzas, with the rhyme

scheme ABAA, BCBB, CDC, and so on.

38) Name the most famous courtesan in Venice who was schooled in Classical

literature.VeronIca Franco
Veronica Franco. She was considered one of the most famous courtesans in Venice and is known

for her beauty and skill in Classical literature. She was born in 1561 and died in 1637.

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