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Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies and Skills (PECs) needed in Food Processing

Question Choices
1. Kyrene believes that in order to have a successful a. Persistent b. Risk Taker c. Profit Oriented d. Hardworking
business one should have the ability to measured
or calculated riks.
2. The raw materials are late for delivery, shutting a. Assign blame b. Seek advice c. Wait for tomorrow d. Solve problem
down production. How would an entrepreneur and decide
most likely deal with the situation?

3. Which characteristics of successful entrepreneur a. Persistent b. Creative c. Self -Confident d. Innovative

reflects that successful entrepreneurs work until
the job/ work is done?

4. Which personal characteristic of successful a. Goal Oriented b. Self- Confident c. Independent d. Risk- takers
entrepreneurs reflects that successful entrepreneurs
develop a plan of action and make decisions to help
achieve that plan?

1. If you possess excellent organizational skills, but a. Yes, all you need is b. Yes, entrepreneursc. No, entrepreneurs d. No,
are risk-averse and do not like taking initiative, good organizational should be risk- must be risk-takers entrepreneurs
would being an entrepreneur be a good profession skills. averse. who take initiative should rely on
for you? and have excellent others to organize
organizational skills. the business.

2. Katrina keep improving her performance and a. She is Profit b. She is Hard c. She is Persistent d. She is a Risk
produce good products and/or provide good Oriented working Taker
services. She working diligently.

3. Which of the following is not a common a.  desire for b. search for c. desire to maintain d. search for more
motivation of an entrepreneur? independence. personal and the status quo. rewarding work.
professional growth.

1. Joel owns a Sardines business. He is supervising his a. creative b. motivated c. passionate d. committed
business until night in order see that he has enough
supply of materials the next day. This kind of
character shows that he is___.

2. Aling Aizel find it hard to sell Daing nab angus so a. profit- oriented b. ability to accept c. committed to her d. hardworking
she decide to sell Spanish sardines using bangus changes work
because her customers wants a new dishes. Aling
Aizel is ____.
3. Which of the following shows being a a. Lisa always look for b. Eder gives her c. Glenda try to d. Joey always stick
committed entrepreneurs? a new business to earn best and solid change the bottle to his plan in
more money. dedication to her contaiber of her running his
work sardines to make it business.
more attractive.

Question Choices
1.What is PECs? a. Professional b. Personal c. Personal d. . Personal
Entrepreneurial Entrepreneurial Entrepreneur Entrepreneurial
Competencies Competencies Competencies Competition
2. Which is NOT a characteristics of an a. Risk- taker b. Creative c. Annoyed d. Hardworking
1. Which of the following are risks for entrepreneurs a. interference with b. psychological c. social and family d. all of the above
in small business? personal lives. stress. pressure.
2. A person within a company who takes a leadership a. supporter b. leader c. champion d. evangelist
role and is positioned to help ensure the success of an
idea or innovation is often referred to as a:
1. The following show being a risk taker, EXCEPT a. I prefer situations in b I look for things
c. . I weigh my d. . I do things that
which I can control that need to be done chances of others consider
the outcomes as much succeeding or failing risky.
as possible before I decide to do
2. Which characteristics of an entrepreneurs shows a. I try things that are b. I plan a large c. When I am faced d. When I am doing
being an opportunity seeker very new and different project by breaking with a difficult a job for someone, I
from what I have done it down into smaller problem, I spend a make a special effort
before tasks. lot of time trying to to make sure that
find a solution. person is happy with
my work.
Learning Competency #1. Generate a business idea that relates with a career choice in Food Processing

Question Choices
1. It is a managerial tool used to assess the environment a. WOTS Analysis b. SWOT Analysis c. Interview d. Survey Analysis
and to gather important information that can be used
for strategic planning
2. An introduction of something new in your product a. Concept b. Unique Selling c. Innovation d. Generation
or service. Development Proposition
3. A marketing practice of creating a name, a symbol a. Innovation b. Product c. Scanning d. Branding
or design that identifies and differentiates product or Development
services from the rest.
4.The following are example of a wants, except a. b. expensive cellphonec. recreations d. eating in an
Foods exclusive
1. Emma and Ivy are considering beginning a jewelry- a. Harvesting b. Cocept c. Discovery d. Actualization
making business. They have been collecting, Development
reviewing, and interpreting the surveys they distributed
last week about their business idea. Emma and Ivy are
in what stage of the entrepreneurial process?
2. Which of the following should be considered first in a. Identify customer b. Establish target c.perform economic d. Select a product
developing a product? needs specifications analysis: concept:
3. The following are important considerations that can a. Examine only the b. Examine existing c. Examine the d. Examine how
be used to generate possible ideas for business: except present needs. goods and services available resources. the needs are being
1. Why should an entrepreneur do a feasibility study a. To identify b. To see if there are c. To estimate the d. To explore
for starting a new venture possible sources of possible barriers to expected sales potential
funds success customers
2. Viviene plans to establish a fish store in their a. Getting feedback b. Survey of consumer c. Make a product d. Conduct SWOT
community. Which of the following will help him on the quality of associations endorsement Analysis
determine his plan for a success setting up of his service
3. What are the reason why do people buy the product a. There should be b. They want to be c. they just want to d. They want to
they want? something in your popular spend money impress other
product or service people

Item Bank Questions ( Buffer )

Question Choices
1. Ditas improves and alter products to make it more a. invention b. alteration c. innovation d.
appealing to target consumers, he/she is doing an -------- generation
of the product
2. Needs in business are important things that every a. travelling around b. Shelter, sanitation c. watching movies, d. wearing
individual cannot do without in a society. These the world and health concerts, plays, expensive jewelry
include: and perfume
1. Which of the following should be considered first by a. Types of product b. Identify the target c. The desirability of d. The main prices
a prospective entrepreneur in choosing the right location customers the store layout of goods in the
for his/her store? area
2. Charice wants to identify her customer in their a. establish target b. imperative to c. Using survey d. develop a
community. Which of the following can help her to specifications of the analyze existing forms, interviews, number of product
know her prospective clients? prospective new competitive products researches concepts
product and/or to provide important
services. information
1.Jhon is putting up a business. Can you help him a. He needs to b. products are c. choose any ideas d. Getting
conceptualized a product for his business? identified of the reviewed before the for the business. feedback on the
target market after specifications are quality of service
2. At Coca Cola marketing department regularly a. situational b. situational test c. marketing d. environmental
conduct analysis that involves breaking the marketing analysis planning analysis
into smaller parts in order to better understand it. This is
an example of

Learning Competency #2. Use tools, equipment, instruments and utensils by following the standard procedures

Question Choices
1.It is a device used in treating the fish or meat with a. Pressure b. Smoke House c. Refrigerator d. Measuring
smoke cooker Cup

2. A tool that indicate the degree of hotness or a. Weighing Scale b. Psychrometer c. Anemometer d.
coldness of a thing or body. It measures how high or Thermometer
how low the temperature is.
3. Canning equipment used to process fish packed in a a. Pressure b. Smoke House c. Refrigerator d. Measuring
hermetically sealed container at a high controlled cooker Cup
temperature and pressure for a certain period of time.
4. These equipment are used in maintaining the a. Oven and Stove b. Freezer and c. Smoke House and d. Measuring Cup
freshness of raw materials and in providing an ideal refrigerator pressure cooker and Spoon
low or ambient temperature for storing processed

1.Jharhell is using Bistay in smoking Fish. What do a. Bistay is b. . Bistay is a c. Bistay is used for d. Bistay is used
you think is true in using it? bamboo basket bamboo basket used mixing or stirring the as a container to
used to transport for collecting sun mixture of salt and keep salted fish
smoked dried fish small fish for salting during the
2. Which of the following explain the correct uses of a a. Clamp. This b. Crank. This part c. Base plate or d. Can lifter
can sealer? fastens the is turned during plunger plate. Its handle. It is
sealer on the the sealing of function is to hold used to
table or arm can seams both the base of the clinch,
chair and holds first and second can. partially or
it tightly in operation rolls. half – seal
place, especially the seams of
during operation a can cover

3. We use different equipment in salting fish, Which of a. storing the b. keep salted fish c. container used in c. used for
the following is the correct uses of Pots. salted products during the the salting process mixing or
d. process stirring the
mixture of
salt and
small fish
for salting

Arrange the procedure in Cleaning Equipment and a.1234 b. 3142 c. 2143 d. 4321
Instruments ?
1.Sanitize by dipping into approved sanitizer solution.
2.Wash all the equipment / instruments with soap.
3. Remove from the solution. Allow to air dry.
4.Rinse with clean water.

2. Why do you need to seal tin can in packing a. cans cannot be b. tin cans are c. to properly seal d. a can sealer is
processed food it with a can sealer? sealed manually difficult to seal them the appropriate
equipment for
attaching the
cover to the body
of a tin can
3.After washing the tools, equipment and utensils you a. washing with soap b. c. to effectively d. all of
will use in processing the food with soap and water. and water only washing alone kill or destroy all these
Why do you still need to sanitize or disinfect them? removes the cannot remove the germs and
adhering dirt the microorganisms
microorganisms which remained
and germs after

Item Bank Questions ( Buffer )

Question Choices
1. A standard measuring instrument used in fish a. Salinometer b. Refractometer c. Thermometer d. All of the above

2. A device used t o measure the strength of brine a. salinometer b. thermometer c. both a and b d. refractometer

1. The following are important before using the a. make sure that it b. guarantee that all c. obstruct d. assure that
machine and equipment EXCEPT is very their parts are in Preventive electrical
functional and tact and that no part Maintenance plugs and
in good is missing or wirings are not
condition defective defective.

2. Why do we need to know the parts and the a. to appreciate the b. to be able to c. to be able to do d. to easily
functions of a Can Sealer? usefulness of a correctly some simple repairs determine if a part
particular device operate/manipulate on them is missing
a tool, equipment or
1.Your teacher asked you to stowed the utensils, tool a. 12453 b. 43251 c. 52431 d. 54321
and equipment in order to protect them from rusting,
contamination lengthen their serviceability. Can you
arrange the correct procedure on proper stowing of tools
1. Pack/store/keep in a clean dry cabinet
2. Sanitize
3. Check the accuracy of the equipment
4. Dry thoroughly
5. Wash the equipment

2.Which of this preventive machine maintenance will a. machine b. wear and surface c. crack and leak d. all of these
you check before using equipment or a machine? temperature and condition detection and
hydraulic fluid electric insulation

LO 2. Use tools, equipment, instruments and utensils by following the standard procedures
Question Choices
1.Kyrene is measuring salinity of a brine. What a. Psychrometer b. Anemometer c. Salinometer d.Thermometer
instrument will she used?

2. These are tools, supplies and other items needed for a. Equipment b. Table c. Utensils d. Accessories
a particular task.

s a. Handling b. Sanitizing c. Operating d. Discharge label

3.The following are manufacturer’s specifications used requirements requirements
before operating any equipment, EXCEPT one

4. It usually gives a detailed description about the a. Dimension b. Capacity c. Specification d. Sanitation
equipment, dimensions, materials, and other relevant
information regarding the equipment or machine
1. The following are the result of proper cleaning and a. Lengthening b. Reduce the risk c. Facilitating d. Increase
disinfecting the tools and equipment, EXCEPT one product shelf on food preventive product
life due to the poisoning due maintenance rejection,
reduction of to the use of un which return and
contaminatio sanitized tools, include complaints due
n equipment and checking the to defects
utensils. machine
1. You are using the pressure cooker in a. Change the b. Apply lubricantsc. Remove the d. Don,t do
processing fish you noticed that t it is difficult to turn knobs like oil and knobs anything
the knobs, which of these will you do? grease at the
3.Which of the following of using measuring cup is a. Pour liquid on b. Have the c. Both A and B d. You can lift the
true? level surface of measuring lines at are correct measuring cup
measuring cups eye level to be sure and read it higher
of the exact than you head.

1. Your teacher asked you to fasten the seal of the tin a. Fasten sealer b. Fasten sealer c. Fasten sealer d.Fasten sealer
cans using the Hand Automatic Can Sealer, Which gently to table or firmly to the floor firmly to table or weakly to the floor
of these you will do? armchair using using hammer armchair using using a clamp
clamp. clamp.

2. What will you do if you are at the end of a. Turn your b.Turn off your c.Wait until the d.Put on the
processing time using your pressure cooker? stove at high stove. gauge registers to pressure regulator
temperature. zero high pressure weight.

3. 3. You are demonstrating the proper care for a.Wash the a. Keep the c. Expose the d. Hard scrubbing of
pressure cooker. How can you show it to your pressure cooker if cooker and metal – to – metal the metal – to –
classmates? it is already cover wet to seal from being metal seal is
cooled. Store the protect against struck or dented recommended to
cooker in a dry pitting and prevent damage.
place. corrosion.

Item Bank Questions ( Buffer )

Question Choices
1. It gives the measurement of the size of an a. Dimension b. Capacity c. Sanitati d. Specification
object in terms of length, width, or height of the on
equipment/machine or tool.

2. If you want to measure the boiling water, what a. How to use a b. b. How to use a c. How to use d. How to use a
procedure will you practice? thermometer salinometer an anemometer refractometer

1.Which of the following is to be followed in a. refuse to have a b. a necessary c. Warning d. it does not give
buying food processing equipment? manual containing reminder to the Label is a detailed
the manufacturer’s processor in the attached to the description about
specifications form of a book equipment the equipment
itself as an
assurance that
hine or tool is
in excellent
condition for it
has passed
quality control
in its

2. Aside from knowing the correct operation of a. Identify the basic b. Warning labels c. Knows d. Knows the
the equipment or machine in food processing we unnecessary which do not Instructions Instructions on
should precautions to specify how to on the the correct
follow when using properly operate improper operation of
the equipment an equipment care of the the equipment

1,Your teacher instructed you to use a blender in a. read the manual b. practice using c. ask your d. I will not do
your activity of preparing mango jam. It is your containing the the blender classmate to anything
first time to use such equipment. Which of these manufacturer’s demonstrate
will you do? specification it to you

2. The class are using salinometer in processing a.21543 b. 32145 c. 54312 d. 12354
food. What is the proper way of doing it?

1. Pour brine solution in a cylinder

2. Prepare brine solution.
3. Clean after using.
4. Record the reading
5. Dip salinometer in a brine solution


Question Choices
4. What is a mechanical failure causing a a.breakdown b.check c.corrosion d.crack
machine or equipment to malfunction?
5. To test the accuracy,to examine something a.breakdown b.check c.crack d.inspect
in order to establish its state or condition
6. What do you call a substance like oil or a.coating b.lubricant c.silicone d.wax
grease that coats or treats a machine to
lessen the friction?

7. A fissure on some parts of an equipment as a.corrosion b.crack c.electocution d.hydraulic fluid

in the body ot a pressure cooker
8. What do you call a system of maintenance a.electical insulation b.electocution c.preventive
that aims to minimize or eliminate maintenance
breakdown in equipment?
9. To restore machine or equipment that breaks a.check b.inspect c.maintenance
down into good order or condition.
4. To prevent the metal surface of your gas a.scrape the surfaces b.wipe off spilled c.wash with soap d.none of these
range,oven and gastove to corrode,which of with spilled food then food then wash and and water
these should you do? apply lubricant. wipe thoroughly
5. There is a strong odor of a gas coming from a.the hose connected b. the LPG regulator c.the LPG tank d.all of these
the LPG tank of the gas range in your food to the LPG might be is defective has leak
processing labolatory room,which of this leaking
will you conclude?
1. Why do you need to inspect and check determine determine make sure d.all of these
equipment before,during and after using defective machine trouble shooting they are in good
them? parts activities to perform condition
2. The students will use the food a.check electrical b.plug or switch c.pull electrical d.use the machine
processing laborotary for their outlet electrical equipment cords equipment
activities,to prevent electrocution or fire
due to short circuit,which of these they
will do before using any machine?

Item Bank Questions ( Buffer )

Question Choices
1.This is to checked to minimize wear and tear of a.corrision b.crack c.leak detection d.vibration
parts by washing,drying and lubricating machine
2.This must be checked to guarantee that there a.corrision b.electric insulation c.hydraulic fluid d.leak detection
are no live wires exposed during operation of an
equipment which may results to short circuit and
even fire.
1.Which part of the machine will you checked to a.electric insulation b.hydraulic fluid c.machine d.wear and surface
make sure no machine parts are deteriorating temperature condition
2.Luis need to use a machine in food processing a.check machine b.check leak c.check the crack d.check the
laboratory,what do you think he would do to temperature detection vibration
avoid overheating?
1.Arrange the sequence in defrosting refrigerator a.rinse and dry,flush b.flush drain,wash c.wipe up spilled d.wash inside
drain,wipe up spilled inside shelves and food,wash inside shelves and
food,wash inside trays,rinse and shelves and tray,rinse and
shelves and trays dry,wipe up spilled trays,rinse and dry,flush drain,wipe
food dry,flush drain up spilled food
2.Which do you think is a manufacturers’ not defrost b.just unplug even if c.switch off before d.none of these
specification concerning the use of freezer in regularly not switch off unplugging
food processing?


Question Choices
1. What do you call a form with only a few a.conventional form b.graphical form c.tabular form d.textual form
data presented?
2. How many table spoon are there in one cup? a.14 tbsp b.15 tbsp c.16 tbsp d.17tbsp
3. What is the equivalent of 32 degree Fahrenheit a.0 centigrade b.1 centigrade c.2 centigrade d.3 centigrade
to centigrade?
4. How many teaspoons are there in one a.2 tsps b. 3tsps c.4tsps d.5tsps
5. Which of the following is equivalent to one a.500grams b.1000grams c.1500grams d.2000grams
6.One pound is equivalent to how many grams? a.451grams b.452grams c.453grams d.454grams
1.If 1pint is equivalent to 32 tablespoons,2.5 pints a.70 tbsp b. 75tbsp c.80tbsp d.85tbsp
is euivalent to howmany tablespoons?
2.1oz : 24grams,___oz :96grams a.2oz b.4oz c.6oz d.80oz
1.In your laboratory room,your group leader ask a.1:1and 1:3/4 b.1:2and 1:1/2 c.1:2 and 1:1 d.1:1and 1:1/4
you to prepare mixture for mango jam,What is
that proportion needed?
2.In smoking fish,how many grams of salt is a.240grams b.250grams c.260grams d.270grams
equivalent to one cup

Item Bank Questions ( Buffer )

Question Choices
1.What is the amount of space something a.gas b.liquid c.mass d.volume
2.This is a way of comparing certain attributes of a.conversion c. documentation d.measurement
an object with some given standard
1.If you buy1/4 kilo of sugar to be used in a.250grams b.260grams c.270grams. d.280grams
pickling.How much this in grams?
2.You are instructed to processed fermented a.1:4 b.1:5 c.1:6 d.1:7
fish.What ratio needed to prevent fish and salt by
1.Using1:3 ratio in salting fish,How many grams a.200grams b.300grams c.400grams d.500grams
of salt is needed to salt and fish weighing
2.compute 102. 1 degree farenheit to degree a.38.64degree b.38.74 degree c.38.84 degree d.38.94 degree celcius
celcius celcius celcius celcius


Question Choices
1. What do you call the amount of solute present a.concentration of b.conversion of a c.measurement of a d.semi permeable
in a given quantity of solvent? a solution solution solution membrane
2. It is a material that allows molecules of one a.cortex b. medulla c.plasma membrane d.semipermeable
kind to pass through it but prevent the passage membrane
of other kinds of molecules
3. What do you call a solution of salt and water a.brine b.concentration c.dissolution d.membrane
where in fish is soaked and cooked before
finally smoking it?
4. It refers to the homogenous mixture of a.chemical b.disolution c.solution d.union
substances with variable composition.
5. It refers to the cost of raw materials and labor cost b.production cost c.profit cost d.raw food cost
incurred in producing goods
6. What is the normal range in the percentage of a.10% to 50% b.20% to 60% c.30% to 70% d.40% to 80%
food cost?
1. If you are asked to express a.per unit weight b.proportion c.ratio d.weight of solute per
concentration,which of these will you use? of solvent formulation unit solvent
2. Can you explain what is homogenous a.a uniform b.substance with c.solute dissolving in can see separate
mixture? composition variable another solute component
property. composition
1.Why do you think it is important to apply a.benifits business b. food safety c.raised concern foods with
formulation and concentation of solution in food and consumers over dietary health longer shelves
2. How will you arrange the sequence or steps to a.keep it b. pitch it if it’s c.sea lout air,watch
have a succesfull fermentation? clean,watch funky,keep it temperature,pitch if temperature,seal out
temperature,seal clean,watch it’s funky,keep it air,keep it clean,pitch
out air,pitch it if temperature,seal clean if it’s funky
it’s funky out air

Question Choices
1.In smoking fish,what ingredients and b. fish and salt and water,salt and water
materials will you prepare and check?
2.A solution which has a substance with a.concentration b.heterogenous c.homogenous d.mixture
variable composition
1.What is taken into consideration when a.method of salting b.proportion c.size of fish d.species of fish
preparing curing solution for salting formulation
2.The ratio needed in brine cooking smoke a.150g to 700ml b. 200g to 750ml c.250g to 800ml d.300g to 850ml
fish is…..
1.Which do you think is the common way to a.Mixture of b. ratio of salt depend c.solute dissolving d.the basis of the
express concentration of a solution? substance with on the method of in a solute weight of solute per
variable composition salting unit weight of solvent
2. a. b. c. d.

Question Choices
7. What do you call the finished product a. yield b. spoilage c. rejects d. none of the above
obtained after computing for the production
output and input?
8. Which data is needed in order to compute a. list of ingredients b. weight of c. amount of d. all of the above
for the production input and output of the ingredients ingredients
finished product?
9. To be able to calculate for the % yield, a. wastage b. production input c. percent yield d. spoilage
production output is divided to ______and
multiply by 100%.
10. This is obtained by subtracting production a. wastage b. percent yield c. production d. production cost
input to production output. report
11.In measuring sugar, if 1 tbsp = 3 tsp, then 9 a. 2 tbsp b. 3 tbsp c. 4 tbsp d. 5 tbsp
tsp =____?
12.Examples of these are mango peels, fish a. spoilage b. rejects c. input d. a and b
intestinal organs and calamansi peel.
b. Why should calculated data and records be a. for reference b. to monitor the c. to determine the d. all of the above
kept for documentation? process progress of the

c. What is the a. it means that b. it means that c. it means that d. none of the a
implication of low the raw the workers the above
product output? materials or are not amount of
ingredients is performing product
of low quality well input is

1. If the recipe for a. 450 g b. 550 g c. 650 g d. 750 g d

Thinking smoked-fish calls for ¾
kilogram of milkfish,
what is its equivalent in
2. How much is the a. .073 % b. .73 % c. 7.3 % d. 73 % d
percentage yield in a
fermented fish if the
total input is 1500 grams
and a total output of
1100 grams?

Item Bank Questions ( Buffer )

Level of Question Choices Answer

1. What is the formula a. b. c. d. b
Knowledge in calculating the input output input∗output output
percentage yield? ∗100 % ∗100 % % %∗input
output input 100 100

2. What is the a. 235 ml b. 225 ml c. 245 ml d. 215 ml a

equivalent of 1 cup
vinegar to ml?
1. Why is it important a. it serves as b. it helps in c. it helps in d. all of the d
Understanding to record production a basis in making right determining the above
input? planning decisions economic
viability of the

2. How are you going to a. b. c. d. a

compute for the input input ❑ ❑
production output with 100 %∗%yield ∗100%% yield∗100 %
100 %
the production input, %
yield and 100% as the
1. In brine salting, the a. 1/8 kg b. ¼ kg c. ½ kg d. ¾ kg c
Thinking ratio of salt to fish is
1:4, if the fish is 2
kilograms how much
will be the amount of
salt to be used?
2. How much is the a. 2 cups b. 3 cups c. 4 cups d. 5 cups b
production output of a
strawberry jam with
percentage yield of 50%
and production input of
6 cups.

1. Learning Competency # 2: Interpret a layout plan

Level of Question Choices Answer

1. Which of the a. b. c. d. c
Knowledge following illustrations
is the symbol for
2. What do you call a. labelling b. receiving c. preparation d. storing b
the processing activity
that includes sorting,
grading and
segregating of raw

3. Choose among thea. b. c. d. a

following images the
correct symbol for
4. The purpose of a. packaging b. storing c. receiving d. labelling d
this activity is to give
accurate information
about the product.
5. Identify the given a. oven b. sink c. fridge d. range d
symbol below.

6. What is the next a. preparation b. storing c. packaging d. processing a

activity to be done
after receiving the
raw materials for fish
Understanding 1.What would happen a. the different task b. there will be c. the finish productd. all of the above c
if there is no storage will be difficult to no finish will not be protected
station in the fish perform effectively. product because from loss, damage,
processing plant? of incomplete spoilage and
stations. contamination.

2. Inspect the given a. because the b. because it c. because the d. all of the d
fish processing layout, stations are has all the facilities are above
do you think that the arranged in an necessary complete and
design is appropriate in orderly manner. stations that appropriate for a
facilitating the an ideal fish processing
different food processing plant.
processing activities? plant must
If yes, Why? have.

1. Place the correct a. b. c. d. c

Thinking station to be able to
complete the fish
processing layout.

2. Complete the layout,a. b. c. d. none of the b


choose the symbol of

the station that must be
placed in the given

Item Bank Questions ( Buffer )

Level of Question Choices Answer

1. What is the a. receiving- b. receiving- c. receiving- d. receiving- b
Knowledge correct sequence processing- preparation- preparation- processing-
of the fish storing- processing- processing- packaging-
processing preparation- storing- packaging- labelling-
activities? packaging- packaging- labelling-storing preparation-
labelling labelling storing
2. What is the a. b. c. d. c
correct symbol
for freestanding
1. What would be a. the production b. the finish c. the processing d. all of the above a
Understanding the impact to the activity will product will not area will be
production decline be accepted in thecontaminated
activity if the market
plant layout is
NOT in line with
the industry

2. What would be a. the activities b. the production c. neither a nor b is d. both a and b a
the result if the will be of the goods will correct are correct
fish processing facilitated slow down
activities is effectively and because of lots
followed in an will result to of activities that
orderly manner? greater must be followed
production of
1. You are a. b. c. d. c
Thinking instructed to draw
the accurate
symbol for a
cabinet with sink,
how should it
look like?
2. What is the a. the layout b. the layout c. the layout must d. the layout d
most important must be drawn must have all the be spacious for the must be drawn
thing to consider using accurate essential stations comfortability of with accuracy
in creating a fish symbols for fish the workers according to
processing processing industry standard

2. Learning Competency # 3: Perform outer packaging procedures

Level of Question Choices Answer

1. What do you a. tagging b. marking c. packaging d. labelling d
Knowledge call the process of
attaching any
printed materials to
food products for

2. It is the method a. packaging b. marking c. labelling d. tagging a

of protecting food
products from
spoilage and
during handling and
3. What do you a. principal b. product identity c. information d. net content a
call the package display panel name panel declaration
label that is most
likely to be seen by
4. A method of a. canning b. bottling c. vacuum d. plastic box c
packaging that is packaging packaging
performed by
taking off oxygen
from the container.
5. Which of the a. polyethylene b. polypropylene c. polyester d. polyvinyl b
following types of (PE) (PP) (PET) chloride
basic film has better (PVC
properties due to its
resistance to high
6. What are the a. ingredients b. name and c. both a and b d. product c
required and nutrition address of are correct identity name
information on the facts manufacturer and and net content
information panel country of origin declaration
of the label?
Understanding 1. Why is it a. to protect fromb. to preserve the c. to make it d. to give good d
important for a spoilage product visible to eye appeal to the
product to have an customers consumers
attractive package?

2. Packaging is one a. it preserves b. it protects the c. it improves d. all of the d

of the most the product product from the marketing above
important activity damage aspect of a
in a processing product
business because?
1. How can you say a. if it gives eye b. if it fits into a c. if it promotes d. all of the d
Thinking that a product has appeal to buyers storage area good market of above
good packaging? the product
2. How can a a. by having an b. by having the c. by having d. all of the b
product packaging attractive design complete and visible letters above
serve as a medium correct and vibrant
of communication information about colors
to consumers? the product

Item Bank Questions ( Buffer )

Level of Question Choices Answer

1. What method of a. vacuum b. plastic box c. vacuum skin d. all of the c
Knowledge packaging can be above
applied to both film-
to-film and film-to-
tray sealing?
2. It is made of two a. laminates b. hard plastics c. expanded d. plastic box a
or more basic films polystyrene
held together by

1. What would be a. poor b. the c. the product will d. all of the d

Understanding the effect of poor packaging will marketability of not be protected choices are
packaging to the affect the safety the product will from spoilage and correct
quality of the of the product decrease so as its contamination thus
product? profitability the shelf life
2. How can you say a. if the product b. if the product is c. if the product d. all of the d
if the product has is protected preserved gives eye appeal to above
good packaging? buyers
1. How are you a. 1. preparing b. 1. preparing the c. 1. preparing the d. 1. preparing a
Thinking going to create a the necessary necessary necessary materials the necessary
label for canned materials materials 2. cutting the paper materials
fishery product? 2. cutting the 2. printing the according to 2. drawing an
paper according parts of the label container size illustration
to container 3. cutting the 3. printing the parts about the
size paper according of the label product
3. drawing an to container size 4. drawing an 3. cutting the
illustration 4. drawing an illustration about paper
about the illustration about the product according to
product the product 5. attaching the container size
4. printing the 5. attaching the label on the tin can 4. printing the
parts of the label on the tin parts of the
label can label
5. attaching the 5. attaching the
label on the tin label on the tin
can can

2. Determine the a. 11 b. 12 c. 13 d. 14 b

area of the principal
display panel (PDP)
of a cylindrical
container with a
height of 3 inches
and circumference
of 10 inches.
Learning Competency #1: Observe Personal Hygiene and Good Grooming

Level of Answ
Question Choices
Domain er
1. What illness is A. airborne B. foodborne C. skin disease D. lung illness B
acquired by eating illness illness
contaminated food
2. Hands should be A. True B. False C. Both A & B D. None of the B
washed only after above
using the toilet.
3. A mask should be A. True B. False C. Both A & B D. None of the A
worn to cover the above
mouth during food
4. Which of the A. hazard B. sanitation C. hygiene D. cleanli-ness C
following refers to
the science of good
health that signifies
cleanliness and
freedom from the
risk of infectious
1. Which of the A. hazard B. health status C. illness & p. personal A
following is not a analysis injuries cleanli-ness
GMP (Good
Understanding requirement on
personal hygiene?
2. Food handlers A. True B. False C. Maybe D. not True A
should maintain a
high degree of
personal hygiene.
3. Smoking or spitting A. Allowed B. Not allowed C. Nonsense D. All of the B
anywhere is allowed above
during food
1. People suffering A. True B. False C. Both A & B D. None of the A
from or a carrier of above
a disease should not
be allowed to enter
any food handling
2. Which of the A. freedom from B. wearing of C. observing D. all of these D
Thinking following is the any disease clean sanitary habits
concern of personal washable and clean
hygiene? garments hands
3. When do personnel A. start of food B. imme-diately C. after handling D. all of the D
wash their hands handling after using the raw food or above
wherein personal activities toiled any contami-
cleanliness may nated material
affect food safety?

Learning Competency #2: Implement Food Safety Practices

Level of Answ
Question Choices
Domain er
Knowledge 1. What is the purpose A. to prevent B. to produce C. to produce D. all of the D
of applying strict inferior goods sound choices
quality control in finished marketa-ble
choosing raw product product
materials for
2. How will you A. by checking B. by checking C. by monitoring D. all of the D
ensure the safety of the source of quality of fish regularly the above
raw materials supply prepara-tion of
particularly the fish
quality of fish in
especially during
3. Is a mixture of salt A. brine solution B. sap C. potable water D. primary A
and water solution
4. What is the best A. thorough B. subse-quent C. both A & B D. none of the C
standard operating washing disinfec-tion choices
procedure in before and
maintaining the after using
safety of equipment
1. For the product to A. name of B. name and C. net weight D. name of the D
be safe, it must be product address of the consumer
properly labeled. product
The following **********
information shall be
declared in every
label except one.
Which one is not?
2. In keeping A. processing B. processing C.processing D. all of the D
Understanding equipment safe and facilities must facilities equip-ment/fa choices
sanitary, what must be well- should be ade- ci-lities should
be considered? ventilated quately lighted be cleaned and
and properly disinfec-ted
main-tained before and
after using
3. Is the process of A. packa-ging B. labeling C. processing D. preparing B
putting/ attaching
labels on the
immediate corners.
1. Which among the A. GMP B. SSOP C. HACCP D. none of the A
choices includes choices
practices and
implemented in
Thinking processing plants to
ensure product
safety, product
quality, and
prevention of
economic fraud?
2. Situations that A. good working B. workers C. food handlers D. smoking in the A
ensure safety of conditions infected with should be prepara-tion
workers as well as conta-gious properly
food products that diseases dressed
reach the
3. Are protective A. GMP B. HACCP C. SSOP D. PPE D
coverings worn by
food handlers to
contamination of
the food from
foreign materials.

Learning Competency #3: Conduct Work in Accordance with Environmental Policies and Procedures

Level of Answ
Question Choices
Domain er
Knowledge 1. Which of these is A. waste B. energy conser- C. produc-tivity D. control of pest B
not included in minimiza-tion vation improve-ment
housekeeping such as: schemes
system reduce, reuse,
and recycle
2. Which of these A. impound-ing B. flow-through C. aerated lagoon D. araerobic A
types of lagoon is lagoon lagoon lagoon
used in disposing
industrial wastes
which meet the
requirements of
discharging small
daily volume of
wastes on a
seasonal operation?
3. HACCP means A. Hazard B. Hazard C. Hazard D. Hazard B
_____. Applica-ble Analysis Approach Accepta-ble *
Control Critical Point Critical Critical *
Critical Point Control Point Control Point *
4. Washing facilities A. True B. False C. Both A & B D. None of the A
should be placed above
near the toilets and
in the washing area.
1. Biological action, A. screening B. lagooning- C. spray- D. chemical D
sedimentation, soil biological irrigation-land treatment
absorption, disposal disposal
evaporation, and
dilution are
principles of _____
2. Which of the A. HACCP B. HACCP C. HACCP D. HACCP A
following does not Concepts Prerequi-site Principles Preliminary
belong to HACCP Program Steps
3. Hazard analysis is A. True B. False C. Both A & B D. None of the A
the identification of above
ingredients, critical
process points, and
relevant factors as
the key to product
1. Which method of A. screening B. lagooning- C. spray- D. chemical A
treating liquid waste biological irrigation-land treate-ment
control is employed disposal disposal
as a preliminary
treatment for the
removal of large
solid particles prior
to final treatment or
discharge into a
municipal sewage
2. Which of the A. sanitation B. a preventive C. a system of D. universally A
following does not control of the system of approach for recog-nized
belong to the group potential control on estimating the system as the
of HACCP hazard biological risk in most effective
concepts? hazard producing a way to prevent
food product food borne
3. Chemical A. True B. False C. Both A & B D. None of the A
precipitation is a above
form of partial
treatment with the
use of chemical
coagulants of lime
followed by ferrous
sulfate or alum.
Learning Competency #4: Participate in Environment Practices at Work

Level of Answ
Question Choices
Domain er
Knowledge 1. Which of the A. fire B. flood C. chemical spill D. none of these B
hazard refers to a
sudden rise, usually
brief, in the water
level of a stream to
a peak from which
the water level
recedes at a slower
2. What should be A. clean-up B. boil water for C. provide D. all of the D
done as a response coastal area consump-tion warning sign above
during pollution? or posters in
affected areas
3. What is referred to A. flood B. chemical spill C. fire D. none of these C
as a rapid oxidation
with evolution of
light and heat?
4. Which of the A. vacate a room B. avoid C. inform proper D. all of the D
following responses throwing authorities above
should be done water or
during chemical touching the
spills? chemicals with
bare hands
5. Fire is not only A. True B. False C. Both A & B D. None of the A
hazardous to health above
but also a threat to
Understanding 1. What environmental A. chemical spill B. fire C. flood D. food D
hazard is caused by poisoning
contamination of
food with biological
and chemical
2. Pesticides, A. True B. False C. Both A & B D. None of the ****
insecticides, above
herbicides, and
fungicides are
examples of
chemical pollutants
which cause food
3. Which of the A. chemical spill B. electrical C. food poisoningD. pollution A
following hazards blackout
usually happen
during laboratory
work wherein
students come in
contact with
Thinking 1. Which of the A. pollution B. fire C. flood D. red tide D
hazards refers to the
discoloration of
bodies of water due
to the presence of
an extremely
enormous amount
of “bloom” of a
group called
which are toxic?
2. What mitigation of A. hang the B. have ready a C. both A & B D. none of the C
preparedness should flashlight gas lamp or above
be made in case of candle
power interruption?
3. What PD A. PD 9003 B. PD 8550 C. PD 1185 D. PD 9155 C
Decree) is the Fire
Code of the
containing salient
provisions on death
and injury to
persons and
lose/damage to


Learning Competency #1: Observe Personal Hygiene and Good Grooming

Level of Answ
Question Choices
Domain er
Knowledge 1. An apron or a A. True B. False C. Both A & B D. All of the A
laboratory gown above
that is fitted,
cleaned, and
pressed must be
2. Workers should be A. True B. False C. Both A & B D. All of the B
well groomed, that above
is to say, make up is
a must for girls.
Understanding 1. the release of liquid A. sanitation B. spill C. mitigation D. output B
hydrocarbon into
the environment due
to human activity
2. It is advisable to A. True B. False C. Both A & B D. None of the B
work or prepare above
foods even with
infected wounds or
Thinking 1. People known or A. health status B. injuries C. medical D. personal A
suspected to be examina-tion hygiene
suffering from or to
be carriers if disease
refers to _____.

Learning Competency #2: Implement Food Safety Practices

Level of Answ
Question Choices
Domain er
Knowledge 1. Is any printed A. Name of the B. Lot identifica- C. Label D. Packaging C
pictorial or material product tion code
attached to the
2. Refers to clean A. water only B. adequate waterC. potable water D. chlorina-ted C
water that is safe for water
drinking and
Understanding 1. GMP covers 3 A. produc-tion B. worker’s C. house-keeping D. good working C
accepted standards and process hygiene and activity condition
in the maintenance control safety
and safety of the
following except
2. Is a mixture of salt A. brine solution B. sap C. potable water D. pectin A
and water.
Thinking 1. The end product or A. output B. input C. documen- D. recording A
yield of a process. tation
2. The purpose of this A. storing B. labeling C. processing D. receiving B
activity is to give
the correct
information about
the product.
Learning Competency #3: Conduct Work in Accordance with Environment Policies and Procedures

Level of Answ
Question Choices
Domain er
Knowledge 1. In input materials A. decompo- B. adultera-ted C. unclean D. all of the D
such as fish, sition above
mollusks, and
crustaceans, which
of the following is
considered as
hazard in
2. It is defined as A. waste disposal B. waste manage- C. evapora-tion D. soil absorption B
handling of all ment
waste in the plant
including food
waste and many
others into useful
Understanding 1. It is employed as a A. screening B. lagooning C. dilution D. evapora-tion A
treatment for
removal of large
particles of solid
prior to final
treatment for liquid
waste control.
2. Accreditation is A. True B. False C. Both A & B D. All of the A
based on verified above
compliance with the
submitted programs
and established
rules and regulation
on product safety
and quality.
Thinking 1. The industry has A. 5 B. 1 C. 2 D. 10 C
___ years to obtain
training for the
implementation of
HACCP plan.
2. One of the special A. controlling the B. product C. properly D. hazard A
requirement for origin or specifica-tion tagged analysis
mollusk shellfish. mollusk and safety

Learning Competency #4: Participate in Improving Environment Practices at Work

Level of
Question Choices Answer
Knowledge 1. Floods can cause A. True B. False C. Both A & B D. None of the A
emotional and above
physical stress.
2. It is a freely burning A. Class A B. Class B C. Class C D. Class D A
fire in ordinary
materials such as
wood, cloth, paper,
and others.
Understanding 1. Defined as rise, A. flood B. hazard C. emergen-cy D. environ-ment A
usually brief, in the
water level in a
stream to a peak
from which the
water level recedes
at a slower rate.
2. What PD is the Fire A. PD 9003 B. PD 8550 C. PD 1185 D. PD 9155 C
Code of the
containing salient
provisions on death
and injury to
persons and
loss/damage to
Thinking 1. Is light in weight A. plastic B. wood C. stainless steel D. metal B
and economical but
it is porous to
bacteria and
moisture and it
absorbs food odors
and stains.
2. The parts which A. food contact B. machine wear C. protect the D. place lubricant A
normally come into surfaces and tear metal
contact with food or
from which
normally come into

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