Classification Biodiversity and Conservation Pt.1

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\8. Classification, biodiversity and conser vation \8. Classification , biodiversi 18.) ( Species: Group or organisms Sharing a @mmon ancestor, closely resemble eachother, that can interbreed and produce a ferble offspring. | Biological spectes : Group of organisms with | Similar morphology and Physiology , which can breed together and produce ferble e | offspring and are réproduchvely Fsolated from other species ~ also know as blospecier concept: Morphological) species : Group of organisms that share many phystca! features that distinguish them from other specie. 4 Mor phology = physical Gppearance. Ecelogical Specie, : Population of individuals of Same Specter living in same Grea al same time Population: Group of organtsms of same specie, living fp_same plac. at same time. Taxanomy : Study and practice of Classifying Groups of organisms on basis of shared characteris er ~ Organisms are grouped according t a Series of hierarchical taxa. more taxa organisms share, more similar they are Vaxonomic hierarchy of animals (Eukarya dornain): V general , Spetics no. of : organisms specie and groups al ~ similar species cun be group in a genus ~ Similar genuses can be grouped in family “Similar familie, Cah be grouped into an order “similar orders can be grouped in a class ~ Similar classes can be grouped into a Phylum ~Stmilar phyla can be grouped ints a kingdom “similar kingdoms can be grouped ints a domain Domain = Highest taxonomic rank. 2 Three domains [ NS Bacteria Archaea Eukarya Bacteria: Domain whtaintng alt prokaryotse organisms , except those classified as Archae, Archae: Domain of prokaryoke organisms resembling backerda, but share some Feabures with eukaryotes. Eukarya: Domain containing all eukaryohe organisms Prokaryotes kavyoes tho nee Pentel) Bacterra Archue - - ~~-~-Eukary a Bacteria - unicellular (> prokaryotic |= no nucleus (> Small organishs - DNA exists as @ Craular ‘chromosome’ -not have histone proteins assodated with it = plasmids often present - no membrane-bound organelle present. = TOS ribosome, present; smaller than that oF tukaryohe cells - cell walls always present e cell walls made of pepNdolycan , not cellulose. - cells divide by binary fission. not mitosis - UsUaIIY exist as single cells or small group of Cells. - vary in size. | Archaea -unicellular prokeryotes | “Ne nucleus ~ Similar size vange as bacteria -no Membrane-vound organelle e - Many inhabit extreme conditions. - DNA exists as circular chromosomes - Ts associated with histone proteins, ~ TOs ribosome, smaller than eukaryote cell (Sos) ribosomes: -have features that ave similar to eukaryotic Yibosomes ~ base sequence of rRNA stmilar te eukaryotes. ~ Primary structure of ribosomal protein more Ike eukaryotes ~ plasmids present - cell wall always present, not pephdeglycan - Membrane lipids: not in bacteria or eykarya membrane, | cells divide by binary Fission, not mitosis | DNA transcription more similar to eukaryotes ~ MeLabolism is similar to bacteria. ~ MAY exe as single cells or Small group of | cells e Eukaryo all organisms classified have cells with nucle and membrane-bound organelles. [7 DNA in nucleus, arranged as linear chro i 9} |= With histone proteins nome | 805 ribuseme in cystol, larger than prokaryote, r chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA fs carcwar |as Th prok ayote, ~ great diversity of farms e unicellular I | @lonial | noulticellular | | 1 ~ cell division by mitosis. ~ Cell wall present in Some eukaryote ~ Reproduchon - sexwally amd asexually r Si ~The domain Eukarya is divided inty 4 king- doms Protoatsta Fungi Plantae Animalia. Domain: Eukarya thes Np aia 7 ir ia Profocistal ssi 2) giana wen 2" @ Kingdoms Protoctsta Protoatsta: kingdorm of eukaryote organisms, of single-celled or made up groups of similar cells Protocist : member of Protyctsta kingdom Protozoa: Animal-like cells, with no cell wall e Algae: Plant-ltke cells, with chloroplasts and cell walls ~eukaryohco ~ Very diverse range ih all aspects Q Life. structure VFe cycle Feedin “trophic levels modes of lowmoton ~Single-celled organism or group of similar cells * Some Protozoa ~ Some algae fungi Fungi : Kingdom of eukaryote organisms which do hot photosynthests and have Cell walls without cellulose ~ eukaryotic = Ro chlorophyll - do not Photosynthesrs E heterotrophic nutrition ~ have cell walls “have cell walls made of chitin and other e Substances, not cellulose. - not have cilia ~ not have flagella ~ Teproduce by Spores + Simple body form: may be unicellular or made up of long threads of hyphae (with or without cross walls). All hyphae grow from Single sporey to myecilium (body of fungus Large fungi produce large wmpacted mass of hyphae (fruiting bodies) te velease spores Heterobrophic: obtain energy and carbon from dead and decaying matrer or by feed 95 parasite, on living organisms Plantae Plantae: kingdom of eukaryohic organisms which ave mult cellular, having cell walis containing cellulose and cun Photosynthesise. Autotrophic mutrition » Living thihgs that makes its own food from simple chemical e Substances ~ multicellular eukaryotes with cells that are diffrentiated to form tissues and organs , ‘ew ty pes of specialised cells Some cells have chloroplasts and photosynthesis ~ Cells have large and permenent vacuoles, tor SUpporr - autotrophic nutrihon ~ cell walls always present ~ Cell walls made of cellulose ~ may have Fla gella * SomPlex body forms : branching systems Above and ‘velow ground Animalia e Animalia: kingdom of eukaryohc organisms Which are multicellular and hetero- trophic and have a nervous system “multicellular eukaryotes with many different Types S spectatized cells ~ cells diffrentiated to form Wssues and organs “hot have chloroplasts and donot Photosynthesise. “Some have photosynthelc ProfecHsts living within ih Hyssues ~ Cell vacuoles small and temporary ~ not have cell walls ~ Some specialised cells have oli ~ heterotrophic nutrition ~ @mmunication & by nervous systens Ia or Fla gella Viruses - midorganisms ~ only visible fh elechron microscope ~ accellular Acellular: have no cellular structure like fungi or bacteria , or have mek abolisim) — not in three domain classifcabion system Lhave no features traditionally used tor classification ~ Free in environment ~ Infectious ~ hijack DNA replication machinery in host cells to Copy vival nucleic actds and make viral proteins , then replicate - destruction of host cells ~ energy provided by respiration of host cells. Classifying them - diseases they cause ~ type of nuclere aud , ~ DNA - RNA ~ nucleic add “single stranded double stranded. Ecsystem: A relatively self-contained, interact ing community of organisms an the environment fn which they Uve and interact Habitat: A place a spec, organism, popula- tion or a community ver within ea@sy stem Niche: Role of an organism in ah ewsy stem = Community: Group of popwations Uving in the same ewsystem ab the sume time- Populakon : Group of organisms of same species lving in the Same place at same time 2 Biodiversity can be assessed ak different levels = number and range of different ewsystems and habitats — number of species and thetr relative abundance, - genetic variation within each spectes Eq@system = Biotic + Abiotic |. number and range of diffexnt ewsystems and habitats ~ SOME CEMSystems are dominated by one or bro Spe cies, while ofr Spedes may jae Tore ~ This is the range of diffeum’ ewsystems or habitats within « poukicular once or region “Tf there & a large number of differnt habitats within an area, then area has high biodiversity Las nicher need to be exploited “Regions with low biodiversity have same G@nditons thrvyhour whole area ~ Higher Biodiversity “many diffent ecological niches Lexploited by many diffent species. 2. Number of species and ther velabve abundance, Species diversity. It fs the number of specie, @ and their relat ve abundance, Speciés vidhness: Numer of specie. within an easystem or Community ~MOre spede, there are more evenly number of organisms distributed among different species Greater spectes diversity Example : ae ewsystem dlecosysten 2 A 4s bs B 23 10 . S$ 20 D 4 0 E 4 5 E 23 4 | “Two ewsystems have same specie, richness ~ Ecosystem 4 has higher diversity than e@system 2 Greater specity eveness in ecosystem 4 ~ Cosystems with high species diversity more stable “ alle to resist changes and environmental Factors ~ tropics are important centres for biodiversity Living cnditions not te extreme . Litght intensity all year round L animals do not heed to use energy to keep themselver warm 3. the geneke variaton within each specter Genelic diversity: diversity of atl alleles of gil ® genes ih genome of a single Specie. ~ Individual of same spedits will have Same genes but not always same allele, ~ genetic diversity or diffewnce, may exish Setween population of same specie, & two populakons occupy slighty diffecanr Yanges ih thar habitat e Ls are subject to Slightly diffevert selechon Pressures that aftect the allele, 4 In their populahons Tequencter Bioke Factor: An environmental factor that is caused by living organisms “compehtons, evading new predators, etc Abiohic factor: An environmental facbor that "5 caused by non-living organisms ~ temperate, salin thy, humidity, pH, rainfall, ete eee diversity also excty within single “diversity in species important, as it can help PSpulabon adapt and survive changes "environment. changes wuld be biotic or abrotre 3,4 q -To find out what species and how many of spedes are present ih an elosysterr identify and wunt overy organism Wve, thae-- possible = area very small, Species very large $4 ples taken from interested area to eshmate totad number in area: Samplin: iz Z Pea Randorn Systemate J Sampling: Method of investigating the abun- @ dance and distriloutions of speae, and poputatien Random sampling : Method of invesk gang abundance andor distribution of populations where sample Fairly represent popwlation, because each member has @ equal chance of Inclusion. © - determined by chance - ho bias no person carrying out Sampling ~ Samples taken randomly 4 avoid bias When fo use random sampling ) area looks resonably uniform 2)1no clear pattern to way Spediex distributed Process of random sampling Quadrat - Square frame Used to mark out an area for sampling popwlakons of organisms Dtake measurements of specter abundance » decide suitable size for gudrat and how ™any sampler te be taken mark out area using measuring tapes, and form a grid ‘)+ake 2 random numbers and use wordinater on grid, 9) lay quadrat down &) count ne of species, and record results T) repeat process at differnt parks of area. $) ensure : “fandom assighrrent of grids * bigger Sample, better validity. these x a a 7 él A Gn oT dont Limitations ~ Hard tp aunt fast movihg animals method limited t : ) vegetation 2) slow moving animals 3) stabonary animals ~ qudrat must also be placed m a fairly flat piece of land Result used to calculate i Speier ‘east density Frequenty Species frequency: Measure of a change of a particular specie, betng found within one qudrat Specter Frequency _ percentage ms total no. of quadrats where specter found total no. of quadrats Studied Species density: Mepsure of hon mary indivduals there are pér unit area Species density : NUmeer of individ HUBREceclmlndivid. y Total area Yat RE EE REESE EE Percentage cover : Petcentage area inside the qudrat that is occupied by each species -if you have [00 little squarey in 1 quadrat then you count the square, in which plant e Species fy present - L you count square, only when half or more Covered by plant. ~ So if plant is Quadra “plant covers as. of that area - hot always equal te looy, + Cah be lesy or more Th about 25 Square, within Systemake sampling: non-random method of investigabng abundance and] or distribution of populalions in which : position of Sampling points are determined by Person Carrying out sampling mark -release- recap hure mark-release-recaphure: method of estimating the Population size of mobile organisms Das many individuals as possible are caught ® each individuals is marked, in a wa . y that will not affect its future chance of survival 3) marked individuals are @unted 4) marked individuals are returned te their habitats to mix randomly with their populakion 5) after enough tfme has elapsed a large Sample fs recaptured 6) number of marked and. unmarked individuals are counted e T) population size esthmated 7 arke d ho. caught jee ese Ha ange asa peas 0. marked and Sie Tarmple Precautions taken 4D ensure mark-release-recaphire method is valid sample from a large area Densure there is a long enough time interval, for marked individual, to mix inte population 2 marking technique must hot be bexic 4) marking technique must not increase or devre- ase chancer q survived S) marking technique must not be rubbed off ahimow 6) time interval between capture and Yecaphare must nok be so long that Ube chohge, or Migration occur Transect Sampling _ ~fandorn sampling not suitable for surveying every place ~ to investigate species dishi buted in an crea where the physical condition change, transect sampling used. en Seek Sampling e Line transect Bell transect ientinuos) ae ae fonknuvr interrupked Tinek ratios - all individuals touching 'the are recorded Procedure randomly select a starting point in the habitat betng examined 2 unroll transect Une -(meavuring tape used) along the gradient identified 3) specle, touching ine may be sampled along whole length of line 4) to sample- re@rd the identhy of organisms that touch the line 5) lihe transect gives qualitaive data ©) represented as a drawing x-axis: heaght(m) from soil y-axis: distance (m) from origin 4, tape Belt_transect CITT) OOoUoo continues bell interrupted Webt transect transect Dextend a measuring tape from one side of habitat to another: place a quadrate at 0m on the tape 3) wunt the numbers or estimate percentage cover of each species Huse a key te identify each species S) record results in a table e 6) move the quadrat along measuring tape repeat step (3-5) by ~ interrupted Sampling : repeat steps 3-5 In fegular intervols * anthuos sampling repeak steps 3-S throughout whole length of measuring tape 8) recrd no. of organisms Y @ntinue unkl fw length of measuring tape e has been sampled '2) calculate average of each specie, ") to show obtained results ~ bar chart histogram kite diagram dravm © y-axis: measuring tupe length, x-axis? organism mame width of kites abundance 6 Simpson's index of diversity» measure of diversity between 0 and 1 , taking both Species ridnnes> and speciey evenness int ac@unt ~ represent as D ~value, near 4: high biodiversity ~ values near a: low biodiversity where, D= Simpson's index of diversity. N= total no. of organisms of all specie, . n= vokal no. of organisms of parhudar Spedes

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