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Ronan Niland A00303755

Reflective Report

PGD/MEng in Engineering Management

Name: Ronan Niland

Student No: A00303755
Module: Intelligent Design Modelling
Date: 19th April 2023

Ronan Niland A00303755

Working in a project group can be a complex and dynamic experience that requires collaboration,
communication, and effective teamwork. In this reflective report, I will explore and analyse my
experiences of working with the project group, as part of the Intelligent Design Modelling Module,
focusing on the key areas of learning, challenges faced, strategies used, and outcomes achieved. I
will also critically reflect on the impact of these experiences on my personal and professional
development, and how they have shaped my future approach to working in project groups.
Description of the Experience
For this module, I was part of Team 2 tasked with initially developing a BIM product proposal for
small to medium construction companies. This was later amended to evaluating BIM maturity
models for companies. The project required a multidisciplinary approach, with team members
bringing diverse skills and expertise in Project Management, Construction Management, Design
Management, and Contracts Management. Our team consisted of 5 members, David Ledwith, Shaun
McDevitt, Alan O’Sullivan, Stephen Pyburn and myself, Ronan Niland. We were supervised by
Paul Dolan, Lecturer from TUS. We were given a timeline of 12 weeks to complete the project.
There was a kick-off meeting on Wednesday the 18th January 2023 followed by a weekly group
meeting with Paul every Wednesday. These meetings were supplemented by weekly team meetings
minus Paul. The project involved various stages, including brainstorming ideas, conducting market
research, creating marketing materials, presenting our campaign, and evaluating the results.
Key Areas of Learning
Reflecting on my experience of working in this project group, I have identified several key areas of
learning that have contributed to my personal and professional development.
 Communication Skills
Effective communication was essential for successful collaboration within the project group.
During the project, I learned that communication involves not only expressing my ideas and
opinions but also actively listening to my team members and understanding their perspectives. I
realized that effective communication requires clarity, conciseness, and coherence in expressing
ideas, as well as active engagement in discussions and decision-making processes. Through
reflection, I recognized that I sometimes struggled with expressing my ideas clearly or listening
attentively to my team members.
To address this, I actively worked on improving my communication skills. I tried to be more
mindful of my verbal and non-verbal communication. I also sought feedback from my team
members to identify areas for improvement and implemented changes accordingly. For instance,
I practiced structuring my ideas before expressing them, using visual aids to support my
explanations, and actively listening to my team members by paraphrasing and asking clarifying
questions. These strategies helped me to communicate more effectively and contribute more
positively to our team's discussions and decision-making processes.
 Teamwork and Collaboration
Working with the project group required effective teamwork and collaboration, as it involved
leveraging the strengths and contributions of each team member to achieve the project's goals.
During the project, I learned that teamwork involves building positive relationships, fostering
open communication, and valuing diverse perspectives. I realized that each team member brought
unique skills, knowledge, and expertise to the table, and harnessing these differences led to a
more innovative and successful outcome.
Through reflection, I recognized the need to improve my teamwork and collaboration skills. I
actively worked on building positive relationships with my team members by showing respect,
appreciation, and support for their ideas and contributions. I also made efforts to foster open
communication by creating a safe and inclusive team environment where everyone felt heard and
valued. I learned to actively seek input from team members, encourage participation, and find
common ground to resolve conflicts. For instance, I practiced active listening, reframing, and
finding compromise solutions when conflicts arose. These strategies helped me to establish a

Ronan Niland A00303755

collaborative team environment and leverage the strengths and contributions of each team
member, leading to more effective teamwork and improved project outcomes.
 Time Management and Organization
Working with the project group required effective time management and organization skills to
ensure that tasks are completed within the set timeline. During the project, I realized that
managing my time and staying organized were crucial to ensure that I met my responsibilities
and contributed effectively to the team. I encountered challenges in balancing the demands of the
project with other commitments, such as coursework and full-time work, and struggled with
prioritization and time allocation.
Through reflection, I recognized the need to improve my time management and organization
skills. I implemented various strategies, such as setting clear goals and deadlines, creating a
project timeline, and using productivity tools to track my progress. I also learned to collaborate
with my team members to ensure efficient workflow and manage my workload effectively. This
helped me to manage my time more effectively and meet my responsibilities in the project group,
leading to improved productivity and project outcomes.
 Leadership and Decision-making
Working with the group also involves leadership and decision-making, as our team needed to
collectively make decisions, assign roles, and manage the project's direction. During the project, I
realized that leadership is not solely about having a formal title but also about influencing others,
motivating the team, and guiding the project towards its goals. I encountered challenges in
assuming leadership roles, making difficult decisions, and managing conflicts or disagreements
within the team.
Through reflection, I recognized the need to improve my leadership and decision-making skills. I
actively worked on developing my leadership style, which involved being inclusive,
collaborative, and proactive in guiding the team towards the project's goals. I learned to involve
team members in decision-making processes, seek their input, and consider diverse perspectives
before making decisions. This helped me to become a more effective leader within the project
group and positively impacted the team's dynamics and outcomes.
Challenges Faced
I encountered several challenges that impacted my learning and performance within the group.
 Diverse Perspectives and Working Styles
One of the challenges I faced was managing diverse perspectives and working styles within the
team. As team members came from different backgrounds and disciplines, we had varying
opinions, ideas, and ways of approaching tasks. Additionally, different working styles, such as
some team members being more task-oriented while others being more relationship-oriented,
created challenges in coordinating tasks and aligning efforts.
To address this challenge, I actively practiced open-mindedness, active listening, and seeking
input from team members to understand their perspectives. I also encouraged and encountered a
culture of inclusivity and respect within the team, where everyone's ideas and contributions were
valued. I learned to appreciate diverse perspectives as opportunities for innovation and creativity
rather than as obstacles. Additionally, I practiced adaptability and flexibility in accommodating
different working styles, and we developed a team agreement that outlined clear expectations and
roles for each team member. These strategies helped us to navigate the challenges of diverse
perspectives and working styles and foster a more collaborative and inclusive team environment.
 Time Constraints and Workload Management
Another challenge I faced was managing time constraints and workload effectively. Balancing
the demands of the project with other commitments, such as coursework and parenting and
working full time, posed challenges in allocating time and managing tasks efficiently. This
sometimes resulted in delays, missed deadlines, and increased stress levels.
To address this challenge, I recognized the importance of prioritization and time management. I
created a project timeline that outlined all the tasks and deadlines, and I used productivity tools
Ronan Niland A00303755

such as calendars and to-do lists to keep track of my progress. I practiced effective
communication with my team members and proactively communicated any challenges or time
constraints I faced, so that we could collectively come up with solutions.
Furthermore, I made adjustments in my personal schedule, such as setting aside dedicated time
for project work, reducing unnecessary commitments, and practicing self-care to manage stress
levels. These strategies helped me to better manage my time and workload, and to meet the
project deadlines without compromising on other commitments.
 Communication and Coordination
Effective communication and coordination were crucial to the group to ensure smooth workflow
and successful outcomes. However, I encountered challenges in communication, such as
miscommunication, lack of clarity, and difficulties in coordinating tasks among team members.
These challenges sometimes led to delays and misunderstandings within the team.
To overcome this challenge, I recognized the importance of clear and open communication. I
practiced active listening, sought clarification when needed, and provided feedback to ensure that
communication was effective and understood by all team members. I attended regular team
meetings, to discuss progress, challenges, and next steps. In addition, we used communication
tools such as email, messaging apps, MS Teams, and Project Management software to streamline
communication and coordinate tasks effectively.
Moreover, I learned to be mindful of the communication styles and preferences of team members
and adjusted my communication approach accordingly to ensure effective communication. I also
fostered a positive and inclusive team culture where I felt that all team members felt comfortable
sharing their ideas, concerns, and feedback. These strategies helped to improve communication
and coordination within the team, leading to better teamwork and project outcomes.
 Conflict Management
Working in a project group with diverse personalities and opinions can sometimes result in conflicts
or disagreements. I did not find that to be the case within our group. We resolved non agreement by
group consensus. Those that had experience of B.I.M. were allowed to take the lead on the overall
direction of the project. I learned to manage my emotions and reactions during our group meetings,
and to approach conflicts with a problem-solving mindset rather than a confrontational one. I
recognized that conflicts can also present opportunities for growth and innovation when managed
effectively. These strategies helped me to effectively manage conflicts within the team, maintain a
positive team dynamic, and foster a collaborative working environment.

Lessons Learned
Working in a project group has been a valuable learning experience for me, and I have gained several
important lessons that will benefit my future endeavours.
 Importance of Teamwork and Collaboration
One of the key lessons I learned from working with the project group was the importance of
teamwork and collaboration. Effective teamwork requires trust, open communication, mutual
respect, and shared goals. I learned that every team member brings unique strengths, skills, and
perspectives to the table, and leveraging these differences can result in more innovative and
successful outcomes. I also realized the importance of active participation and contribution to the
team, and that teamwork is a continuous process that requires effort and commitment from all
team members.
 Enhanced Communication and Interpersonal Skills
Working with the project group has also enhanced my communication and interpersonal skills. I
learned to communicate effectively with team members, using various communication tools. I
practiced active listening, sought clarification when needed, and provided feedback to ensure that
communication was clear and understood by all team members. I also learned to adapt my
communication style based on the preferences and needs of team members and fostered a
positive and inclusive team culture where everyone felt comfortable expressing their ideas and
Ronan Niland A00303755

concerns. These enhanced communication skills have been valuable not only in the project group
setting but also in other aspects of my professional and personal life.
 Improved Project Management Skills
Working with the project group has also improved my project management skills. I learned to
create project timelines, set deadlines, and prioritize tasks to manage my time and workload
effectively. I practiced delegation and collaboration to distribute the workload among team
members and ensure efficient workflow. I also learned to use project management tools and
techniques to streamline project processes and track progress. These improved project
management skills have been beneficial in other projects and tasks that I have undertaken, as I
am now better equipped to plan, execute, and monitor projects in a systematic and organized
 Enhanced Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills
Working with the project group has also enhanced my problem-solving and decision-making
skills. I encountered various challenges during the project, such as technical issues, resource
constraints, and conflicting opinions. I learned to approach challenges with a problem-solving
mindset, using critical thinking and analytical skills to identify the root causes of the problems
and explore potential solutions. I also learned to make informed decisions by considering all
relevant factors, evaluating pros and cons, and consulting with team members when necessary.
These enhanced problem-solving and decision-making skills have been valuable not only in the
project group setting but also in other professional and personal contexts where I need to address
challenges and make informed decisions.
 Importance of Flexibility and Adaptability
Working with the project group has highlighted the importance of flexibility and adaptability in a
dynamic and ever-changing environment. Projects can often encounter unexpected changes, such
as scope changes, timeline adjustments, and resource constraints. I learned to be flexible and
adapt to these changes by being open to new ideas, adjusting my plans and strategies, and finding
creative solutions to unexpected challenges. I also learned to manage uncertainties and
ambiguity, and to remain calm and composed in the face of changes. These skills of flexibility
and adaptability have been valuable not only in the project group setting but also in other areas of
my life where I need to navigate changes and uncertainties.
In conclusion, working with the project group has been a significant learning experience for me. I
have gained valuable insights into teamwork, communication, project management, conflict
management, and personal development. I have learned to work effectively with diverse team
members, communicate clearly and openly, manage my time and workload efficiently, resolve
conflicts constructively, and adapt to changes. These lessons learned from working in a project group
will undoubtedly benefit my future endeavours, both professionally and personally.
Looking back on my experience, I realize that the challenges I encountered during the project were
valuable opportunities for growth and learning. They helped me develop important skills, such as
effective communication, problem-solving, decision-making, and adaptability, which are essential in
today's dynamic and collaborative work environment. I also recognize that teamwork is a continuous
process that requires effort and commitment from all team members, and effective communication
and coordination are crucial for project success.
I am grateful for the opportunity to work with the project group and for the support and contributions
of my team members, mentors, and instructors. I believe that the lessons I have learned from this
experience will continue to guide me in my future endeavours and contribute to my personal and
professional development.
Based on my reflective report on learning from working in a project group, I would like to offer
some recommendations for future projects or similar group work experiences:

Ronan Niland A00303755

Foster Open Communication: Encourage open and honest communication among team members.
Create a team culture where everyone feels comfortable expressing their ideas, concerns, and
feedback. Foster active listening and seek clarification when needed.
Emphasize Teamwork and Collaboration: Highlight the importance of teamwork and collaboration in
achieving project goals. Encourage team members to work together, leverage each other's strengths,
and collaborate on tasks and responsibilities.
Encourage Reflection and Learning: Encourage team members to reflect on their experiences and
learn from them. Provide opportunities for team members to share their reflections, insights, and
lessons learned with each other.
Emphasize Flexibility and Adaptability: Highlight the importance of flexibility and adaptability in a
project setting. Acknowledge that changes may occur during the project and encourage team
members to be open to new ideas, adjust their plans and strategies, and find creative solutions to
unexpected challenges.
Provide Mentorship and Guidance: Offer mentorship and guidance to team members throughout the
project. Assign experienced team members as mentors or provide access to advisors or instructors
who can offer support and guidance. Encourage team members to seek help when needed and
provide opportunities for feedback and improvement.
Promote Personal Development: Highlight the importance of personal development in a project
group setting. Encourage team members to reflect on their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for
growth. Provide opportunities for team members to enhance their skills, knowledge, and professional
capabilities through training, workshops, and self-directed learning.
Evaluate and Reflect on the Project: Conduct a post-project evaluation and reflection session with the
team. Encourage team members to reflect on the successes, challenges, and lessons learned from the
project. Identify areas for improvement and develop strategies for future projects or group work
In conclusion, the recommendations provided above are aimed at enhancing the learning experience
from working in a project group. By fostering open communication, teamwork, project management
skills, reflection, conflict resolution, flexibility, adaptability, mentorship, personal development, and
evaluation, team members can maximize their learning and growth potential. These
recommendations can contribute to a positive and successful project group experience, and
ultimately, help team members develop valuable skills and knowledge that can be applied in their
future endeavours.

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