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Presentation :

- Introduction : welcome your audience, introduce your subject, outline the structure of your
- Body
- Conclusion : sum up, give reconnmendations/state opinion, thank your audience, invite

Commence more official than begin

Issues has a negative connotation (problem) so if it’s neutral better to say matters

Finish with is often for something you already started (are you finished with this glass ?)

Pressed for time / short on time

To/ commence /Outlining /matters/So that

turn /Aspects/Explain /Give examples

By /Should

pressed /Save /Raise/do

1. True
2. Never saying no and other people making demands on your time
3. Staying late and on weekends, no vacation, long hours
4. Less efficient, disease, subject yourself ton high levels of stress so illness, effects on your
5. False (high level of responsibility)
6. Organise yourself
7. what and who to delegate to
8. no to others and if you can’t yes to yourself.

Séance 2 :

What is an organisation ? / a business ?

Types of business organizations ?

Séance 3 :

The Organization structure of a company defines how tasks are formally distributed.

Fayol : Unity of command (one person on the top)

Weber : principals of bureaucracy

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