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Tarlac National High School Main (ISSN: 2651-6993)

Title of the Article (Font: Times New Roman, Bold, Size 14)
First Name Middle Initial Last Name (Font: Times New Roman, Size 10)
Department, Faculty/College, University/Institution, Address, Zip Code,
Country email address (optional)
(corresponding author)

Juan A. Dela Cruz, Ph.D.

Department of Information Science and Technology, School of Sciences and Engineering,
University of Asia and the Pacific, Pasig City, 1605,

First Name Middle Initial Last Name (Font: Times New Roman, Size 10)
Department, Faculty/College, University/Institution, Address, Zip Code,
Country email address (optional)
(leave two space after)

(leave one space)
The abstract should be a single paragraph describing the objectives, summary of highlights of the research and should
not exceed 300 words only. The manuscript should be submitted in Word Document (NOT PDF). The document text
should be single-spaced in a Times New Roman font style with font size of 10 (except for Research Title). The paper
size is short (8.5 x 11 inches) with 1-inch margin in all sides. Your manuscript SHOULD NOT EXCEED the 6-page
limit. (Leave one space at the start and end of paragraphs, tables, figures, and headings. Leave one space at the start
and end of paragraphs, tables, figures, and headings.
(leave one space)
KEYWORDS – Enrollment system Agile Methodology, (up to 5
keywords) (leave two space after)

INTRODUCTION (Font: Times New Roman, Bold, Size 10. Roman Numeral/Letter for Header is optional)
(leave one space)
The manuscript should be submitted in Word Document (NOT PDF). The document text should be single-spaced in
a Times New Roman font style with font size of 10 (except for Research Title) The paper size is short (8.5 x 11
inches) with 1-inch margin in all sides. Your manuscript SHOULD NOT EXCEED the 6-page limit. (Leave one
space at the start and end of paragraphs, tables, figures, and headings. Leave one space at the start and end of
paragraphs, tables, figures, and headings. This is a sample citation [1].
(leave one space)
This is the Second paragraph. The manuscript should be submitted in Word Document (NOT PDF). The document
text should be single-spaced in a Times New Roman font style with font size of 10 (except for Research Title) The
paper size is short (8.5 x 11 inches) with 1-inch margin in all sides. Your manuscript SHOULD NOT EXCEED the
6-page limit. (Leave one space at the start and end of paragraphs, tables, figures, and headings. Leave one space at
the start and end of paragraphs, tables, figures, and headings. This is a sample citation [2].
(leave one space)
(leave one space)
Subheading Level 1
(leave one space)
The manuscript should be submitted in Word Document (NOT PDF). The document text should be single-spaced in
a Times New Roman font style with font size of 10 (except for Research Title) The paper size is short (8.5 x 11
inches) with 1-inch margin in all sides. Your manuscript SHOULD NOT EXCEED the 6-page limit. (Leave one
space at the start and end of paragraphs, tables, figures, and headings. Leave one space at the start and end of
paragraphs, tables, figures, and headings. This is a sample citation [1].
(leave one space)
This is the Second paragraph. The manuscript should be submitted in Word Document (NOT PDF). The document
text should be single-spaced in a Times New Roman font style with font size of 10 (except for Research Title) The
Tarlac National High School Main (ISSN: 2651-6993)

paper size is short (8.5 x 11 inches) with 1-inch margin in all sides. Your manuscript SHOULD NOT EXCEED the
6-page limit. (Leave one space at the start and end of paragraphs, tables, figures, and headings. Leave one space at
the start and end of paragraphs, tables, figures, and headings. This is a sample citation [2].
(leave one space)
Subheading Level 2

The manuscript should be submitted in Word Document (NOT PDF). The document text should be single-spaced in
a Times New Roman font style with font size of 10 (except for Research Title) The paper size is short (8.5 x 11
inches) with 1-inch margin in all sides. Your manuscript SHOULD NOT EXCEED the 6-page limit. (Leave one
space at the start and end of paragraphs, tables, figures, and headings. Leave one space at the start and end of
paragraphs, tables, figures, and headings. This is a sample citation [3].

Second paragraph here.


The manuscript should be submitted in Word Document (NOT PDF). The document text should be single-spaced in
a Times New Roman font style with font size of 10 (except for Research Title) The paper size is short (8.5 x 11
inches) with 1-inch margin in all sides. Your manuscript SHOULD NOT EXCEED the 6-page limit. (Leave one
space at the start and end of paragraphs, tables, figures, and headings. Leave one space at the start and end of
paragraphs, tables, figures, and headings.
(leave one space before a Table)
Table 1. Sample Title must be above the Table
Educational Level
(Default Font Size inside table is 10 but
Frequency Percentage
may be reduced depending on the size of
Ph.D. 10 10%
MS 25 25%
BS 65 65%
Total 100 100%
(leave one space after a Table)
Sample paragraph here.
(leave one space before an Image)

Figure 1. Sample Title must be below an Image. Make sure that the text wrapping of Image is “In Line
with Text”. Do not use text wrapping “Square”. Do not use text wrapping “In Front” or “Behind Text”.
Align Center.
(leave one space after an Image)
Use the MS Word Equation (Shortcut key is Alt + =). JPEG or PNG images may also be used for writing Formula.
Tarlac National High School Main (ISSN: 2651-6993)


The manuscript should be submitted in Word Document (NOT PDF). The document text should be single-spaced in
a Times New Roman font style with font size of 10 (except for Research Title) The paper size is short (8.5 x 11
inches) with 1-inch margin in all sides. Your manuscript SHOULD NOT EXCEED the 6-page limit. (Leave one
space at the start and end of paragraphs, tables, figures, and headings. Leave one space at the start and end of
paragraphs, tables, figures, and headings.


The manuscript should be submitted in Word Document (NOT PDF). The document text should be single-spaced in
a Times New Roman font style with font size of 10 (except for Research Title) The paper size is short (8.5 x 11
inches) with 1-inch margin in all sides. Your manuscript SHOULD NOT EXCEED the 6-page limit. (Leave one
space at the start and end of paragraphs, tables, figures, and headings. Leave one space at the start and end of
paragraphs, tables, figures, and headings.


The manuscript should be submitted in Word Document (NOT PDF). The document text should be single-spaced in
a Times New Roman font style with font size of 10 (except for Research Title) The paper size is short (8.5 x 11
inches) with 1-inch margin in all sides. Your manuscript SHOULD NOT EXCEED the 6-page limit. (Leave one
space at the start and end of paragraphs, tables, figures, and headings. Leave one space at the start and end of
paragraphs, tables, figures, and headings.


You may include here the funding institution. This is optional.


[1] Use the IEEE Citation Format

[2] Use the IEEE Citation Format
[3] Use the IEEE Citation Format

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