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e-Jurnal Wireless Communication & Networking (DEP50033)

April 2023, Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah, Malaysia


Muhammad Haziq Irfan Bin Ahmad Shahrani
Department of Electrical Engineering
Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah

Abstract— Emergency Tracker GPS for Hikers is to design be push when the emergency happen, so the device will
for send a quick message to a close contact of hikers. Nowadays, too directly send coordinate to the phone through message. If the
many incident that happened between hikers which is will cause message not be send, the GPS will not blinking or turn off. To
serious injuries or death. Before this, it is not easily to contact a be more specific, it will show no coordinate to the reciepint
families or closed contact because the witnesses did not know about
the victim. The objective for this project is to help hikers make an
emergency tracker that give a coordinates to a close contact who
can show up to see the victims. The coordinates will be send to the II. LITERATURE REVIEW
devices (phones message) and can be copy to Google to check the A. Selection of microcontroller
location. The advantages of having this Emergency Tracker GPS
for Hikers are the devices can bring anywhere (portable) and also Based on the previous research, there were two types of
lightweight, so the hikers can push the button anytime have an the projects that similar to my project but using different
emergency. Futhermore, the devices also can give a coordinate if the microcontroller. My first research is GPS Buzzer Tracker. The
close contact who have connected to device send a message as project is basically same as my project but the difference is my
example “Location” and coordinate will be appear. The project is project using Arduino UNO and their project is using Arduino
controlled by GSM modem that to find a signal around the world Mega. Their project have additional LCD16X2 for show the
and GPS module to set a coordinate which is specific location connection and location but my project use a button that need
where the riders are. The Arduino UNO that be a main system that to push for get a message to the device that connected.
control the system have been set to number’s close contact. The
conclusion is this project can help hikers to make sure the close Next project is Missing People Tracker. This project is
contact know about their condition at every specific place. basically using a same component as me. The different is my
project using a push button but their project using a on off
Keywords—Emergency, Tracker switch. The methods for their project that need to switch on
the project and it is basically send a signal to device that
I. INTRODUCTION connected. I think that it is more better using a button more
Every single year, hiking can be category as a extreme than switch because it will take a time for GSM modem ready
activities in the world. The place for hiking can be anywhere when just switch on. My project is always on and just push a
and maybe at unknown place that could be dangerouse. This button.
is showed that how dangerous when do a hiking with the
condition of surrounding. There is no safe place for a hikers
when the place can be change their condition. B. Main function of project
My first research project which is using a microcontroller
Nowadays, a hikers like to hiking at the place that have a
Arduino UNO because it is suitable and compact for my
activities which is something extereme that can challenge
project. Arduino UNO (AT Mega328) function as a calculator
themselves. In addition, sometimes hikers does not care if they
that calculate the results to check specific place and combine
have lost and do not have any emergency things to get help.
all of it into one file. Next component is GSM module. It is
That one of the reason an accident will increase and this is the
function to communicate with the devices which means after
function for Emergency GPS Tracker. The GPS have built just
Arduino send the file, GSM will find a signal of the device
to focus to the number that have been set to Arduino UNO,
that been connected with a active sim card. The sim card need
The number must be correct or it will send to other peoples
to be put on GSM so it will directly from device to device. It
also not detecting the number. The GPS module will give a
will be better for this project than using a ESP32 that use Wi-
exactly coordinates where the riders have been but to reach the
outrange where the riders are, GSM modem will be include to Fi module. Furthermore, ESP32 have a range but the GSM is
find and give a location more fast than without use it. GSM outrange and can be connected everywhere.
module that insert a sim card can easily to be track because it Next project is Missing People Tracker. This project user
will focus more on the sim that activated. As long it active, it use a ESP32 that been connected. For ESP32, there have
can be trace. Hiker can be anywhere somehow they want to go function which is it can be as a main controller to control all
to hiking with others friends or members. The button need to

EEIPDEX 2023 Electrical Engineering Department, PSIS

the sensor and also transfer all the data that gain from sensor B. Circuit Operation
into smartphone or any electronic device either through • There is basically two parts included, the first one is
website or application. The project also use a switch that have hardware & second one is software. The hardware part
a on/off but press button have more better in my mind because has GSM modem that find a signal to connected a
it more suitable to use when emergency more than switch. device when the GSM have received a data from
GSM modem always need to be ready to find a signal and Arduino which has calculate a result to get location in
connected to the device in a long range. file.
III. METHODS • In software we developed a program based on
In order to make this project working perfectly, the block embedded c language.
diagram had been made as a plan before proceed the project.
• Sim card that have been insert on GSM must be active
to connection with the device. The device can directly
connected when have a sim card on GSM because a
sim card can communicate in small amount of

C. Project Softwares
There have 3 types software that had been used to make
this project working well.
• Arduino IDE. This software is the most important
thing in this project. From this software program can
Figure 1: Block Diagram be created based on embedded c language then, it can
be transferred into ESP32 board.
Based on this block diagram,it is contain 1 main controller is • Fritzing. Fritzing is an open-source initiative to
Arduino Uno as a process for helping searching location then develop amateur or hobby CAD software for the
include 2 input which are GPS module as function to give a design of electronics hardware, to support designers
coordinate location and the button that need to be push to send and artists ready to move from experimenting with a
a signal to Arduino. Lastly, the output is GSM modem that prototype to building a more permanent circuit
will search outrange the world to find a signal location and
• TinkerCAD. TinkerCAD is a 3D modelling computer
send the message to device that been connected.
program for a wide range of drawing applications
such as architectural, interior design, landscape
architecture, civil and mechanical engineering, film
and video game design. It is available as a web-based
A. Schematic Circuit application.

Figure 2: Schematic circuit

Based on the diagram below, it shows the circuit that will

be used to connect GPS module, GSM modem, Arduino UNO
and button to make Emergency GPS Tracker for Hikers
functioning well.

Identify applicable funding agency here. If none, delete this text box.
D. Flowchart System

Figure 5: Prototype view of Emergency GPS

Tracker for Hikers

There is wireless charger receiver at the back side of device.

When the charger receive attach to wireless charger transmit,
there will become an electromagnetic wave which is the
source power can transmit into batteries through these
transmission line.
Figure 3: Flow Chart operation system

The flowchart shows that the operation of the system. The

first operation will be start from GPS and GSM have been
ready. Next, push a button to send or message from the device
to request message. After that the GPS will locate and
receives a coordinate then send to the device.
G. Sustainability Element in The Design Concept

E. Prototype Development This product more efficient, friendly and reliable because
firstly it is light and can be portable from other device which
The development of small scale of GPS tracker which is is it is use batteries as power supply. Secondly, it is use to put
use for many people to easy bring a portable device where in a beg or put it on the beg that show how easily the things
the main idea of this project is to make sure the GPS can put can be put anyway. Lastly, it can show a specific location
anywhere that easier to push a button and give an which is coordinates that show specific location for the
emergency warning to the connected device. The device hikers.
became a things for know the location.


This chapter will be showing the finding of the hardware

project and also the result after experiment using this product.

Figure 4: Up view for Emergency GPS Tracker for

A. Installment of Components B. Result

Figure 6: Installation of components

This diagram shows all the main board GSM modem is

connected with a GPS and arduno uno including battery as
the power input.

Casing Installation Figure 8: Coordinates appears as the message in


Figure 7: Casing Installation

Figure 9: Output coordinate from GSM modem into device

The function of the casing is to protect the device from
exposed to water, and it is a protective for the all components
in order to make sure that the components not to be broken.
The casing is made up by using the wood board with 13.2 x
6.4 cm as a casing to protect the microcontroller.
The conclusion of this project is to be focusing about
surrounding that can be happening while hiking and get a help
easily. The project could saves many lives when emergency
happen to them because injuries and death can be anywhere.
There are a lot things that I have learned about safety and
reminder about important things.After complete the project,
what I can conclude is, not every material that useless but
need to choose with the condition that need to through. After
that, the GPS and GSM need a good signal, atleast below than
-119dbs to find a location and a correct coordinates
Furthermore, the project need a power of batteries supply
atleast 12V which is less than that will not give enough power
to activate.

High appreciation goes to my supervisor, Cik Murnie
Shakilla, electrical lecturers and also my family and friends
for all encouragements, guidance and supports that helped us
a lot in completing and finishing this final year project
throughout this semester.

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