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1. Define outer product.

2. What is orthonormality condition
3. Mention the Pauli spin matrices σx, σy and σz.
4. Describe Quantum entanglement
5. Describe quantum superposition of quantum mechanical states.
6. If a ket vector representing a quantum state is
|ψ> = ( 2 3i−5i ) then calculate its corresponding inner product <ψ|ψ>.

7. Describe the difference between bits and qubits.

8. Describe quantum qubits over Bloch sphere with its pole and equator basis
9. Write all three Pauli spin matrices, then determine the eigenvalues and eigenvectors
of all three Pauli matrices and discuss its significance.
10. The gyromagnetic ratio of the particle is given by γ=11.319 MHz/Tesla. Determine
the angular momentum of this particle given the magnetic moment µ = 2.8*10-26 JT-1

11. . Determine the eigen values.

12. The gyromagnetic ratio of the particle is given by γ=42.58MHz/Tesla. This particle's
Larmor precession frequency, when placed in an external magnetic field of strength
2842 Tesla, is?
13. Describe Dirac Bra-Ket notation
14. Explain Pauli spin matrices
15. What is mean by Quantum Superposition, briefly explain.
16. Briefly describe Quantum Measurement
17. What is mean by Decoherence in quantum mechanics.
18. Explain quantum entanglement.
19. Describe Bloch sphere
20. What is a Qubit
21. What is mean by multiple qubits
22. Compare Qubits and classical bits
23. Explain the representation of a qubit probability.

Dr Jinesh Mathew, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, GITAM Bengaluru Campus

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