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—_— LOREAL Tpvoductfor fo Quontuen Physcs © Cloeal MecharPes ve Quantum Methorfes * Quantum Melharkes 2s applted on MReaccopic Paredes and Clarxgcal Mecharkes 2 applied on Ma Clo seopte porr®clos. © Quantum mechar’es appleed on Mocsoeco ke Particles alyn cohoie Clay@eal mechantes Cannct be applled on Mlcxoscopte Particles. * Clowteal Payers 2s consedered a» EpecRal Core & Quagtum physecs . + Clantcal phy Stes 2 consadered or fully develaped feeld cohete Quan}unr Prywes > AR deueloging 2 IN Closurcal phys, CMALAY QUAN ration , UNKerteth peaceplas cre nor useful, @ Plonw'c Quentum Theory Plows Que * Te energy Qs Wt Sadlated or EmPHed contucwl We Ss ented % emaltt quanives tha ford eel KQ099 OY Quanta. f + Radeon cohen AH the fon & qht, eath posite Ww coiled Proton . - 1 The ENeGYy ofa photon /auacia BW APeecthy Pp. p Poona f | 4o the frequancy au Y e=hd hae & Energy h> Plank’ Constont V> frequency * Total enexqy of adorn 2s reprerented 4 cohola nucle 4, crea Fa quantum ov bY, 2h, 340, .... 0 Photoelectsec Efteck Aho 9 photog of energy (E-n9) alloaed total on enetal Sucfoce, a 1 ®Prtd Hy, oo, ; M2. 3 POM Metal Surface ond the « ¥ % UAed 4o WPoerate HE a XC 0, E244 fsoen defiralon PPRAYS os HKfrelic HY = hYo+he Ke= hh), D Pei Grngile coave length ond Motlercoove de- Broqhle Stated that a porkicle Sy mot hoy axyactated coe Bile Matkernove + The covet, of snaterrove @ Qven by 2 be Be Dekuriton: Ererqy ofa photon, E=hY Benste®y ererqy equator , E< mc> v= me hd _ t Se mC = 2 me VEC =M cose of magkterccove aE) Core@ ated Coavelangth Or teams of KRU ey on tony he b ee : am Re bh oe Ime Yume P= {ome i? ceoel* coorelendh QS Jorn FI Charge } €-qv coaelength @ dame of Thermal Eautloum c= % KT | | | Jeri | | a = DES Bont Q PoPnn Gere, ExperSnent Na es ee | Paton—Germer Expeiment 2 aq experiment cone | Prdes confamatts of de benefila Hypotheses that @ * pouttle Cy magia bas dual notiug . eckson, quq hms _* Digek Rm fecuce - | D) Neappatun AL anonged o Shown 4 2 alowed to Yar *n dleceson beam fsom electtor Gud On Orafe © to Aaget [atenet] > q » The electors are Catered by the Cryaal SVN, ARecthoas Loos TRaUed oy the detector. debectoe Curtont & the eygomrre of Atens*ly of Atractea be wa Paph > plotted bekeceen detector Curent ong dhe angle rang between Medent and dhracted bent 5) Of ntchel @ taken ov target han coe Can Oferue a hump Q) the Guwe AdReakag ePyFor of ettan, ©) The coavelength af elecson Qwq@er by a b farev © Proposes of Makiguonves O wre tno thot , A= os Os Le ObLWE that Mattexsaue are depeadel on MoMeNM | Mat TH Charge. @ Uahter porttcle have RIG qyeaked coavele ngih asyoctotel © Sailer Prkk&le hove qreoten coowvellondt aasncto! OSH N, ene @ cohen Ve ,A=90 thor cave becomes Adetex™ rate coher) V-00, ATO thon Matkermues aa FP m © mrpiton Of tho Parecle. q | @ Modlercoave dlepeacts on tho Neloeiy of poe cle, avs 9.2% QOH @ABaNk, COHF Lo WS Etectxomaqnetic [20U05 @ yeloctty PS COMBant @ OVE MAKAT AHrwodUces an uncertatePiy A pargiton ¥ locatPon @ those valores cohen a Serf coave ot delete Wovelongfh travels % omedtam , the velo ctty of PDPOAAkMy ® tow ay | Phore Nieloctty | SregeP Velocity coher) Vaitous mob caves of UaSus convdlengitys | Travels SH Came Medion dhe obverved coovelength Wenown cus Group Neloctty. Ye ig Sly (cot -kx ) Yr= a Sh [Gordo = Cran ye) Sigs doy — Ay Y= 2a SA(cor-kx) cos (4S 2 ) RnR factor gees phore vdloctty , \p= @ +E. mec e way Vv Cosme Poctor Giver Aroup Veloctay, dw ce / No = Se ~ SF da a 3 4 ® Relakon belivcen Vb and Vp Se ee we koro that, Ww Ne = w= Kp doo AK dv TO 2 pth e 4” Pant aK duo dve —S =Va = —i Ah > Up + a 5) He2senborg Uncertotitiy Renctple @ Hee AN aw UY ~ Hebserberg LencertorPiy Prrctple Srotes that WW Ayposertle do vypar.ue bol Powter ane| MOMEMUM Sor lane ashy nosifon- Momentum cncerthPlY , Apageh =b © Ground Sote Crex RARE Sole Energy WY S ydrogen agen Te energy of electro hydvagen ator ®s fren by E= PE+KE e-F, (= RM, Uo ce Enos ahot, Ap= 2. alee) Lo aCan) ht e hy e « & Yo SL UxSo oh Wh Silo * ax % ea, ee Ke AE = — Ot 2m, (esse a ne ) Mo 9 & ~ Fite! enge” XK Wieed RGKee Si pe ee BMRA eRreh SE = Moe a ae Se 4 2 By Ww 2S/01/2023) | UYovre -2 Ps Moattercaoved Uaik= Reopen cf Moder coves 7 Khodhye ave Eyck Schrodhgau, deed AtlreromRal Cauotfon CORREA, contsol Space fine Lehafouy cb coawe function da de beogde's conve auro cated sis thot pourde. 7 The Deependent eguatvon CH Word % the ove functor of de bsoefle!e Wave onroctated cot a -enoving Panktele. of snowseng oY La By de Ve Geneal colton, We exp[#(wa-coe)] pe ere[E(pe-ce)| —Oo OP _ ep 2 Cone Se +E enlEcrn-ee)} oY yp —o On 5 aw _ op av One: h oY SY _ op 8 me ORD ov i Total Energy of a particle C= He+Pe e+ gmt 2 e- Fay aMo Operating cave functte on both des ey. PY am,? v~P cevyyp. PY AMNo oom 24 @, we hove Schroder ~ ro Trebdependent equat% - + Ee @ | cermoatrger Tine Aefeqdent Seton won) be the dove functor da se Brofl (et ! 2 rw 4 (one amsocfated wilh O moving pousele oberon, sy 1a oe Vi ot General cotton, W= exp i(re-cot)) oO @ _ | ce © exp (pr-et)| oY. @ a = exp Loves] OY ey 5 YY ‘Total Energy at apaukifo E=Ke + PE eae “om, +N a ~ Hh Rds Peraktng cooue functor °F both cy = oe +uy —© Porn eq@, we hove feo ea @ , we hove ea ot 5 [2g ey = Wee 38 Ha oy eve % ot - oy Sub © ¥@ % ©, coe. get ty 95 OP = am, Ht sv) « Schoo diingeh Tre Dependent Equoiton 7 Momentum Operator WAAR Schongex Wave equation, We eve [sexe] OP 8 Bol )} mH evel cps ov _ op oY -h WY Py a a 6-2 PO 5 * Eqergy opeelor Elrod inger Wave aquatton, Yy = exp E: Cex- eo)| OV ‘a woe oe) 3 UR2 — Quomium Tunnel NA Ae Bone - CAE Rrenstooal eeyed Gop ET Coneeder a portecle of mars Mp -eapped 1OSad boK CM hand coatle. The posicle Ss dosed 49 dyovel along V=0 , OLxZa VOU) = Ne, 260 LIQ —_ > % Scheodinge, Tare Adependent equator ee = + = Erp =0 he Veo becouse gexea fe ow +°ME w.o L SS Ow 4 Tane 2me =k then BY sty oo Ow ares com MW=0 40 Wa cal General Solutfor, = ASe&ak x + BCOS KX ak X=0, Po 02 A EKO BS KO Bcosho =O at Z=a ,Wro 0 ~AEHKat O coska ARR Ka = O BnKa=O (azo) g Aka Shor kac Oo” neta Ee A | ema L m2? Eye WH = YG ame eB? Cy U8 = 96, mor meu 2 Su = ns GE, ame Nowmaltotfon ¢ SAA P@d = AER he Soom eg ®, we hove Ward = ASH (=) x —@ functor Z an Sa) — Ete ~ Te process Ox Conted Nowmaleror?o - wat > Reclagqula [ental Garver congeder & particle @ Setdent 07 bare, hg energy of the particle %s — ss py OGHLA Gd- { hy 0 0) L7AEN ALO Schwodthgey Teme Asependent equalioy Bh? 2 1 Cevyy=0 —O ae SOT + Veo, ea becomes a ° wy Mew: 0 ame s KD =o cohewe Wi E General Sclutfon, p> ets oe" A,and B, o® Consants \Esve | gon i? fo VeVy PVM becomer oW 5 = (€-% Je 0 Bes Oreo ox we --E) oY Kr Weo hh pee) ig 4 Yeo aa ee genetal Solution, Ky Wao +e —& ALand 8, ae @nidank BRN: Jeo €aO vetoes t oP ume 8 i oop es =O or x : ame oy 4+ky P= © cohow Ke ~ Dre Zeneral sduskton , Qh wy oAe™_ hod Ax, Ss Contant: Moly ComdRfon ak 0 Waco = OR Ikre | 149 Ag, ga. aes Be be 8 EO : ond (&) (Fees 0 PKS as awe 4 ahnie” et apne” “Tr e[cwe Agh BCH = kre BY —O) SnPlarly , =O CW) a2 COP) QO =a BOG ae t Be = AS —&) ww.) aa /¥>\ ond Ak yc ~ \ O* 7-0 ha ao 9a ake B62 = a,%k,e° 2° —© Salfng © &© ave (o" we \% +( 3) 2 _@ oe (E+ (OR)E —O Solv%ng OHO) -( oe, me Bly )Q —C) we ae whe SKA) —) eae ak 40m eq (4) , G (15% \2 X K LX om eq (®) , toe have a Ane (atte VCs ee —® Ai la\” 5 lal” ; 6 exp(20) 4 0 BS 9 a é BR 4 § y SS + Guantuen dots 2 Hy particles of matefals. Mokes% 2. 2 @uontom Ast oterfaSa HRs See ae Cored ee er sthey ess as pits cf moteita , tuptetty Yo (0 Fe ee ofa human heer. Quantun decks axe Made ’ 9M SeeeReanductor motertals. The dots hows Quontucn ettect letauwre they oe 60 Mtoe * Quantum Oct hove 9 d&rensfons. alerted + Quantum dots Con hove drfferont apttcal ard wet Propastes compared 4o l2ge quontiy cf Some tnoterdas. | | | | | | | => ID Uoeat Harononte Qscfllator A parttla undergoing skmpla Horace Matton g, APNG Ly cotled ID HorManC ASc?tlakor accord?ng 40 SHM, FAM Fe -Ke mas -Ke Cr £20) moe KL Harnoke OXPllatov Fsequency of Hoiumoc®e asePtlatoy poker Pal Energy =U= k kat Schstdhger Wine, dependent esove equal’ TP am aa te > Awe) y= 3 ae my ( A Bye SSF te Kho Cohore. r= 0,1,2, on cer 0 paint energy # E.= (0*&) bo [e2re UekE=4 + Quamtscn ropes er A Euchons 7 Chcexen angula, mromenten Euan, free Space Con COBY QWON ee Ovbrtal Angular momentum cohen Profekeg SO Spectre d@eecton. ele cesoq ongulon ae 2 Gee bey Le ae n CH tho OtRtal quantum Qunber k wrtstcred to tho Noes 2=0,1,2, .--(9-0) ™ Aogelot Momeniuen Operator 2 x -o> Play = Py u| y [» P- ,2| ak ah 3 r -oh 2 Sabsriate, my = th Oy Ow -% 2d y= ue Rae he u ae Veer 5 by 2 Lys th @E-t ze oth (2-44 oe ” Soace Quamtratten of atom WN = electwo9 electeog Ove Mt a= ft B Wal ie Z-ar% , the CoMPanant of *(" ate wR 9, qarved bY C= Lcwse te C ee LOS L accord ng 40 Quantum me chac?es , [= (rn) i = then coce = mh, fice ¥, cose= (240) | = Eleckson ELece0 SE) ong 68 Angular, Momentum wR MSNA RH The elocteon Sp % qeven Fy oh. == SGA cory > fsaan To 54% thon 6 (kG) 4 - EA Ae Go % thon 6x (Keay h = “fe | inemor's Theovery Lo) Precerston » Lac nee ee I) an eleckon wvolutig Ael\Poeol ow, coken placed A a enaqnete feed Leehoues ke atop. * — The Cloctwon Orb Precerser about the dertfon ot fecla as or - Ther precerston Sy Known o% Loxmor preces%D and Correspond?ng | ! Freanency By tenceon or lavmord Freauents). \| 8 i electron ¢- | oe 7 electron couple C= Myxe | C= JB RQ | BRS dh e@ o* oR Am “hequency ot Lormar't Precesseoo & ¢s 3 Lsequency, we && Be Prom feu, ca 2 Oe Om Fequre, SQ= RP 2 Sb &@ LEME wo Se = Sb LEkn8 ha = ot | — SEL SHB oe eee LEB - th e ow 2! a ©, Ten CS wr fh e 6 x ay OL = (Ge 6 Ax / Am ey (ae =a GO om ax? = e® am ~t 2@ f. 4. @ p. ei f. 8 Loamor't p SS - 2? Shh Magnettc Mament HI ~~ WA | Sh Magnek& Moment occurs cohen an electan | | potates 09% Ow ar and Jenerotes aMoanet || deeta. Sern Moagneke Moment 2 t> Aen 4 Sy = (ne) eoheve QW no. d Unpecred eloctsors, = Ser - Gerlach Sxeement [xefex to Reo] 7 REENON Effect I mK Yi caoman elect plas npowtant wole % develaprrest Of aurontumn theory. toma effect 2s tha effect || t Splt?ng Of a Spectxal he Gyo several comet % toe presence of Magnettc footd. The Texque on the atom due to external fected TM = 4xG toheo Le > Mognes?e Meole eo Magnetic Peetd, Stork Effect Mn The stark effect Qs the Splritmg of Spectral af atoms and molecules dius 40 the presence ¢ an extemal eloctree Leeid. Stork eftect % onal, ot ceemang ebtece. Tho Satfo af the Mognerle Moment to the anqula. snomentum of Spanking Chorged pout Qs coAled Gyo MagnekC foto. 4, 2 aM cole Mya) Bohv Magnetoy % a arte mrt Sn Mognels It Wy denoted boy MWe -e Je = le m-3 t a OFh-8 + QubMs Tor Quontum sulbng oy Beat Rag Met NotaRory Bear eet PHAM BW chandord Danto¥Hon Loy desorting rales Sy Quantum mechankes + The Mane, posuct of te00 Gotes Q, denoted by g, biaket Hae 01 Gtled Bra Vector and Wr QW cotted Ket Vector — toh paces —bIa and KE O12 Exkd Jo bedual 4p Zach Other | «al =] ase Poul? S61 Motecor aA SRO Mat % Semmrenents tha SHreakoa of the Spin of & pou Sth 0 external Mognetee foctd Pa [io] abe ey we 2 ‘o «) %y-[3 2] > 4-8 x <8 7 | | a eB s] 2 ste 8s) | 8 MW) o2 oa ) Fat aaah = 3L WM de (oy) = -] \) WOR) = 0 | > ve) ERgen Volues= #1 wi = S Ho OO aco res ee SAPerposMiW7 Qs Aha AWAY Poa cy Superpo 2» Aha abet lity ontuen sy, to ke [ mulle States BH the Game tine, Gry, Ws Meanued. TH other coords, A Quantum Gate GH SuperposMvy GN be cee WA (Rreor Comba Ot other Gtandaid quomtucy totes THRs cuomum State Gy Superpos"For Poxens anew Nos? Worle State. LQ ena foe Quantum , Superportdan ed Re ears SF conee states cf ley and [> Cohan Quiet Ls eneosued, ther the Quake wt Collapse 40 einer ore F HL bars state. QE lop Os tha State , we qek O os seault and SLD & the Gate, coe gek \ os wetatk. => Quaqum 7, NLD Ao terference Suontum Anienfersne soter shot elomeniony part Whe QUeRS Con not be Gace than One place Ony geen Hine, but the gredual porsche» Photons Con Gross Ac onor teafectory and Dieter Ph tho APre con of O45 poth Weng a analogy of Young's expertaent, GH vs a beam ot GbE Qs ened ak the toaster cones” of foo SiH, Splaced at a d®stance. a he Wat Ss foamed o9 shore ciety 48M One end he 2, Ses Hredualy there APH, Potters | and Rat Por x | Qs secorded 09 photo aapehe plote. Wane 6 Q coveted, -the Shale pattern Qy expected oto patter Beaton. Of Lot, Sie are Open, then one Would ex pect Multa COOUE Patterns LoAh werent QHenewPes at VoaPous ongles Qn Lrseenee 9 Qusqtan] Measuanmegt ren j MQuantuey Prue, QA Measurement Q the testing maroulattor do Pay stool Syieern to Yfela a Tenerfcal Value , The PredPctfons that auianiun Phases Makes gy SH genial Probate yee i ee SE Sone Operations on Out 40 get Cloasteod Serult ” Reschaanee Senter Recherobhco Qs the Lose of quantum coberene. "4 a om mechartes , PAL clr suchas electrons ae Pep ‘eee bya owe functor, a Mathematical tayg NOHO WOME skate Of a Syste, ab longet amy, 5 a detectie Phore wlatfon betoeen — | Nt e eoPd-t0 be. “heeng Stes, thon tho. Suse > Hx quontum Gyles coore perfectly Qolate, A cooled WMRHoR% Coherence , At A cooula be Qenpowrela +o MRoIe. Pf % W mor Qxolated, fow example , Auakrg Meoremert, Coherence Q, Shared oStth enukonment aNd Cohaonce Q Oxppen, to be WS TH psoters G& Called decoherence. Quantu ™ Eotanaferent one ®uantum Entongiament 2. the Chenamenon that oce ashe a group ot park?cles O20. entangled fa wou Such thot the quantum ctate af each pourcle of the YOrP Gnnot be deserrued Adependenty Aclalrag the panttcles a10 R tor es In quantum mechorke % Computing , tha oo% Shoe Wa qeornenfcol reproertatton of pg dole | space La 2 level quantum mechor®al sytem (ub) womed obter a phuyiect fla Bloch TOKE ond Mulitple Quibts Oubsirs MuiApa ube: DURE As 0 peur. Ibullrting WocK cf quanta BMPUkers. Ub Geprerenic the Sx pen pasdd%on ot Goles o and (. Supenpowtion Grate Means Aha ane Cloke Qs Raear carniPnakton of Sole Oondt, Gerezaley , weprerented os W f% | arth that & and @ Me on tudes a | oond | te sete olemiley = tl encase (led L 0nd Giole 1 019 «f° ] and @ Jor = Clot] = (:| vp = [or = ew - TMT = fF] y= [>= bev Hof! |: [7] YW, -|> = |0@lo = jof- (34 PQs ve Cloastal Bs eae Qutxt RS Boe => Gs oun wed Cloud] => Qu cro Lsed % Quanto” cormpuhers Computers, => Bs gro Slo > Suits me Josten, =r iaformnaltoy & Mored | > infomation % Bored fF oe) QD] LA’, collch fake ou be Ahoy oars Stat a ALscrete Yale oor } Sa perpowrton States Baa. a \ F - coxegt behoues = Al Chante behoves tore | a | sco4 | posed on Chaves ON Quantum mechseks. pocnack > | ) = Bepeesentetfon of a quiet PrbgtRy NNN contder atlate de (l00+ n>) ech & trong Bell date. Here woe can cee that a State har 50% | prbabstty cl be%ag Gy the State [eo ond H% Chance Of Génq A the Gate [17 More Heowingiy , % hos 0% prdballtiy to be the States [1% and fie> SPELPORRF, tate of QubAs Aue WEIeNIed ad Whee Combate, a I> and \> : Pr = x[> 46> v coheg la (+ ple

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