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Profesor(a): Lic. Landy Torres Fecha de aplicación: _____________________
Nombre de los alumnos:_____ _____________________________________________

Complete las oraciones usando la forma positiva o negativa del presente simple, elige la forma

1. I __________ (drink) wine very much. I prefer beer. (Wine: vino. Beer: cerveza)
2. People ________ (use) public transport often in this city because it is good and cheap.
(often: seguido, cheap: barato)
3. People in the north of Switzerland ________ (speak) German. (north: norte)
4. My ankle hurts! I ________ (want) to continue playing tennis. (ankle: tobillo, hurt: doler,
5. My sister _______ (sleep) very well in the summer. She says it’s always too hot for her.
6. Kenny lives in Japan and he _________ (teach) English at a school near Tokyo.
7. Those apples _________ (cost) much. I want ten, please.
8. My computer ___________ (work) properly. What is the problem with it? (properly:
adecuadamente, correctamente)
Escribe la forma negativa de cada oración.

1. This exercise is difficult.

2. We're from Spain.
3. The kids are in the garden.
4. My car is very expensive.
5. Alex is twenty-five years old.

Escribe la forma contraria de la oración. (Si la oración es positiva escribe la oración en negativo y

1. I like the fruits.

2. We love butterflies.
3. My sister makes her bed
4. She doesn’t feel good.
5. I play chess
6. My pet doesn’t want to eat.
7. They don’t speak English.
8. She has black hair.
9. You love me.

Escribe la forma –s de los siguientes verbos y su significado en español/inglés

1. Buy
2. Drink
3. Listen
4. Vender
5. Comer
6. Lavar
7. Hablar
8. Cook
9. Sit
10. Love

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