Strategies To Be Adopted by Paragto Counter Amul Milk Sales Inlucknow

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partial fulfillment of the requirement For the award of degreeOf MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MBA) Degree Programme of U.P. Technical University, Lucknow 2008 2010 -: Submitted By :AKHILESH PRATAP SINGHM.B.A. IIIrd SemRoll. No. 0812870005 -: Submitted To :BHARAT INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Partapur By pass Meerut (Affiliated to U.P. Technical Universuty Lucknow)

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN This is certify that Mr. Akhilesh Pratap Singh is a bonafide student of MBAthird semester in our institute. He has submitted this project report titled Strategies To Be Adopted By Parag To Counter Amul Milk Sales InLucknow to fullfill the requirement of UPTU. Teacher Guide Prof. R.C. ShardMr. Sunil Yadav (Director Management) BHARAT INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ( Approved by AICTE, Recognized by U.P. Govt. & Affiliated to U. P. Technical University, Lucknow) Bye-Pass Road, Partapur, Meerut 250 103 Phone: Off. (0121) 6531892, 6533991, 3263721 Fax: 0121 2967001


I, AKHILESH PRATAP SINGH , hereby declared that the research work presented in this reportentitled STRATEGIES TO BE ADOPTED BY PARAG TO COUNTER AMUL MILK SALESIN LUCKNOW for the fulfillment of the award of Master in Business Administration (M.B.A.) from Uttar Pradesh Technical University (U.P.T.U.), Lucknow is based on my work during thesummer training in the LUCKNOW PRODUCERS CO-OPERATIVE MILK UNION LTD. The project embodies the result of original work and studies carried out by me and the contents of the project do not form he basis for the award of any other degree to me or to anybody else. Date: (AKHILESH PRATAP SINGH) MBA (3 rd semester)Roll No. (0812870005)

PREFACE One must have a contemporary understand of this dynamic world to survive or proper therein. Never in the past has the role of manager in India as crucial and exciting as now. Theon going economic reforms programme has created infinite opportunities. There has been anincrease in milk income gradually development have broadened the knowledge of consumers.There are now become choosy resulting in winners & looser at the same time winners thosewho monitors needs, identifies opportunities and create value. It is the market place not thefactory that ultimately determines which company will succeed.Marketing is practiced not only by manufacturing concern & their channel members but allkinds of individuals and organization. No politician can get the required votes to win and no r e s o r t t h e n e e d e d t o u r i s t t o f l o u r i s h w i t h o u t d e v e l o p i n g a n d c a r r y i n g o u t t h e s o u n d marketing plans.Authentic market practice is not the art of selling what you make so much as knowing whatto make. It is the art of identifying and understanding customers needs and coming up withsolution that satisfy them and produces riches for firms profitability.As we all know, future is always uncertain. More precisely when there is volley of brilliantcompetitors and each wants to be the market leader.So in the light of intense competition satisfaction through product innovation maintaining the standard quality their in, failing which no amount or deal of promotional measure or scheme can compensate at length. Competitive forces have compelled the companies to focuson specific segment of the market with frequent product innovation

and rather new productsand launching thereof with greater confidence.The present study gives special emphasis on the various strategies to be adopted by Paragt o c o u n t e r Amul sales in Lucknow. The entire study has been divided into c h a p t e r s a n d further subdivided into segments from each dealing with a separate aspect in a simple andlucid style and clarification has been given top priority throughout the project.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The objective of the project is to study market potential of Parag milk and to know thec o n s u m e r s p e r c e p t i o n a b o u t P a r a g m i l k . T h e r e p o r t c o n t a i n s a b r i e f i n t r o d u c t i o n o f D.U.S. limited and its various products. Parag is the largest player in the milk sector. At Parag quality is a relentless commitment to continuous improvements in products, p r o c e s s a n d s y s t e m s t o p r o v i d e c o n s i s t e n t q u a l i t y p r o d u c t s t o m e e t o u r c u s t o m e r s requirement worldwide. This report clearly mentions objectives of study and researchmethodology utilized. Research design used in this project is exploratory and the sourcesof information are both of primary data and secondary data. The data collection methodused is structured non disguised questionnaire in which the types of questions. Used areopen ended. Multiple choice, close ended and dichotomous. The report contains a detailedv i e w o f t h e tasks, which have been undertaken to analyze the market of Parag m i l k . Various set of questionnaire have been prepared to know perceptions of retailers andconsumers about Parag milk. Some of the research areas are Gomti Nagar, In. Thecomprehensive and intensive marketing activities at D.U.S. Ltd. Lucknow are control bymanager marketing. Incharges marketing of the unit milk itself is the complete meal. The route or supervisor duty is to see whether the milk and milk products are properlydistributed to the agents of Parag in due proper time. They observe the market trend thecompetitors activities the difficulties of market. They try to penetrate in new market areawhere the agents of Parag do not exit. At the present the distribution of milk and milk product is done through Tata 407 vehicles which are arrange by the company In Lucknow Amul is strongest competitors in the fields of milk. Mostly agents as wellconsumers say that the quality of Parag will is much better when any other brand packedmilk in Lucknow. Capturing a dominant share of the urban milk market hitherto served by a multitude of small milk vendors. Creating a procurement network of link numerouscaperative producer societies in different

milk shed area to the organized urban diaryindustry. Diary cooperative societies at the village level handling procurement of milk.C o operative milk unions at the district level engaged in process i n g a n d p r o d u c t manufacturing. Predeshik co-operative diary federation (PCDF) at the states level chargedwith coordinates of marketing. Removing the middlemen between the producers andconsumer by the procurement of the milk directly by the producer directly through co-o p e r a t i v e s o c i e t y . I n D . U . S . L t d . L u c k n o w a t r e c e p t i o n p o i n t o f m i l k f r o m d i f f e r e n t societies milk is collected and basis test are carried out quickly after cleaning. It is sendfor further processing finally after pasteurization three types of milk obtain that is fullcream milk, toned milk and Janta milk. The route or supervisor duty is to see whether the milk and milk products are properlydistributed to the agents of Parag in due proper time. The whole project has been a greatlearning for me to experience and understand the market dynamics with respect to an milk products

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