Iso 50001 Enms Gap Implement

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Standard ISO 50001:2021 Gap Implement

Audit date(s)
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Client Information
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Company address: Your Company Address
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BSI Group (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

127/29 Panjathani Tower, 24th Floor,
Nonsee Road, Chongnonsee, Yannawa,
Bangkok 10120 Thailand
02 294 4889-92 l
Link to Questionaire ISO 50005 % Compliance
ISO 50005-001 Context of the organization 100.00
ISO 50005-002 Leadership 100.00
ISO 50005-003 Resources 100.00
ISO 50005-004 Energy review 100.00
ISO 50005-005 Energy performance indicators and energy basel 100.00
ISO 50005-006 Objectives, energy targets and action plans 100.00
ISO 50005-007 Competence and awareness Monitoring, measurement, analysis and eva
ISO 50005-008 Operations and maintenance 100.00
ISO 50005-009 Procurement and design 100.00
ISO 50005-010 Process for communication and control of docum 100.00
ISO 50005-011 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluati Process for communication and control
ISO 50005-012 Management review and improvement 100.00
ISO 50005 % Compliance

Context of the organization

Management review and improvement 100.00 Leadership

Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation of energy performance Resources


Process for communication and control of documented information 0.00 Energy review

Procurement and design Energy performance indicators and energy baselines

Operations and maintenance Objectives, energy targets and action plans

Competence and awareness
ISO 50005-001 Element 1 — Context of the organization
Metrics checklists assess the effectiveness of the measurement process and system.
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Context Create some awareness within the Collect information about energy-related Determine energy-related external and
organization about energy-related environmental and other impacts within internal issues that affect the
environmental and other impacts. the organization. organization's ability to improve energy
Risks and Identify the risks and opportunities
opportunities associated with external and internal
issues that affect the organization’s ability
to improve energy performance.

_ _

Legal requirements Create an awareness about the applicable Determine how legal requirements and
and other legal requirements and other other requirements apply to the
requirements requirements related to energy. organization’s EnMS.


% Compliance with this aspect =

nization Return to Summary page
ss and system.

Applicability Compliance Auditor's Notes

Level 4
Top management ensures that the 4 4
energy-related needs and expectations of
the relevant interested parties are
Top management ensures that risks and 4 4
opportunities associated with the energy-
related needs and expectations of
interested parties are determined in order
to ensure that the EnMS achieves its
intended outcomes.

Top management ensures that measures

to address the determined risks and
opportunities are established.

The organization determines changes in

external and internal issues and
associated risks and opportunities that are
relevant to the EnMS and energy
performance improvement.

Establish a system to apply legal 4 4

requirements and other requirements
throughout the processes of the EnMS.

Review at defined intervals the

organization’s legal requirements and
other requirements.

12 12

% Compliance with this aspect = 100.00

ISO 50005-002 Element 2 — Leadership
Metrics checklists assess the effectiveness of the measurement process and system.
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Top management: Top management ensures that: Top management ensures that:

Energy policy Provides verbal support for energy An energy policy is established. The energy policy includes a commitment
management. to continual improvement of energy
performance and the EnMS.
Ensures that informal policies or
commitments relating to energy
management are in place.

Scope and The EnMS scope and boundaries are

boundaries _ _ established.

Objectives and Energy targets are established. Objectives and energy targets are
energy targets established.

EnMS performance The EnMS is improving in order to meet

_ _ the targets for each element.

Responsibilities and Enables the formation of an EnMT. Responsibilities and authorities to the Responsibilities and authorities for relevant
authorities EnMT are assigned. roles (beyond the members of the EnMT)
are assigned.
NOTE The tasks of the EnMT are described
in Element 3 “resources”.
Communication The energy policy is communicated within Responsibilities and authorities for relevant
the organization. roles are communicated within the
The roles, responsibilities and composition
of the EnMT are communicated within the
_ organization.

Documented The energy policy is available as The scope and boundaries are available as
information _ documented information. documented information.

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ss and system.

Level 4
Applicability Compliance Auditor's Notes
Top management demonstrates
leadership and commitment by:

Ensuring that the energy policy is 4 4

periodically reviewed and updated as

Ensuring that the energy policy is

compatible with the strategic direction of
the organization.

Reviewing the EnMS scope and boundaries 4 4

and updating as appropriate.

Ensuring that objectives and energy 4 4

targets are compatible with the strategic
direction of the organization.

Ensuring that the action plans are

approved and implemented.

Promoting continual improvement of 4 4

energy performance and the EnMS.

Ensuring that responsibilities and 4 4

authorities for all relevant roles are
assigned, reviewed and updated as
Communicating the importance of the 4 4
effectiveness of the EnMS and of
conforming to the EnMS requirements.

Ensuring that responsibilities and

authorities for all relevant roles are
communicated within the organization.

Making the energy policy available to

interested parties, as appropriate.

4 4

28 28

% Compliance with this aspect = 100.00

ISO 50005-003 Element 3 — Resources
Metrics checklists assess the effectiveness of the measurement process and system.
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
EnMT Establish an informal EnMT. Establish an EnMT. EnMT ensures that the EnMS is
established, implemented, maintained and
EnMT begins to collect information that continually improved.
can be used on energy performance and
energy performance improvement. EnMT implements action plans to
continually improve energy performance.

EnMT monitors the energy performance of

the organization.

EnMT regularly communicates energy

performance and achievements within the

Budget Allocate some budget for energy Allocate the budget necessary for initial Absorb costs for the EnMS into existing
management activities. training and implementation. capital and/or operational expense


% Compliance with this aspect =

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ss and system.

Applicability Compliance Auditor's Notes

Level 4
EnMT monitors the status of the action 4 4

EnMT reports to top management on the

performance of the

EnMS and the improvement of energy

performance at determined intervals.

Determine and allocate the budget 4 4

needed for continual improvement of
energy performance and the EnMS.

8 8

% Compliance with this aspect = 100.00

ISO 50005-004 Element 4 — Energy review
Metrics checklists assess the effectiveness of the measurement process and system.
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Energy use and Identify current energy types and energy Evaluate past and current energy use(s) Make preliminary estimates of future
consumption use(s). and energy consumption and energy cost energy use(s) and energy consumption.

SEUs Identify SEUs. Determine current energy performance of

_ each SEU.

Energy savings Identify energy savings opportunities that Evaluate opportunities for energy savings. Prioritize energy savings opportunities.
opportunities are either based on common knowledge at
the facility or are simple and/or low-cost
(e.g. compressed air leaks, steam leaks,
idling equipment).

Energy data Collect energy data (e.g. by using energy Install permanent or temporary energy Define energy data collection plans that
collection bills). consumption meters wherever resources include energy consumption, relevant
are available. variable data and operational criteria for
the SEU(s) and energy consumption for
Store energy data in easily accessible the organization.
formats and make it available to relevant
personnel. Incorporate measurement needs into
planning (e.g. purchasing/ installing

Documented Ensure that energy consumption and cost Ensure that the results of the energy
information data (e.g. energy bills) are available as review are available as documented
documented information. _ information.

w Return to Summary page
ss and system.

Applicability Compliance Auditor's Notes

Level 4
Estimate future energy use(s) and energy 4 4

Update the energy review at defined

intervals as well as in response to major
changes in facilities, equipment, systems
or energy-using processes.

Identify the person(s) doing work that 4 4

influence or affect each SEU.

Identify routinely new energy savings 4 4

opportunities, analyse and evaluate them,
and implement selected measures on a
continual basis.

Ensure that equipment used for 4 4

measurement provides data which are
accurate and repeatable.

Review the energy data collection plans at

defined intervals and update, as

Ensure that the methods and criteria used 4 4

to develop and conduct the energy review
are available as documented information.

20 20

% Compliance with this aspect = 100.00

ISO 50005-005 Element 5 — Energy performance indicators and energy baselines
Metrics checklists assess the effectiveness of the measurement process and system.
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Relevant variables Brainstorm possible variables based on Quantify potentially relevant variables. Conduct a more thorough review of
practical knowledge. variables that significantly impact energy
Conduct a preliminary analysis of energy consumption using simple regression
consumption based on a single variable. analysis.

EnPIs Determine EnPIs at the facility level. Create EnPIs that are aligned with energy

Determine EnPIs at the SEU level.

Review EnPIs periodically to ensure that
they reflect energy performance and
update them, if necessary.

EnBs Conduct a preliminary analysis of energy Establish an EnB for each energy type Establish EnB(s) by using the information
data (e.g. by using the historical data). (e.g. by using one year of energy bills). from the data of the energy review (e.g.
daily, weekly or monthly) energy
consumption and relevant variable data.

Communication EnMT reports EnPI value(s) regularly,

including progress against energy targets
_ _ and/or EnB(s).
Documented Ensure that EnBs, EnPI value(s), relevant
information variable data and information on
revision(s) of EnB(s) are available as
documented information
_ _

nd energy baselines Return to Summary page
ss and system.

Applicability Compliance Auditor's Notes

Level 4
Determine all relevant variables for each 4 4

Ensure that EnPIs are appropriate for 4 4

measuring and monitoring energy
performance and for demonstrating
energy performance improvement.

Revise EnB(s) in the following cases: 4 4

a) EnPI(s) no longer reflect(s) the

organization’s energy performance;

b) there have been major changes to the

static factors;

c) according to a pre-determined method.

Use relevant varia_x0002_bles for the

normalization of the EnB(s)

EnMT reports EnPI value(s) at determined 4 4

intervals, including progress against
energy targets and/or EnB(s).
Ensure that the method to determine and 4 4
update the EnPI(s) is available as
documented information.

Ensure that the modifications to EnB(s)

are available as documented information.

20 20

% Compliance with this aspect = 100.00

ISO 50005-006 Element 6 — Objectives, energy targets and action plans
Metrics checklists assess the effectiveness of the measurement process and system.
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Objectives and Set energy targets using an ad hoc or Formally set energy targets. Ensure that the objectives and energy
energy targets informal approach. targets are consistent with the energy
policy, take into account energy
performance improvement opportunities
and are updated as appropriate.

Action plans Select and implement energy savings Establish a basic plan for the Ensure that action plans take into account
projects and energy efficiency measures implementation of energy savings projects risks, barriers and financial evaluation and
using an ad hoc or informal approach. and energy efficiency measures including include how the results will be evaluated.
required resources, responsibilities and
timelines. Analyse and prioritize energy savings
projects and efficiency measures.

Evaluate the results of the implemented

energy savings projects and energy
efficiency measures.

_ _ _

Communication Inform employees regularly about the

_ _ extent to which objectives and energy
targets have been met.

Documented Ensure that action plans for energy savings Ensure that objectives, energy targets and
information _ projects are available as documented action plans are available as documented
information. information.

nd action plans Return to Summary page
s and system.

Applicability Compliance Auditor's Notes

Level 4
Ensure that objectives and energy targets 4 4
consider SEUs and take into account
applicable requirements.

Ensure that objectives and energy targets

are measurable and monitored.

Select and implement energy savings 4 4

projects and efficiency measures to ensure
that they result in improved energy

Review the effectiveness of action plans

and the achievement of energy targets at
planned intervals.

Consider how actions to achieve objectives 4 4

and energy targets can be integrated into
business processes.

Communicate and update objectives and 4 4

energy targets, as appropriate.

4 4

20 20

% Compliance with this aspect = 100.00

ISO 50005-007 Element 7 — Competence and awareness
Metrics checklists assess the effectiveness of the measurement process and system.
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Employee Ensure that all employees are aware of the Ensure that employees engage in energy
awareness energy policy. awareness through campaigns and
promotional events.
_ Ensure that employees understand how their
actions can impact energy consumption. Review or analyse employee awareness.

Competence Train members of the EnMT in specific Identify competence gaps for the EnMT
energy management issues, as necessary. based on the level of current competence
and necessary competence related to the
EnMS and energy performance.
Take actions to fill the identified gaps for the

Improvement Encourage employees to make comments or

suggestions suggest ideas about energy performance
_ _ improvement actions.


_ _ _

reness Return to Summary page
and system.

Applicability Compliance Auditor's Notes

Level 4
Ensure that employees are aware of their 4 4
contribution to the effectiveness of the EnMS
and the implications of not conforming to
the EnMS requirements.

Identify competence gaps for other relevant 4 4

personnel based on the level of current
competence and necessary competence
related to the EnMS and energy

Take actions to fill the identified gaps for

other relevant personnel.

Top management implements an employee 4 4

and contractor suggestion scheme for the
improvement of energy performance and the

Ensure that evidence of competence of all 4 4

personnel involved in the EnMS is available
as documented information.

Consider keeping documented information

on the suggested improvements.

16 16

% Compliance with this aspect = 100.00

ISO 50005-008 Element 8 — Operations and maintenance
Metrics checklists assess the effectiveness of the measurement process and system.
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
O&M criteria Partially establish O&M criteria for Establish and maintain O&M criteria for the
processes related to energy performance. processes related to the energy
_ performance of SEUs.

O&M processes Consider some O&M impacts on energy Ensure that the energy impacts of O&M Ensure that some O&M processes are in
consumption. processes are understood by personnel. place.

O&M personnel identify some no-cost and

low-cost energy performance improvement

Communication Communicate criteria established for the

_ _ processes related to SEUs to relevant

_ _ _

enance Return to Summary page
s and system.

Applicability Compliance Auditor's Notes

Level 4
Monitor O&M criteria for the processes 4 4
related to the energy performance of SEUs
to support timely action when significant
deviations from intended energy
performance occur.
Control outsourced O&M processes. 4 4

Ensure that the O&M of externally provided

SEUs or processes related to SEUs are

Ensure that all O&M processes are in place

for SEUs.

4 4

Ensure that evidence to the extent 4 4

necessary that O&M processes related to
SEUs have been carried out as planned is
available as documented information.

16 16

% Compliance with this aspect = 100.00

ISO 50005-009 Element 9 — Procurement and design
Metrics checklists assess the effectiveness of the measurement process and system.
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Design Consider energy performance occasionally Consider energy performance consistently in
_ in design. design.

Procurement Consider energy consumption occasionally Consider energy performance consistently in

in procurement. procurement.

Engage equipment suppliers and

contractors to provide energy efficient
_ solutions.

Ensure that some standard procedures are

in place for the procurement of energy

Communication Begin informing suppliers that energy

performance is one of the evaluation criteria
for procurement.

_ _

_ _ _

esign Return to Summary page
s and system.

Applicability Compliance Auditor's Notes

Level 4
Consider energy performance improvement 4 4
opportunities and operational control in

Ensure that purchasing decisions follow 4 4

established criteria for evaluating energy
performance over the planned or expected
operating lifetime.

Account for the impact that contractors and

outsourced processes have on energy

Inform suppliers that energy performance is 4 4

one of the evaluation criteria for

Ensure that the results of the energy

performance consideration of the design
stage are incorporated into specifications of
the procurement documents and are
communicated to suppliers.

Ensure that information on design activities 4 4

related to energy performance are available
as documented information.

16 16

% Compliance with this aspect = 100.00

ISO 50005-010
Element 10 – Process for communication and control of documented
Metrics checklists assess the effectiveness of the measurement process and system.
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Documentation Keep some documented information (e.g. Issue and maintain some documented Identify all documented information that is
process energy bills) information (e.g. energy policy, energy needed to support the EnMS.
review, energy data collection plan, initial
training activities).
Communication Communicate on energy-related issues Ensure planned communication on energy Determine the internal communication
process using an ad hoc or informal approach. performance-related issues. relevant to the EnMS including what to
communicate, when to communicate,
recipients of that communication, how to
communicate and who is responsible for

rol of documented
Return to Summary page

ss and system.

Applicability Compliance Auditor's Notes

Level 4
Create, manage, review, update and 4 4
control EnMS-related documented

Determine the external communications 4 4

relevant to the EnMS.

8 8

% Compliance with this aspect = 100.00

ISO 50005-011
Element 11 — Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation of energy performance
Metrics checklists assess the effectiveness of the measurement process and system.
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Monitoring and Monitor energy consumption (e.g. at facility Review energy performance (including Monitor and measure key characteristics
measurement level using energy bills). costs) occasionally. including actual versus expected energy
consumption and EnPIs.

Analysis and Analyse the results of monitoring and

evaluation measurements.
_ _
Identify significant deviations in energy

Legal requirements
and other
_ _ _

Documented Ensure that results from monitoring and

information measurement are available as documented

_ _

ation of energy performance Return to Summary page

and system.

Applicability Compliance Auditor's Notes

Level 4
Ensure that equipment used for the 4 4
measurement of key characteristics provides
data which are accurate and repeatable.

Evaluate energy performance and energy 4 4

performance improvement.

Investigate and respond to significant

deviations in energy performance.

Evaluate compliance with legal requirements 4 4

and other requirements at planned intervals.

Ensure that the results of the investigation 4 4

and response to significant deviations in
energy performance are available as
documented information.

Ensure that documented information on the

accuracy and repeatability of the
measurements is available.

Ensure that the results of the evaluation of

compliance with legal requirements and
other requirements is available as
documented information.

16 16

% Compliance with this aspect = 100.00

ISO 50005-012 Element 12 — Management review and improvement
Metrics checklists assess the effectiveness of the measurement process and system.
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Review of energy Top management reviews energy Top management reviews the extent to
performance consumption and energy costs at least on which objectives and energy targets have
an annual basis. been met and takes actions when they are
not achieved.
Top management reviews the status of
action plans.

Review of the EnMS Top management reviews the EnMS at

defined intervals.

Identify and monitor EnMS elements (e.g.

using an organizational scorecard or energy
management assessment).

_ _ Top management reviews trends in

nonconformities and corrective actions.

Top management reviews the effectiveness

of the EnMT.

Internal audit

_ _ _

Nonconformity and Identify deviations from expected results Determine the causes of nonconformities
corrective actions (e.g. in energy consumption trends) and and take actions, if needed, in order to
take action to control and correct them. prevent their recurrence or occurrence
_ elsewhere.
_ _ _


_ _ _

mprovement Return to Summary page
s and system.

Applicability Compliance Auditor's Notes

Level 4
Top management reviews energy 4 4
performance and energy performance
improvement based on monitoring and
measurement results including the EnPIs.

Review the EnMS at planned intervals 4 4

internally to ensure that relevant employees
are following its requirements.

Continually identify, assess and implement

opportunities to improve the EnMS.

Plan, implement and maintain internal audit 4 4


Top management reviews trends in audit


Review the effectiveness of any corrective 4 4

action taken and their appropriateness to
the effects of the identified

Make changes to the EnMS, if required.

Demonstrate continual energy performance 4 4

Continually improve the effectiveness of the


Ensure that the results of the management 4 4

review are available as documented

Ensure that the nature of nonconformities

and the results of corrective actions taken
are available as documented information.

24 24

% Compliance with this aspect = 100.00

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