Active and Pain Free Pregnancy

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Pain Free Pregnancy

2nd Antenatal Class

For the first time in Pakistan
Is being active during pregnancy safe?
Exercise is NOT HARMFUL for you
or the baby, in fact its BENEFICIAL

• The more active you are the easier it

will be for you to adapt to your
changing shape and weight gain.
• It will also help you to cope
with labor and get back into shape
after the birth.
How is exercise beneficial for me?
Improve your stamina and heart health

Reduce the risk of pregnancy complications

Boost your mood

Lower blood pressure

Ease back and pelvic pain

Fight fatigue

Improve sleep

Relieve constipation

Lower the odds of delivery complications

Speed post-delivery recovery

How is exercise beneficial for my
More appropriate environment for organ

Less body fat index

Greater lean muscle mass

Greater neurodevelopmental levels

Less changes of cardiac diseases and diabetes

The Influence of Prenatal Exercise on Offspring Health: A Review-2016

Carmen Moyer, Olga Roldan Reoyo and Linda May


How often should I Exercise?
• Aim to Exercise of most days of the week,
almost all days.

• If you are physically inactive start with 3

to 4 days per week
What intensity is beneficial for me?

• The usual methods of calculating heart

rate is not okay to be used in pregnancy.

• Two methods I suggest are:

1. Talk test
2. 12 to 14 rating on Borg Scale
How long should I exercise?

• 150 – 300 minutes per week.

• Minimum 30 mins most days

• If inactive: start with 15 mins and proress to

30 mins

• Greater then 60 mins is not advisable

What precautions to take during
• Avoid jerky movements.
• Avoid breath holding
• Do not allow any joint to be taken
beyond its normal physiological
• Use caution with hamstring and
adductor stretches.
– Over- stretching of these muscle
groups can increase pelvic instability
or hypermobility
When to stop TERMINATE exercise
Persistent pain
Leakage of amniotic fluid
Uterine contractions
Vaginal bleeding
Decreased fetal movements
Persistent shortness of breath
Irregular heartbeat or fast HR
Swelling/pain in the calf
Difficulty in walking
Upper neck and shoulder relaxation

Shoulder elevation at roll x 10

Side flexion stretch neck X 10
Hands Behind Head PEC stretch X 10
Start Breathing…..

To Release the Tension in

your Muscles
Muscles targeted:
1. Low back
2. front of shoulders
3. Hips and ankles
Muscles targeted: the side body including
obliques, latismus dorsi and the small muscles
between ribs
Seated Spinal Twist
Lower Back and Core
Muscles targeted:
1. Outer Hips
2. Low back
3. Glutes
Muscles targeted: Calf Muscles
Muscles targeted:
1. Hamstrings
2. Low back
3. Front of chest
Muscles targeted: quads and hip flexors

To make your muscles

Upper Limb
Lower Limb
Core and Back
Pelvic Floor
Unsafe Postures and Exercises
During Pregnancy
• Bilateral straight-leg raising
• “Fire hydrant” exercise
• All-fours (quadruped) hip extension
• Unilateral weight-bearing activities
Thank you
joining us

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