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Budget Proposal Title



EXAMPLE OPENING: This budget proposal has been written to include all of the necessary costs
involved with the [PROJECT NAME] project, which we would like to begin pursuing because of [1-2
MAJOR REASONS FOR PROJECT]. Costs associated with the Project have been broken down and
itemized in this proposal. Detailed and in-depth explanations have been provided for each cost
element and funding request. If you have any questions about this proposal, please don’t hesitate to
contact the undersigned writer.

TO DO: Be sure to include details about anticipated revenue or benefits of launching this project with
the proposed budget.


TO DO: Provide a general outline or description of the project in this section. What is the project, and
why is the project so important or worthwhile to the company or organization? In case this is a
budget proposal for something that isn’t a project, such as internal changes to a department, simply
change up the language to be more appropriate.


The budget determined in this budget proposal for [PROJECT NAME] covers the entire period of
performance for said project or [NUMBER] months of effort.

TO DO: If this is an internal budget for a team or department change (or other relevant non-project
needs), your superior may want a full annual budget based on the business fiscal year. Make sure to
reflect that accordingly and include all relevant information.

The following are necessary cost elements of the project as a whole, broken down into individual
elements with full reasons and justifications.


TO DO: The term burdened hourly rate (or BHR) refers to the specific cost rate to the business plus
any additional overhead or administrative expenses. Make sure this is calculated accurately. In the
included table, you will need to provide the reasoning behind the request for these labor resources.
What are they needed for, and why can’t cheaper alternatives be chosen?

Labor Labor Source Contractor or Burdened Total Hours Amount

Category Employee? Hourly Rate Estimated/Re
(BHR) quested

[TITLE] [NAME] Contractor [$] [#] [$]

Subtotal – [$]

Total – [$]

REASON: In this space, in as much detail as possible (while still keeping it down to one paragraph),
explain your justification for the above labor costs, contractor choices, and BHR.

Equipment Items and Materials

TO DO: Keep in mind that “extended price” can be calculated by multiplying quantity with unit cost.
It’s necessary to include these calculations so that relevant stakeholders can get a big picture view of

Description Quantity Unit Cost Extended Price

[DESCRIPTION] [#] [$] [$]

Subtotal – [$]

Total – [$]

REASON: In this space, in as much detail as possible (while still keeping it down to one paragraph),
explain your justification for the above equipment needs and material needs. Include the “how” and
“why” these equipment items and need to be used in your project.

Miscellaneous Expenses

TO DO: In the expense type section, be sure to organize your miscellaneous expenses by groups. For
example, we recommend using expense type labels such as Travel, Shipping, or Postage. In the
description section, keep the description short but sensible. If you need to provide Travel
descriptions, include the location the travel will take place and the duration of the trip in days.

Expense Type Description Total Cost


Subtotal – [$]

Total – [$]

REASON: In this space, in as much detail as possible (while still keeping it down to one paragraph),
explain your justification for the “fringe” elements of the project budget, such as shipping, postage,
travel, and other necessities that don’t fit into equipment, labor, or materials.


By calculating all of the above information and data, the total cost for [PROJECT NAME] is estimated
in the following chart:

Cost Element Total Estimated Cost

Labor [$]

Equipment Items and Materials [$]

Miscellaneous Expenses [$]

Subtotal – [$]

Total – [$]
This budget for [PROJECT NAME] was written and developed by [YOUR NAME] with input from
[RELEVANT TEAMS AND MANAGERS] who also support this proposal’s budget estimate.

I officially certify that this budget proposal contains my best estimate of the honest and wholly
necessary costs for this project. I officially certify that the information provided within this proposal is
accurate, complete, and up-to-date as of the date of my signature below.


_________________________________ ______________


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