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While recruiting new employees, we will:

1. Follow the good practice recommendations;

2. Not to discriminate unlawfully against any person;
3. Select the best candidate for the job in terms of qualifications and abilities.

To achieve these aims, we have set up a recruitment and selection policy. No position in
the organisation will be filled unless this procedure has been followed.

The recruitment process has the following objectives:

➢To search for prospective employees and stimulate them to apply for jobs;
➢To ensure that all the positions in the organisation are staffed by persons who
have the appropriate skills, knowledge, experience and qualifications required to
perform the job effectively.

This recruitment and selection policy applies to all employees who are involved in
hiring. It also refers to all potential job candidates.
Recruitment may be initiated for

➢ A vacancy arising due to replacement requirement i.e. transfer, resignation,

termination, retirement or demise of an employee;
➢ An approved position;
➢ A prior approved position decided at the start of a calendar/financial year.

Conflict of Interest

All StarFoodz Pvt Ltd staff are required to disclose any potential or real conflict of
interest with the organisation prior to their recruitment or during their stay in the
organisation. Staff with recruitment responsibility (line managers, HR staff and
interview panel members) must declare any conflict of interest with potential staff.
StarFoodz Pvt Ltd does not encourage hiring of relatives. Relatives in this context would

➢ Husband, Wife
➢ Father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law
➢ Brother, sister, spouse of brother, sister
➢ Brother, sister of spouse
➢ Son, daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law
➢ First cousin
➢ First nephew, niece

Ideally individuals who are not relatives of any current employee at the time of
application shall be considered for employment. The applicant would be expected to
declare if he/she is related to any person in the company at the time of hiring. Non-
disclosure of staff relatives may even be considered as a misconduct necessitating
appropriate action by the management. Exceptions to this policy can be made by the


Individuals who have been rejected at any stage of the selection process are ineligible
for reapplying for the same position for a period of 6 months from the time of rejection.

Individuals who are made an offer but do not join post acceptance of the offer shall be
considered ineligible for reapplication.

Any ex-employee being considered for re-appointment will be treated as new joining.
The recruitment process would be treated as a fresh appointment and a similar process
would be followed as per policy. Exceptions can be made by the organisation.

Procedure for Recruitment

A. Request

Identify the need of human resources through the program centre. Receive the request
from the concerned unit approved by the line manager / centre head along with job
description. Enter the position into vacancy detail and provide a code to the specific

B. Advertisement

Advertisement: arrange to publish the positions in following:

➢ DevNet Jobs India

➢ LinkedIn
➢ Career Page
➢ Indeed
➢ Hiring Consultants
➢ Internal Circulation
➢ Local Newspaper, if require

Salary will not be published except if the positions are shared with the consultant as
they may ask about the range. Ensure all the applications to receive on
recruit@StarFoodz Pvt

Any application received without job code will also not be considered for further

C. Shortlisting

Download relevant applications in a specific folder and provide them to the Head HR
for further shortlisting. After which it will be given to the concerned centre head for
final shortlisting and interview setup.

After receiving the shortlisted CVs from Head HR/Centre Head, an interview
assessment sheet will be filled.

D. Interview

Interviews (Personal/Skype) will be set up in consultation with the Panel members and
considering the availability of the candidates.

The panel may vary if the designated member is not available. Also the panel may
increase depending upon the position.
The panel will interview and write their comments in the interview assessment sheet
along with their recommendations.

For a positive recommendation to a candidate, a writing assessment will be sent to

analyse his/her writing skills. Topic of the assignment will be provided by the line
manager of the said position. The writing assignment will be assessed through a
Plagiarism Test.

The writing assessment along with plagiarism test report will be forwarded to the
panel members. The respected program person will be requested to rate the

Selected candidates who have successfully cleared the interview and writing
assignment have to provide 3 references of their last employers for background check.
The details of references should include name, designation, phone number and email Id.

Further rounds of the interview will depend on the panel members (e.g. in case of
deputy head, the interview documents will further go to the director for his final

Travel reimbursement for the outstation candidates will be in accordance with the
TA/DA rules of the level of the position and must be clearly communicated to the

E. Background Check

An offer of employment is contingent upon satisfactory background and security checks

including reference checks from previous employers, educational qualifications
verifications and criminal background checks.

F. Making an offer

After completing all above processes, an offer letter will be sent over email for
acceptance. Thereafter, an appointment letter will be issued to the candidate along with
StarFoodz Pvt Ltd Code of Conduct.

No person shall be deemed to be an employee until and unless he/she has received a
letter of offer/appointment or has entered into a contract of service. In case any
candidate offered a position by us fails to accept it in 15 days, the offer will be
automatically revoked.

​In case a person has concealed or misrepresented any material fact or forged or faked
any document at the time of appointment or later, such appointment shall be void
ab-initio. The organisation will have no liability to such a person and may initiate any
action as deemed fit. Legal appointment to a position in StarFoodz Pvt Ltd will be on
the basis of an appointment letter issued by the appointing authority on behalf of
StarFoodz Pvt Ltd upon joining the organisation.

G. On Boarding
​Before the joining of a candidate, an orientation plan will be developed in consultation
with all concerned departments and the IT department will be requested to arrange a
system and create the official email Id. The admin assistant will prepare the work
station with initial and necessary stationery items.

​At the time of the joining, the new joiner will fill all the joining forms. HR will ensure
that all the documents and credentials would be verified with originals, and would
complete the joining document set as per the joining checklist.

​After completion of joining formalities, HR will provide an orientation plan along with
StarFoodz Pvt Ltd Code of Conduct, staff contact list, holiday list and an official email id
with its password to the new employee.

​On the basis of the documents and information received from the person, the request
for making the ID card will be passed on to the publication team. HR will take the new
employee for the introduction with other colleagues and then handover his/her charge
to his/her line manager.


All appointees will be on probation for a period of 3 months, which may be further
extended depending upon the performance. Confirmation of an appointment will be
based on the assessment of the performance by the line managers. The probation shall
continue until the appointee will receive a regularisation letter by the organisation.
The regularisation will be at the discretion of the organisation, should it find the person
suitable by assessing the performance during probation.


After successful completion of the probation period, a regularisation letter will be

issued to an employee.

After regularisation, one month notice or last drawn salary in lieu thereof will be given
on either side for termination of employment/contract. However, in the event of
misconduct on employees’ part such as embezzlement or dereliction of duty or wilful
disobedience etc. employees employment is liable to be terminated without any notice.

Our organisation follows the basic steps required in the staffing process which are provided
as follows-

1. Manpower Planning
Manpower planning can be regarded as the quantitative and qualitative measurement
of the labour force required in an enterprise. Therefore, in an overall sense, the planning
process involves the synergy in creating and evaluating the manpower inventory and as
well as in developing the required talents among the employees selected for promotion

2. Recruitment
Recruitment is a process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them
to apply for jobs in the organisation. It stands for finding the source from where
potential employees will be selected.

3. Selection
Selection is a process of eliminating those who appear unpromising. The purpose of this
selection process is to determine whether a candidate is suitable for employment in the
organisation or not. Therefore, the main aim of the process of selection is selecting the
right candidates to fill various positions in the organisation . A well-planned selection
procedure is of utmost importance.

4. Placement
Placement means putting the person on the job for which he is selected. It includes
introducing the employee to his job.

5. Training
After selection of an employee, the important part of the program is to provide training
to the new employee. With the various technological changes, the need for training
employees is being increased to keep the employees in touch with the various new
6. Development
A sound staffing policy provides for the introduction of a system of planned promotion
in every organisation. If employees are not at all having suitable opportunities for their
development and promotion, they get frustrated which affect their work.

7. Promotions
The process of promotion implies the up-gradation of an employee to a higher post
involving increasing rank, prestige and responsibilities. Generally, the promotion is
linked to increment in wages and incentives but it is not essential that it always relates
to that part of an organisation.

8. Transfer
Transfer means the movement of an employee from one job to another without
increment in pay, status or responsibilities. Therefore this process of staffing needs to
be evaluated on a timely basis.

9. Appraisal
Appraisal of employees as to how efficiently the subordinate is performing a job and
also to know his aptitudes and other qualities necessary for performing the job
assigned to him.

10. Determination of Remuneration

This is the last process which is very crucial as it involves determining remuneration
which is one of the most difficult functions of the personnel department because there
are no definite or exact means to determine correct wages.

One of the easiest ways of staffing that can be adopted by our company is having a tie
up with staffing agencies. A staffing agency recruits employees for businesses that are
seeking to fill certain positions. They help companies hire for different types of jobs:
temporary (an assignment with a set start and end date), temp to hire (an assignment
that’s initially temporary but is used to help an employer determine the temp worker’s
long-term fit with the company) and direct hire (a permanent position in which the
staffing agency acts as a recruiter)

Steps involved in the Training and Development Process

1. Need for training and development
2. Goals and Objectives
3. Method of Training
4. Implementation of program
5. Evaluation and constant monitoring

Step I- Need of Training and Development program

Identification of the training needs of the target group which is to be exposed to training
can be done in 2 ways:

➢ Training needs assessment at the organisational level

➢ Training needs assessment at individual or employee level.
➢ Training need assessment at the department / functional level

Once the target group is identified, analysis of the gap which needs to be bridged
through training. Develop specific training objectives and targets for bringing about
measurable improvement in their performance levels and enhancement in job-related

Step II- Goals and Objectives of Training and Development

Here are different goals and objectives the company has set before the implementation
of the training and development program-

➢ To impart skills- Under this objective, the employees are trained to operate the
equipment and machinery correctly. The goals are set to improve work
efficiency and to reduce wastage of time.
➢ To Educate: The objective is linked with providing information about theoretical
concepts and providing hands-on experience of the task. The goal is to
improve the reasoning power and judgement skills of employees.
➢ To Enhance Knowledge: The objective here is to improve the behavioural
knowledge of the employee. The goal is to enhance understanding of human
relations, management and business environment among employees.
➢ Ethics: The objective is to provide knowledge about ethical conduct in the
organisation. The goal is to regulate the conduct of the employee in the
➢ Change in attitude: The objective of the training is to change the attitude of the
employees in terms of outlook, reaction, feelings and work beliefs. The goal is
to improve the commitment and satisfaction of the employee by providing the
required motivation.
➢ Extraordinary Skills: To impart extraordinary skills such as critical
decision-making, problem-solving and industrial research. The goal is to make
employees ready to face future challenges.
➢ Literacy: The objective is to improve corporate language proficiency and
increase awareness about corporate culture. The goal is to make sure
employees are able to handle international clients and customers in a decent

Step III- Training Methods

➢ Orientations (Induction programme): It is generally used to introduce the newly
joined employee to the organisational work culture. It includes a few lecture
sessions, meetings with the supervisor and information regarding the history
of the organisation. This training is used to make sure the newcomer feels
welcomed in the organisation and becomes aware of their work profile, goals
and objectives of the organisation, policies as well as rules and regulations to
be followed.

Some of the topics covered in the induction program are:

➔ Terms and conditions of employment

➔ Introduction to company culture, vision and mission
➔ Introduction to the company policies
➔ Job responsibilities
➔ The hierarchical structure of the company
➔ Setting up any IT systems, access and permission
➔ Finalising account details for payroll and benefits
➔ Introduction to the team members
➔ Assigning mentors and supervisors
➔ A guided tour of the office
➢ Lectures: This is a one-way communication method, mostly used when important
information has to be conveyed to a large number of employees. The information
can be related to new updates in policies or any change management activities in
the organisation.
➢ Case Study: Here the participants are given a situation in terms of a case study
and they have to provide solutions to the stated problem in the provided case. It
is the best way to impart decision-making skills and sharpen the judgement skills
of the employee.
➢ Role Playing: A scenario is created and each participant is assigned a particular
role to play out. The participant can practise their actual job work using the
role-play method. The facilitator provides immediate feedback to the participant
which helps them to improve their performance. These kinds of scenarios are very
effective while providing marketing and management training.
➢ Simulations: They can be used as a kind of game created from real-life scenarios.
The benefits of these simulations are that employees get a better understanding
of the whole organisational structure and can study actual day-to-day problems
to get relevant solutions to it.
➢ Computer-Based Training: The employees are provided study material and
instruction on the computer. It allows employees to learn at their own pace and
➢ Self-Instruction: Individualised instruction, programmed learning, personalised
systems of instruction, correspondence study and learner-controlled instruction
are different types of self-instruction training. Here employees are responsible for
their own learning.
➢ Audiovisual Training: In this type of training films, television and videotapes are
used to expose employees to real-life situations. The presentation includes the
situation and how the problem stated in the situation is resolved. It helps an
employee to gain knowledge about diverse corporate situations and provide them
with an appropriate direction to take decisions.
➢ Team-Building Exercises: The training is associated with human behaviour. It
includes activities which can improve group dynamics and worker-management
relations. It can be in the form of outdoor exercise or brainstorming sessions in
the office.
➢ Apprenticeships and Internships: It is a kind of on-the-job training in which the
newly joined employee works with an experienced employee and learns
work-related skills while performing the actual job.
➢ Job Rotation: In order to enhance the understanding of the whole organisation
and to add skills the job rotation method of training is used. Here employees do
different types of jobs on a rotational basis and gain knowledge of different work

Tools for employee training:

➢ Educational Videos
➢ Work Shadowing
➢ Attending conferences/ workshops and seminars
➢ Training material
➢ Group discussions
➢ Mentoring as well as coaching programs
➢ Simulation methods
➢ Benchmarking
➢ An analytical approach through questionnaires, cognitive analysis, etc.
➢ Training guides & manuals.

Our HR managers use a variety of these types of training to develop a holistic


Professional Training and Legal Training

Professional training is a type of training required to be up to date in one’s own

professional field. For example, tax laws change often, and as a result, an accountant
for H&R Block must receive yearly professional training on new tax codes (Silkey,

Managerial Training

After someone has spent time with an organisation, they might be identified as a
candidate for promotion. When this occurs, managerial training would occur. Topics
might include those from our soft skills section, such as how to motivate and delegate,
while others may be technical in nature. For example, if management uses a particular
computer system for scheduling, the manager candidate might be technically trained.
Some managerial training might be performed in-house while other training, such as
leadership skills, might be performed externally.

Safety training is a type of training that occurs to ensure employees are protected from
injuries caused by work-related accidents. Safety training is especially important for
organisations that use chemicals or other types of hazardous materials in their
production. Safety training can also include evacuation plans, fire drills, and workplace
violence procedures. Safety training can also include the following:

➢ Eye safety
➢ First aid
➢ Food service safety
➢ Hearing protection
➢ Asbestos
➢ Construction safety
➢ Hazmat safety

Step IV- Implementation of the program

The management and HRM department take a meeting with different supervisors to
decide the time period of implementation of the training and development program. The
implementation of orientation programs and other newcomer training programs is
carried out right after the joining of the employee. The specific skills training programs
are launched based on the workload and free time span available to the employee. The
on-the-job training program is an ongoing process and employees should be informed
about it in advance.

Step V- Evaluation and constant monitoring

The evaluation of the training and development program is generally carried out at the
time of performance appraisal. The changes in performance and attitude are noted
based on the performance review. The increase in productivity and accuracy of work
indicates the success of the training and development program. Improved work
harmony and organisational citizenship behaviour indicate the well-being created by
development programs. The constant monitoring of the behaviour of the employee is
achieved based on the monthly goal attainment and teamwork of the employee.
Additional training programs are launched in the case of the absence of any positive
results in terms of improved employee performance.
Employee orientation is the procedure by which new employees learn the important
organisational processes, qualities and standards, set up a working relationship and
figure out how to work inside their employment. Skills and technical training programs
are organised to teach the new employee a particular skill or area of knowledge.

One of the main objectives of the training is to provide learning in order to improve the
performance on the present job i.e. how skillfully the individual handles the job and the
level of outcomes/results achieved.

There are various steps in training and development in order to be effective and bring
about the desired results in terms of enhanced knowledge, skills and attitude.

Programs we have offered:

1. Tuition reimbursement, onsite training courses to enhance job-related skills and

access to job-related conferences and seminars. “We encourage and support
continuing education, offer onsite training to enhance job- and
management-related skills and provide opportunities for our employees to attend
job-related conferences and seminars,”

Why the company offers this perk: Developing our employees’ careers is an
investment for both our employees and the future of the company.

2. Emerging leadership programs for professional training and development, career

mentoring and a career resource centre.

3. An intensive, month-long training and leadership program prior to hiring. A

“Virtual Contact Center” trains employees to work from home.

4. “Managing for Success” teaches management skills; “Fit for Success” focuses on
performance management training; “How to Manage Up Well” trains
associate-level employees to navigate relationships with senior employees; and
“Know Your Customer” trains all employees to better understand the customer

The goal is to help our employees become better workers and to equip them with
the skills they need to manage themselves and their teams,”
5. Training programs in the areas of certification, new manager skills, manager
effectiveness, leadership development, communication and presentation skills,
plus mentoring and coaching programs.

6. Customised new-hire training programs for sales and service employees. The
new-hire programs are a combination of virtual learning at an employee’s home
base and instructor-led learning at a state-of-the-art training facility

7. Through the Associate Recruiter Incubator Program, we take educated, highly

driven, competitive individuals and teach them to apply technology to a diverse

Why the company offers this perk: Competition for talent is intense, and we need
to find a way to attract the top competitors early in their careers. We believe that
equipping young professionals with the tools they need to build their business
development and recruiting skills will lead to a long and successful career.

Technical skill development

Depending on the business requirements of the company, there are numerous training
programs available to increase the technical skills of their employees, such as

➢ Hackathons
➢ Coding challenges
➢ Project Management Professional (PMP)/PRINCE 2 certifications
➢ Cloud platforms/Software as a Service (SaaS) training
➢ Customer Relationship Management (CRM)/Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
➢ Accounting, taxation and billing software
➢ Data science

Soft skill development

Examples of topics covered are:

➢ Leadership
➢ Teamwork
➢ Time management
➢ Critical analysis
➢ Communication skills
➢ Active listening
➢ Self-regulation
➢ Negotiation
➢ Troubleshooting
➢ Interpersonal skills

Quality training

Quality training programs cover the following subjects:

➢ Quality assurance processes and workflow

➢ Compliance procedures
➢ Analysis of business process systems
➢ Quality control tools such as Pareto analysis and scatter diagrams
➢ Integrated management systems model
➢ ISO certification and requirements

Safety training

Common issues in safety training are:

➢ Best practices
➢ Safety protocols and regulations
➢ Protective equipment
➢ Fire-fighting equipment and protection
➢ Evacuation drills
➢ Workplace violence protection
➢ Cybersecurity

Leadership and managerial training

We have special training programs for managers, which include:

➢ Effective communication tactics

➢ Team-building exercises
➢ Motivational training
➢ Coaching and mentoring
➢ Dealing with conflicts
➢ Decision making
➢ Project management
➢ Financial management
➢ Risk analysis and resolution

Mental health training

Topics covered under mental health training are:

➢ Types of mental illnesses

➢ Effects of mental issues
➢ How to detect mental health issues
➢ Providing support
➢ Creating awareness of mental health

Low Cost Options Moderate To High Cost Options

Stretch assignments, on-the-job learning, Onsite or offsite training workshops and

knowledge sharing groups, cross training, programs, conferences, certification or
job shadowing, reading books/material, licensure reimbursement, e-learning,
book clubs, webinars, internal coaching, tuition reimbursement, corporate
mentoring, volunteer opportunities, lunch universities, external coaching, and
n' learns, social networking, internal external training services (depending on
subject matter experts/training, and the provider)
professional association

In-house training and development is typically used for the following:

➢ Job-specific needs
➢ Information focused
➢ Straightforward content
➢ Established procedures and standards


We pay your salary at the end of month by checks/ bank transfers.

Paychecks are available by Direct Deposit into your bank. If you do not have a bank
account, we suggest getting an account as soon as possible. If you are unable to apply
for a bank account, we will arrange a physical check for you. Please discuss with your
manager. After payday, you may pick up your physical paycheck during the same hours.

Performance management

We have built our performance management practices to:

➢ Ensure you understand your job responsibilities and have specific goals to meet.
➢ Provide you with actionable and timely feedback on your work.
➢ Invest in development opportunities that help you grow professionally.
➢ Recognize and reward your work in financial or non-financial ways (e.g.
➢ employee awards.)

To meet these objectives, we have:

➢ Established annual performance reviews. During these reviews, your manager
will fill out your performance evaluation report and arrange a meeting with you
to discuss it. Through these discussions, managers aim to recognize employees
who are good at their jobs, identify areas of improvement and talk about career
moves. Pay increases or bonuses are not guaranteed. But, we encourage
managers to recommend rewards for their team members when they deserve

➢ Instructed all managers to meet with their team members once per week to
provide feedback and talk about their work and motivations. This way, you can
receive feedback in a timely manner and avoid surprises during your annual
performance review.

POSTS SALARIES (per month)

Manager ₹75,000

Members of finance department ₹25,000

Member of HR department ₹30,000

Member of marketing department ₹29,000

Member of I.T department ₹30,000

Member of logistics department ₹20,000

Member of operations department ₹50,000

Member of legal department ₹31,000

Member of creatives department ₹40,000

Member of distribution staff ₹20,000

C.A ₹25,000
Chief ₹20,000

Bartender ₹15,000

Waiter ₹10,000

Cleaner ₹5,000


In this section, we explain our provisions for your working hours and time off. We
include types of leaves and holidays.

Working hours

Our company operates between 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays. You may come to work at
any time between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m., depending on your team’s needs. Some
departments may work after hours, too. If you work in these departments, you will
follow a shift schedule as needed.

Paid time off (PTO)

Employees receive 24 days of Paid Time Off (PTO) per year. You PTO accrual begins the
day you join our company. You will be granted 2 PTO in a month. You can take your PTO
at any time after your first week with us. If you want to use PTO, send a request to the
HR department. If your HR approves, you are permitted to take your leave. You do not
have to specify a reason for requesting PTO. You cannot transfer any remaining PTO to
the next year.

Our company observes the following holidays:

Holiday Date

Republic Day 26 January 2022

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti 19 February 2022

Maha Shivaratri 1 March 2022

Holi 19 March 2022

Gudi Padwa 2 April 2022

Ram Navami 10 April 2022

Mahavir Jayanti 14 April 2022

Dr.Ambedkar Jayanti 14 April 2022

Good Friday 15 April 2022

Maharashtra Day 1 May 2022

Eid Ul Fitr 3 May 2022

Buddha Purnima 16 May 2022

Bakrid 10 July 2022

Muharram 9 August 2022

Independence Day 15 August 2022

Parsi New Year 16 August 2022

Ganesh Chaturthi 31 August 2022

Gandhi Jayanti 2 October 2022

Vijaya Dashami 5 October 2022

Eid-e-Milad 9 October 2022

Diwali 24 October 2022

Deepavali 25 October 2022

Deepavali Holiday 26 October 2022

Guru Nanak Jayanti 8 November 2022

Christmas Day 25 December 2022

If you want to observe a religious holiday that isn’t included in our list, we may allow
you to take unpaid time off for that day. Or, you may use your PTO.

Working on a holiday

These holidays are considered “off-days” for employees. If you need a team member to
work on a holiday, inform them at least two days in advance. We will grant you an
additional day of PTO that you must take within 12 months after that holiday. We will
count hours you worked on a holiday to decide whether you are entitled to overtime
Sick leave

We offer one week of sick leave out of which 4 days are paid leaves. You can take sick
leave to recover from short-term illness, injuries, mental issues and other indisposition.
If you have the flu or other contagious disease, please use your sick days. If you become
sick, inform your manager and send a sick leave request. You may take a partial day off
or work from home, but we advise you to rest and recuperate for a day before returning
to work.

Use your PTO or arrange for a flexible work schedule if you want to attend routine
health care (e.g. doctor’s/dentist’s appointments.) Occasionally, we may ask you to
submit a physician’s note or other medical certification and complete a sick leave form.

Bereavement leave

Losing a loved one is traumatising. If this happens to you while you work with us, we
want to support you and give you time to cope and mourn. For this reason, we offer
three days of paid bereavement leave. You may take your bereavement leave on
consecutive days to:

➢ Arrange a funeral or memorial service.

➢ Attend a funeral or memorial service.
➢ Resolve matters of inheritance.
➢ Fulfil other family obligations.
➢ Mourn.

If you have to travel long-distance for a funeral or service, you can take two additional
unpaid days off. If you require more time, please use your PTO.

Parental leave

Caring for a newborn is an exciting time for parents. We want to support new fathers
and mothers in their first months of parenthood with paternity and maternity leave.
Afterwards, we will continue to support parents with flexible work options.
We will be following the The Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act 2017, provisions of
which are stated in brief below-

The Maternity Benefit Act provides that a woman will be paid maternity benefit at the
rate of her average daily wage in the three months preceding her maternity leave.
However, the woman needs to have worked for the employer for at least 80 days in the
12 months preceding the date of her expected delivery. Out of the 26 weeks, up to
eight weeks can be claimed before delivery. However, you need not structure your
leaves in this manner—you can instead take the entire 26 weeks of leave after the
delivery. Also, these are maximum periods of claim and you can claim the benefit for a
smaller period as well. And if a woman adopts a child under the age of 3 months, then
she is eligible for a leave of 12 weeks. Additionally, our parental leave enables up to six
weeks of paid parental leave for eligible fathers as per policy.

Returning to work after parental leave: We are committed to helping new parents
transition back to work after their leave ends.

We offer:

➢ Flexible working hours.

➢ Lactation rooms.

Variable Pay

The substantial amount of variable pay is established on company and individual

accomplishment. Variable pay is given within the classification of performance bonus or
incentives as applicable. The planning of the variable is linked to the individual
employee’s performance rating which is arrived at by assessing performance delivered
against a structured or well-defined set of objectives.

Incentive payouts are supported individual performance targets as may be defined from
time to time.

Birthday Leave

We grant a one day paid leave in celebration of the day our employee was born. You are
entitled to celebrate as per company appreciation and consideration of being a part of our

Employee health & insurance

Taking care of our employee’s health and wellness is a priority. That’s why we offer
medical coverage to all our regular full-time employees, regardless of their level,
tenure, or position.

We also offer counselling services that are completely confidential and available 24/7.
In addition to this, their eligible dependents can access doctor teleconsultation services
with general physicians.

When employees want to take time away from work, they can choose from a variety of
time off options available to them, including personal time, leave to accommodate
personal emergencies, bereavement, parental leave, and more

Subsidised Transportation

We offer transportation facilities for our employees. Company transport is mandatory

for employees working till late, especially women employees. Employees working late
will be picked up and dropped from their respective homes for their safety and security.
Transport facility is optional for employees working in general shifts but provided at
subsidised costs. Employees must opt for transport on a monthly basis and not as and
when required. Employees' monthly share will be deducted from their monthly pay,
whether the transport has been utilised or not. Pick and drop will be from designated
points only. Employees are not allowed to deviate from the pre-assigned route for their
personal work or any other reason or ask to be picked from / dropped at alternate

Year-end bonus

Our company’s policy gives the executive team the ability to decide on year-end
bonuses for all employees. There are two conditions for this bonus:
➢ Our company should have exceeded its annual financial goals.
➢ The board of directors must approve the bonuses.

If these two conditions are satisfied, then our company will give bonuses to employees
➢ Are employed by our company on the day when the bonus must be paid.
➢ Have not announced they intend to resign either verbally or in writing.
➢ Have received at least satisfactory performance reviews.

We will pay out bonuses according to this tiered system:

➢ Employees who were employed by our company for the entire year will receive a
year-end bonus payment of [10%] of their annual salary.
➢ Employees who are employed for at least [six] months will receive a prorated
➢ Employees who are employed for fewer than [six months] will receive a [2.5%]

Long service award

We reward our long service employees with range of gifts:

➢ Employees completing 20 years of service are rewarded with INR 30,000 worth
gift voucher & certificate signed by the CEO.
➢ Employees completing 15 years of service are rewarded with INR 10,000 worth
gift voucher & certificate signed by the CEO.
➢ 10 years of service is rewarded with a wrist watch.

Employee referral incentive

If an employee refers to a candidate and the person is hired the employee will receive a
cash incentive up to INR 20,000.

Diwali Bonus

All Employees of Star Foodz Pvt Ltd will receive diwali bonus of Rs. 15,000/-


Objective: To build a culture, where due appreciation and recognition is given to
deserving employees.
1. On the Spot Recognition
This type of a recognition, can be given at the discretion of the Dept Head and needs to
be decided on the spot, for any deserving performance or stupendous success or
Such a quick recognition can be given for any good work, for which there can be no
delay in applause or appreciation.

A special space would be kept reserved for this on the notice board at HO.
Dept Heads can put up an appreciation note with immediate effect on the notice board.
Along with this a public announcement in front of the whole department would add to
the esteem of the employee.

2. Employee of the Month

Over and above the spot appreciation system, two deserving employees will be awarded
an " Employee of the Month" award accompanied by a formal Appreciation letter and
cash prize of Rs. 10,000/-

Such a recognition system could be based on the following themes / achievements.

➢ Consistent attendance prior to Official office timing
➢ Conservation of resources or achievement of considerable savings
➢ Best maintained workstation
➢ Contribution in terms of innovations / new ideas
➢ Extending full support and help cross functionally

Such a recognition can also be awarded with any non cash incentives, some of them are as
mentioned below :
a) Paid time off
b) Reserved Parking space
c) Public Recognition and handing over the appreciation letter
d) Awarding gift items
e) Lunch vouchers

3. Team recognition

Recognition of employees who have collectively worked on a common assignment,

and achieved success, or teams / departments who have done a consistent good job are
eligible to receive a suitable award or recognition.

Team recognition could be done on a quarterly basis, on the achievement of targets

calculated on a quarterly basis.

Criteria for Eligibility of Team Recognition

a) Achievement of set targets – which need to be quantifiable

b) Successful completion of assignment – quantify where ever possible

c) Dept. wise achievement of targets / timely completion of projects etc.

Please note that such recognition needs to be given only for completion or achievement as
the case may be of a particular target or assignment, and not for efforts taken by a team
eg : late sitting etc.

Care should also be taken that such recognition is not too frequent and not done for every
assignment / task which falls under the work preview. Recognition would be in the form of
any one of the following :

a) Movie tickets for the whole team

b) Lunch for the whole team
c) A small gathering for the team – arranged at Company expense.

4. Vacation Get Away Awards

Individual awards for achieving targets or completing projects or other deadlines or for
excellence in delivery, will be nominated by their Dept. Heads and a Vacation Get Away
voucher for Rs. 5000/- will be awarded to the winner on a monthly basis. The organisation
would not pay for travel during the same and the payment would be made against actual
holiday taken at any resort / hotel.

5.Wedding Gift

Confirmed Employees who get married during their employment will be gifted with a
Complimentary gift or Cash by the Company. Sr. & Jr. Positions : Rs. 2,000/- Manager & All
above : Rs. 3,000/-


As an employee, all company policies mentioned above apply to you. We have some
additional expectations about your behaviour at work, which we outline here. We can’t
cover every single case of conduct, but we trust you to always use your best judgement.

Dress code
Our company’s official dress code is [Business/ Business Casual/ Smart Casual/ Casual.]
This includes [slacks/ loafers/ blouses/ boots.] However, an employee’s position may also
inform how they should dress. If you frequently meet with clients or prospects, conform to
a more formal dress code. We expect you to be clean when coming to work and avoid
wearing clothes that are unprofessional (e.g. workout clothes)

As long as you conform with our guidelines above, we don’t have specific expectations
about what types of clothes or accessories you should wear. We also respect and permit
grooming styles, clothing and accessories that are dictated by religious beliefs, ethnicity or

Cyber security and digital devices

This section deals with all things digital at work. We want to set some guidelines for
using computers, phones, our internet connection and social media to ensure security and
protect our assets.

Internet usage
Our corporate internet connection is primarily for business. But, you can occasionally use
our connection for personal purposes as long as they don’t interfere with your job
responsibilities. Also, we expect you to temporarily halt personal activities that slow down
our internet connection (e.g. uploading photos) if you’re asked to.

You must not use our internet connection to:

➢ Download or upload obscene, offensive or illegal material.
➢ Send confidential information to unauthorised recipients.
➢ Invade another person’s privacy and gain access to sensitive information.
➢ Download or upload pirated movies, music, material or software.
➢ Visit potentially dangerous websites that can compromise our network and
computers’ safety.
➢ Perform unauthorised or illegal actions, like hacking, fraud or buying/selling
illegal goods.

Cell phone
We allow use of cell phones at work. But, we also want to ensure that your devices
won’t distract you from your work or disrupt our workplace. We ask you to follow a few
simple rules:
➢ Use your cell phone in a manner that benefits your work (business calls,
productivity apps, calendars.)
➢ Keep personal calls brief and use an empty meeting room or common area so as
not to disturb your colleagues.
➢ Avoid playing games on your phone or texting excessively.
➢ Avoid using your phone for any reason while driving a company vehicle.
➢ Don’t use your phone to record confidential information.
➢ Don’t download or upload inappropriate, illegal or obscene material using our
➢ corporate internet connection.
➢ Also, you must not use your phone in areas where cell phone use is explicitly
prohibited (e.g. meeting rooms.)

Corporate email
Email is essential to our work. You should use your company email primarily for work,
but we allow some uses of your company email for personal reasons.

➢ Work-related use.
You can use your corporate email for work-related purposes without limitations. For
example, you can sign up for newsletters and online services that will help you in your
job or professional growth.

➢ Personal use.
You can use your email for personal reasons as long as you keep it safe, and avoid
spamming and disclosing confidential information. For example,you can send emails to
friends and family and download ebooks, guides and other safe content for your
personal use.

No matter how you use your corporate email, we expect you to avoid:
➢ Signing up for illegal, unreliable, disreputable or suspect websites and services.
➢ Sending unauthorised marketing content or emails.
➢ Registering for a competitor’s services, unless authorised.
➢ Sending insulting or discriminatory messages and content.
➢ Intentionally spamming other people’s emails, including your coworkers.
In general, use strong passwords and be vigilant in catching emails that carry malware
or phishing attempts. If you are not sure that an email you received is safe, ask our
security specialist.

Social media
We want to provide practical advice to prevent careless use of social media in our
workplace. We address two types of social media uses: using personal social media at
work and representing our company through social media.

Using personal social media at work

You are permitted to access your personal accounts at work. But, we expect you to act
responsibly, according to our policies and ensure that you stay productive. Specifically,
we ask you to:
➢ Discipline yourself. Avoid getting sidetracked by your social platforms.
➢ Ensure others know that your personal account or statements don’t represent
our company. For example, use a disclaimer such as “opinions are my own.”
➢ Avoid sharing intellectual property (e.g trademarks) or confidential information.
Ask your manager or PR first before you share company news that’s not officially
➢ Avoid any defamatory, offensive or derogatory content. You may violate our
company’s anti-harassment policy if you direct such content towards colleagues,
clients or partners.
➢ Representing our company through social media

If you handle our social media accounts or speak on our company’s behalf, we expect
you to protect our company’s image and reputation. Specifically, you should:
➢ Be respectful, polite and patient.
➢ Avoid speaking on matters outside your field of expertise when possible.
➢ Follow our confidentiality and data protection policies and observe laws
governing copyrights, trademarks, plagiarism and fair use.
➢ Coordinate with our [PR/Marketing department] when you’re about to share any
major-impact content.
➢ Avoid deleting or ignoring comments for no reason.
➢ Correct or remove any misleading or false content as quickly as possible.

Conflict of interest
When you are experiencing a conflict of interest, your personal goals are no longer
aligned with your responsibilities towards us. For example, accepting a bribe may
benefit you financially, but it is illegal and against our business code of ethics. If we
become aware of such behaviour, you will lose your job and may face legal trouble. For
this reason, conflicts of interest are a serious issue for all of us. We expect you to be
vigilant to spot circumstances that create conflicts of interest, either to yourself or for
your direct reports. Follow our policies and always act in our company’s best interests.
Whenever possible, do not let personal or financial interests get in the way of your job.
If you are experiencing an ethical dilemma, talk to your manager or HR and we will try
to help you resolve it.

Employee relationships
We want to ensure that relationships between employees are appropriate and
harmonious. We outline our guidelines and we ask you to always behave professionally.

Fraternization refers to dating or being friends with your colleagues. In this
policy,“dating” equals consensual romantic relationships and sexual relations.
Non-consensual relationships constitute sexual violence and we prohibit them

Dating colleagues
If you start dating a colleague, we expect you to maintain professionalism and keep
personal discussions outside of our workplace.
You are also obliged to respect your colleagues who date each other. We won’t tolerate
sexual jokes, malicious gossip and improper comments. If you witness this kind of
behaviour, please report it to HR.

Dating managers
To avoid accusations of favoritism, abuse of authority and sexual harassment,
supervisors must not date their direct reports. This restriction extends to every manager
above an employee. Also, if you act as a hiring manager, you aren’t allowed to hire your
partner to your team. You can refer them for employment to other teams or
departments where you don't have any managerial or hiring authority.

Friendships at work
Employees who work together may naturally form friendships either in or outside of the
workplace. We encourage this relationship between peers, as it can help you
communicate and collaborate. But, we expect you to focus on your work and keep
personal disputes outside of our workplace.
Employment of relatives
Everyone in our company should be hired, recognized or promoted because of their
skills, character and work ethic. We would not like to see phenomena of nepotism,
favouritism or conflicts of interest, so we will place some restrictions on hiring
employees’ relatives.

To our company, a “relative” is someone who is related by blood or marriage within the
third degree to an employee. This includes: parents, grandparents, in-laws, spouses or
domestic partners, children, grandchildren, siblings, uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews,
step-parents, step-children and adopted children.

As an employee, you can refer your relatives to work with our company. Here are our
only restrictions:
➢ [You must not be involved in a supervisory/reporting relationship with a relative.]
➢ [You cannot be transferred, promoted or hired inside a reporting relationship with
a relative.]
➢ [You cannot be part of a hiring committee, when your relative is interviewed for
➢ that position.]
➢ If you become related to a manager or direct report after you both become
employed by our company, we may have to [transfer one of you.]

Workplace visitors
If you want to invite a visitor to our offices, please ask for permission from our [HR
Manager/ Security Officer/ Office Manager] first. Also, inform our [reception/ gate/ front-
office] of your visitor’s arrival. Visitors should sign in and show identification. They will
receive passes and will be asked to return them to [reception/ gate/ front-office] once
their visit is complete.

When you have office visitors, you also have responsibilities. You should:
➢ Always tend to your visitors (especially when they are underage.)
➢ Keep your visitors away from areas where there are dangerous machines,
chemicals, confidential records or sensitive equipment.
➢ Prevent your visitors from proselytising your colleagues, gathering donations or
requesting participation in activities while on our premises.
➢ Anyone who delivers orders, mail or packages for employees should remain at
our building’s reception or gate. If you are expecting a delivery, [front office
employees/security guards] will notify you so you may collect it.

Solicitation and distribution

Solicitation is any form of requesting money, support or participation for products,
groups, organisations or causes which are unrelated to our company (e.g. religious
proselytism, asking for petition signatures.) Distribution means disseminating literature
or material for commercial or political purposes.

We don’t allow solicitation and distribution by non-employees in our workplace. As an

employee, you may solicit from your colleagues only when you want to:
➢ Ask colleagues to help organise events for another employee (e.g. adoption/birth
of a child, promotion, retiring.)
➢ Seek support for a cause, charity or fundraising event sponsored, funded,
organised or authorised by our company.
➢ Invite colleagues to employee activities for an authorised non-business purpose
(e.g. recreation, volunteering.)
➢ Ask colleagues to participate in employment-related activities or groups
protected by law (e.g. trade unions.)
➢ In all cases, we ask that you do not disturb or distract colleagues from their work.

Star Foodz Pvt. Ltd is committed to maintaining a work environment that is free from
harassment where employees at all levels of the Organization are able to devote their
full attention and best efforts to the job. Harassment, of any kind, either intentional or
unintentional, will not be allowed in the workplace. StarFoodz Pvt Ltd. prohibits, and
will not tolerate any form of, harassment of or by any employee or individual within the
Organization (whether managerial or non-managerial) based on race, color, religion,
sex, national origin, age, disability (physical or mental), veteran status, pregnancy,
marital status, medical condition, sexual orientation, or any status protected by Federal
and state law and regulation.


1. All persons involved in the Organization are entitled to work in an atmosphere free of
harassment of any kind. Individuals may occasionally make statements or use words,
objects, or pictures that others could interpret as being insulting, hostile or derogatory
towards persons based on their race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability
(physical or mental), veteran status, pregnancy, marital status, medical condition, sexual
orientation or any other status protected by Federal and state law or regulation.

2. Such conduct may make a reasonable person uncomfortable in the work environment
or could interfere with an individual’s ability to perform his or her job. Comments or
actions of this type, even if intended as a joking matter among friends, are always
inappropriate in the workplace and will not be tolerated.


1. Employees’ first action should be to request the offender to stop the action. If the
action does not stop, or speaking with the offender is not reasonable, then the
Employee should follow the reporting procedure(s) below:

Reporting Procedures
1. Any individual, regardless of position, who has a complaint of, or who witnesses,
harassment at work by anyone has a responsibility to immediately bring the matter to
their ’s Head Of Department attention. The Head Of Department will report any
incidents to the HR Director who is responsible for immediately investigating the
alleged incident. The CEO will be notified of the complaint, and kept apprised of the
investigation's progress.

2. If the complaint is with the Head Of Department, the CFO or the HR Director the
complaint will go to the CEO. If the complaint is with the CEO the complaint will go to
the Board Chair.

3. StarFoodz Pvt Ltd. will make every reasonable effort to conduct all proceedings in a
manner that will protect the confidentiality of all parties. Parties to the complaint
should treat the matter under investigation with discretion and respect for the
reputation of all parties involved.

4. Once a complaint has been accepted for review, an investigation will begin. The
investigation may include, but is not limited to, review of written statements from both
parties, witness interviews, obtaining witness declarations, review of documentation,
and on-site investigation. Any person conducting an investigation will maintain a
written record of all witness interviews, evidence gathered, the outcome of the
investigation, and any other appropriate documents. Records of such an investigation
will not be maintained in personnel files unless they are part of a formal corrective

5. Results of the investigation will be shared with the appropriate people. When there
is sufficient evidence to support the complaint, written notification of investigative
findings will be sent to the complainant and the respondent.

6. If it is concluded that discrimination, harassment or retaliation has occurred, a

determination will be made as to the appropriate sanctions or corrective action.

Terminating an employee is always unpleasant but sometimes necessary. Employers

are exposed to a number of legal and reputational risks resulting from wrongful
termination, or not following due process.
Therefore, we will plan to construct contracts and human resource (HR) materials to
ensure that senior management, HR personnel, and employees are fully apprised of
their rights and responsibilities.

If we cite the following behaviour when identifying :

● What we perceive to be poor work performance or misconduct

● Lack of skills or knowledge
● Lack of motivation
● Poor attitude
● Lack of effort or misconduct (working at a reduced speed, poor quality, tardiness,
sleeping on the job, wasting time)
● Poor co-worker relations (arguing on the job, lack of cooperation)
● Mishandling company property (misuse of tools, neglect)
● Harassment or workplace violence (verbal or physical abuse, threats, bullying)
● Dishonesty
● Disregard for safety practices (not wearing safety equipment, horseplay, carrying
weapons on the job, working under the influence of alcohol or drugs).

However, Termination will be the last step we will take before it these are the steps we
will consider to deal with the situation:

1. Verbal counselling
2. Written warning
3. Suspension without pay
4. Termination

Step 1: Verbal counselling

Verbal counselling is usually the initial step. Verbal counselling sessions are used to
bring a problem to the attention of the employee before it becomes so serious that it
has to become part of a written warning and placed in the employee’s file. The purpose
of the initial discussion is to alleviate misunderstandings and clarify the direction for
necessary and successful correction. Most discipline problems can be solved at this
stage if the matter is approached constructively and if the employee can be engaged in
seeking solutions. This is usually effective because most people don’t want the
disciplinary process to escalate.

Step 2: Written warning

If the problem is not resolved, we will prepare a written warning. Include in the
warning information, responses, and commitments already made in the verbal
counselling session.

Step 3: Suspension without pay

Depending on the situation there are times when it is appropriate to suspend an
employee and times when it is not. The rules on suspending employees without pay
may depend on the specific situation. Keeping in mind the employment standard acts
and other provisional acts we will take our final decision.

Step 4: Termination
If a problem is not resolved after an appropriate warning, and we believe it is best for
the business to terminate an employee we will terminate the employee. As well, there
may be cases when you want to terminate an employee immediately before going
through steps 1 to 3.

Under the Maharashtra Shops and Establishments Act, an employer cannot terminate
an employee who has been with the company for more than a year without giving the
employee at least 30 days of notice in writing. If an employee has been with the
company for more than three months but less than a year, the employer needs to give
at least 14 days of notice.

So if there is any employee who is supposed to be terminated, we’ll give prior notice to
the person, depending upon the duration that the person has served. If he had worked
for more than a year then he/she will be given written notice 30 days prior to
termination. On the other hand, if the person has served for more than 3 months but
less than a year then he/she will be given written notice 14 days prior to termination.
The notice will not be given if the employee will be proven guilty of misconduct, and
will get terminated without any warnings or counselling sessions.

if we determine that a particular person or situation has likely created a chronic

problem then the employee has to pay the required severance, or termination pay, it is a
small cost compared to the damage a problem employee can cause.

Steps we will follow to terminate the employee:

• A discussion with the employee will occur before a final determination is reached. The
employee will be informed about the nature of the problem.

• The employee will be given an opportunity to explain his or her action and to provide

• If the employee provides pertinent information, we will investigate where appropriate.

• A written notice of termination will be prepared after the discussion and consideration
of all available information.

• When we will meet with the employee for the final termination meeting, it will be
held in a private location where the employee will not have to walk past co-workers

• will have a witness or backup present in case the conversation gets heated.

• Explain how the employee has continued to perform below expectations. For this, we
will refer to the warnings given earlier.

• Announce the termination.

• Collect all property of the company, such as keys and uniforms.

• Ensure that the employee’s hours of work are sent to the payroll department, and
final cheques and vacation pay are paid out according to the provincial regulations.
• Inform the employee of any information they need to know, such as when the final
pay cheque will be ready if not already available, where to hand in keys and uniform,
and if and when there will be an exit interview.

In all termination cases, we aim to preserve the dignity of the employee and to have
them leave with the feeling of being treated fairly and with respect.

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