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Example 1: [River flow calculation]

The following data were collected for a stream at a gauging station. Compute the discharge.

Immersion of current meter below water surface

Distance from one end Depth,
at 0.6d at 0.2d at 0.8d
of water surface (m) d (m)
Rev. sec. Rev. sec. Rev. sec.
3 1.4 12 50
6 3.3 38 52 23 55
9 5.0 40 58 30 54
12 9.0 48 60 34 58
15 5.4 34 52 30 50
18 3.8 35 52 30 54
21 1.8 18 50
Rating equation of current meter:

V = 0.3N + 0.05;

Where: - N = revolutions per second;

V = velocity in meters per second;
Rev. = Number of revolutions;
sec = time taken in seconds for revolutions.

Solution. [Using Mid-section method]

Discharge in each elemental strip is determined by the mid - section method.
Discharge through each elemental strip of width b is given by
V +V
ΔQ=(bd) 0.2 d 0.8 d (For intermediate strips) and
ΔQ = (bd )V0.6d
Where d = mean depth of flow in the strip under consideration
V0.2d, V0.6d and V0.8d are velocities of flow measured at 0.2d, 0.6d and 0.8d in the strip under
The discharge in the stream is given by
Q = ∑ ∆Q
In this method, the discharges in the two elemental triangular strips near the ends (Left bank and
right bank) are not included in the computation of total discharge Q.

Sample calculations:

For end strip 1, ΔQ = (bd )V0.6d = (3 x 1.4) 0.122 = 0.51 m3/s

V0 .2 d +V0 .8 d
For intermediate strip 2, ΔQ=(bd)
Not considered Not considered

21 m
(Consisting of 7 elemental strips each of
L.B. width b = 3 m R.B.

3m 3m 3m 3m 3m 3m 3m

conside 3m 3m 3m 3m 3m 3m 3 Not
-red m considered

2 7
Current meter 3
location at 0.6d Current meter
6 location at 0.6d
Current meter
locations at 0.2d and
4 5
Distance from Immersion of current meter below water surface
Average velocity of flow Discharge in strip
one end of Depth, d Depth of
Rev. sec. [rps] V = 0.3N + 0.05 in strip, Vave ΔQ = ( bd )Vave
water surface (m) velocity
[R] [t] N=R/t m/s m/s (b = 3 m)
(m) measurement
3 1.4 0.6d 0.84 12 50 0.24 0.122 0.122 0.51
6 3.3 0.2d 0.66 38 52 0.73 0.269
0.8d 2.64 23 55 0.42 0.176 = (0.269 + 0.176) / 2 2.20
= 0.223
9 5.0 0.2d 1.00 40 58 0.69 0.257
0.8d 4.00 30 54 0.56 0.218 = (0.257 + 0.218) / 2 3.54
= 0.236
12 9.0 0.2d 1.80 48 60 0.80 0.290
0.8d 7.20 34 58 0.59 0.227 = (0.290 + 0.227) / 2 7.00
= 0.259
15 5.4 0.2d 1.08 34 52 0.65 0.245
0.8d 4.32 30 50 0.60 0.230 = (0.245 + 0.230) / 2 3.86
= 0.238
18 3.8 0.2d 0.76 35 52 0.67 0.251
0.8d 3.04 30 54 0.56 0.218 = (0.251 + 0.218) / 2 2.67
= 0.234
21 1.8 0.6d 1.08 18 50 0.36 0.158 0.158 0.85
Q = 20.53 m3/s

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