Compass Points

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“Compass Points” Learning Activity

After deciding which of the 4 directions most closely describes your personal style, spend 15
minutes answering the following questions as a group.

● What are the strengths of your style?





● What are the limitations of your style?

Takes longer, slow process

Hard to improvised


Low empathy


● What style do you find most difficult to work with and why?

● What do people from the other directions or styles need to know about you so you can
work together effectively?
We need clear instructions and we are not good at improvising.

● What do you value about the other 3 styles?

South: The heart
North: Initiative
East: Creativity
After answering the above questions with your group and debriefing with the class, answer the
following questions individually.

● Which AtL(s) is this activity most aligned with?

Critical Thinking

● How might you use what you learned today to be a better leader and group member?
Every type of person is needed to complete a task.

Compass Points “Cheat Sheet”

• You skip the directions and get started.
• You take charge.
• You don’t have to ask questions to begin your work or assignment.
• You get assignments in early.

• You look at the picture of the finished project before getting started.
• You need to see the final product and will work with the end in mind.
• You believe in working backwards, understanding by design.
• You don’t get a project started until you are clear about the final product.

• You read the directions and make sure you have all the pieces before getting starts.
• You live by questioning.
• You identify the details.
• You don’t start a project until you are clear about the details.
• You lead by asking questions and engage in thoughtful discourse.

• You make sure everyone is included and heard.
• You slow down to take in the information.
• You include everyone, and make sure the human side is nurtured.
• You make sure the emotional side of our work is heard.
• You make sure everyone is included.

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