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A Case Report :

Hypersensitivity Reaction to Drugs

Theresia Monica Rahardjo, Valentine Natasya Moenardi,

George Allan Harefa, Ghina Nisrina, Stan Jansen, Dinda Annisa Nurul Aeni
Faculty of Medicine Maranatha Christian University, Bandung
Unggul Karsa Medika Teaching Hospital, Bandung


Hypersensitivity is a pathological immune reaction that occurs due to an excessive immune response that causes damage

to body tissues. Drug hypersensitivity reactions are included in unexpected drug adversion reactions. Drug adversion

reactions can be divided into type A (pharmacological/toxic) and type B (hypersensitivity). Manifestations of disease in

type A are predictable, depending on the dose of the drug, the toxic effect of the drug at the recommended dose or

overdosage. Type B has clinical manifestations that are not predictable and different for each individual.

keyword : Hypersensitivity, Drug Hypersentivity

Preface Case Presentation

Every individual has a different immune
A twenty nine years old woman was admitted to the
system. The weaker a person's immune system
is, the more susceptible that person is to getting emergency installation of Unggul Karsa Medika
sick. The effects of allergen exposure also vary Hospital with complaints of hyperthermia since four
from one individual to another. Allergic
conditions are characterized by several days and rash since one to two days and was later
symptoms such as itching in certain areas of hospitalized. The history of presenting complaints
the body, nausea, vomiting, to shortness of
reveals that the patient was subsequently
breath and the worst condition is death.
Symptoms that appear depend on the part of complaints of sore throat and disphagia, and does
the body that is exposed to the allergen. Given not reveal any other concurrent illness or co
the symptoms that arise from hypersensitivity
reactions are very diverse and can even be life- morbidity. The patient previously seek help from
threatening, it is necessary to have a good nearest clinic and was prescribed with
understanding of the handling of these
Dexamethasone 0,75 mg, Ibuprofen 400 mg, and
hypersensitivity reactions.
Acyclovir 400 mg. The hematological investigation
reveals anemia [Hb 11.1 mg/dL], slight increase in
segmental neutrophil count [76%], decrease in
lymphocytes count [18.0%], increase in direct and
indirect bilirubin [0.8 mg/dL;1.1 mg/dL], increase in
ALT [77 mg/dL], and blood smear test suggestive of
mild anemia normochromic normocytic ec. suspect
Fe deficiency and suspect chronic illness.

After having second dose Dexamethasone, Discussion
Ibuprofen, and Acyclovir, the woman started
Allergies are one of the most common
developing exanthematous pustules
diseases in society. Allergy is a
reaction over the back and also disseminated
hypersensitivity reaction condition that occurs
to breast, limb and abdomen as dipicted in
when the immune system overworks against
Figure 1. By observing the woman's situation,
substances that generally do not cause
then considered to discontinue the treatment
reactions in normal people. Materials that
with previous combination to switch on to
cause allergies are called allergens, for
cetirizine and mupirocine ointment as local
example dust, mold, mites, animal dander, or
applicant to relieve from rashes and control
foods, such as nuts, eggs, shellfish, fish and
further allergy, and other medication such as
sanmol forte, omeprazole, low hemoglobin
It is estimated that 10-20% of the world's
tablet and curcuma.
population has or is currently suffering from
On examination, patient was conscious,
this disease. More than 25% of the population
oriented and stable with pulse rate of
in industrialized countries suffers from
82/min. As a part of counselling, regarding
allergies. Based on data from the Asthma and
the woman’s past history, the husband has
Allergic Foundation of America, allergies are
revealed she has not encountered with any
the sixth leading cause of chronic disease in
allergy reaction due to medication or food. It
was also found that the woman has just gave
Every individual has a different immune
birth 8 months ago and currently breast-feed
system. The weaker a person's immune
her baby. By considering the above facts we
system is, the more susceptible that person is
have assessed the present data which the
to getting sick. The effects of allergen
outcome obtained from it was definite.
exposure also vary from one individual to
another. Allergic conditions are characterized
by several symptoms such as itching in certain
areas of the body, nausea, vomiting, to
shortness of breath and the worst condition is
death. Symptoms that appear depend on the
part of the body that is exposed to the
allergen. If the respiratory tract can occur
cough, itchy nose, runny nose, nasal
congestion, and wheezing. Food allergies are
associated with symptoms of nausea,
vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea.
Allergies to the skin can cause lesions,
Figure 1. Exanthematous pustules rashes redness, bullae, itching and so on.

hypersensitivity syndrome, acute generalized immune response that causes damage to
exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP), and body tissues. Hypersensitivity reactions
symmetrical drug-related intertriginous and according to Coombs and Gell are divided into
four types of reactions based on the speed
flexural exanthemas (SDRIFE). Internal
and mechanism of the immune system that
organs may be affected either singly or with
occurs, namely types I, II, III, and IV.
cutaneous symptoms and include hepatitis, The World Health Organization defines
renal failure, pneumonitis, anemia, adverse drug reactions (ADRs) as unwanted
neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia. and adverse reactions resulting from the
The diagnosis of a hypersensitivity reaction to response to the use of drugs at doses as
recommended in humans for therapeutic,
the drug is established based on a careful
prophylactic, diagnostic, or physiological
history, the presence of clinical symptoms
function modifications.
that appear after the patient is exposed to the Pharmacological classification is divided into
allergen or precipitating factor and the two. subtypes: type A and type B reactions.
identification of the patient's physical Type A reactions are predictable and dose-
findings. A careful history can provide an dependent pharmacological effects. Most
ADRs (about 80%) are type A reactions,
explanation of the cause of the
including toxic effects, side effects,
hypersensitivity reaction to the drug. Based on
secondary effects and drug interactions.
the history and physical examination results, Reaction B is an unpredictable and dose-
diagnostic tests such as skin tests, graded independent hypersensitivity reaction. This
challenges, and induction of drug tolerance hypersensitivity reaction causes symptoms or
procedures are also required. signs at doses that can be tolerated by a
normal person. Approximately 10%-15% of
Drug hypersensitivity reactions are included in
all ADRs are type B reactions.
unexpected drug adversion reactions.
Drug allergy is a hypersensitivity reaction
Drug adversion reactions can be divided into involving an immune mechanism (IgE or T
type A (pharmacological/toxic) and type B cell-mediated or rarely involving immune
(hypersensitivity). complexes or cytotoxic reactions). All cases
The disease manifestations in type A are of drug hypersensitivity reactions without
going through an immune mechanism
predictable, depending on the dose of the
(5%-10%) or unproven immunological
drug, the toxic effect of the drug at the
processes are classified as non-immune
recommended dose or the overdose. Type B hypersensitivity reactions.
has unpredictable clinical manifestations and In patients with drug hypersensitivity
varies from individual to individual. Symptoms reactions, many clinical manifestations can be
occur within one to six hours of taking the seen. Clinically visible, can help to make a
diagnosis and treat patients quickly. Acute
drug or hours to days with symptoms ranging
manifestations of drug hypersensitivity
from mild (sneezing) to severe (anaphylaxis).
reactions usually include urticaria,
Given the symptoms that arise from angioedema, rhinitis, conjunctivitis,
hypersensitivity reactions are very diverse and bronchospasm, gastrointestinal symptoms
can even be life threatening, it is necessary to (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) or anaphylaxis,
have a good understanding of the handling of which can lead to cardiovascular collapse.

these hypersensitivity reactions.

Hypersensitivity is a pathological immune
reaction that occurs due to an excessive 4
Delayed reaction to drug hypersensitivity often
affects the skin with various cutaneous
symptoms, such as delayed urticaria,
maculopapular eruptions, fixed drug eruptions
(FDE), vasculitis, blistering disease (Toxic
Epidermal Necrosis (TEN), Steven Johnson
Syndrome (SJS) and bulla FDE. general),

Allergies are one of the most common diseases
in society. Allergy is a hypersensitivity reaction
condition that occurs when the immune system
overworks against substances that generally do
not cause reactions in normal people.
Drug hypersensitivity reactions are
unpredictable side effects of drugs. Factors
associated with an increased risk of drug allergy
include age, sex, genetic polymorphisms, viral
infection and drug-related factors (frequency of
exposure, route of administration, molecular
An effective strategy for drug allergy
management is to avoid or discontinue use of
the suspected drug.
If at that time the patient was taking various
drugs, if possible all of them were discontinued.
But if not, only essential drugs can be given and
the least likely is known cause an allergic

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