Business Report Example For Students Wanpaku Sandwich

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Business Report Example For Students

Lecturer’s Name:

1.0 Executive Summary ............................................................................................................. 2
1.1 Vision Statement .................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Mission Statement................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 Key to Success .................................................................................................................... 3
2.0 Company Summary ............................................................................................................. 3
Company’s Logo ........................................................................................................................ 3
2.1 Company Background .......................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Company Overview .............................................................................................................. 4
2.3 Introduction of Product ......................................................................................................... 4
2.4 Service ................................................................................................................................. 4
Marketing ................................................................................................................................... 4
3.1 Market and Research Analysis ............................................................................................. 4
3.2 Competitors.......................................................................................................................... 4
3.3.1 Product and Target Market ................................................................................................ 4
3.3.2 Distribution Channel .......................................................................................................... 5
3.3.3 Promoting and Advertising ................................................................................................ 5
3.3.4 Pricing Policy .................................................................................................................... 5
3.4 SWOT Analysis .................................................................................................................... 5
4.0 Management Responsibilities............................................................................................... 5
Organization Chart ..................................................................................................................... 6
CEO - Haziem bin Mohamed Hatta ............................................................................................ 6
Vice CEO - Muhammad Haziq Bin Mohd Marphy ....................................................................... 7
Secretary - Jenny Hii Ai Na ........................................................................................................ 7
Financial Team - Nurin Adlyn Binti Ahmad Rosli ........................................................................ 7
Human Resource Team - Akmal Shahir bin Sahrul Haslan ........................................................ 7
Marketing Team - Siti Nursyafiqah binti Sulaiman and Nur Fatiah Binti Abdul Khalid ................. 7
Operational Team - Jenny Boon Zean Lea, Umi Athirah binti Suyanto and Nurin Husnina Binti
Sulaiman .................................................................................................................................... 8
5.0 Location and Places ............................................................................................................. 8
6.0 Business Plan Schedule....................................................................................................... 9
7.0 Purchasing Process ............................................................................................................. 9
RESOURCES: ..........................................................................................................................10
8.0 FINANCIAL PROJECTION .................................................................................................10
8.1 Project implementation cost ................................................................................................10
8.2 List of expenses ..................................................................................................................10
Expenses of Equipment ............................................................................................................10
Conclusion: Business Expenses ...............................................................................................11
Profit for Wanpaku sandwich .....................................................................................................11
9.0 Financial Statement ............................................................................................................11
Balance Sheet...........................................................................................................................12

1.0 Executive Summary

Our company which is Wanpaku Sandwich is the new business that started from Basic
Entrepreneurship (MGM 3180) class in University Putra Malaysia. We named our company as
Wanpaku Sandwich as the symbolic sign of the product that we are selling which is the Wanpaku
sandwich. This sandwich is originated from Japan and it started to become popular in 2016 until
now. The reason why we choose to sell this Wanpaku sandwich is because we want to introduce
the sandwich that is healthy but also delicious at the same time to our customers.
Wanpaku sandwich is the only food that we sell as we want to focus more on the quality
of the food rather than the quantity as we only want the best for our customers. We are sure that
our sandwich will be loved by many people as it is not only healthy and delicious but it is also
convenient to eat. Our focus is to make sure those who are busy and doesn’t have enough time
to have heavy meals can still eat something to fill their stomach by having this sandwich. Our
targeted customer is all UPM students and also staffs.
For the capital, each of the members will contribute RM 20 each so the total for 10
members’ contributions are RM 200. As for the store, we don’t have any physical store as we will
only deliver the sandwich to our customers and the delivery services will be in all UPM area. For
this Wanpaku sandwich we will do the open order concept. Those who wants to buy needs to
order first and we will set up certain date to cook and deliver the sandwich.
For the marketing part, we will only advertise our product through social media such as
WhatsApp, Instagram (Wanpaku_Sandwich) and also Facebook (Wanpaku_Sandwich).

1.1 Vision Statement

To build a high standard food sandwich company in UPM and make Wanpaku Sandwich as the
first choice to go for light, simple and tasty food in UPM.

1.2 Mission Statement

We are dedicated to accomplish our objective of delivering quality products and services to
customers at UPM and we are committed to make simple, fair price and tasty sandwich to suit
the local tastes of customers so they will choose Wanpaku Sandwich as their first choice at UPM.

1.3 Key to Success

The keys to success for Wanpaku Sandwich include:
a) Reputation: every customer will recommend us to their friends and family as in word of mouth
marketing will be a powerful ally for our business.
b) Superior Customer Service: knowledgeable, friendly to each customer.
c) Location: cash on delivery service in UPM.
d) Product: offer sandwich with high quality, sold at fair price.

2.0 Company Summary

Company’s Logo
After some discussion, we did some minor alterations to our company’s logo. The font type and
colour of our company’s logo was altered because customers could not see the clearly since the
font colour was yellow which is a bit bright. The font types we used previously was in calligraphy
form. Therefore, to make the logo clearer to our customers and more attractive, we decided to
change the font type and colour.
Wanpaku Sandwich in the middle represent our company’s name while the two sandwiches
represent clearly the product we sell. For the stall icon, it means our company is ready to serve
and provide the good quality of product to our customers.
2.1 Company Background
Our company was established on 28 February 2020 which is our first class of basic of
entrepreneurship (MGM 3180). Our lecturer asking us to form 3 group which consist 10 to 11
students per group. We were forming group that consist 10 students that are very talented to run
the business. After that, we are given 1 week to decide type of product that we want to sell. We
decided to sell one type of sandwich. We have decided and came out with unique company name
which is Wanpaku Sandwich.

2.2 Company Overview

Company name: Wanpaku Sandwich
Date of establishment: 28 February 2020
Location/ selling area: UPM Area
Type of business: Partnership
Start-up capital: RM 220.00
Product: Sandwich
Main activities: Manufacturing product, selling product and provide delivery services
Number of staff: 10person

2.3 Introduction of Product

Wanpaku Sandwich is a healthy sandwich with complete nutrients. It has an attractive appearance
and is prepared upon orders so it is in a fresh condition. Moreover, Wanpaku Sandwich has no
added preservatives or MSG. Lastly, Wanpaku Sandwich is a food with affordable price for

2.4 Service
We will be taking orders before preparing it and delivering it to our customer doorsteps so our
customer can enjoy the fresh and best quality sandwich.


3.1 Market and Research Analysis

From a survey we did using Google Form, we are able to get a number of 76 respondents from
the residence of Seventeenth College. The results of the survey show that a lot of people are
interested to buy our sandwich. This is because our sandwich is unique and Seventeenth College
does not have many stalls that sell a different type of sandwich like us. Through our survey, the
most preferred ingredients of our product is the chicken that we used.

3.2 Competitors
The company admits that there is one stall that sells product almost like us. For instance, kiosk
at student plaza. However, our company is a bit different because he sells tuna egg sandwich
while our sandwich uses chicken, bigger in size, healthier and mouth-watering. Here, we promise
a wide selection of products at very affordable prices to meet customers demand.
3.3 Marketing Plan

3.3.1 Product and Target Market

Wanpaku is a company that sells fresh sandwich that comes with different types of ingredients.
Our target is mainly the residents of Seventeenth College which are the students, lecturers and
3.3.2 Distribution Channel
We will be doing preorder and provide a delivery service that is available around Seventeenth
College. Our supplier of the ingredients is the market and we will package the chickens,
vegetables, and other ingredients by ourselves before selling them to our customers.

3.3.3 Promoting and Advertising

Our company will deploy two different promoting and advertising strategies to increase customer
awareness of Wanpaku. The first strategy will be word of mouth and social media such as
WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook. Pictures of the products will be posted on our social media.
This will be the cheapest and most effective of our promoting and advertising programs. The
second strategy will be distribution of flyers and put up a banner on our stall during carnival.

3.3.4 Pricing Policy

Our company has set up a policy in pricing our products to ensure that the company will be able
to gain profits from our sales products. Below are the pricing policies.
1. The products are charged to all customers at the same price based on type of product.
2. Price of the products must be able to give profits to the company. It is based on the cost
of production with additional of 15 to 30% of profit margin.
3. The price may change depending on customer demands on the products or if the products
or if the products are having promotion.
4. The price must be affordable for the customers and able to compete with other sellers.

3.4 SWOT Analysis

Strength Weakness
 Good communication skills  Some of the members lack
 Aspiration and determination to experience in handling business
succeed  Time restriction
 Perseverance in handling stress and  Lack of capital
 Ability to deliver product
Opportunity Threats
 Wide marketing target  Slow internet connection
 High demand  Consumer preference
 Unique vendor  Price of the sandwich might fluctuate

4.0 Management Responsibilities

Business management can be defined as the acquisition, allocation, and utilization of

resources through planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. Management involves
the coordination of human, financial, material, and information resources in order to realize
company goals and operate a business efficiently. Management is considered as one of the most
crucial part in business. It manages the flow and executive of the business operation as well as
ensures whether the business is going well or not. The major management responsibilities are
setting strategic goals and develop policies, oversee production processes, manage financial
data, manage human resource functions and oversee the regulations and policies.
Set strategic goals and develop the policies is important as it determines the company's
position with the market and setting goals for future growth so that the direction and growth of the
company is correct and positive. Oversee production process mean solving a problem on the
production floor or directing an employee on how to handle a disgruntled client. It also ensures
that the company operates with sufficient materials, find areas for potential growth and expand
into new markets. Manage financial data is the regular analysis of the company's financial status.
It is essential to understand the company's profitability and identify problem areas. It keeps the
company on track and allows the manager to either cut spending, if necessary, or develop ideas
for expansion. Sales forecasting and plans for marketing are also included. Manage human
resource functions means tasks associated with human resources including make sure company
has enough skilled workers to maintain productivity, provide training and directly overseeing
employees' work and make sure workers have the necessary resources to perform at peak
efficiency. Oversee regulations and policies make sure that the company is operating within legal
guidelines and in compliance with federal, state and local regulations.

Organization Chart

CEO - Haziem bin Mohamed Hatta

Our Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is Haziem bin Mohamed Hatta has been selected by other
members to become the leader for our company, Wanpaku Sandwich that established at 2020.
He is responsible to watch overall success of our business entity and make top-level managerial
decisions. Haziem is the one leading the development of the company’s strategy, creating and
implementing the company’s vision and mission, assessing risks to the company and set strategic
goals. Since our business is small, he takes “hands-on” responsibilities such as hiring and staffing
for company’s operation. As a CEO, he needs to consider and listen to every committee’s opinion
in making decisions and the coordinator that resolve the conflicts and problems among the
committee and company.
Vice CEO - Muhammad Haziq Bin Mohd Marphy

Muhammad Haziq has been appointed as the vice CEO that will be mainly helping CEO in his
work. He has the responsibility to help to make wise decision together with CEO which will
guarantee company’s future. As vice CEO, he needs to assist CEO mostly a help in checking the
other team manager, make sure that everyone is doing their jobs. He can be in charge of leading
the company when CEO is absent and act as a mediator between the team manager if they are
having conflict. He also keeps everything on track including the operational direction and making
corporate decisions. He gives advice to CEO so that every steps taken is worth and wise-made.

Secretary - Jenny Hii Ai Na

Jenny Hii is appointed as the secretary for this company due to her ability to write and deal with
the letter well. She is detailed person that can focused on small detailed in the format and letter
work. She is responsible for writing the proposal and the necessary letter for our company, and
go through every paperwork and lastly discuss it with the CEO to finalized the needed document.
She also makes arrangement for the company’s meeting and keep all the formal records of our
discussion and decisions.

Financial Team - Nurin Adlyn Binti Ahmad Rosli

The responsibilities of financial manager are accounting and reporting strategic financial
management. She manages the preparation of balance sheets, financial statements, cash-flow
reports, day-to-day record keeping, accounts payable and receivable. They make sure that the
company is in line with regulations and is in good financial health, involving keeping track of all
transactions and financial events, ensuring good records are kept. These records are kept safely
to indicate the company’s growth –whether it is making a profit or a loss. She is responsible in
making and planning our company’s financial report and statement as well as controlling the cash
flow in our company to prevent any extra loss in money. She needs to manage all start-up
expenses wisely to make sure the company is working and getting profit.

Human Resource Team - Akmal Shahir bin Sahrul Haslan

As a manager of human resources department, his responsibilities is recruiting the staffs that
have the skills to hold the post and perform the duties and tasks. He need to be more aware of
the employees’ condition and make sure that they kept improving their skills through motivation
or providing the training. He also need to keep the employees’ commitment and loyalty toward
the company to achieve higher production. Other than that, the human resources manager
responsible to conduct orientation program so that the employees can adjust faster to their jobs
and environment.

Marketing Team - Siti Nursyafiqah binti Sulaiman and Nur Fatiah Binti Abdul Khalid

Marketing team promotes business and drives sales of products or services. They set target for
the customer group and identify what the customers’ preferences to make sure the products can
catch customers’ interests. In this case, our marketing managers have come out with a marketing
plan to target a specific group of customers so that the promotion and reputation of our food
product is well-known and well-built. Marketing team play major roles in connecting customers to
our products, business promotions and developing new business plan. It is their job to reach out
to prospects, customers, investors and/or the community, while creating a positive image that can
represent our company in a good way.

Operational Team - Jenny Boon Zean Lea, Umi Athirah binti Suyanto and Nurin Husnina
Binti Sulaiman

An operational team undertakes some ongoing activities that are required for the provision of
goods or services. In some circumstances, operational teams can work as a project team also.
They are responsible for selling the products or services at the stalls or counters and even any
online events together. They manage and carry out the events, projects and activities under the
company together. At whole UPM, operational team managers are the one that responsible to set
up the stalls and sells our food product to the customers at different locations. They service and
get feedback from the customers at the same time.

5.0 Location and Places

The preparation of Wanpaku Sandwich will be doing in Seventeenth College whereby the
process of cooking and packaging will be handled by our company members. The wet ingredients
will be directly delivered to the responsible members for handling the cooking in order to maintain
the freshness.

All ingredients will be bought from the markets near Serdang area such as Tesco,
Speedmart and other nearby shops. We had made sure to survey the prices of the goods before
purchasing. This will be handled by one of our members which owns a transportation, hence the
surveying and purchasing process will be convenient.

The sandwiches will be packed at the same college as well. Once the products are ready
to be sold, we will divide some small groups to deliver the products to the whole UPM coverage
area. The sandwiches that are being sold in Seventeenth College will be delivered according to
the following blocks which are Block A, B, C and D while for the location other than Seventeenth
College, the products will be delivered to the students’ residential colleges.
6.0 Business Plan Schedule

7.0 Purchasing Process

To ensure the satisfactory of our customer, we have discussed among ourselves on which
supplier is the best in providing us with high quality raw materials with affordable prices. Thus, we
have decided the following suppliers as our raw material provider:
1. 99 Speedmart
2. Tesco
List of material to be bought:
1. Raw chicken breast
2. White bread (Gardenia)
3. Breading flour (Tepung Bestari)
4. Eggs
5. Carrot
6. Cabbage
7. Lettuce
8. Sauce (Thousand Island)
9. Cooking oil
10. Disposable food packaging
Materials such as cooking oil and disposable food packaging will be bought a week earlier before
we prepare our sandwiches. Meanwhile, for perishable items (raw chicken, bread, etc.) will be
bought after we have taken orders from our customer so that the quantity will sufficed. Then, we
will immediately prepare the sandwiches and deliver it to our customer to ensure the freshness.
Each of our team member will contribute RM20 each (RM20 x 10 = RM200) as a start-up for our
business. The money collected will then be used to buy the materials needed to make the
Wanpaku Sandwich.


8.1 Project implementation cost

Bill Items & Description Cost/unit (RM)

1 Chicken breast 1.30
2 White bread 0.35
3 Thousand island sauce 0.20
4 Cooking oil 0.40
5 Egg 0.36
6 Lettuce 0.70
7 Carrot 0.08
8 Cabbage 0.20
9 Flour 0.30
10 Paper box 0.23
11 Gas 0.30
TOTAL 4.39

8.2 List of expenses

Expenses of Raw Materials
Bil. Raw Material Qty Cost Per Total (RM) Variable Fixed Cash Non-Cash
unit Cost Cost Expenses Expenses
1 Chicken Breast 2 13.00 26.00 / /
2 White bread 1 3.50 3.50 / /
3 Thousand island 1 4.30 4.30 / /
4 Cooking oil 2 5.80 11.60 / /
5 Egg 30 0.36 10.80 / /
6 Lettuce 1 3.20 3.20 / /
7 Carrot 4 0.32 1.29 / /
8 Cabbage 1 4.29 4.29 / /
9 Flour 1 8.90 8.90 / /
TOTAL 43.67 73.88

Expenses of Equipment
No. Equipment Qty Cost Per Total Variable Fixed Cash Non-Cash
unit (RM) Cost Cost Expenses Expenses

1 Paper box 100 0.23 23.00 / /

2 Gas 1 6.00 6.00 / /

TOTAL 6.23 29.00

Conclusion: Business Expenses

A total of RM 200 of capital contributed by ten (10) partners was used for all business expenses
which total to RM 102.88. This expenses including raw materials and equipment. Note that RM
29 is spent for equipment and RM 73.88 is spent for raw materials.

Profit for Wanpaku sandwich

No. Item Unit sold Selling price Cost per item
1 Wanpaku RM 7.00 Rm 4.39

9.0 Financial Statement

Pro-form Cash flow
Cash Recipient (RM)

Group members 200.00

Revenue 420.00
Total 620.00
Cash Payment (RM)
Cost 102.88
Expenses (petrol) 40
Total 142.88
Balance 477.12

Pro-form Profit and Loss

Sales 420.00
(-) Cost of sales 102.88
Gross profit 317.12
(-) Expenses 40.00
Net profit 277.12
Profit and Loss Statement
Revenue :
Sales revenue 420.00
Cost of product 102.88
Gross profit 317.12
Operating and administrative expenses :
Transportation (petrol) 40.00
Total expenses 40.00
Net profit 277.12

Balance Sheet
Cash 477.12 Capital 200.00
Net profit 277.12
Total 477.12 Total 477.12

Break even point

Break even Point based on Total Cost

Sales at the break even point = Fixed cost ÷ { 1 - (Variable Cost ÷ Actual Sales) }
= RM20.00 ÷ { 1 - ( RM102.88 ÷ RM420.00 ) }

= RM20.00 ÷ ( 0.75)

=RM 26.67

Break-even Point Based On Total Cost

Breakeven Point Based on Margin Percentage

The gross margin percentage is the excess of revenues over variable cost :

Total sales revenue - total variable cost = Gross Margin

RM 420.00 – RM 102.88 = RM 317.12

The Gross Margin Percentage % = ( Sales price - Variable cost) ÷ Sales PRICE

= RM317.12 ÷ RM420.00

= 75.5%

Sales at break-even point = Total fixed cost ÷ Gross margin

= RM20.00 ÷ 75.5%

=RM 26.49
The break-even point in terms of the number of units


= RM20.00 ÷ (RM7.00 – RM4.39)

= 7.66

=8 Units.

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