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Department of Education

Region III
School Division of Nueva Ecija
Barawid Street St. John Guimba, Nueva Ecija

Name: __________________________. Score:_____________

Yr. And Section:__________________ Date:______________

Activity 3

Geologic time scale


The geologic time scale is the “calendar” for events in Earth history. It subdivides
all time into named units of abstract time called—in descending order of duration—eons,
eras, periods and epochs. The enumeration of those geologic time units is based on
stratigraphy, which is the correlation and classification of rock strata. The fossil forms that
occur in the rocks, however, provide the chief means of establishing a geologic time scale,
with the timing of the emergence and disappearance of widespread species from the fossil
record being used to delineate the beginnings and endings of ages, epochs, periods, and
other intervals.

I. Objectives;

1. Create the table of geologic time scale.

2. Describe the characteristics of organisms in an Era.

3. Appreciate the importance of knowing the origin of life.

II. Materials;

1. Activity sheets , ( may used the following ilustration board, cartolina, manila paper)
marker, coloring pen , crayons.

III. Procedure:

1. Prepare the materials

2. Using the materials create a table of geologic time scale.

3. Explain how organism appeared

4. Present the output of the activity in the class.

Department of Education
Region III
School Division of Nueva Ecija
Barawid Street St. John Guimba, Nueva Ecija

IV. Data and Observation;

V. Guide Question;

1. What are the characteristics of organims in a given Era?

2. How can we say that geologic time scale is accurate and precise?

3. How important it is to know the origin of life?

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