Kel 3 Text 29

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Kelompok 3

Text 29

Part 1

1. What are the Indonesian words for those in bold?

 Manning: Pengaturan
 Proper: Tepat
 Appraisal: Penialian
 Fill: Mengisi
 Pertains: Berkaitan
 Managerial act: Tindakan Manajerial
 Manpower: Tenaga
 Concerns: Bagian
 Continues: Berlanjut
 Due to: Dikarenakan
 Transfers: Pindah Jabatan
 Promotions: Kenaikan Jabatan
 Suitable: Cocok
 As per: Sesuai
 Requirements: Kebutuhan

2. What does the managerial function of ‘staffing’ involve?

Answer: The managerial function of staffing involves manning the organization structure
through proper and effective selection, appraisal and development of the
personnel to fill the roles assigned to the employers/ workforce

3. What is staffing according to Theo Haimann?

Answer: According to Theo Haimann, Staffing pertains to recruitment, selection,
development and compensation of subordinates.
4. Mention and explain the nature ‘staffing function?
a. Staffing is an important managerial function; it is the most important managerial act
along with planning, organizing, directing and controlling.
b. Staffing is a pervasive activity; it’s carried out by all mangers in all types.
c. Staffing is a continuous activity, it is continues throughout the life of an organization.
d. The basis of staffing function is efficient management of personal
e. Staffing helps in placing right men at the right job.
f. Staffing is performed by all managers.

5. What are the proper procedures for human resource management?

Answer: Staffing function is the most important managerial act along with planning,
organizing, directing and controlling.

6. Clarify the meaning of this sentence: ‘staffing is the most important managerial act
along with planning, organizing, directing and controlling’.
Answer: It means that the operations of these four functions depend upon the manpower
which is available through staffing function.
Part 2

1. What are the Indonesian words for those in bold?


 Inventory : Inventaris  Extra benefits : Manfaat tambahan

 Match : Sesuai  Performances : Kinerja
 Demands : Tuntutan  Compensation : Kompensasi
 Notified : Diberitahukan  Monetarily : Secara moneter
 Solicits : Permintaan  Keep a track : Rekam jejak
 Screening : Penyaringan  A concern : Serius
 Applications : Aplikasi  Cycle : Perkembangan
 Screened out : Disaring  Growth : Pertumbuhan
 Suitable : Cocok  Non-monetary incentive : Insentif non moneter
 Appointed : Ditunjuk  Shifted : Dipindah
 Made : Dibiasakan  Demanding : Menuntut
 Incentives : Insentif  Shifting : Pindah
 Along with it : Bersamaan itu  Transferring : Mentransfer
2. Mention and explain in short the steps in staffing.
a. Manpower requirement is the first step to match the employee with the jobs
requirements and demands.
b. Recruitments are the notification that concern invites and solicits applications.
c. Selection is the screening step of staffing.
d. Orientation and placement is screening take place, the appointed candidates to the
works units and work environment.
e. Training and development is a part of incentives given to the workers in order to
develop and grow them within the concern.
f. Remuneration is kind of compensation, provided monetarily.
g. Performance evaluation, it does to keep a track or record of the behavior, attitudes as
well as opinions of the workers towards their job.
h. Promotion and transfer is given when the work achieves maximum result.
3. Clarify the meaning of this sentence: this given according to the nature of job-
skilled or unskilled, physical or mental, etc’.
Answer: It means that the compensation will be given to the workers monetarily when
they have good performance.

Part 3

1. What are the Indonesian words for those in bold?


Manpower planning : Perencanaan tenaga kerja Two-phased : Dua tahap

Human Resources : Perencanaan sumber Daya Advantageous : Menguntungkan
Planning Manusia
Suited : Sesuai Shortages : Kekurangan
Current : Saat ini Surpluses : Kelebiham
Key : Kunci Reduces : Mengurangi
Personnel : Personil Excess : Kelebihan
Enterprises : Perusahaan Overstaffing : Kelebihan staff
Incentives plans : Perencanaan intensif Talents : Bakat
Further : Lebih jauh Accordingly : Demikian
Looks after : Menjaga Chalked out : Menorehkan
Result : Hasil Ultimately : Akhirnya

2. Mention the procedures of ‘manpower planning’?

a. Analyzing the current manpower inventory
b. Making future manpower forecast
c. Developing employment programmers
d. Design training programmers

3. What needs to be noted in analyzing the status of the current manpower?

a. Type of organization
b. Number of departments
c. Number and quantity of such departments
d. Employees in these work units

4. Mention and explain in short the manpower forecasting techniques commonly

employed by the organizations.
a. Expert forecasts: this includes informal decisions, formal expert surveys, and Delphi
b. Trend analysis: manpower needs can be projected through extrapolation, indexation,
and statistical analysis.
c. Work load analysis: it is dependent upon nature of work load in department, in a
branch or in an division
d. Work face analysis: whenever production and time period has to be analyzed, due
allowances have to be made for getting net manpower requirements
e. Other methods: several Mathematical models, with the aid of computers are used to
forecast manpower needs.

5. Mention and explain in short the importance of manpower planning.

a. Key to managerial function consist of planning, organizing, directing and controlling.
b. Efficient utilization, used to setting of large scale enterprises which needs requires
management of large scale manpower.
c. Motivation, it becomes an integral part of staffing function.
d. Better human relations, become strong through effective control, clear
communication, effective supervision and leadership in a concern.
e. Higher productivity is a result of minimum wastage of time, money, effort and
6. Mention the advantages of manpower planning.
a. Identified the storages and surpluses quickly
b. All the recruitment and selection programmers are based on manpower planning
c. Identify reduce the labor cost excess
d. Identify the available talents in a concern
e. Helps in growth and diversification of business
f. Helps the organization to realize the importance of manpower planning.

7. Clarify the meaning of this sentence: ‘co-operation without co-ordination has no fruit
and co-ordination without co-operation has no root’.
Answer: It means that co-ordination is an effort to integrate effectively energies of
different groups, whereas co-operation is short to achieve general objectives of

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