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Principles of Management MCQs

The board is vital for any association that desires to be proficient and accomplish
its points. Without somebody in a, key, influential place there would be
authoritative insurgency with no design and very little if any concentration. It has
been said that administration has four essential capacities - arranging,
coordinating, driving and controlling. The presence of mind directs that without
these standards of the board being set up an association would experience
difficulty accomplishing its points, or in any event, thinking of points in any case.

Principles of Management MCQs: This section contains multiple-choice

questions and answers on Principles of Management. It will help the students
to prepare well for their exams.

List of Principles of Management MCQs

1. What is the Division of Work in Principles of Management?

A. Workers are given a specialized task to do

B. Necessary to ensure that managerial commands are carried out
C. Needed within an organization for it to run effectively
D. An employee should have only one boss

Answer: A) Workers are given a specialized task to do


The main principle of management depends on the hypothesis that assuming a

worker is given a particular errand to do, they will turn out to be more productive
and talented in it. This is against a performing various tasks culture where a
worker is given such countless errands to do without a moment's delay.

Discuss this Question

2. What is Authority in Principles of Management?

A. Workers are given a specialized task to do

B. Necessary to ensure that managerial commands are carried out
C. Needed within an organization for it to run effectively
D. An employee should have only one boss

Answer: B) Necessary to ensure that managerial commands are carried out


This principle expresses that the chief necessities to have the important expert to
guarantee that his directions are completed by the representatives. On the off
chance that directors didn't have any power, then, at that point, they would miss
the mark on the capacity to finish any work. Be that as it may, this authority
should show up with liability.

Discuss this Question

3. What is Discipline in Principles of Management?

A. Workers are given a specialized task to do

B. Necessary to ensure that managerial commands are carried out
C. Needed within an organization for it to run effectively
D. An employee should have only one boss

Answer: C) Needed within an organization for it to run effectively

This principle expresses that discipline is expected for any association to run
actually. To have trained representatives, directors need to assemble a culture of
common regard. There should be a bunch of authoritative principles, ways of
thinking, and constructions set up that ought to be met by everybody.

Discuss this Question

4. What is Unity of Command in Principles of Management?

A. Workers are given a specialized task to do

B. Necessary to ensure that managerial commands are carried out
C. Needed within an organization for it to run effectively
D. An employee should have only one boss

Answer: D) An employee should have only one boss


The workers should be sure about whose guidelines to observe. As per Fayol, a
worker ought to get orders from just a single chief. On the off chance that a
representative works under at least two directors, authority, discipline, and
security are undermined. Besides, this will cause a breakdown in administration
design and prompt workers to wear out.

Discuss this Question

5. What is Unity of Direction in Principles of Management?

A. Employees work in harmony towards the same objective

B. Interests of the team should take precedence over personal ones
C. Paid fair wages for the work that they carry out
D. The concentration of power in the hands of the authority

Answer: A) Employees work in harmony towards the same objective

The work to be done should be coordinated so that representatives work in
agreement towards a similar target, utilizing one arrangement, under the bearing
of one administrator. For instance, if you have a scope of showcasing exercises
like publicizing, planning, deals advancement, and so forth, there should be one
director involving one arrangement for all the advertising exercises.

Discuss this Question

6. What is Collective Interest in Principles of Management?

A. Employees work in harmony towards the same objective

B. Interests of the team should take precedence over personal ones
C. Paid fair wages for the work that they carry out
D. The concentration of power in the hands of the authority

Answer: B) Interests of the team should take precedence over personal ones


This guideline expresses that the general interest of the group should outweigh
individual ones. The interest of the association ought not to be undermined by
the interest of a person. If anybody denounces any authority, the association will

Discuss this Question

7. What is Remuneration in Principles of Management?

A. Employees work in harmony towards the same objective

B. Interests of the team should take precedence over personal ones
C. Paid fair wages for the work that they carry out
D. The concentration of power in the hands of the authority

Answer: C) Paid fair wages for the work that they carry out

This principle states that representatives should be paid fair wages for the work
that they do. Any association that comes up short on its labourers will battle to
propel and keep quality specialists. This compensation ought to incorporate both
monetary and non-monetary motivating forces. Additionally, there should be a
design set up to remunerate great execution to spur workers.

Discuss this Question

8. What is Centralization in Principles of Management?

A. Employees work in harmony towards the same objective

B. Interests of the team should take precedence over personal ones
C. Paid fair wages for the work that they carry out
D. The concentration of power in the hands of the authority

Answer: D) The concentration of power in the hands of the authority


Centralization alludes to the convergence of force in the possession of the power

and following a top-base way to deal with the board. In decentralization, this
authority is circulated to all degrees of the board. In a cutting-edge setting, no
association can be concentrated or decentralized. Complete centralization implies
that individuals at the base have no authority over their obligations.

Discuss this Question

9. What is Scalar Chain in Principles of Management?

A. Communication between employees and their superiors

B. An orderly placement of resources
C. Combination of kindness and justice
D. Work to minimize staff turnover and maximize efficiency

Answer: A) Communication between employees and their superiors


A scalar chain alludes to an unmistakable chain of correspondence among

workers and their bosses. Representatives should know where they stand in the
ordered progression of the association and who to go to in levels of leadership.
To execute this in the work environment, Fayol recommends that there should be
an authoritative outline attracted so that representatives might be able to see this

Discuss this Question

10. What is Order in Principles of Management?

A. Communication between employees and their superiors

B. An orderly placement of resources
C. Combination of kindness and justice
D. Work to minimize staff turnover and maximize efficiency

Answer: B) An orderly placement of resources


This principle expresses that there should be an efficient position of assets

(labour, cash, materials, and so forth) perfectly located with flawless timing. This
guarantees the appropriate utilization of assets in an organized style. Scattering
any of these assets will prompt abuse and confusion in the association.

Discuss this Question

11. What is Equity in Principles of Management?

A. Communication between employees and their superiors

B. An orderly placement of resources
C. Combination of kindness and justice
D. Work to minimize staff turnover and maximize efficiency
Answer: C) Combination of kindness and justice


Equity is a mix of benevolence and equity. This standard expresses those

directors should utilize sympathy and equity towards everybody they make due.
This makes dependability and commitment among the representatives towards
the association they work for.

Discuss this Question

12. What is the Stability of Tenure Personnel in Principles of Management?

A. Communication between employees and their superiors

B. An orderly placement of resources
C. Combination of kindness and justice
D. Work to minimize staff turnover and maximize efficiency

Answer: D) Work to minimize staff turnover and maximize efficiency


This principle expresses that an association should attempt to limit staff turnover
and expand effectiveness. Any new representative can't be anticipated to become
acclimated to the way of life of an association immediately. They should be given
sufficient opportunity to sink into their responsibilities to become productive.
Both old and new representatives ought to likewise be guaranteed employer
stability since precariousness can prompt shortcomings. There should likewise be
an unmistakable and successful technique to deal with openings when they
emerge because it requires some investment and cost to prepare new ones.

Discuss this Question

13. What is Initiative in Principles of Management?

A. Combination of kindness and justice

B. Work to minimize staff turnover and maximize efficiency
C. All employees should be encouraged to show initiative
D. Management should strive to create unity, morale, and co-operation

Answer: C) All employees should be encouraged to show initiative


Initiative in principles of management states that all workers ought to be urged

to demonstrate energy. At the point when representatives have a say concerning
how best they can take care of their business, they feel aroused and regarded.
Associations ought to pay attention to the worries of their representatives and
urge them to create and complete designs for development.

Discuss this Question

14. What is Espirit de Corps in Principles of Management?

A. Combination of kindness and justice

B. Work to minimize staff turnover and maximize efficiency
C. All employees should be encouraged to show initiative
D. Management should strive to create unity, morale, and co-operation

Answer: D) Management should strive to create unity, morale, and co-operation


Esprit de Corps signifies "Solidarity". This guideline expresses that the

administration ought to endeavour to make solidarity, resolve, and co-activity
among the representatives. Solidarity is an extraordinary wellspring of solidarity
in the association. Cheerful and roused representatives are bound to be useful
and effective.

Discuss this Question

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MCQs on Principles of Management

Principles of Management are guidelines and frameworks that help managers to run their organisation
efficiently and effectively. It helps them in the day-to-day functioning and while framing the organisation’s
goals and objectives. It is the best tool for decision-making purposes, and it can also help distribute duties and
responsibilities among the employees.

Below is a list of multiple-choice questions and answers on Principles of Management to help students
understand the importance of this process in a company’s overall decision making.

1. Which of the following is true about Principles of Management?

a. The principles of management are in a continuous process of evolution
b. The principles of management have evolved
c. The principles of management have not evolved
d. None of the above

Answer: a

2. Which of the following best describes the Principles of Management?

a. They help managers take decisions while performing managerial functions
b. They denote a cause and effect relationship
c. They are guidelines for further action in management functions
d. All of the above

Answer: d

3. The main reason why Principles of Management do not provide readymade solutions for all
management problems is that ________.
a. They act as general guidelines for business-related issues
b. The real business issues are pretty complex
c. The real business issues are very dynamic
d. All of the above

Answer: d

4. One good thing about the Principles of Management is that it helps understand the relationship
between human and material resources in achieving organisational goals. Which feature of the
Principles of Management is described in the above statement?
a. Behavioural
b. Cause and effect relationships
c. Use of resources and effective administration
d. None of the above

Answer: a

5. The Principles of Management emphasise logical decision making and avoiding bias or
prejudice at all costs. The above statement points out that knowledge of these principles help in
a. Scientific decision making
b. Providing managers with a valuable information
c. Meet the changing requirements of a business environment
d. All of the above

Answer: a

6. Which Principle of Scientific Management says that employees must be rewarded when they
make suggestions that lead to cost savings within the company?
a. Cooperation not individualism
b. Harmony not discord
c. Science, not a rule of thumb
d. All of the above

Answer: a

7. Which of the following is true about managers within an organisation?

a. Management skills apply to managers at top levels in an organisation
b. Management skills apply to managers at all levels in an organisation
c. Management skills apply to managers at middle levels in an organisation
d. Management skills apply to managers at executive levels in an organisation

Answer: b

8. Which of the following is the main reason for the existence of an organisation?
a. The vision of an organisation
b. The mission of an organisation
c. The objectives of an organisation
d. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of an organisation

Answer: b

9. Which of the following is a crucial aspect of strategic planning?

a. It is a broad concept that consists of business and corporate strategy
b. It is an overall concept that consists of strategy formulation and implementation
c. It is a broad concept that consists of environmental and internal analysis
d. It is a general concept that consists of business inputs and outputs

Answer: b

10. Within a workplace, a worker describes how his coworkers leave business documents on the
reception desk and personal belongings within the conference room when their manager is
absent. How would this affect the functioning of a company?
a. The company would not be able to complete its tasks efficiently
b. The company would not be able to complete its tasks effectively
c. Both a and b are correct
d. Both a and b are incorrect

Answer: c
11. Which of the following describes the principle of harmony, not discord?
a. The management should properly investigate any task
b. The management should engage in scientific enquiry
c. The management should focus on observation and analysis
d. The management should share the gains or profits of a company with their workers

Answer: d

12. Which of the following describes the main objective behind functional foremanship?
a. To separate the top-level management of a company from its Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
b. To separate the planning functions from the executive functions
c. To provide zero free time to workers in a company
d. To not divide or delegate the work within an organisation

Answer: b

13. Which of the following is the main motive behind carrying out a fatigue study?
a. It helps to calculate the standard output for employees within a task
b. It helps to calculate the expected time taken for employees to complete their tasks
c. It helps to calculate the duration of rest intervals given to employees
d. None of the above

Answer: c

14. Which of the following is the main objective of the Principle of Order?
a. It focuses on providing orderly arrangements for the resources within an organisation
b. It concentrates on building a framework for giving orders to the employees within an
c. It focuses on creating a framework for receiving orders from the top management within an
d. None of the above

Answer: a

15. Which of the following is the main objective of standardisation within a business?
a. It helps to establish standards of excellence within a company
b. It helps to reduce products to fixed sizes, features or types
c. It helps to bring in more significant exchangeability of various parts
d. All of the above

Answer: d

16. The principles of management serve as a general guideline for _______.

a. Decision making
b. Managerial actions
c. Both a and b are correct
d. Both a and b are incorrect

Answer: c

17. Henri Fayol is known as _________.

a. The father of general management
b. The father of shop floor management
c. The father of scientific management
d. All of the above

Answer: a

18. Which of the following is true for discipline according to Henri Fayol?
a. Proper application of penalties
b. Good superiors across all levels in an organisation
c. Agreements between two parties that are always clear and fair
d. All of the above

Answer: d

19. Which of the following is the main objective of the Unity in Direction principle?
a. Coordination
b. Unity in action
c. Both a and b are correct
d. Both a and b are incorrect

Answer: c

20. Which of the following is the correct meaning of concentration of decision-making authority?
a. Span of management
b. Centralisation
c. Decentralisation
d. None of the above

Answer: b

Also See:

 Difference between Fayol’s and Taylor’s theories of management

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Principles of Management
MCQs on "Principles Of Management": Find the multiple choice questions on "Principles
Of Management", frequently asked for all competitive examinations.

 MCQs Multiple Choice Questions
Management is a process that happens in the entire world. It’s a well-known and extensively used
term. Management is a part of all organisations, whether they are corporate, political, cultural, or
social because it is management that assists and directs multiple activities toward a common goal.
Management principles are logic-based declarations of the basic truth that serve as standards for
managerial decision-making and conduct. These principles are derived: 
1. Through observation and analysis, i.e. from managerial experience.
2. Through the use of experimental investigations.
According to Henri Fayol, there are 14 management principles.

MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions)

1. Pure science principles are rigid, whereas management principles are relatively________.

A. Contingent
B. Dependent
C. Flexible
D. Absolute
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Management principles are said to be flexible since they may be changed by the
management as circumstances dictate.
2. Which of the following do management functions include?

A. Directing
B. Controlling
C. Planning and Organising
D. All of the above
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: The core management duties of planning, organising, staffing, directing, and
controlling are all considered ongoing activities in management. To accomplish the intended
corporate goals, managers must execute all of these duties.
3. Who is referred to be the “Father of Scientific Management?”

A. Henry Fayol
B. Robert Owen
C. Fredrick W. Taylor
D. None of these
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Frederick Taylor is known as the “Father of Scientific Management” because he
proposed that plant managers utilise scientific methods to complete tasks to obtain the greatest
4. What does MOST stand for?

A. Maximum Output Strategy Tools

B. Mission, Objectives, Strategies and Tactics
C. Machinery, Office, Staff and Technology
D. Manager, Operator, Seller and Trader
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The foundation that supports and allows a firm to achieve its aim is its mission,
objectives, strategies, and tactics. A company’s mission statement comes first, followed by its
objectives, strategies, and lastly tactics; from the broad to the specific.
5. Formulation of MOST is done by:

A. Workers
B. Managers
C. Government
D. Trademark
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Managers create MOST to help them coordinate all of their efforts so that they are all
moving in the same direction.
6. What are functional managers responsible for?

A. They are only responsible for a single area of activity

B. They hold the responsibility to the upper level of management and staff
C. They are responsible for complex organisational sub-units
D. They hold the responsibility of obtaining copyrights and patents for newly developed
processes and equipment.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: A functional manager oversees and controls the resources in a certain department,
such as IT, engineering, public relations, or marketing, and typically directs the technical work of
those working on the project from that functional area.
7. Who published the book ‘The Psychology of Management’?
1. Henry Fayol
2. Robert Owen
3. F.W. Taylor
4. Lillian Gilbert
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: Lillian Gilbreth’s book The Psychology of Management examines the psychological
elements of scientific management, including notions of human interactions and worker uniqueness
in management principles.
8. Which of the following is, NOT a manager’s informative role?

A. Disseminator’s  role
B. Spokesman role
C. Monitor’s role
D. Disturbance’s handler role
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: Managers are responsible for gathering, disseminating, and transmitting information,
and they have three informational roles: monitor, disseminator, and spokesman.
9. Understanding the relationship between human and material resources in achieving
organisational goals is aided by the Principles of Management. Which element of the
Management Principles is described in the above statement?

A. Use of resources and effective administration

B. Cause and effect relationships
C. Behavioural
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Because it emphasises the human aspect of work, behavioural management theory is
frequently referred to as the human relations movement. Behavioural theorists felt that a greater
knowledge of human behaviour at work, such as motivation, conflict, expectations, and group
dynamics, would result in increased productivity.
10. The Management Principles emphasise rational decision-making and the avoidance of
bias and prejudice at all costs. Knowledge of these concepts aids in _______, as stated in the
preceding paragraph.

A. Providing important information to the managers

B. Helping meet the evolving needs of a business environment
C. Scientific decision making
D. All of the above
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Administrators who understand management concepts are better able to understand
the cause and effect link between things at work in the organisation. They can encourage critical
thinking and decision-making that is objective and scientific.
11. Which Scientific Management Principle states that employees should be rewarded for
making proposals that result in cost reductions for the company?

A. Harmony not discord

B. Science, not a rule of thumb
C. Cooperation not individualism
D. All of the above
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Cooperation, not individualism, is the way to go. This idea demands that labour and
management should work together completely. In making decisions, management should also
consult labour. Strikes should never be taken by workers.
12. When their manager is out from the office, a worker tells how his co-workers leave
business documents on the reception desk and personal stuff in the conference room. What
impact would this have on a company’s operations?

A. The firm would be unable to execute its tasks in a timely manner.

B. The firm would be unable to properly execute its tasks.
C. a and b are both valid.
D. a and b are both wrong.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: In such a case, the firm would be unable to execute its tasks properly in a timely
13. According to Henri Fayol, which of the following is true of discipline?

A. Penalties are properly applied.

B. Superiors at all levels of an organisation who are always clear and fair 
C. Agreements between two parties that are always clear and fair
D. All of the above
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: Discipline encompasses sincerity, obedience and respect for authority. Additionally, it
comprises following of the enterprise’s norms and regulations, according to Fayol. This concept
states that subordinates should respect and obey their superiors’ orders.
14. The principles of division of labour may be used to a government office where a
diary/dispatch clerk receives and sends mail, and a data entry operator enters data into a
computer. Division of labour also applies to limited companies with different divisions such
as production, finance, research & development, and so on. Which aspect of management
principles is highlighted above?

A. General Guidelines
B. Universal applicability
C. Flexible
D. Contingent
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Universal applicability means that the principles may be applied to any form of
business. Their applicability, however, differs depending on the scenario.
15. The degree to which power is concentrated or dispersed depends on the context and
circumstances of each business. The principles provide the manager considerable leeway to
adapt to changing circumstances. Which of the management principles is emphasised

A. General Guidelines
B. Universal applicability
C. Flexible
D. Contingent
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The notion of universal applicability suggests that principles may be used to any type
of business. Their application, on the other hand, varies depending on the situation.
16. Although management principles may not give a ready-made solution to all problems, a
manager may stress the primacy of the organization’s aim in dealing with a scenario of
conflict between two departments. Which of the management principles is emphasised

A. General Guidelines
B. Universal applicability
C. Flexible
D. Contingent
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The term “general guidelines” refers to the fact that these principles are not rigid and
cannot be applied in the same way in every case. They are only suggestions.
17. Employees are entitled to fair and reasonable remuneration, but what constitutes just and
fair remuneration is decided by a variety of variables. They include the employee’s
contribution, the employer’s payment capacity, and the current salary rate for the occupation
in question. Which aspect of the Management Principles is highlighted above?

A. General Guidelines
B. Universal applicability
C. Flexible
D. Contingent
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: Contingent means ‘dependent on circumstances.’ A management concept can be
changed depending on the context.
18. Management Principles improve management efficiency by allowing managers to
delegate regular decision-making to their subordinates and deal with unexpected events that
demand their knowledge by following the Delegation Principles. What does the
aforementioned scenario mean in terms of management?

A. Meeting changing environment requirements

B. Providing managers with useful insights into reality
C. Fulfilling social responsibility
D. Management training, education and research
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Management concepts aid managers in gaining a better knowledge of current
company conditions.
19. Even a little industrial job, such as putting iron pigs onto boxcars, may be planned and
handled properly. This can save a lot of human energy while also wasting a lot of time and
materials. Which of the following principles should management highlight if the scenario is
as described above?

A. Harmony does not discord

B. Science not Rule of Thumb
C. Initiative
D. Development of each individual to their maximum efficiency and success
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Science, Not Rule of Thumb.  Taylor claims that there is only one way to maximise
efficiency. This approach may be built with sufficient research and analysis. ‘Rule of thumb’ should
be replaced with this approach. This idea tries to identify the most efficient way to do a task while
also increasing human efficiency.
20. Which of the following scientific management techniques has the goal of determining the
quantity of staff to be hired: Frame appropriate incentives schemes and calculate labour

A. Differential piece wage system

B. Time study
C. Functional foremanship
D. Simplification of work
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Time Study: This method calculates the average time required to complete a specific
task. It is possible to determine the following: amount of staff to be hired, incentive programmes, and
labour costs.
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340903503 Principles of Management MCQS With Answers of Stephen P
University: Sukkur Institute of Business Administration
Course: MBA Management (Mgt 01)
51 documents

Principles of
1) A primary benefit of MBO
A) Avoid competition
B) Resistance against new
C) Improve employee
D) Increase resources
2) Functional
departmentalization groups’
jobs by which of the
A) Tasks they perform
B) Territories they serve
C) Products or services they
manufacture or produce
D) Type of customer they
3) Henri Fayol, a French
industrialist, first analyzed
what managers do and
divided that
work into functions The
study of the management
function that defines goals
establishes strategies to
achieve them is called:
A) Planning
B) Organizing
C) Leading
D) Controlling
4) Which one of the
following items best reflects
the extent to which a society
places a
high value on reducing risk
and instability?
A) Uncertainty avoidance
B) Power distance
C) Masculinity/femininity
D) Long-term/short-term
5) When a manger made a
decision and he is uncertain
about the outcomes His
decision is
likely to be:
A) Of Poor Quality
B) Unacceptable
C) Successful
D) Risky
6) Forecasting techniques fall
into which of the following
two categories?
A) Fixed asset and human
B) Predictive and
C) Quantitative and
D) Empirical and conceptual
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Principles of Management
1. A primary benefit of MBO is: A) Avoid competition B) Resistance against new entrance
C) Improve employee motivation D) Increase resources
2. Functional departmentalization groups’ jobs by which of the following? A) Tasks they
perform B) Territories they serve C) Products or services they manufacture or produce D)
Type of customer they serve
3. Henri Fayol, a French industrialist, first analyzed what managers do and divided that
work into functions The study of the management function that defines goals and
establishes strategies to achieve them is called: A) Planning B) Organizing C) Leading D)
4. Which one of the following items best reflects the extent to which a society places a high
value on reducing risk and instability? A) Uncertainty avoidance B) Power distance C)
Masculinity/femininity D) Long-term/short-term orientation
5. When a manger made a decision and he is uncertain about the outcomes His decision is
likely to be: A) Of Poor Quality B) Unacceptable C) Successful D) Risky
6. Forecasting techniques fall into which of the following two categories? A) Fixed asset
and human capital B) Predictive and confirmatory C) Quantitative and qualitative D)
Empirical and conceptual
7. A plan developed to carry out a course of action that is not likely to be repeated in the
future is called: A) Single-use plan B) Specific plan C) Reaction plan D) Directional plan
8. The organization which has no interaction with its external environment is called: A)
Open system B) Closed system C) Non-interactive system D) Moderated system
9. Which famous management thinker was related with the development of “Theory X”? A)
Douglas McGregor B) Abraham Maslow C) Frederick Herzberg D) Chester Barnard
10. The management function that specifies goals to be achieved and deciding in advance the
appropriate actions to achieve those goals is: A) Leading B) Controlling C) Organizing
D) Planning
11. Supervisor is another name for whom? A. team leaders B. middle managers C. first-line
managers D. top managers
12. Which of the following is true concerning technical and managerial skills? A. Human
skills and technical skills remain equally important as managers move to higher levels. B.
Technical-skill needs remain necessary and human skills decrease as managers move to
higher levels. C. Human skills remain necessary and technical-skill needs decrease as
managers move to higher levels. D. Both human-skill and technical-skill needs decrease
as managers move to higher levels.
13. Which of the following views of managerial impact is useful in explaining the high
turnover among college and professional sports coaches who can be considered the
“managers” of their teams?
C. directing D. leading
20. According to Mintzberg’s management roles, the _____________ roles are those that
involve people and other duties that are ceremonial and symbolic in nature. A.
informational B. interpersonal C. technical D. decisional
21. Hawthorne studies were a series of early experiments that focused on: A) Behavior in the
workplace B) Ethics in the workplace C) Group norms D) Interpersonal dynamics
22. Selecting an alternative in the decision-making process is accomplished by option: A)
Choosing the alternative with the highest score B) Choosing the One You Like Best C)
Selecting the alternative that has the lowest price D) Selecting the alternative that is the
most reliable
23. A plan developed to carry out a course of action that is not likely to be repeated in the
future is called: A) Single-use plan B) Specific plan C) Reaction plan D) Direction plan
24. Concern for employee motivation is most closely associated with which of the following
management approach? A) Bureaucracy B) Organizational behavior (NOT SURE) C)
Scientific management D) Systems
25. Interest rates, inflation rates, and stock market indexes are all examples of which of the
factor of an organization’s general environment? A) Economic B) Political C) Social D)
26. Which factor has been the most rapidly changing component in an organization’s general
environment in the past quarter-century? A) Global B) Economic C) Social D)
27. The process of monitoring performance, comparing it with goals and correcting any
significant deviations is known as: A) Planning B) Organizing C) Leading D) Controlling
28. When Usman decides to deploy employees to another department that is lagging behind
in production, he is acting in which of the following roles? A) Spokesperson B)
Negotiator C) Leader D) Resource allocator
29. The greater the risk involves in making a decision, the greater the: A) Outcomes B)
Information available C) Rewards D) Uncertainty
30. Each subordinate should report to one and only one superior is called: A) Authority B)
Unity of command C) Unity of direction D) Order
31. Which of the following is part of the principles of management identified by Henri
Fayol? A) Scalar chain B) Innovation C) Efficiency D) Motivation
32. A learning organization has developed its________ A) Educational department to keep
employees trained B) Capacity to adapt and change C) Barriers to entry of its markets
C) Andrea Jung D) Henry Mintzberg
40. Which expectancy theory linkage explains the degree to which a student desires a good
job? A) Expectancy B) Effort to performance C) Input to outcome D) Valence
41. The assignment of new or additional responsibilities to a subordinate is called: A)
Coordination B) Specialization C) Delegation D) Span of control
42. Which ethical approach is guided by what will result in the greatest good for the greatest
number of people? A) Moral-Rights approach B) Individual approach C) Utilitarian
approach D) Justice approach
43. Low level management has a complete authority to make decisions in case of: A)
Centralization B) Decentralization C) Scalar Chain D) Order
44. Which one of the following individuals is most closely associated with scientific
management? A) Frederick Taylor B) Mary Parker Follett C) Harold Koontz D) Max
45. Each subordinate should report to one and only one superior is called: A) Authority B)
Unity of command C) Unity of direction D) Order
46. There are many healthcare products manufacturers XYZ Company manufactures only
personal hygiene products It markets such products deodorant, body powder, body
creams, and exfoliates Because it only stocks body care and personal hygiene products, it is
using ___ strategy : A) Prospecting B) Emergent C) Focus D) Cost leadership
47. When managers give goals to employees, they must always: : A) Use employee-
recognition as a reward B) Provide feedback to the employees C) Let the employees
participate in setting the goals D) All of the given options
48. The organization that has developed the capacity to continuously learn, adapt, and change
is called: A) Virtual organization B) Learning organization C) Traditional organization
D) Bureaucratic organization
49. Your firm’s attorney has which of the following power when giving legal advice? A)
Legitimate B) Status C) Expert D) Coercive
50. Which of the following is a function of how much decision-making authority is pushed
down to lower levels in the organization? A) Departmentalization B) Centralization C)
Span of control D) Power
51. Organizations that are highly flexible and adaptive are described as which of the
following? A) Organic B) Mechanistic C) Rational D) Intuitive
52. A human resource manager attending a local Society for Human Resource Management
meeting would be functioning in which of the following role? A) Informational B)
A) Consideration B) Initiating structure C) Autocratic D) Democratic
60. What type of an organization actively creates, acquires, and transfers knowledge within
itself and is able to modify its behavior to reflect new knowledge? A) Enlightened
organization B) Conceptualized organization C) Learning organization D) Modern
61. Monitoring organizational progress towards goal attainment is called: A) Planning B)
Organizing C) Leading D) Controlling
62. Organizational culture is similar to an individual’s: A) Skills B) Personality C)
Motivation D) Ability
63. Which of the following is NOT an example of an organization’s general environment? A.
Economic conditions B. Political conditions C. Social conditions
64. Who presented the Concept of Quality? A. Henri Fayol B. ProfHenryMintzberg C. Frank
& Lillian Gilbreth D. ProfEdward Deming
65. In order to communicate, motivate and delegate a manager must have: A. Political skills
B. Conceptual skills C. Technical skills D. Interpersonal skills
66. Which of the following is called output of a system? A. Services B. Material
C. Human D. Information resource
67. Who is credited for the theory of motivation based on the hierarchy of needs? A.
Abraham Maslow B. Douglas McGregor C. Henri Fayol D. Mary Parker Follett
68. Which of the following is NOT an example of a constituency that makes up the specific
environment? A. Customers B. Socio-cultural C. Suppliers D. Competitors
69. The SWOT approach assesses an organization’s: A. Speed, Wants, Order, Timing B.
Studies, Workflows, Opportunities, Trials C. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,
Threats D. Signs, Worries, Objectives, Techniques
70. An office supply firm that has three departments based upon retail, wholesale, and
governmental customers is using which of the following types of departmentalization? A.
Functional B. Product C. Customer D. Geographic
71. To determine the ___________, a manager must determine what is relevant or important
in resolving the problem A. Geocentric behavior needed B. Number of allowable
alternatives C. Weighting of decision criteria D. Decision criteria
72. A manager who strives to ensure the activities of the organization’s employees are
supported and blend well with those of individuals outside the firm could be said to hold
which of the following interpersonal role within the company? A. Liaison B.
Disseminator C. Figure head D. Entrepreneur
B. Liaison C. Figurehead D. Negotiator
80. LG and Sony electronics agreed to cooperate on developing new technologies
Representatives from each firm meet regularly to coordinate this new venture Which of
the following roles these mangers are playing? A. Liaison B. Leader C. Disseminator D.
81. A skill or capability that enables an organization to conceive of and implement its
strategies is its: A. Strength B. Weakness C. Opportunity D. Threat
82. The task environment of organizations consists of constituencies that have a direct impact
on managers’ decisions and actions The main constituencies are made up of customers,
suppliers, competitors, and ________ A. Legislators B. Pressure groups C. Employees D.
83. Set of processes involved in creating or determining the strategies of the organization is
called: A. Strategy formulation B. Strategy implementation C. Strategy evaluation D.
Strategy imitation
84. What type of an organization actively creates, acquires, and transfers knowledge within
itself and is able to modify its behavior to reflect new knowledge? A. Enlightened
organization B. Conceptualized organization C. Learning organization D. Modern
85. Which of the following is a general statement or understanding that guide or channelize
thinking in decision making? A. Policy
B. Procedure C. Rule D. Project
86. Which of the following is a process that involves managers from all parts of the
organization in the formulation of strategic goals? A. Strategic management B. Strategic
positioning C. Strategic planning D. Strategic organizing
87. Maslow’s need hierarchy, a healthy work environment is an example of what type of
need? A. Physiological B. Esteem C. Safety D. Social
88. That would be the best description of plans that focus on the broad future of the
organization and incorporate both external environmental demands and internal resources
into managers’ actions? A. Operational plans B. Tactical plans C. Strategic plans D.
Holistic plans
89. Which of the following is NOT a key element of the Total Quality Management
approach? A. Focus on the customer B. Employee involvement C. Continuous
improvement D. Focus on the supplier
90. When call center managers spend much of their time monitoring customer calls and
giving employees feedback about how to improve their dialogue with customers in the
future, these managers are using which of the following skills? A. Technical B.
Conceptual C. Situational D. Ethical
91. The process of selecting decision criteria is accomplished by: A. Massaging the data that
will support a given decision B. Flipping a coin to produce a – chance of being right
92. The plans which deal with fairly small set of activities are called: A. Strategic plan B.
Tactical plan C. Operational plan D. Personal plan
93. A budget is an example of which of the following plan? A. Strategic plan B. Single use
plan C. Informal plan D. Standing plan
94. Which of the following can be defined as the art and science of formulating,
implementing and evaluating cross-functional decisions that enable an organization to
achieve its objectives? A. Strategy formulation B. Strategy evaluation C. Strategy
implementation D. Strategic management
95. Which of the following is NOT one of the situational factors thought to influence the
relationship between leader behavior and subordinate motivation to perform in the path-
goal theory? A. Preferences of the leader B. Subordinate locus of control C.
Characteristics of the work group D. Task structure
96. Social obligation is the obligation of a business to meet its: A. Social and technological
responsibilities B. Economic and social responsibilities C. Technological and economic
responsibilities D. Economic and legal responsibilities
97. All of the following are the examples of the actions that can be taken in strategy
implementation stage EXCEPT: A. Changing organization’s pricing strategy B.
Developing new employee benefits C. Transferring managers among divisions D. Taking
corrective action when needed
98. The method by which strategies are operational zed or executed within the organization is
called: A. Strategy implementation
B. Strategy evaluation C. Strategy formulation D. Strategy imitation
105. The idea that employees should also share the profit of organization was given by:
A. Frederick Taylor B. Robert Owen C. Charles Babbage D. W Edwards Deming
106. In some countries, such as Venezuela, titles, rank, and status carry a lot of weight
These countries have a large: A. Power distance B. Uncertainty avoidance C. Short-
versus long-term orientation D. Individualism versus collectivism
107. Which of the following is associated with the classical view of social
responsibility? A. Economist Robert Reich B. Concern for social welfare C. Stockholder
financial return D. Voluntary activities
108. Which of the following management thinker created a role classification system
based on how managers spend their time at work to describe a manager’s role? A. Peter
Brabeck-Letmathe B. Abraham Maslow C. Andrea Jung D. Henry Mintzberg
109. Which of the management tasks is the most important for a supervisory manager?
A. Planning B. Organizing C. Controlling D. Staffing
110. Forecasting techniques fall into which of the following two categories? A. Fixed
asset and human capital B. Predictive and confirmatory C. Quantitative and qualitative D.
Empirical and conceptual
111. If all criteria in the decision making are equal, weighting the criteria
______________. A. improves decision making when large numbers of criteria are
8 B 33 B 58 B 83 A 108 D
9 A 34 C 59 D 84 C 109 C
10 D 35 C 60 C 85 A 110 C
11 C 36 B 61 D 86 A 111 B
12 C 37 D 62 B 87 C 112 C
13 B 38 C 63 C 88 C 113 B
14 C 39 D 64 D 89 D 114 D
15 B 40 A 65 D 90 A
16 A 41 C 66 B 91 B
17 A 42 D 67 A 92 D
18 C 43 B 68 B 93 A
19 D 44 A 69 C 94 B
20 B 45 B 70 A 95 D
21 A 46 C 71 D 96 A
22 A 47 D 72 C 97 D
23 B 48 B 73 C 98 D
24 B 49 C 74 B 99 B
25 A 50 A 75 C 100 D
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