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Jaurnal of'Neurochhemlslry

Raven Press, Ltd., New York

0 I993 International Society for Neurochemistry

Rapid Communication

Superoxide Dismutase Activity, Oxidative Damage, and

Mitochondria1 Energy Metabolism in Familial
and Sporadic Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Allen C. Bowling, Jorg B. Schulz, *Robert H. Brown, Jr., and M. Flint Beal
Neurochemistry Laboratory and *Day Neuromuscular Research Center, Neurology Service, Massachusetts
General Hospitul and Hurvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Abstract: The cause of neuronal death in amyotrophiclateralscle- There are two types of inherited ALS. The autosomal-
rosis (ALS) is unknown. Recently, it was found that some patients dominant form is more common and constitutes 10- 15%of
with autosomal-dominant familial ALS (FALS) have point muta- all ALS cases (Horton et al., 1976; Mulder et al., 1986),
tions in the gene that encodes Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase whereas the autosomal-recessive form is very rare and
(SOD1). In this study of postmortem brain tissue, we examined usually only present in consanguineous families (Ben Ha-
SOD activity and quantified protein carbonyl groups, a marker of
oxidative damage, in samples of frontal cortex (Brodmannarea 6)
mida et al., 1990). Most autosomal-dominant FALS cases
from 10 control patients, three FALS patients with known SODl are indistinguishable from SALS on the basis ofclinical and
mutations (FALS-1), one autosomal-dominant FALS patient with pathological criteria (Horton et al., 1976; Mulder et al.,
no identifiable SODl mutations (FALS-0), and 11 sporadic ALS 1986). This similarity suggests that autosomal-dominant
(SALS) patients. Also, we determined the activities of compo- FALS and SALS may share similar pathogenetic mecha-
nents of the electron transport chain (complexes1, 11-111, and IV) in nisms, such as increased oxidative damage to cellular com-
these samples. The cytosolic SOD activity, which is primarily ponents.
SODl activity, was reduced by 38.8% (p < 0.05) in the FALS-1 To determine how mutations in SODl affect its activity
patients and not significantly altered in the SALS patients or the and to quantify oxidative damage in FALS and SALS, we
FALS-0 patient relative to the control patients. The mitochondrial
SOD activity, which is primarily SOD2 activity, was not signifi- investigated postmortem brain tissue from FALS patients
cantly altered in the FALS-I, FALS-0, or SALS patients. The pro- with known SOD1 mutations (FALS-I), one autosomal-do-
tein carbonyl content was elevated by 84.8% (p < 0.01) in the minant FALS patient with no identifiable SODl mutations
SALS patients relative to the control patients. Finally, the com- (FALS-0), SALS patients, and controls. In this study, we
plex I activity was increased by 55.3% @ < 0.001) in the FALS-1 determined SOD activity in cytosolic and mitochondrial
patients relative to the control patients. These results from corti- fractions as well as oxidative damage to cytosolic proteins.
cal tissue demonstrate that SODl activity is reduced and com- In addition, as mitochondria1 energy metabolism may be
plex I activity is increased in FALS-1 patients and that oxidative particularly susceptible to oxidative damage (Richter et al.,
damage to proteins is increased in SALS patients. Key Words: 1988; Linnane et al., 1989), we determined the activities of
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-Neurodegeneration-Free radi-
cals-Oxidative damage-Superoxide dismutase-Oxidative
the mitochondria1 electron transport chain complexes.
J. Neurochem. 61,2322-2325(1993). MATERIALS AND METHODS
Postmortem brain tissue, which was stored at -8O"C, was
obtained from 10 control patients (mean _t SD age, 69.9
The cause of neuronal death in amyotrophic lateral sclero-
-t 13.2 years; postmortem interval, 11. I +. 5.4h; sex ratio, six
sis (ALS) is not known. Recently, it was discovered that
males: four females), 1 I SALS patients (mean k SD age,
some patients with autosomal-dominant familial ALS 64.7 -t 12.7 years; postmortem interval, 16.0 I+_ 4.0 h; five
(FALS) have point mutations in the gene that encodes Cu/ males: six females), three FALS patients with mutations in
Zn superoxide dismutase (SODI) (Rosen et al., 1993).
SOD 1 catalyzes the formation of hydrogen peroxide
through the dismutation of superoxide free radicals; by this
reaction, SODl is thought to play an important role in regu- Resubmitted manuscript received August 27, 1993; accepted
September 6, 1993.
lating oxidative damage to cells (Halliwell, 1992). Two cen- Address correspondenceand reprint requests to Dr. M. F. Beal at
tral questions unanswered by the initial report of Rosen et Neurology Service, Warren 408, Massachusetts General Hospital,
al. ( 1 993) were how the SOD I point mutations affect the Boston, MA 02 I 14, U S A .
activity of SODl and whether there is evidence of increased Abbreviations used: ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; FALS,
oxidative damage in either FALS or sporadic ALS (SALS). familial ALS; SALS, sporadic ALS; SOD, superoxide dismutase.


exon I ofthe SOD1 gene (mean +- SD age, 41.3 t 2.1 years; RESULTS
postmortem interval, 9.0 2 8.9 h two males: one female),
and one autosomal-dominant male FALS patient with no SOD assays were performed on the cytosolic and mito-
identifiable SOD 1 mutations (age, 38 years; postmortem chondnal fractions. As in previous studies in brain tissue
interval, 12 h). For each FALS patient, all five exons of (Saggu et al., 1989), 5.0 W K C N inhibited SOD activity by
SOD 1 were screened for mutations using single-strand con- 70-80% in the cytosolic fraction (“cytosolic SOD’) and by
formational polymorphisms (Rosen et al., 1993). The diag- 10-20% in the mitochondrial fraction (“particulate SOD’).
nosis of SALS or FALS was made on the basis of clinical For the mitochondrial fractions, assays were performed rou-
features, electromyographic data, and postmortem histo- tinely in the presence of 5.0 mA4KCN. Therefore, the cyto-
logic examination of the brain and spinal cord. Approxi- solic SOD measurement represented primarily SOD1 activ-
mately I g of Brodmann area 6 was homogenized; crude ity, whereas the particulate SOD measurement represented
primarily SOD2 activity.
mitochondrial fractions were obtained by applying the Pz
Cytosolic SOD activity was reduced by 38.8% (p < 0.05)
pellet to a discontinuous Ficoll gradient (Lai and Clark, in the FALS-I patients relative to the controls (Table I). In
1979), and cytosolic fractions were obtained by centrifuging contrast, relative to the controls, cytosolic SOD activity of
the S, fraction at 100,000 g for 60 min. the FALS-0 and SALS patients and citrate synthase-
SOD activity was determined by inhibition of the sponta- corrected particulate SOD activity of the SALS, FALS-I,
neous oxidation of epinephrine to adrenochrome in 50 mA4 and FALS-0 patients were not significantly altered. Protein
sodium carbonate and 0.1 mM EDTA, pH 10.2 (Misra and carbonyl content was elevated by 84.8% (r, < 0.01) in the
Fndovich, 1972). The rate of oxidation was generally SALS patients (Table 1). Citrate synthase-corrected com-
0.02 1-0.023/min at 480 nm, and studies with exogenously plex I activity was increased by 55.3% (p < 0.001) in the
added bovine erythrocyte SOD demonstrated that inhibi- FALS-1 patients relative to the controls (Table 2). Complex
tion was additive in the 2 0 4 0 % inhibition range for cyto- I activity was not significantly altered in the SALS patients.
solic and mitochondrial fractions. Samples were used rou- There were no significant differences for citrate synthase
tinely at concentrations that would produce 40-60% inhibi- activities or for citrate synthase-corrected activities of com-
tion, and the percent inhibition was converted to units of plexes 11-111 and IV in the controls, SALS patients, and
enzyme activity. Because the assays were conducted at pH FALS- 1 patients.
10.2, which is not an optimal pH for SOD2 activity, the
time of exposure to the buffer was limited to 30-40 s before
initiation of the reaction. Nevertheless, it is possible that
SOD2 was partially inactivated in these studies. Protein car- Some cases of autosomal-dominant FALS have been as-
bonyl derivatives were quantified using a 2,4-dinitrophenyl- sociated with mutations of the SODl gene (Rosen et al.,
hydrazine assay with minor modifications (Levine et al., 1993). This gene, which encodes a 16,000-Da polypeptide,
1990). Previously described assays were used for activity consists of five exons (Levanon et al., 1985). Initially, I 1
measurements of citrate synthase and complexes I, 11-111, different missense mutations were identified in exons 2 and
and IV (Bowling et al., 1993). In the mitochondrial frac- 4 in 13 different families (Rosen et al., 1993). Subsequently,
tions, the activities of SOD and the electron transport chain several additional FALS-associated SODI mutations have
complexes were corrected for the amount of citrate synthase been identified, including an exon 1 mutation (Deng et al.,
activity to account for variable degrees of mitochondrial 1993; D. R. Rosen et al., unpublished observations). Three
enrichment (Bowling et al., 1993). of the FALS patients (FALS-1) in the present study have the
In the control group, there was no significant difference exon 1 mutation. The results of this study demonstrate de-
between males and females for cytosolic or particulate SOD creased cytosolic SOD activity in frontal cortex (Brodmann
activity, protein carbonyl derivatives, citrate synthase activ- area 6) from these patients and therefore indicate that the
ity, or electron transport chain complex activities. As a re- exon 1 mutation results in decreased SOD1 activity. The
sult, the data were analyzed without separating by sex. In finding of decreased activity is consistent with a recent study
addition, the protein carbonyl derivatives and enzyme activ- that reports decreased SOD activity in erythrocyte lysates of
ities did not exhibit a significant correlation with age or FALS patients with six different SODl mutations (Deng et
postmortem interval in the control group. The lack of corre- al., 1993) and our recent demonstration of reduced SOD
lation with age for some of these measurements may be due activity in erythrocyte lysates, lymphoblastoid cell lines,
to the absence of younger control patients. The youngest and brain tissue (Brodmann area 1 I ) of FALS patients with
control patient was 51 years old, whereas previous aging exon 1 mutations (A. C. Bowling et al., unpublished obser-
studies of protein carbonyl content (Smith et al., 1991) and vations). As FALS patients generally exhibit similar clinical
oxidative phosphorylation enzyme activities (Byrne et al., and pathological features (Horton et al., 1976; Mulder et al.,
1991; Bowling et al., 1993) indicate that the inclusion of 1986), it is possible that all FALS-associated SOD 1 muta-
younger subjects may be necessary to demonstrate age de- tions result in reduced activity.
pendence. The identification of SOD 1 mutations and decreased
Protein concentration was determined by the method of SOD 1 activity in some FALS patients suggests that free radi-
Bradford (1 976). All reagents were obtained from Sigma (St. cals may play a central role in this disorder. SODl is a me-
Louis, MO, U.S.A.) except the Bio-Rad (Richmond, CA, talloenzyme that produces hydrogen peroxide by the dis-
U.S.A.)protein assay reagent and ubiquinone- 1, which was mutation of superoxide, a free radical (Halliwell, 1992).
the kind gift of Eisai Chemical Co. (Tokyo, Japan). Linear Through this reaction, SODl reduces the levels of superox-
regression analysis was used for correlations of measure- ide. Thus, it is theoretically possible that decreased SOD1
ments with age and postmortem interval. Differences be- activity may increase free radical levels and thereby increase
tween groups were analyzed by ANOVA followed by oxidative damage. In this study, the level of protein car-
Fisher’s PLSD post hoc test. bonyl groups, a marker of oxidative damage to proteins, was

J. Neurochem., Vol. 61, No. 6 . 1993

2324 A . C. BOWLING ET AL.

TABLE 1. SOD activities and protein carbonyl content in controls,

SA LS palients, and FALS patients

Age (years) Cytosolic SOD Particulate SOD Protein carbonyl

~ ~~~~

Controls 69.9 13.2 438.0 f 149.1 53.6 f 6.2 1.51 t 0.80

SALS 64.1 f 12.7 394.5 f 68.5 49.7 f 8.3 2 . 7 9 k 1.13"
FALS-1 41.3 f 2.1 267.9 _+ 56.7' 53.0 f 9.0 1.82 F 0.33
FALS-0 38 564. I 53.4 1.98
- ~~~~

Data are mean f SD values. Cytosolic SOD activity is expressed as U/mg of protein, particulate
SOD activity is expressed as SOD activity (U/mg of protein)/citratesynthase activity (pmol/min/
mg of protein), and protein carbonyl content is expressed as nmol/mg of protein. Samples were
assayed in triplicate.
The indicated p values are for comparison of the indicated group with the controls: "p < 0.0 I , ' p
< 0.05.

not significantly increased in the FALS-1 patients. It ispossi- free radical damage because most of the intracellular free
ble that FALS-I patients exhibit only a slight increase in radicals are generated by components of the electron trans-
oxidative damage to protein in this brain region. Other areas port chain and mitochondria1 DNA is particularly suscepti-
with more marked pathologic changes, such as Brodmann ble to oxidative damage (Richter et al., 1988; Linnane et al.,
area 4 or spinal cord, may exhibit more oxidative damage. It 1989). In this investigation, the increase in complex I activ-
is also possible that a large increase in oxidative protein ity that we observed in the FALS- 1 patients may be compen-
damage was not detected in this study because the FALS- 1 satory and may indicate that the mitochondria are targeted
patients were not age-matched with the controls. by the pathologic process. Previous studies have identified
In the SALS patients in this study, levels of the protein ultrastructural abnormalities in the mitochondria of FALS
carbonyl derivatives were significantly increased. This find- and SALS patients (Hirano et al., 1984a,b; Nakano et al.,
ing suggests that increased oxidative damage may play an 1987), but the significance of these findings is not known
important role in SALS. Brain cytosolic SOD activity was (Kusaka and Hirano, 1985).
not significantly altered in SALS. This finding is consistent It is not clear how a mutation in SODl, an enzyme that is
with a previous study demonstrating no significant change constitutively expressed in all cells, could selectively dam-
in SOD activity in erythrocyte lysates and muscle biopsy age motor neurons. A generalized decrease in enzyme activ-
specimens from SALS patients (Di6szeghy et al., 1989). An- ity is suggested by the finding that SOD activity is reduced
other study demonstrated that total SOD activity in CSF, in erythrocytes, lymphoblastoid cells, and Brodmann areas
which contains primarily SOD1 activity (Strand and Mark- 6 and 11 (Deng et al., 1993; present study; A. C. Bowling et
lund, 1992), was decreased in SALS patients (Bracco et al., al., unpublished observations). Decreased enzyme activity
1991). This apparent discrepancy may be due to the fact in Brodmann areas 6 and I I , brain regions that exhibit little
that SOD activity was assayed differently in these studies or or no pathology in FALS, suggests that an additional feature
that SODl levels in CSF and brain cytosol respond differ- of motor neurons must make these cells particularly vulner-
ently in SALS. able to this defect. A macromolecule may be involved that is
The mechanism by which free radicals produce cell death very sensitive to oxidative damage and is also essential for
is not known. All types of macromolecules are subject to motor neuron survival. In addition, excitatory amino acid
oxidative damage, including proteins, DNA, and lipids toxicity, which has been implicated in the pathogenesis of
(Halliwell, 1992). Cell death is likely to occur through the ALS (Rothstein et al., 1992), could be enhanced in motor
impairment of the function of macromolecules or organ- neurons by free radical-induced impairment of mitochon-
elles that are especially sensitive to oxidative damage. drial energy metabolism (Beal et al., 1993) or by increased
Among proteins, those that contain [4Fe-4S] clusters, such nitric oxide toxicity due to elevated superoxide levels (Beck-
as dehydratases, are very sensitive to inactivation by super- man et al., 1990; Dawson et al., 1993).
oxide (Gardner and Fndovich, 199la,b). Among organ- The finding of increased oxidative damage in SALS pa-
elles, the mitochondria appear to be especially vulnerable to tients indicates that oxidative stress may be a final common

TABLE 2. Activities of oxidative phosphorylation enzymes and citrate synthase

Complex I Complex 11-111 Complex IV Citrate svnthase
Controls 43.4 f 9.8 234.5 k 93.1 *
567.8 76.0 374.6 t 104.7
SALS 43.0 f 7.4 24 1.7 f 30.4 613.8 t 88.4 390.5 k 79.8
FALS- 1 67.4 f 6.2' 310.2 f 51.7 *
690.3 263.3 369.6 -+ 95.6
FALS-0 53.7 267.0 692.0 371.1

Data are mean f SD values. For citrate synthase, activity is in nmol/min/mg of protein. For all
other enzymes, values are citrate synthase-corrected and represent enzyme activity (nmol/min/mg
ofprotein)/citratesynthase activity (pmol/min/mg of protein).
'p < 0.001, relative to the controls.

J . Nrurochem.. i'ol. 61, No. 6, 1993


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