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1/ Introduction

What is chat GTP?

One of the achievements of the world in 2022-2023 in technology that we find
groundbreaking is ChatGPT
It is a conversational robot capable of understanding questions and answering them in
natural language with unprecedented quality and in multiple languages. This program
relies on an artificial intelligence, GPT-3, which uses automatic learning algorithms fed
with millions of texts and conversation available on the Internet (press articles,
academics, blogs, scripts of films, TV shows, etc.) to understand the meaning of words
and phrases and generate relevant responses based on context.
What so special about it?
The users can ask ChatGPT questions in an instant like message feature. Although
sometimes the answer might not be correct due to its limited database. But the special
thing is that ChatGPT can answer a wide range of questions ranging from political,
historical, geographical to medical, scientific, coding and social topics, so basically
every topics imaginable
Will this achievement affect OUR future, especially my future?
Absolutely yes, since ChatGPT is far more advanced than me in terms of intelligence
and speed, it can aid me in various ways imaginable
For instance, if I encounter a problem that is way too complex to google, I can use
ChatGPT to provide myself an optimal solution to the problem
In the future when I attend my programming class, it can assist me in debugging code,
providing a block of code so that I can better understand certain problems or task
requirements and many other things in my daily life as well.
What should you practice every day to
Stay updated with what’s happening around the world
I should be more aware and indulge in the world that I live in, what I’ve done to stay
updated to world’s news:
I would often visit google news to see what’s controversial around the world. I’ve also
installed vnexpress app and turned on push notification so that I could read news when
something trending pop up in my notification. In my opinion, I think this is one of many
simple ways to keep in touch with the world.
Public speaking skills
I think I should practice speaking in front of a small audience first, it could be my family
and relatives, my group of friends. Even expressing your own opinions to a small crowd
counts as public speaking
I think the root of fear of public speaking is social anxiety and low confidence so I think I
should practice expressing my opinions and my personality more to others, and always
remind myself to focus on what’s matter: the idea, the topic that I am about to present,
and not focus on the audience.

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