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(In order to create a comfortable environment while using the least amount of energy and mechanical
systems possible) Passive design refers to the process of creating structures that makes use of the local
climate and natural energy resources, such as daylight, wind, and thermal buoyancy.


Passive solar design is the process of using solar energy to heat and cool indoor environments without
actively using solar energy. Building components can transmit, reflect, or absorb solar energy when it
hits the structure. Additionally, the heat from the sun creates air flow that is predictable in spaces that
have been built. These fundamental reactions to solar heat gave rise to architectural features, material
selections, and placements that can heat and cool a home.

To consume as little energy as possible, passive solar design makes the most of a building's location,
temperature, and materials. A well-designed passive solar home decreases cooling needs through
energy-saving measures before supplying all or a fraction of those needs with solar energy.

By providing thermal mass to absorb and gradually release solar heat, concrete masonry is an essential
component of an efficient passive solar design. Passive solar buildings that lack enough thermal mass
risk overheating and discomfort.

Contrary to active solar heating systems, passive solar heating systems are straightforward and don't
depend heavily on mechanical and electrical components like fans, pumps, or electrical controls to move
solar energy. In some climates, effective passive solar design can help decrease your use of artificial
heating or cooling to nearly nothing while yet providing the highest level of thermal comfort.



In a direct gain space, solar energy enters the area where it will be used and stored immediately. The
simplest systems to install are direct gain systems, which only need windows and mass. Transmission
through the windows, absorption at the mass surface, convection inside the space, and radiation all
contribute to the collection and distribution of heat. Utilizing enough thermal mass enhances
functionality and comfort.


With indirect gain, solar radiation is collected, stored, and distributed using a thermal storage medium
placed between the glass and the heated area. The trombe wall is one example. So a trombe wall is a
masonry wall that is intended to absorb solar heat and release it into a building's interior, typically
separated from the outside by a glass wall. The masonry absorbs the heat from the sunshine coming
through the glass, which is then slowly transported through the wall to the interior area. During warmer
months, shading or ventilation are employed to reduce unwelcome heat increases. Some trombe walls
have vents at the top and bottom to create a convective circulation for passive cooling.

Isolated gain systems, like sunspaces, gather solar energy in a space that can be sealed off from the rest
of the structure. Sunspaces often use concrete masonry walls in addition to thermal mass flooring as a
heat transfer "valve" between the sunspace and the living or working space and for thermal storage.
Heat from the sunspace can be expelled through vents by using back-draft dampers to stop the proper
flow. You can also utilize a fan, doors, and/or windows to ventilate heated air into the living area.

Some fundamental components are required for a passive solar home design to be successful.



the large glass area that lets light into the structure. During the warm season, the aperture should face
within 30 degrees of true south and allow direct sunshine with no shadowing from neighboring
structures or trees from 9 am to 3 pm every day.

To make the best use of natural sunshine, windows should ideally face north.

In addition to being pleasant and a natural mood booster, natural light has two benefits for energy
efficiency in your home. Making excellent use of natural lighting allows you to use less artificial lighting,
and because sunlight adds warmth, you won't need as much heating in the winter.

Wide eaves help to limit the quantity of sunshine and heat entering the home in the summer because
the sun is higher in the sky.


the storage element's solid, darkened surface. The surface, which can be a stone wall, a floor, or a water
container, is directly in the direction of the sun. When sunlight strikes a surface, heat is produced.


Materials that capture or store solar heat. The thermal mass is the substance beneath and behind the
absorber, which is an exposed surface.

This might be a concrete slab or a brick wall that faces the sun. The thermal mass is the substance
beneath the dark exterior surface that is exposed to the light and serves as the "absorber," holding onto
the heat that the sun will release into the house throughout the day. While water and phase change
products are more effective at storing heat than other thermal mass materials, masonry has the
advantage of serving as both a structural and/or finishing material. The thermal mass present in drywall
and household furnishings may be adequate in well-insulated homes in mild regions, removing the need
for extra thermal storage materials. Make sure that nothing blocks the sun from reaching thermal mass

Remember that when creating a solar passive home, darker colors are better at absorbing the radiant
heat which makes them a better choice for thermal mass.

The process by which solar heat is distributed throughout the home from the places of collection and
storage. Conduction, convection, and radiation are the only three natural heat transport modes that are
used in a strictly passive design. When two items in direct contact with each other transfer heat through
conduction, like when your bare feet are warmed by a sun-heated floor, for example. Passive solar
homes frequently use convection to move air from warmer locations. Convection is the transmission of
heat through a fluid like air or water. When you stand next to a wood stove or a window that is shining
in the sun and feel the warmth of it on your skin, you are experiencing radiation.

Darker colors are preferable for thermal mass in passive solar houses since they absorb more heat than
lighter hues do. The natural behavior of the thermal material, such as a wall, which radiates warmth
gathered throughout the day into the house overnight, may be included here, as well as fans or ducts.


To prevent overheating during the warmer months, the heat gain needs to be managed. The summer
sun can be effectively controlled by creating an appropriate roof overhang, curtains, shade devices, and
even landscaping with trees.

Since the sun is higher in the sky during the summer, roof overhangs can be employed to provide shade
over the aperture area. Other components that regulate under- and/or overheating include low-
emissivity shades, awnings, operable vents and dampers, differential thermostats, which trigger a fan to
turn on, and electronic sensing devices.

Airflow and ventilation are another example of the control aspect. Maximize the breeze by putting
windows where they will capture and distribute the cool air throughout the house.

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