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JAMA Oncology | Original Investigation

Risk of Pancreatic Cancer Among Individuals

With Pathogenic Variants in the ATM Gene
Fang-Chi Hsu, MS; Nicholas J. Roberts, VetMB, PhD; Erica Childs, PhD; Nancy Porter, MS; Kari G. Rabe, MS;
Ayelet Borgida, MS; Chinedu Ukaegbu, BS; Michael G. Goggins, MD; Ralph H. Hruban, MD;
George Zogopoulos, MD; Sapna Syngal, MD; Steven Gallinger, MD; Gloria M. Petersen, PhD; Alison P. Klein, PhD

Supplemental content
IMPORTANCE Pathogenic germline variants in the ATM gene have been associated with
pancreatic cancer risk. Although genetic testing identifies these variants in approximately
1% to 3% of unselected patients with pancreatic cancer, the lifetime risk of pancreatic cancer
among individuals with pathogenic ATM variants has not been well estimated.

OBJECTIVE To estimate age-specific penetrance of pancreatic cancer in individuals with

a pathogenic variant in the ATM gene.

DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS This was a multicenter cohort study of pancreatic cancer
family registries in the US and Canada using pedigree data from 130 pancreatic cancer
kindreds with a pathogenic germline ATM variant. Data analyses were performed from
January 2020 to February 2021.

MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Observational age-specific risk of pancreatic cancer.

Penetrance was estimated using modified segregation analysis.

RESULTS The study population of 130 families (123 [95%] White families) comprised 2227
family members (mean age [SD], 58 [22] years; 1096 [49%] women) with complete records
(ie, including familial relationships, pancreatic cancer diagnosis, ATM status, proband status,
and age), of which 155 individuals had positive results for an ATM pathogenic variant, 16 had
a negative result, and the remainder did not have a test result. In these 130 families, 217
individuals had pancreatic cancer: 78 families had 1 such member; 34 families had 2 such
members; and 18 families had 3 or more members with pancreatic cancer. The average
(range) age at diagnosis was 64 (31-98) years. The cumulative risk of pancreatic cancer
among individuals with a germline pathogenic ATM variant was estimated to be 1.1% (95% CI,
0.8%-1.3%) by age 50 years; 6.3% (95% CI, 3.9%-8.7%) by age 70 years; and 9.5% (95% CI,
5.0%-14.0%) by age 80 years. Overall, the relative risk of pancreatic cancer was 6.5 (95% CI,
4.5-9.5) in ATM variant carriers compared with noncarriers.

CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE This multicenter cohort study found that individuals with
a germline pathogenic ATM variant were at an increased lifetime risk of pancreatic cancer.
These risk estimates can help guide decision-making when evaluating the risks and benefits
of enhanced early detection surveillance.

Author Affiliations: Author

affiliations are listed at the end of this
Corresponding Author: Alison P.
Klein, PhD, MHS, Department of
Oncology, Pathology, and Medicine,
Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive
Cancer Center, 1550 Orleans St,
JAMA Oncol. 2021;7(11):1664-1668. doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2021.3701 Room 354, Baltimore, MD 21231
Published online September 16, 2021. (

1664 (Reprinted)

© 2021 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Risk of Pancreatic Cancer for ATM Variant Carriers Original Investigation Research

ancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is among the most
lethal cancer types. In 2021, there will be an estimated Key Points
60 430 new pancreatic cancers diagnosed and 48 220
Objective To estimate the risk for pancreatic cancer among
related deaths in the US.1 Despite the near doubling of pan- individuals with a pathogenic variant in the ATM gene.
creatic cancer survival rates during the past decade, the 5-year
Findings This multicenter cohort study of 2227 members of 130
survival of approximately 10% remains the lowest of any
pancreatic cancer kindreds found that the risk of pancreatic cancer
major tumor type.1 Survival rates are higher for patients with
in individuals with a pathogenic variant in the ATM gene is 1.1% by
early-stage disease,1,2 highlighting the potential benefit of age 50 years, 6.3% by age 70 years, and 9.5% by age 80 years.
earlier detection.
Meaning The findings of this cohort study suggest that
Recently, germline genetic testing for patients with pan-
individuals with a pathogenic variant in the ATM gene are at a high
creatic cancer and their first-degree relatives has become the
risk of pancreatic cancer and may benefit from enhanced early
recommended standard of care3 because studies have dem- detection surveillance.
onstrated that pathogenic variants in the ATM, BRCA1, BRCA2,
CDKN2A, PALB2, PRSS1 STK11, TP53, and Lynch syndrome
jects (45 CFR §46). The study followed the Strengthening the
collectively occur in 4% to 10% of patients.4-7 While studies
Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE)
of the estimated risk of pancreatic cancer in carriers of a patho-
reporting guideline.
genic variant in these genes are limited, BRCA2 carriers are
estimated to have a 2- to 6-fold increased risk of developing
pancreatic cancer, BRCA1 carriers a 1- to 2.5-fold increased risk, Study Design and Participants
Included kindreds were enrolled in any of the family regis-
and CDKN2A carriers a higher 12-fold increased risk. Esti-
tries that participate in the Pancreatic Cancer Genetic Epide-
mated risk for these and other genes is presented in eTable 1
miology Consortium: the National Familial Pancreas Tumor
in the Supplement.6,8-11 Roberts and colleagues12 first re-
Registry (Johns Hopkins University); the Biospecimen Re-
ported the association between pathogenic ATM variants and
source for Pancreas Research (Mayo Clinic); GI Cancer Genet-
pancreatic cancer, observing pathogenic variants in 3% of pa-
ics (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute); and the Ontario Pancreas
tients with familial pancreatic cancer. Subsequent studies13
Cancer Study (Mount Sinai Hospital, University of Toronto).
have replicated these findings and demonstrated that as many
Registry eligibility required that families have a least 1 mem-
as 2.3% of patients with pancreatic cancer unselected for fam-
ber with pancreatic cancer. Families were eligible for inclu-
ily history harbor germline pathogenic ATM variants with an
sion if at least 1 family member was diagnosed with pancre-
odds ratio of 5.71 (95% CI, 4.38-7.33) in patients with pancre-
atic cancer and at least 1 individual in the pedigree had a
atic cancer compared with the control group of patients of
germline ATM pathogenic variant. Pathogenic ATM variants
European ancestry.6
were identified in these individuals either through clinical se-
The ATM gene product (OMIM 607585) is a serine/
quencing or previously published research-based sequenc-
threonine kinase that plays essential roles in DNA double-
ing studies.6,13,18,19 Information on familial relationships,
strand break repair, cell-cycle control, and apoptosis. Identi-
pancreatic cancer diagnosis, ATM status (pathogenic variant
fication of a germline ATM pathogenic variant in a patient with
carrier, noncarrier, or untyped), proband status, and age (at
pancreatic cancer may have implications for future treat-
diagnosis of pancreatic cancer or at last contact or death if not
ment decisions.14,15 Furthermore, carriers of an ATM patho-
diagnosed with pancreatic cancer) were obtained for pedi-
genic variant without cancer should consider the risks and ben-
gree members. Of the 130 families included in this study,
efits of cancer screening. The risk of breast cancer among
123 reported having European ancestry.
ATM pathogenic variant carriers has been determined to be
moderately elevated.16 However, the lifetime risk of pancre-
atic cancer in carriers has not been well defined. Individuals Statistical Analysis
Using the modified segregation analysis approach available in
with an inherited predisposition to pancreatic cancer, includ-
MENDEL, version 16.0,20 we estimated the cumulative risk of
ing those with a pathogenic ATM variant, may benefit from
pancreatic cancer by age dependent on germline ATM variant
surveillance.17 Better risk estimates can help guide decisions
status. In brief, using this approach, penetrance is estimated
regarding the role of pancreas surveillance in defined high-
by the maximum likelihood of the observed genetic data given
risk individuals. To this end, we sought to estimate age-
the phenotype of the observed pedigree members (age and
specific penetrance of pancreatic cancer in kindreds with
affection status). The genetic model includes the mode of in-
pathogenic ATM variants.
heritance, disease allele frequency, and penetrance function.
We assumed dominant inheritance and penetrance followed
a proportional hazards model where the age-specific pen-
Methods etrance (cumulative risk, F[t]) was calculated by
The study was reviewed and approved by the institutional re- cumulative incidence: Λ (t) = λ_0 (t) × e^ (β [t] gi),
view board of the Johns Hopkins Medical Institution. Written
informed consent was obtained by each recruiting registry and where gi is an indicator for ATM carrier status. A population
only deidentified data were provided for the study analyses pathogenic ATM variant frequency of 0.2% was assumed
according to the Regulations for the Protection of Human Sub- (between estimate of 0.35% and 0.1% in prior studies6,12) and (Reprinted) JAMA Oncology November 2021 Volume 7, Number 11 1665

© 2021 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Research Original Investigation Risk of Pancreatic Cancer for ATM Variant Carriers

Table 1. Distribution of Age and Pancreatic Cancer Status Across the Study Population of 130 Families

ATM pathogenic variant status

Carriers Noncarriers Untyped
No. of
Age, y individuals PC No PC NA PC No PC NA PC No PC NA
Unknown 1214 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 517 695
0-29 273 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 257 11
30-39 180 0 3 1 0 6 0 2 153 15
40-49 274 8 13 0 2 1 0 11 206 33
50-59 348 31 8 1 0 1 0 25 236 46
60-69 458 41 13 2 0 3 0 28 336 35
70-79 411 19 2 1 1 0 0 25 337 26
80-89 323 6 2 0 0 0 0 12 289 14
≥90 150 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 141 5
Totala 3631 106 44 5 3 13 0 108 2472 880
Abbreviations: NA, not available; PC, pancreatic cancer. not otherwise contribute (eg, grandparents needed to establish that aunts
Those with missing data on age and/or pancreatic cancer status were included and uncles are siblings).
in the pedigree analysis because these individuals inform relationships but do

sensitivity analysis was conducted. The baseline cumulative had a test result that was positive for an ATM pathogenic
probability of pancreatic cancer was based on population cu- variant, 16 had a negative result, and the remaining individu-
mulative probabilities from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, als did not have a test result. Because of the small sample
and End Results Program (US National Cancer Institute)21 for size, race and ethnicity were categorized as White or non–
2000 to 2017. Pedigree likelihoods were obtained using either White according to family ancestry. A higher prevalence of
the Elston-Stewart22 or Lander-Green algorithms depending pancreatic cancer was observed in noncarriers compared
on computational efficiency.23 To account for the selection of with untyped individuals, but this was because of preferen-
families through a patient with pancreatic cancer and a known tial genetic testing of patients with cancer over cancer-free
pathogenic ATM variant, analysis was conditioned on either individuals. Additional pedigree members with missing pan-
a single proband (a patient with pancreatic cancer was ini- creatic cancer status and/or age were included to complete
tially found to have the ATM variant) or multiple probands the family structure, but this had a limited influence on the
(a family member without pancreatic cancer with an ATM risk estimates. In these 130 families, there were a total of 217
pathogenic variant and their closest relative with pancreatic individuals with pancreatic cancer: 78 families with 1 family
cancer was untyped for ATM). Age to pancreatic cancer was member with pancreatic cancer, 34 families with 2 members,
estimated using proportional hazards model, where the ATM and 18 families with 3 or more members. The average age
variant carrier status was the predictor. We tested the hypoth- (range) at pancreatic cancer diagnosis was 64 (31-98) years.
esis that penetrance was not dependent on ATM carrier sta- Additional demographic information and pedigree details are
tus. Individuals without pancreatic cancer were censored at provided in eTable 2 in the Supplement.
their age at last follow-up or age at death if deceased. Param- The cumulative risk of pancreatic cancer in pathogenic
eters were estimated using maximum-likelihood methods, ATM variant carriers and noncarriers is shown in the Figure
such that the penetrance estimates that maximized the pedi- and Table 2, and age and ATM variant status were associated
gree likelihoods were obtained, and variances were obtained with pancreatic cancer risk. Cumulative risk of pancreatic can-
from the observed information matrix. cer in ATM variant carriers increased from 0.08% (95% CI,
Statistical tests were 2-tailed and P values < .05 were con- 0.07%-0.09%) by age 30 years to 9.5% (95% CI, 5.0%-14.0%)
sidered statistically significant. Data analyses were per- by age 80 years. To determine if there was evidence of pen-
formed from January 2020 to February 2021 using MENDEL, etrance differences between men and women, we allowed
version 16.0,20 and R, version 4.0 (The R Foundation for for sex-specific penetrance; however, it was not significant
Statistical Computing). in the study model (β = 0.12; SE, 0.11; P = .29). Sensitivity analy-
ses assuming a 10-fold increase and 5-fold decrease in ATM
pathogenic variant frequency demonstrated consistent esti-
mates of penetrance (data not shown).
The study population of 130 families (123 [95%] White fami-
lies) comprised 2227 family members (mean age [SD], 58 [22]
years; 1096 [49%] women) with complete records (ie, includ-
ing familial relationships, pancreatic cancer diagnosis, ATM This study presents what is, to our knowledge, the first quan-
status [pathogenic variant carrier, noncarrier, or untyped], tification of the age-specific risk of pancreatic cancer. These
proband status, and age; Table 1). Of these, 155 individuals models, which included proband correction, demonstrated the

1666 JAMA Oncology November 2021 Volume 7, Number 11 (Reprinted)

© 2021 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Risk of Pancreatic Cancer for ATM Variant Carriers Original Investigation Research

Figure. Cumulative Risk of Developing Pancreatic Cancer, Table 2. Risk of Pancreatic Cancer by ATM Pathogenic Variant Status
by ATM Pathogenic Variant Status and Age

Pancreatic cancer, % cumulative risk (95% CI)

Age, y ATM noncarrier ATM carrier
Cumulative risk of pancreatic cancer, y

Carrier 30 0.01 (0.002-0.02) 0.08 (0.07-0.09)

15 Noncarrier 40 0.05 (0-0.10) 0.30 (0.25-0.36)
SEER risk
50 0.17 (0-0.44) 1.08 (0.83-1.33)
60 0.47 (0-1.47) 3.03 (2.12-3.94)
70 0.99 (0-3.60) 6.28 (3.90-8.66)
80 1.53 (0-6.45) 9.53 (5.04-14.02)

Penetrance analysis in high-risk families typically yields

higher-risk estimates when compared with alternative meth-
0 20 40 60 80 100 ods, even when proband corrections are implemented. How-
Age, y ever, this study’s risk estimate of an approximately 6.5-fold
(95% CI, 4.5-9.5) increased risk of pancreatic cancer is consis-
The shaded area shows the 95% CIs and the dashed blue line denotes the risk tent with estimates of prior studies6 that demonstrated a 5.7-
from 2000 to 2017 based on data from SEER, the Surveillance, Epidemiology,
and End Results Program (Surveillance Research Program, National Cancer
fold (95% CI, 4.4-7.3) increased prevalence of ATM patho-
Institute; genic variants in more than 3000 patients with pancreatic
cancer unselected for family history vs general population
high lifetime risk of pancreatic cancer in ATM variant carri- controls.6 This concordance suggests that the present study’s
ers. The risk was estimated to be 6.3% by 70 years of age and penetrance estimates are not greatly inflated because of in-
9.5% by 80 years, findings that inform the potential benefit of complete adjustment for ascertainment.
early detection in these kindreds. Risk prior to age 50 years,
even in this high-risk population, remained low (approxi- Limitations
mately 1.0%), supporting the current consensus that pancre- The study population was predominantly of European ances-
atic cancer screening should generally begin at age 50 years try; thus, caution is needed when generalizing these results
among individuals with a germline pathogenic variant and to individuals of different ancestry. Future studies to better un-
a family history of pancreatic cancer.17 While there is high derstand the risk of germline ATM variants in non–European
agreement that individuals with pathogenic variants in BRCA2 populations are needed and are underway.
should be considered for early detection screening trials, there
is less agreement for inclusions of ATM variant carriers in
surveillance protocols because some previous studies6,11,24
have suggested that the risk of pancreatic cancer in ATM vari-
ant carriers is lower. The relative risk estimate of 6.5 (95% CI, This was multicenter cohort study found that the cumulative
4.5-9.5) in ATM variant carriers is substantial. Compared with risk of pancreatic cancer in ATM pathogenic variant carriers
studies that have estimated a 2.2- to 6.6-fold increased risk was 9.5% by age 80 years. These findings underscore the need
of pancreatic cancer in BRCA2 variant carriers,6,11,24 the risk to develop appropriate surveillance and intervention strate-
estimates of the present study strongly support inclusion of gies for these individuals at high-risk of developing pancre-
ATM variant carriers in screening trials. atic cancer.

ARTICLE INFORMATION (Ukaegbu, Goggins, Klein); The Research Institute Goggins, Zogopoulos, Syngal, Gallinger, Petersen,
Accepted for Publication: June 18, 2021. of the McGill University Health Centre and the Klein.
Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Research Drafting of the manuscript: Hsu, Klein.
Published Online: September 16, 2021. Centre of McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Critical revision of the manuscript for important
doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2021.3701 Canada (Zogopoulos); Population Sciences Division, intellectual content: Roberts, Childs, Porter, Rabe,
Author Affiliations: Department of Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Borgida, Ukaegbu, Goggins, Hruban, Zogopoulos,
Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Massachusetts (Syngal); Gastroenterology Division, Syngal, Gallinger, Petersen, Klein.
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, Statistical analysis: Hsu, Childs, Rabe, Klein.
(Hsu, Roberts, Childs, Porter, Goggins, Hruban, Massachusetts (Syngal); Department of Obtained funding: Gallinger, Petersen, Klein.
Klein); Department of Pathology, The Sol Goldman Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School Administrative, technical, or material support:
Pancreatic Cancer Research Center, Johns Hopkins of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland (Klein). Porter, Ukaegbu, Goggins, Syngal, Gallinger,
University, Baltimore, Maryland (Roberts, Goggins, Author Contributions: Dr Klein had full access to Petersen, Klein.
Hruban, Petersen, Klein); Department of all of the data in the study and takes responsibility Supervision: Zogopoulos, Syngal, Gallinger, Klein.
Quantitative Health Sciences, Mayo Clinic, for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Hruban
Rochester, Minnesota (Rabe); Divison of General data analysis. reported royalty distributions from a patent for
Surgery, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Concept and design: Hruban, Syngal, Petersen, GNAS, the technology used in this study, which
Canada (Borgida, Gallinger); Division of Klein. is licensed under an agreement between Thrive
Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine, Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: Hsu, Earlier Detection (a subsidiary of Exact Sciences
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland Roberts, Childs, Porter, Rabe, Borgida, Ukaegbu, Corporation) and Johns Hopkins University. (Reprinted) JAMA Oncology November 2021 Volume 7, Number 11 1667

© 2021 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Research Original Investigation Risk of Pancreatic Cancer for ATM Variant Carriers

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