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Environmental Research 201 (2021) 111536

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“I am an air quality scientist”– Using citizen science to characterise school

children’s exposure to air pollution
Diana Varaden a, b, c, d, *, Einar Leidland d, Shanon Lim a, b, d, Benjamin Barratt a, b, c, d
NIHR-HPRU Environmental Exposures and Health, School of Public Health, Imperial College London, Michael Uren Biomedical Engineering Hub, White City Campus,
Wood Lane, London, W12 0BZ , UK
MRC Centre for Environment and Health, Environmental Research Group, Imperial College London, UK
School of Public Health, Imperial College London Michael Uren Biomedical Engineering HubWhite City Campus, Wood Lane, London, W12 0BZ, UK
School of Population Health & Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine, King’s College London, FWB Room 4.189, (Corridor B) 150 Stamford
Street, London, SE1 9NH, UK


Keywords: Children are particularly vulnerable to the harmful effects of air pollution. To tackle this issue and implement
Children’s exposure to air pollution effective strategies to reduce child exposure, it is important to understand how children are exposed to this risk.
Participatory research This study followed a citizen science approach to air pollution monitoring, aiming to characterise school chil­
Portable air quality sensors
dren’s exposure to air pollution and to analyse how a citizen science approach to data collection could contribute
Awareness raising
to and enhance the research process.
Exposure reduction
258 children across five London primary schools attended air pollution education sessions and measured air
pollution for a week using backpacks with built-in air quality sensors. Children received a summary of the results,
advice and information on how to reduce exposure to air pollution. Data on the impact of the approach on the
school community were collected using surveys and focus groups with children and their parents and interviews
with the teachers involved.
The unique data set obtained permitted us to map different routes and modes of transport used by the children
and quantify different exposure levels. We identified that, on average, children were exposed to higher levels of
air pollution when travelling to and from school, particularly during the morning journey where air pollution
levels were on average 52% higher than exposures at school. Children who walked to and from school through
busy main roads were exposed to 33% higher levels of air pollution than those who travelled through back
streets. The findings from this study showed that using a citizen science approach to data collection, where
children are actively involved in the research process, not only facilitated the gathering of a large data set by
encouraging participation and stimulating adherence with the study protocol, but also increased children’s
awareness of air pollution, encouraging them to adopt positive behaviour changes to reduce their exposure.

1. Introduction Particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) are major compo­
nents of urban air pollution. According to a report from the World
The invisible but significant risk that air pollution poses to young Health Organisation (WHO), more than 90% of the world’s children live
children’s health has been widely recognised; children are particularly in areas with air pollution levels above the WHO air quality guideline for
vulnerable due to their immature and developing immune system and PM2.5 annual mean (10 μg m− 3), leading to illness and health burdens
lungs, lower body weight and relatively high inhalation rate (Gehring that can last a lifetime (World Health Organisation, 2018). Air pollution
et al., 2013, Kim, 2004; Holgate et al., 2016; Suglia et al., 2008; GAU­ can inhibit children’s lung development and as a result increase their
DERMAN et al., 2007). Air pollution arises from a complex mix of gases vulnerability to chronic disease and respiratory exacerbations (Chen
and particles, which can be of natural origin or anthropogenic. et al., 2015; Gehring et al., 2013). A study in London reported that the

* Corresponding author. NIHR-HPRU Environmental Exposures and Health, School of Public Health, Imperial College London, Michael Uren Biomedical Engi­
neering Hub, White City Campus, Wood Lane, London, W12 0BZ, UK.
E-mail addresses: (D. Varaden), (E. Leidland), (S. Lim),
(B. Barratt).
Received 24 January 2021; Received in revised form 26 May 2021; Accepted 12 June 2021
Available online 22 June 2021
0013-9351/© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
D. Varaden et al. Environmental Research 201 (2021) 111536

capacity of children’s lungs was reduced by about 5% when NO2 was measuring children’s personal exposure to air pollution have also noted
above the EU’s annual limit of 40 μg m− 3 (Mudway et al., 2019). There is that data gathering can be very labour-intensive and a possibly
also evidence that exposure to air pollution can affect children’s neu­ burdensome for children, affecting compliance, and ultimately affecting
rodevelopment and long-term cognitive health (Liu and Lewis, 2014; the number of available data measurements (Nieuwenhuijsen et al.,
Clifford A et al., 2016). Children attending schools that have higher 2015).
levels of traffic-related air pollution have been found to exhibit lower As part of an interdisciplinary intervention, this study followed a
rates of cognitive development compared to children attending schools citizen science approach to air pollution monitoring (researching with
located in less polluted areas (Sunyer et al., 2015). people rather than on people). The citizen science framework is char­
The quality of the air has been traditionally assessed through fixed- acterised by promoting sustainability through citizen science, building
site continuous air quality monitoring stations, placed at background capacity and developing participatory methods for cooperation,
sites or traffic hotspots. While this type of monitoring is effective in empowerment and impact. Most formal citizen science projects are of
tracking trends and for legislative monitoring, it is expensive to install contributory nature, designed and run by scientists, and citizens act as
and maintain, limiting who gathers the data, why the data are gathered “contributors” (Bonney, 2009, Wildschut, 2017) with different scienti­
and how they are accessed (Snyder et al., 2013). Furthermore, fixed-site fic, educational and engagement objectives. Citizen science in­
measurements may not be representative of the air pollution an indi­ terventions are characterised by not only providing benefits to scientists,
vidual breathes, due to the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of air research groups and funding institutions, but by also providing an op­
pollution (Steinle et al., 2013). Advances in air pollution sensor tech­ portunity for the public to actively engage in scientific investigations,
nology, such as miniaturisation, reliability and economic accessibility, therefore, improving citizen’s literacy and nurturing their curiosity in
have not only increased the feasibility of gathering real-time air pollu­ science, (Miller-Rushing et al., 2012).
tion measurements at any location (Gabrys, 2016; Snyder et al., 2013), Citizen science initiatives have been used extensively in the air
but they have also made it possible for diverse members of the public to pollution field, becoming an important tool for engaging with people in
carry out their own air pollution measurements - something that has air pollution affairs, creating projects aimed to achieve social objectives
traditionally only been performed by specialised scientists, following (Snik, 2014; Commodore, 2017; Minkler, 2010; Corburn, 2005; Kondo,
strict protocols. While these sensors do not replace conventional air 2014; Gabrys, 2016, Varaden et al., 2018). Children have also been
pollution monitors, they do provide multiple benefits including involved in citizen science, largely through environmental projects
increasing the spatial coverage of monitored areas, capturing exposure where they learned from and contributed to environmental knowledge,
microenvironments, such as indoors and insider vehicles, and raising education and scientific enquiry (Makuch, 2018). Children’s participa­
individuals’ awareness of exposure to air pollution (Snyder et al., 2013; tion in citizen science projects have been said to “move scientific content
Nieuwenhuijsen et al., 2015). from the abstract to the tangible” (Jenkins, 2011).
To tackle the air pollution issue and implement effective strategies to We aimed to conduct a large-scale study that (i) characterised school
reduce child exposure, is important to understand how children are children’s exposure to air pollution (PM2.5) during a typical school week
exposed to this risk, and where and when the risks are highest. Several using low-cost sensors and (ii) assessed the extent to which a citizen
studies have used portable air pollution monitors and GPS tracking de­ science approach to data collection could contribute to and impact the
vices to measure children’s exposure to a range of pollutants, doc­ research development and outcomes. We hypothesised that this partic­
umenting the different activities and places where children were most ipatory approach would prove to be a powerful tool for raising chil­
likely to be exposed to high levels. A study conducted in Barcelona dren’s awareness of air pollution, which is essentially invisible. In
(Rivas et al., 2016) measured the personal black carbon (BC) levels of 45 addition, citizen science has the potential to support children’s learning
primary school children from 25 different schools over a 48-h period. and their understanding of science, while at the same time encouraging
This study showed that the participants were exposed to the highest them to protect the environment (Makuch, 2018).
levels of BC during commutes and the lowest levels while at home. Jeong
and Park (2017) assessed the exposure of 40 primary school Korean 2. Materials and methods
children to BC over a 24-h period, using personal monitoring. They
found that commuting in diesel vehicles and subways, as well as cooking 2.1. Study population
and exposure to passive smoking in the home, led to elevated BC
exposure. Buonanno et al. (2013) in Italy, gathered personal exposure Over 400 primary schools in London are located in areas where
measurements of Ultrafine Particles (UFP) and BC over two consecutive pollution concentrations exceed the annual mean NO2 EU Limit Value of
days, from 103 primary school children. This study identified cooking 40 μg m− 3 (Greater London Authority, 2018), while the latest London
and commuting to school (by car, walk or bus) as the main activities wide modelling for 2016 found that the WHO health guideline for PM2.5
contributing to the overall daily exposure, cooking activities presented was not being met anywhere in London (Greater London Authority,
the highest dose intensity for UFPs while transportation presented the 2019). Currently there is no clear evidence of a safe level of pollutant
highest dose intensity for BC. A study in a mid-sized Canadian city exposure or a threshold below which no adverse health effects occur
examined PM2.5 and GPS tracking data from 101 commutes (36 students (World Health Organization, 2005, Public Health England, 2018).
across two schools) to and from school, and identified that students that The study population consisted of 258 children, aged 7–11 years,
travel to school on foot were exposed to lower PM2.5 levels than those from five primary schools in Greater London (Fig. S1). The participating
who travel to school in cars or riding the school bus (Gilliland et al., schools were part of the 2017 Mayor’s School Air Quality Audit Pro­
2019). While these and other studies have contributed to un­ gramme (Greater London Authority, 2018), carried out in 50 primary
derstandings of children’s exposure to air pollution, they all have rela­ schools located in the most polluted areas of London where the annual
tively short sampling periods and/or small subject sample size. legal limit for NO2 was often exceeded. All participating schools were
Obtaining a realistic estimation of children’s exposures to air located in busy urban areas, where children have to commute all or part
pollution can present great challenges, including those associated with of their journey to and from school through heavily trafficked roads
ethics - consent, confidentiality and protection issues. Equally, (Table 1). Participating schools’ admission criteria required children to
measuring children’s air pollution exposure poses logistical challenges,
particularly related to adherence to the monitoring protocol. This is
particularly important if researchers want to avoid adult surrogates who
can introduce bias, since time-space-activity patterns are different from
those of children (Branco et al., 2014). Studies that have aimed at

D. Varaden et al. Environmental Research 201 (2021) 111536

Table 1 by scientists to measure air pollution and c) involve children in the

School monitoring week and location description. research process, by highlighting the importance of their role in
School Monitoring Participating Location notes measuring by themselves the air pollution they were likely to breathe
week children when going about their normal school week. The research team
School 11th March - 43 All children who travel to school endeavoured to explain difficult concepts according to children’s aca­
A 15th March on foot have to walk along the demic ability and experience, avoiding the use of jargon.
very busy and heavily trafficked After the education session, children were given a backpack incor­
Upper Richmond Road West porating a small air pollution sensor. Children carried the backpack
(average daily vehicles – single
carriage way 24,800) to access
(Fig. 1b) for five consecutive days (Monday-Friday). To reduce the
the school grounds. participant burden and reduce the possibility of tampering, the air
School 18th March - 55 The school is situated on a narrow pollution sensors were entirely autonomous and inaccessible by the
B 22nd March two-way local street which children. The sensors were pre-programmed to sample each day be­
connects with the dual
tween 06:00–11:00 a.m. and 14:00–20:00, capturing data from the
carriageway South Circular Road
about 40 m to the west of the commutes to and from school, even if this did not occur at conventional
school. Around 200 m from the hours (e.g. children attending breakfast club and, or staying until late at
school to the north, is the A2, school in after school clubs). All participating children in the school
another dual carriageway carried the backpack on the same week. They were given an ‘I’m an air
(average daily vehicles – single
carriage way 49,681).
quality scientist’ badge to display on their backpack.
School 25th March - 61 The school is located within the During the monitoring period a daily transport diary was completed
C 29th March vicinity of Lordship Lane, a by each child in a given format. Following a preliminary data analysis, a
heavily trafficked A-Road brief summary of the air pollution monitoring results was presented at
(average daily vehicles – single
each of the participating schools. Children also received a printout of the
carriage way 15,527) The school
is accessed from three locations. results summary to take home, which contained advice and information
Two of the entrances are on a about how to reduce exposure to air pollution.
speed restricted road and a cul- To assess the impact that participation in the study had on children’s
de-sac. The third entrance is on a and parents’ perceptions of and practices towards air quality, all par­
side road.
ticipants were invited to take part in a pre-and post-engagement survey
School 29th April - 3rd 35 The main entrance to the school is
D May on a side road at the rear of the (before and after the children carried the backpacks). To complement
school. The majority of children and contextualise the data gathered from the surveys, focus groups with
approach the school from Fulham the children and their parents, and interviews with some of the teachers
Palace Road, which is a busy road
involved, were also conducted. A flow chart describing the study stages
with large number of buses and
HGVs (average daily vehicles – can be found in Fig. S2.
single carriage way 11,784).
School 20th May - 24th 64 The school is just north of the 2.3. Sensor quality assurance
E May A3216, which is used by large
number of buses, taxis and service
vehicles (average daily vehicles –
The N609 air quality sensor unit developed by Dyson was selected to
single carriage way 15,727). be used during this study. These units were selected after undergoing a
competitive selection process (Barratt and Lim, 2019). The unit incor­
porated a GPS tracker and sensors capturing PM2.5, NO2, temperature
live within its catchment area, meaning that most of the pupils lived and humidity. The PM2.5 sensor was the Sensirion SPS030 optical par­
within walking distance.1 No school buses were operated in any of the ticle counter (OPC) (Sensrion AG, Switzerland). Previous studies have
participating schools. found that it is a high performing OPC sensor (Bulot et al., 2020). The
The child engagement and selection process took different forms at NO2 sensor used was a Sensirion metal-oxide electrochemical sensor
each of the participating schools, at the discretion of the school gate­ (Khan, 2019) (Sensrion AG, Switzerland, 2021).
keeper. Some schools chose, in the first instance, to make the opportu­ The sensor unit was placed in the front pocket of a normal size school
nity available to those groups already established in the school, such as a backpack (Fig. 2), Each child’s exposure to NO2 and PM2.5, as well as
School Council, Sustainability Committee and/or Travel Ambassadors. their GPS-location were collected at a 1-s interval and stored within the
Other schools preferred to open the invitation to all children and offered backpacks’ logging unit. Logged data were encrypted to ensure ano­
the available places on a first-come first-serve basis via the signed parent nymity should the backpack be lost or stolen. The power to the unit was
consent form. Prior to participation in the study all parents or guardians provided by a battery, which was securely locked in a separate
signed the consent form approved by the King’s College London BDM compartment in the backpack. The main compartment of the backpack
Research Ethics Subcommittee RESCM-18/19–9017. was empty allowing children to use this space to keep their school es­
sentials. 100 backpacks were used in the study.
2.2. Study design All sensors were calibrated by co-location with reference monitors to
ensure accuracy of measurements made. After the study fieldwork, all of
This study took place between March and July 2019. This study the backpacks were placed on the roof of the London Air Quality
began by inviting all participating children to an air pollution educa­ Network reference monitoring station at Honor Oak Park (Defra, 2019)
tional lesson delivered by the research team (Fig. 1a) held at each of the and monitored continuously for five days (Fig. S3). Deming regression
participating schools. The purpose of this education session was to a) was applied to co-location data from each backpack in comparison with
provide children with information about the causes and health effects of matched reference data to produce an R2, scaling factor and zero offset.
air pollution, b) explain the different methods and tools normally used For PM2.5, All R2 values were >0.75, indicating very good sensor
agreement with the reference monitor. The mean (standard deviation)
scaling factor and offset was 1.03 (0.05) and − 1.70 (0.17) respectively,
For children aged over 5 but under the age of 8 the statutory walking dis­ demonstrating good accuracy and precision. Due to illness and other
tance in the UK is 2 miles. For children aged over the age of 8 and under 16 the family circumstances which prevented some children from attending the
statutory walking distance is 3 miles (Department of Education, 2014). school and returning the backpacks, 11 backpacks out of 100 were not

D. Varaden et al. Environmental Research 201 (2021) 111536

Fig. 1. Children attending an air pollution educational session in one of the participating schools (a), children carrying the monitoring backpacks (b).

applied as described above. A series of further QA/QC checks flagged as

invalid data points relating to malfunctioning sensors or covered inlets
preventing free flow of air.
School centroid coordinates were manually identified using Google
Maps (Google Maps, 2019). Home coordinates for each participant were
identified using a K-medoid algorithm, which partitioned the data points
into groups based on the most central points in the dataset. The esti­
mation of the optimal number of clusters and the allocation of data
points into clusters was performed using the packages factoextra and
cluster within R-studio (R Core Team, 2019).
Knowing the home and school coordinates made it possible to
identify commutes, as well as classification of indoor periods outside the
home and school (classified as ‘other’). After identifying commutes, each
commute with a max speed <6 km h− 1 based on GPS data, was tagged as
walking. Mode of transport for the remaining commutes were classified
based on the self-reported information in participants’ travel diaries
(bus, car, bicycle, train and metro). We excluded all commuting trips
that lasted under 5 min. Train and metro trips were too few to produce
robust results and were therefore excluded from the results.
Fifteen-minute average PM2.5 ambient concentrations were obtained
from the long-term fixed urban background reference station in North
Kensington London (Defra, 2019b) during the period the children were
conducting their measurements to compare to children’s exposure.
Fig. 2. Backpack - Air pollution sensor. Hourly meteorological variables were sourced from the “worldmet”
package (Carslaw, 2019) in R including temperature, relative humidity,
available for calibration, in which case mean factors were used. wind speed from the St James’s Park and Heathrow weather stations.
Calibration results for the NO2 sensors showed relatively poor cor­ These were the closest available sites to the schools.
relation against reference monitor results. As no robust calibration fac­ Prior to the final statistical analysis, manual tagging of main roads
tors could be derived for this pollutant only the PM2.5 data analysis and and back streets was conducted using QGIS. For the purpose of our
results are presented here. analysis, we classified all A-roads2 as ‘main road’, these were the prin­
cipal roads in each of the five school’s neighbourhoods. The remaining
roads were tagged as ‘back street’ with a few exceptions.
2.4. Exposure data analysis
Personal air quality data typically follows a log-normal distribution
(De Nazelle et al., 2017), therefore exposure summaries are discussed
The encrypted data gathered were downloaded to a secure university
using geometric means. Statistical analysis of PM2.5 exposure data was
server from the air pollution monitors immediately after the backpacks
carried out using R statistics (R Core Team, 2019). Due to non-normality
were collected from the participants. The data were decrypted and im­
of data Kruskall Wallis tests were used to test significant differences
ported into a relational database for further analysis. A statistical
method was developed in R (R Core Team, 2019) to examine the vari­
ation in pupils mean exposure to PM2.5 in different microenvironments
during the school week. The bespoke algorithm included several steps to 2
A roads have been defined by the Department of Transport as “major roads
classify 1 min mean data points into three categories (i) invalid data, (ii)
intended to provide large-scale transport links within or between areas”
indoors, (iii) commute. The indoors category was further subdivided Department of Transport, 2012. Statutory guidance. Guidance on road classifica­
into ‘at home’, ‘at school’ and ‘other’. The commute category was sub­ tion and the primary route network. [Online]. Available:
divided by transport mode, including walk, cycle, car, bus, train, metro. vernment/publications/guidance-on-road-classification-and-the-primary-rou
Finally, mean PM2.5 exposure levels were calculated for each category. te-network/guidance-on-road-classification-and-the-primary-route-network
Following aggregation into 1-min means, calibration factors were [Accessed]..

D. Varaden et al. Environmental Research 201 (2021) 111536

between the PM2.5 exposure between different microenvironments and about gathering their own data by carrying a bag during a whole school
transport modes. Post hoc tests were run using pairwise Dunns tests, week; 93% (1923 out of 2064 periods) of all morning and afternoon
using ‘Holm’ adjustment. Differences were considered statistically sig­ commutes were captured by the children. Those missing periods were
nificant for p < 0.05. Exposure contrasts between microenvironments due to children’s absence from school, and in very few instances, when
and transport modes were also expressed as percentage change for each children forgot to carry the bag to or from school. More significant data
school individually, then aggregated to estimate overall percentage loss (32%) was caused by loss of GPS signal or covered sensor inlet
change. This relative method minimised the impact of differences in (Table S2).
absolute concentrations driven by meteorological conditions prevalent
during each school’s monitoring week. 3.1. Children’s exposure to PM2.5 during a typical school day

2.5. Assessing the impact of the approach From the questionnaire responses, approximately 45% of the chil­
dren’s commutes took between 0 and 10 min, 24% between 10 and 15
Using a mixed-methods research design which included surveys, min and 22% between 15 and 30 min. Just 5% of these journeys were
focus groups and interviews, we assessed to which extent the citizen reported to take longer than 45 min.
science approach used contributed to and impacted our research Participant personal PM2.5 levels varied during the day across all
development and outcomes. schools (Fig. 3). We identified that, on average, children were exposed to
Surveys: Two surveys were offered to all children and parents that higher levels of air pollution when travelling to and from school,
took part in the monitoring. The pre-engagement parent survey was sent particularly during the morning journey (7:00–9:00 a.m.) where air
to parents as part of the study information pack which contained the pollution levels were on average 52% higher (geometric mean = 8.6 μg
Information Sheets and Consent Forms. Parents were asked to return to m− 3) than exposures at school (5.4 μg m− 3). PM2.5 levels during the
the school the completed survey and the signed consent form, if they afternoon commute (6.5 μg m− 3) were on average 19% higher than
wished for their children to take part in the study. The pre-engagement those at school (Table S3). PM2.5 concentrations registered the lowest
child surveys were administered to all participating children before the levels during the periods measured at school. Individual school results
education lesson took place. The parents received the post-engagement are presented in Table S4.
survey together with the summary of the results, while children were Statistical tests found that exposure at school was significantly lower
asked to complete their post-engagement surveys at school, two weeks than commuting periods for all schools except School A (Table S4). In
after receiving the summary of the results. comparison to background PM2.5, ambient concentrations were slightly
The pre and post surveys asked parents questions about a) travel lower than children’s exposure to (7.6 μg m− 3) and from school (6.3 μg
practices to and from school and b) views and perceptions towards air m− 3). However, background concentrations (6.5 μg m− 3) were higher
pollution in and around their children school. The post survey also asked compared to children’s exposures at school (Table S5).
questions about any changes in practices that could have arisen as a Fig. 3 also illustrates the temporal and spatial variability of the PM2.5
result of taking part in the study and having seen the study findings. The measurements recorded across all schools. Weather events, can greatly
children’s pre and post study surveys asked questions about their mode affect the dispersal, build-up and transport of air pollutants, causing
of travel when commuting to and from school, and their understanding particulate pollution levels to change (Feng and Wang, 2012). In our
of air pollution causes and effects. Children post-survey also asked study, the lowest PM2.5 concentrations were registered at School A
question about changes in practices adopted after taking part in the despite being located on a major “A road”, which is normally used by
project. Both surveys are included in the supporting information (S5). most children as an access route to the school. The low concentrations
Focus groups: To stimulate further discussion, and to complement the measured in School A could be attributed to the observed predominant
data gathered from the surveys, following the dissemination of the air windy conditions presented during most of the monitoring week
pollution monitoring data results, all participating parents were invited (meteorological summaries presented in Table S5). It has been reported
to take part in scheduled focus groups at each school. These focus groups that wind speed appears to have a significant effect on personal exposure
were designed for up to eight parents, and places were allocated on a levels (Adams et al., 2001). Ambient temperature and relative humidity
first come first served basis. Focus groups were also conducted with all in this study were not observed to have a noticeable effect on children’s
participating children. For this purpose, children were grouped in exposure between schools, likely because all measurements were made
groups of ten, according to age, at each of the participating schools. The in the same season.
purpose of the focus groups was to a) gather general feedback on the
intervention, b) answer questions regarding the results and c) assess the
potential impact that participating in the intervention had on their
views, perceptions and practices towards air pollution.
Interviews: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with some of
the teachers that were directly involved in the study (e.g. school gate­
keeper, year group teacher, sustainability coordinator). These in­
terviews aimed to capture the teachers’ views and perceptions of the
study within their school community. These interviews lasted 15 min on
average. With the permission of the participants, focus groups and in­
terviews were audio recorded.
The topic guides for the focus groups and the interviews are included
in the supporting information (S5).
The survey data were processed and analysed using the Statistical
Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Data from audio recordings was
systematically coded in full by the research team. Codes were then
organized to construct larger themes (Miles, 2020).

3. Results
Fig. 3. Concentrations of PM2.5 over the monitoring period for all participating
During this study children were positively engaged and enthusiastic schools (Table S4).

D. Varaden et al. Environmental Research 201 (2021) 111536

3.2. Transport activity patterns and exposure to PM2.5

Active travel was the most prevalent mode of transportation to and

from school (56%), this included either walking, cycling or scooting.
Motorised transportation by private car and bus accounted for 15% and
7% of journeys respectively. The remaining 22% of children travelled
using a combination of transport modes including active travel, bus, car
and a small percentage (2%) also used metro and/or train for part of
their journey. Fig. 4 shows the transport modes used by the children
during the monitoring period by participating school.
It was observed that during the afternoon (school pick up period),
there was a 5% decrease in active travel, offset by an increase in
motorised travel. When we asked parents, what influenced how their
children travel to school, 28% said that “convenience” was the most
influencing factor, 18% said “speed” and 18% said “habit”. Other factors
such as “getting physical activity” “reducing environmental impact” and
to “breathe clean air” were reported to be less important.
The results obtained from our PM2.5 measurements (Fig. 5) showed
that on average across all schools, children that walked through the Fig. 5. Concentrations of PM2.5 for all participating schools, according to
main roads were exposed to 33% higher levels of air pollution (8.7 μg commute choices to and from school (Table S6).
m− 3) than those who travelled to and from school through the back
streets (6.3 μg m− 3) (Table S6). It has been reported that PM2.5 often 3.3. Impacts of participation
occurs at higher concentrations near major roadways due to gasoline
and diesel engine exhaust (Brugge et al., 2007). In this study we Insights into participants’ perceptions of air pollution as well as the
observed that occasionally, quieter roads registered short spikes in reported changes in practices to reduce exposure to harmful pollutants
PM2.5. levels, likely to be due to individual polluting vehicles driving as a result of taking part in the study are provided here and detailed in
past, or second-hand tobacco smoke. the supporting information (S5).
It has previously been found that exposure levels of PM2.5 are lower The pre-study parents and children’s surveys had 93% (n = 240) and
for active commuters than for those travelling the same route in a car or 85% (n = 220) response rates respectively. The post-parents survey had
bus (Gilliland et al., 2019). During this study, we identified that on 20% response rate (n = 51) and the post-children survey 70% (n = 180).
average across all schools, exposure to PM2.5, was 8% higher for those To complement and contextualise the data gathered from the surveys,
children that were driven to and or from school or that took the bus (7.3 upon completion of the study, we conducted 25 focus groups with the
μg m− 3) compared to those children that walked through back streets participating children (8–10 children in each group), 3 focus groups
(away from roads with heavy traffic) (6.3 μg m− 3) (Table S6). with parents (3,5 and 8 parents in each group respectively) and 10 in­
The high resolution of the recorded data gathered, as well as the terviews with teachers involved in the study.
differences that microenvironments can have on PM2.5 concentrations Knowledge and awareness changes. Children’s willingness to
over short periods of time, are presented using an example of a child’s participate in the project was commonly driven by a desire to identify by
commute to and from school using different transport modes (Fig. 6). In themselves what they were exposed to - “I wanted to do this project to see
the example provided, the child’s exposure levels show a sharp increase how much we are putting our bodies and lungs at risk” (Child). 85% of the
when they start their morning commute to school by car, and drop once children surveyed (pre-survey) said that they were aware of air pollu­
they arrive at school. The same afternoon, the child travels back home tion, compared to 98% during the second survey (after the project). One-
walking, taking back streets at the beginning of their journey, they then third of respondents also said that they have heard about air pollution in
cross main roads and a busy junction, where PM2.5 levels increased. the school (from assembly, lessons and guest speakers), this stayed
Exposure levels declined once they reached home. The map next to the consistent between the surveys (33% in the pre-survey and 32% in the
graph shows the route the child took. post survey). Parents highlighted the benefits of prompting discussions
In the example above, a large part of the route could have been taken about air pollution in the school, as children can learn and then
through quieter back streets, therefore reducing the overall exposure to disseminate the information they gathered, encouraging their families to
PM2.5. during the school commute. change practices - “I think awareness should start at school, because you tell

Fig. 4. Transport modes of participating children during the monitoring periods. *Active travel: walk/scoot/cycle.

D. Varaden et al. Environmental Research 201 (2021) 111536

Fig. 6. Example of a child’s commute to and from school, on a typical school day. Data points within 100 m of the child’s home has been excluded.

a child something and they will think, ‘yeah you are right, we shouldn’t be different route, there is not much we can actually change about the traffic on
doing that!, so then they go home and they will pester their parents ‘don’t take the roads” (Parent).
the car today mum’, ‘let’s walk today’. Children do have a force, start with During the interviews, all teachers agreed that the project had been
the schools and you will start seen the difference” (Parent). very good at engaging with the children, getting them interested in the
Learning about air pollution exposure and spreading the word. environment, particularly in air pollution, raising awareness and stim­
When children were asked what was the part of the study that they liked ulating changes in practice to reduce exposure to air pollution - “The
the most, 43% responded “carrying the air pollution sensors”, 20% said project made the children feel like real scientists, like they were taking part in
“education assembly”, 21% “receiving the results from the air pollution something real” (Teacher).
monitoring” and 16% of the surveyed children found filling in the sur­ Other qualitative data from the surveys, focus groups and interviews
veys the most interesting part of the study. More than half of the children (not used in this manuscript) are part of another publication (Varaden
(54%) surveyed after the project, reported to have told their parents and et al., 2021).
other adults (relatives, neighbours) about the air pollution project car­
ried out at their school. These included discussions about the health 4. Discussion
effects of air pollution - “I explained how air pollution can damage our
lungs and breathing” (Child) - as well as actions they could take to reduce The findings from this study showed that using a citizen science
both their exposure to harmful pollutants and also their own contribu­ approach to data collection, where children are actively involved in the
tion to the problem - “With the project we found that is better to walk than research process, can be a useful tool for gathering large data sets
drive and if you do drive to school, you could drive a bit, stop and get out of (Miller-Rushing et al., 2012) by encouraging participation and stimu­
your car and walk the rest of the way. We also found out that is a lot more lating compliance with study protocols. During this study, adopting a
polluted on the main roads and that it is better to go through back streets to go participatory methodology also showed to have the potential to be an
wherever you are going” (Child). Several children highlighted that they effective and engaging tool for raising awareness of air pollution as a
felt relieved to know that there were actions they could take to reduce health risk amongst school children, by supplementing information
their exposure to harmful pollutants - “I was a bit scared before the project provision which, on its own, has been proven to be insufficient to change
but now I am happy to know that I can do something about it because I didn’t behaviour (Skov et al., 1991; Bush et al., 2001; Beaumont et al., 1999)
know anything about it but now I know that I could walk through the parks or with active collection of personalised exposure data.
back roads and try to stay away from traffic as much as possible” (Child). Citizen science initiatives to measure local air quality around schools
over 75% of surveyed parents, reported to have talked to family and have become popular in recent years (EUROPEAN ENVIRONMENTAL
friends about the air pollution project their children did at school. AGENCY, 2019 Health and Environmental Alliance, 2019). These ini­
Changing practice to reduce exposure. 31% of the surveyed children tiatives have used passive samplers and or low-cost sensors placed in
reported to have changed the route to and from school after the project. specific locations to better understand children’s exposure to key pol­
Parents were also asked if they had made any changes in how they travel lutants while raising children’s awareness and promoting changes in
to and from school after seeing the results of the air pollution project. To behaviour to reduce exposure. However, even though these initiatives
this, 24% of the parents responded “Yes” and 9% responded they were focus on young children, they did not actively involve children gathering
“planning to”. The changes reported by the parents included changes in air pollution data, therefore, limiting the children’s contribution to the
mode of transport (walk instead of driving) and changes in travel route, decision-making process (where and when to measure air pollution).
(opting for less busy roads). The general feedback from parents after the Our study adopted a citizen science approach to gather data on chil­
project was that they were pleased to hear there was something they dren’s personal exposure to PM2.5. as they went about their normal
could do to reduce their children’s exposure to harmful pollutants “This school week, therefore, further engaging children with the data gath­
is something we can actually change, we can take our children through a ering experience and in the co-production of scientific knowledge.

D. Varaden et al. Environmental Research 201 (2021) 111536

Carrying the air pollution monitors and gathering their own data was 2016).
identified by the children as the most enjoyable part of the study. The amount of pollution children breathe varies depending on how
The air quality measurements collected during this study were they travel to and from school. We compared passive travelling (car/
mostly from the family’s local area, during a typical school week. This bus) and active travelling, walking along back streets and walking along
made the findings from the monitoring measurements relevant to the main roads. Many previous studies have reported that air pollution
children’s and their parents‘ daily school commute, including the routes levels are characteristically higher on heavily congested roads, while
and modes of transport they chose to get to school. In general, children backstreets, with lower traffic flows, tend to display lower air pollution
across all participating schools reported that taking part in this study levels (Thai et al., 2008; McNabola et al., 2008; Adams et al., 2001;
had boosted their level of air pollution awareness and hence, their un­ Zuurbier et al., 2010; Molter and Lindley, 2015). This study contributes
derstanding of the issue. Through this understanding, children had the to this evidence, by showing that primary school children that commute
opportunity to analyse their own situations (e.g., places and times where to and from school, along back streets, are exposed to lower levels of air
they were most likely to be exposed to air pollution) and to propose pollution (PM2.5) compared to children commuting along main roads.
solutions to reduce exposure to harmful pollutants and or reduce their The general consensus amongst several European studies is that
own contribution to air pollution (e.g., opting for commuting to and generally the greatest exposures are experienced by car riders and
from school through less busy roads). Active participation in the lowest exposures by pedestrians (de Nazelle et al., 2017). Due to the low
research process offered the opportunity to view information in terms of number of car and bus journeys included in this study, we are unable to
communication and participation and not only as a simple act of pre­ draw any robust conclusions regarding the difference between passive
senting data (Beaumont et al., 1999). Additional longer duration studies and active travel. However, our findings suggest that those children that
should explore to what extent self-reported changes in behaviour (e.g., opted for walking through heavily-traffic roads can potentially be
changing route to commute to and from school) are sustained. Further exposed to higher levels of air pollution compared to children that were
research should also investigate differences in school children’s air driven or took the bus to school. Briggs et al. (2008) also suggested this,
pollution exposure taking into account the socioeconomic characteris­ showing that average exposures whilst walking can sometimes be
tics of participating schools and children, as it has been reported that greater than in-car exposure, highlighting the importance of route se­
lower socioeconomic status is generally associated with poor air quality lection and how avoiding busy streets can potentially enable pedestrians
(Fecht, 2015). to reduce their air pollution exposure. Information about driving habits
In the last few decades, numerous air quality studies have explored (close window/open window) was not gathered during this study, but it
the extent to which primary school children are exposed to air pollution could certainly have an effect on exposure levels. For instance, it has
particularly black carbon (BC) (Rivas et al., 2016), (Jeong and Park, been reported that driving with windows closed with the car’s air con­
2017), (Buonanno et al., 2013). However, these studies have based their ditioning with air recirculating on in the cabin can result in lower
findings on results obtained from small sample sizes, either number of exposure rates (Chaney et al., 2017). Further research is needed to
participants, short monitoring periods, or both. This is largely as a result further evaluate this.
of the labour intensive logistics surrounding the gathering of large data The exposures measured in our study were at the lower end of other
sets of school children personal exposure to air pollution. These include, school children exposure studies conducted in Europe and North
equipment availability, gatekeeper and parents’ permission and chil­ America. Recent PM2.5 exposures in Europe have ranged from 7.7 to
dren willingness to engage and adhere to protocols. A major strength of 19.0 μg m− 3 (Donaire-Gonzalez et al., 2019, Cunha-Lopes et al., 2019)
this study was the large number of available monitoring units. By uti­ and a slightly higher range of exposures recorded (9.6–24.1 μg m− 3) in
lising up to 100 backpacks concurrently, we were able to produce robust America and Canada (Spira-Cohen et al., 2010, Smargiassi et al., 2014;
personal exposure estimates for large numbers of children and make Ducret-Stich et al., 2012; Van Ryswyk et al., 2014). The lower exposure
direct comparisons relating to travel route, mode of transport and time in our study could be due to the fact that we did not monitor in homes, so
of day. Importantly, these data were local to the participants and, by we missed indoor sources of exposure and the relatively low background
involving so many children at once, the school felt greater involvement ambient levels that were prevalent during our study. Our study expo­
and ownership of the data. It should, however, be noted that monitoring sures were much lower than what has been recorded in China, which
between schools was spread over a three-month period (March–May) ranged 59.7–122.4 μg m− 3 (Zhang et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2020, Brehmer
where meteorological conditions varied, so absolute comparisons of et al., 2020), most likely due to substantial PM2.5 sources in China with
PM2.5 exposure between schools should be interpreted with caution. widespread use of coal for heating and electricity production contrib­
The air pollution monitoring data gathered in this study allowed us uting to both indoor and ambient pollution levels (Zhang et al., 2015).
to identify the levels of air pollution children were exposed to during a This study was limited to characterising children’s exposure to air
typical school week when travelling to and from school and while at pollution during the spring term, therefore it may not be generalizable to
school. This is particularly important because with this information we other seasons. We were unable to differentiate between the data gath­
can determine when during a typical school day (outside their home), ered in the classrooms and in the playground, thus it was not possible to
children are more likely to be exposed to higher levels of air pollution. It identify the origin of PM2.5 spikes occurring during school hours. There
was found that children exposure to air pollution PM2.5 was higher were additional challenges with processing the personal measurements,
during the morning school drop off, which coincides with the morning which requires further refinement in future studies. For example, the
peak travel time, compared to the afternoon commute, which to a efficacy of the semiautomatic algorithm was affected by the choice of a
greater extent falls outside evening peak travel time. The findings from temporal resolution of 1 min, which reduced the amount of GPS infor­
this study, are consistent with previous research (Harrison et al., 2012) mation available for the identification of commutes. This made it diffi­
which have reported the PM2.5 diurnal peak to be between 07:00–10:00 cult to identify shorter changes in direction, speed and acceleration, and
h, and have suggested rush hour traffic and domestic emissions (do­ ultimately the identification of individual segments of the commute, for
mestic heating) can make a significant contribution to the urban back­ example when the children used multiple modes of transport during
ground increment of PM2.5. Thus, for children, traffic related air their commutes. Additionally, shorter commutes, typically within 5 min
pollution can greatly contribute to daily PM2.5 exposures, particularly from the school, were challenging to identify due to the few data points
when commuting along main roads and or crossing busy junctions available.
during high-traffic “rush hour” periods (Laumbach et al., 2015). It has While tackling air pollution at the source, through prevention and
also been reported that while children expend a very short period of reduction strategies, should be the main priority, everyone has a role to
their time commuting, it is during commuting to and from school that play and changes at an individual level are needed to both reduce
children are at higher risk of exposure to air pollution (Rivas et al., peoples’ exposure and their own contribution to air pollution. One

D. Varaden et al. Environmental Research 201 (2021) 111536

strategy to reduce children daily PM2.5 exposure is to encourage changes Appendix A. Supplementary data
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