#1 Fundamentals 39

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1st Exposure 1st Exposure Questions - 1

1. Diagnosis of Infectious DIsease in Clinical Medicine D

2, How to Use the Labrotary Effectively D
3. Community ACquired Febrile Illness D
4. Dengue and DHF D
5. Dengue and Dengue Treatment Guidelines - Case studiD
6. Using PPE - wisely D
7. Healthcare Associated Infections and Pre operative InfeD
8. Chronic Fevers and Classical PUO D
9. Infections of the Immune deficient Hosts D
2nd R 2nd R Notes Questions 3rd R 3rd R Notes Questions
Additional MateriReading NoteIs the DATA BACKED UP?
1st Exposure 1st Exposure Questions - 12nd R
1. Introduction to Innate Immunity - Innate D
2. T helper cell mediated Acquired ImmunityD
3. T cytotoxic Cell mediaed Immunity D
4. Humoral and Antibody Dependant Immuni D
5. T regulatory Cells Mediated Immune Tol D
6. Auto Immunity D
7. Introduction to Vaccines - EPI schedule D
8. Transplant Immunology D
9. Immunology of Cancer D
10. Allergy D
2nd R Notes Questions 3rd R 3rd R Notes Questions Is the DATA BACKED UP?
1st Exposure 1st Exposure Questions - 12nd R
1. Principles of Palliative Ca D
2. Surgical Management of CD
3. Principles of Non Surgica D
4. Clinical Oncology D
5. Principles of Cancer Man D
6. Cancer Diagnosis and StaD
7. Epidermiology of Cancer D
2nd R Notes Questions 3rd R 3rd R Notes Questions Is the DATA BACKED UP
L & N/L & N/MCQ
1. Introduction to Dermatology
2. Infections of the skin - Leprosy
3. Bacterial Infections of the skin
4. Viral Infections of the skin
5. Fungal Infections of the skin
6. Parasitic Infections of the skin
7. Papulo - Squamous Disease and Acne
8. Blistering Diseases and Common Hair Disorders
9. Urticaria and Drug Reactions
10. Eczema and Dermatitis
11. Skin in Systaemic Diseases and Benign and Malignant Sking tumours
12. Pigmentary Disorders and Skin Manifestations of Autoimmune Connective Tissue Disea
13. Principles of Pharmacological Treatment of Dermatological Disease
1st Exposure 1st Exposure Questions - 12nd R 2nd R Notes Questions 3rd R
3rd R Notes Questions Is the DATA BACKED UP ?

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