Self-Change Contract - Student Sample

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Guide to Completing the Self-Change Contract

My overall goal for this self-change project is to improve my: procrastination on applying for
This goal is important to me because: I know I need scholarships to get my next semester
ready for me, knowing I have no money for school.
The specific target behaviors) that I want to change is (are): stop doing everything at the last
During the treatment phase of the project, I will make the following specific behavioral changes:
I have set my date till the 22nd on Monday to apply for a scholarship. I have been looking up
websites for scholarships that would fit best for me. And by monday i will have applied to one.
Week by week I will try to at least have applied for one, if it takes more than a week i will work
on that specific one till I am completely finished. Then move on to the next one.
How does it meet the following SMART goal criteria?
Specific: my “What” is scholarships. My “When” is by next monday. My “Who” is me. My
“Where” is at home, or in school, even talking to my advisor. My “Why” is because this would
help me move forward in college, and having my school paid for would have so much stress and
worry taking away from me.
Measurable: I am going to apply for a scholarship by Monday the 22nd. One a week or one
every other week till the end of this year.
Attainable: By trying to apply once a week or once every other week would be able to not rush
me in applying.
Realistic: once every other week , I know I could do that. If it was 5 scholarships every week I
know I would not be able to do that.
Time-able: The time is very good. I start one, once I finish however long it takes me, I will move
on to the next scholarship.
During the project I will apply the following rewards and consequences to support my change:
overall my reward would be accepted to get the scholarships, if i fail and not get accepted i will
keep applying.
When I succeed in following my plan each week I will reward myself by: if i get accepted into the
scholarships, I would be very happy that I will contenute coming to school.
When I fail to follow my plan each week I will apply the following consequence: if i do not apply
at least once a week, i will try my hardest to at least look up scholarships that i will need to apply
to the next week.
During the project I will involve other people I know in the following ways to support my goal:
yes. I will ask others about different websites and scholarships that would help me out. And I will
do the same for my peers.

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