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Transformation Project – 50 points


You must design a floor plan for a house, building, school, locker room, etcetera including five original polygons and
complete at least 12 total transformations within your design. You will use this project to demonstrate your
understanding of the Transformation Unit and its importance in a real world context.

The more creative you are with your project, the higher you will score.

Part 1: Floor Plan (10 points)

Using your knowledge of transformations, you must design an original construction of a floor plan and transformations
including translations, reflections, and rotations.

Your floor plan must include:

 5 different original quadrilaterals
 At least 12 total transformations
 At least 3 reflections
 At least 3 rotations
 At least 3 translations

Use black pen or marker to draw in your original constructions

Use different colors for reflections, rotations, translations, and other transformations.

 Graph Paper
 Ruler
 Markers or Colored Pencils
 Black pen or marker

Part 2: Transformation Explanation (10 points)

You must accurately fill in the Transformation explanation sheet with each transformation performed. Be sure to
include all original shapes and descriptions of each reflection.

Part 3: Reflection (10 points)

Write a 250 word reflection on your floor plan. Aspects to include:

 What is your floor plan?
 Why does your floor plan matter for a career?
 Why is knowing transformations important for a career?
 How can you use your knowledge of transformations as you move forward in life?

Ways to increase your score:

 Think of this as a project for a job at your future job.
 Use multiple translations per shape (i.e. reflect a shape, then rotate it!)
 Be creative.
 Be detail oriented.
 Be different.
Floor Plan for _________________________________

Color Key: ____ Translations ____ Rotations ___ Reflections ___ Other
Transformation Explanations (10 points)

Original Shapes and Coordinates:

Shape Original Coordinates


Shape Original Coordinates Direction and Degree Rotated New Coordinates


Shape Original Coordinates Line of Symmetry New Coordinates


Shape Original Coordinates Translation Performed New Coordinates

Other Transformations:

Shape Original Coordinates Transformation Performed New Coordinates

Transformation Project Rubric: Total Points _____/45

___/ 15 : Part 1 - Floor Plan

___/4 : Creativity

___/2 : Coordinates Included

___/2 : Colors differentiated

___/7 : All transformations included

___/ 15 : Part 2 - Transformation Explanation

___/3 : Original Shapes

___/3 : Reflections Explanations

___/3 : Rotations Explanations

___/3 : Translations Explanations

___/Extra : Other Transformations

___/ 15 : Part 3 – Reflection

___/5 : Understanding of importance of transformations

___/5 : Explanation of Floor Plan

___/2 : Word Count

___/3 : Spelling and Grammar

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