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Fundamentos II

What can pictures tell?

The pig and the monkey are

friends. The monkey is a
magician and the poor pig
is under a spell. The pig
has got wings but it
cannot fly!!! The pig is too
fat. It cannot fly! Poor
pig! The magician, Monkey
Molly, can break the spell.
Now, piggy the pig can…..

Source : Mendez ,Natalia , El circo fantástico de los

hermanos ABC .-2ds ed.- Bs. As.; Sudamericana , 2011.

This is my friend Frida. Frida

likes high trees. She likes
spaghettis. She loves feeding
Frida does not like hats. She
does not like bald men. She does
not like naughty birds.

Source: “Monstruo capilar”, Excesos y exageraciones /Pablo Bernasconi ; ilustrado por Pablo
Bernasconi. Bs.As: Sudamericana 2013

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