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I was born in Bogota when I was three years old, we moved to Medellin, it was so
hard but after we started to be happy. I used to play with Barbies and unicorns of
plastic, I used to like to play basketball with my dad, it was funny. My mom used to
cook cookies for me

dear Lisa
remember when a lived with my parents and I say I wish I lived alone, guess what I
moved to a new apartment the rent is too expensive, there has as many windows as
my old bedroom, the parking is as big as my old house. but my old house doesn't have
parking. the kitchen isn't dingy is white with pink my favorite color, but it is a beautiful
`place, I love my new apartment
the most hamburger!
slices of bread
pieces of lettuce
beef " which you want"
1 tomato
first. cut the bread into the two-piece
next. cut the tomato and lettuce in small slices
after that. sprinkle Salt on the bread
then. mix the ketchup with the bread
after that. Fry the cheese and the beef
finally. put them together

dear Juliana
I'm going downtown. Paris City of Love there have a good system of transportation
and the streets is very clean and has many things to see, for example, is very common
to go to visit Tower Eiffel, but you can't picture a photo is illegal and irrespective for
the Parisians

you shouldn't miss the Palais Garnier is a beautiful place you can go to the cathedral of
Notredam is a very old place, it has 150 years. definitely, you shouldn't miss the
Museum of the Louver is very famous, it has many pictures and is very known around
the world, my favorite place is the Palace of Versailles there lived maria Antonieta, the
history of this place is very interesting

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