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Spatial Autocorrelation

Heri Sutanta

Dirangkum dari berbagai sumber

Materi Kuliah Bagian Statistik Spasial

Minggu Materi Dosen

6 Pengantar Statistic spasial HST
7 Stastistik berbasis grid dan metrik HST
8 Spasial, Spatio-temporal dan relasi spasial FFS
9 Statistika Bayes-komputasi Bayesian FFS
10 Model regresi Bayes FFS
11 Point sets dan distance statistics FFS
12 Autokorelasi spasial HST
13 Eksploratory analisis data spasial FFS
14 Spatial big data HST
Spatial Autocorrelation
• Korelasi adalah hubungan statistika antara dua variabel

15 7
17 6
19 8
21 9
Spatial Autocorrelation
• Autocorrelation: korelasi nilai-nilai
dalam sebuah variabel dengan dirinya
• Kemiripan (similarity) antar
pengamatan sebagai fungsi waktu.

2 # plot the graph in R

3 set.seed(15)
4 a = c(1,2,-2,4,2,3,1,0,3,4,2,3,1)
5 b = a + rnorm(length(a), sd = 0.4)
6 plot(ts(b), col="#f44e2e", lwd=3)
lines(a, col="#27ccc0", lwd=3)
Spatial Autocorrelation

Kemiripan (similarity) antar pengamatan

sebagai fungsi jarak atau lokasi
Aplikasi Spatial Autocorrelation
1. Measure of Inequality: Spatial autocorrelation 4. Ecology: Spatial autocorrelation is used
helps find out the measure of inequality and widely in the ocean and coral reef
diversity be it in terms of income, population ecosystem for important applications like
or race. It analyzes whether the parameters site suitability analysis to pinpoint areas for
like income, population are clustered or mussel longline farm or marine aquaculture
uniformly distributed in a certain region using planning.
Moran’s I coefficient. [Source] 5. Demographics: Spatial autocorrelation is
2. Environment: Spatial autocorrelation helps to used to map and analyze voter turnout
spot contamination hotspots of rare earth during elections For example, spatial
elements in urban soils.[Source] autocorrelation was used to map
3. Points of Interest: Autocorrelation is used to absenteeism during the French Presidential
map different parameters as a function of election and French Regional election.
distance for variables of interest. For example, [Source]
how far away from the city center do the
house prices actually start decreasing objects-affect-other-nearby-spatial-objects-e05fa7d43de8
Contoh Spatial Autocorrelation

An example of the effect of the spatial autocorrelation on US presidential votes cast

in 1980. Red (blue) denotes high positive (negative) spatial autocorrelation of the
votes. The figure shows that voting is indeed driven by some spatial processes.
Contoh Spatial Autocorrelation

Spatial distribution of the abstention: A) 2007 French Presidential Elections and B)

2010 French Regional Elections.
Contoh Spatial Autocorrelation

Hu, L., Chun, Y. & Griffith, D.A. Uncovering a

positive and negative spatial autocorrelation
mixture pattern: a spatial analysis of breast
cancer incidences in Broward County, Florida,
2000–2010. J Geogr Syst 22, 291–308 (2020).
Contoh Spatial Autocorrelation
LISA maps for (e) P2O5, (f) Cu, (g) Pb, (h) Zn (Distance Band = 1000 m).
Yumin Yuan, Mark Cave,
Chaosheng Zhang, Local indicators of spatial association — LISA
2018, Using Local
Moran's I to identify
contamination hotspots
of rare earth elements
in urban soils of
London, Applied
Geochemistry, Volume
88, Part B, Pages 167-
Menghitung Spatial Autocorrelation
• Melalui perhitungan similarity/dissimilarity dua buah variabel hasil
pengamatan sebagai fungsi jarak.

Indeks similaritas, dengan

rentang -1 s.d. 1
Indeks dissimilaritas,
Geary’s C
dengan rentang 0-2

Semi-variance Indeks dissimilaritas

Moran’s Indeks

Jumlah sampel Nilai pada lokasi i dan j Rerata nilai

W merupakan jumlah wij

Spatial Autocorrelation

Xi: nilai pada lokasi i

Xj: nilai pada lokasi j
Dij: jarak antara lokasi i dan j Lokasi j

Ada berapa pasangan titik

Lokasi i
(jarak) di peta tersebut?

Bagaimana jika sampelnya

(sangat) besar?
People → Point data
Spatial Autocorrelation
▪ Biasanya kemungkinan pasangan
jarak berjumlah sangat besar
▪ Digunakan parameter lag.
▪ Lag merupakan interval jarak
untuk menyederhanakan
perhitungan melalui pembuatan
rata-rata similarity/dissimilarity
antar pasangan titik.
▪ Cutoff threshold distance dapat
ditetapkan sebagai ukuran
pasangan titik dalam

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