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REVIEWS Further Socioeconomic Disparities
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Fred C. Pampel,1 Patrick M. Krueger,2
• Our comprehensive search and Justin T. Denney3
Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2010.36:349-370. Downloaded from

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Department of Sociology, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309-0484;

Department of Sociology, University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado 80217;
Department of Sociology, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77005;

Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2010. 36:349–70 Key Words

First published online as a Review in Advance on smoking, exercise, diet, obesity, education, socioeconomic status
April 20, 2010

The Annual Review of Sociology is online at Abstract
The inverse relationships between socioeconomic status (SES) and un-
This article’s doi: healthy behaviors such as tobacco use, physical inactivity, and poor nu-
trition have been well demonstrated empirically but encompass diverse
Copyright  c 2010 by Annual Reviews. underlying causal mechanisms. These mechanisms have special theoret-
All rights reserved
ical importance because disparities in health behaviors, unlike disparities
0360-0572/10/0811-0349$20.00 in many other components of health, involve something more than the
ability to use income to purchase good health. Based on a review of
broad literatures in sociology, economics, and public health, we classify
explanations of higher smoking, lower exercise, poorer diet, and excess
weight among low-SES persons into nine broad groups that specify re-
lated but conceptually distinct mechanisms. The lack of clear support
for any one explanation suggests that the literature on SES disparities
in health and health behaviors can do more to design studies that better
test for the importance of the varied mechanisms.

SO36CH17-Pampel ARI 3 June 2010 0:58

INTRODUCTION having the financial resources to purchase

health. It makes sense that the less well-off
Why do low–socioeconomic status (SES) have fewer opportunities to undergo regular
groups more often act in ways that harm their preventive medical checkups and screenings,
health than high-SES groups? Health behaviors to work at jobs with low physical danger or
such as use of tobacco, lack of exercise, and poor contact with hazardous materials, to live in
diet contribute importantly to—though by no well-built housing in safe neighborhoods with
means completely explain (Lantz et al. 1998)— low pollution, and to drive safe cars. Although
SES differences in health and mortality (Rogers finances relate in some ways to tobacco cessa-
et al. 2000). In addition, these behaviors have tion (paying for counseling), exercise (joining
a characteristic that makes them of special in- gyms and clubs), and good diet (buying fresh
terest: They involve more than the inability fruits and vegetables or lean meats), money
to purchase goods and services that promote nonetheless is not a requirement as it is
good health. Smoking involves expenditure of for other health behaviors. Tobacco use, to
Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2010.36:349-370. Downloaded from

money to purchase an unhealthy product, and the contrary, involves significant monetary
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some forms of exercise such as walking cost lit- costs—on average about $1638 per year for a
tle. The tendency of low-SES groups to adopt pack-a-day smoker (Smith 2008).
unhealthy behaviors despite the monetary and Other behaviors involving use of illegal
health costs is a puzzle that many studies have drugs and participation in criminal violence
examined but, with one very recent exception likewise create risks to health but raise issues
(Cutler & Lleras-Muney 2010), not addressed different from legal behaviors. Reviews of these
in a comprehensive way. behaviors and of research on crime and deviance
We review explanations of the relationship warrant separate study (although some theories
between low SES and unhealthy behaviors posit a link between participation in legal but
and the empirical support they have received. unhealthy behavior and participation in illegal
In focusing on the mechanisms that account behavior). Alcohol consumption has similarities
for the relationships between SES and health to use of illegal substances (e.g., driving under
behaviors, we review studies from sociology, the influence) and, except at extremely high
economics, and public health that go beyond levels that are relatively rare in the U.S. adult
description and that offer insight into the population, has an ambiguous relationship
sources of health inequality. These studies rec- with health and mortality outcomes (Rogers
ognize that SES disparities in health behavior et al. 2000, Thun et al. 1997). Another health
involve more than freely chosen lifestyles. To behavior, sleep durations of shorter or longer
the contrary, the explanations reviewed below than seven hours per night, is associated with
suggest that unhealthy behaviors result from increased mortality, but little research has sys-
the vast differences in the social circumstances tematically examined the relationship between
of low- and high-SES groups. Our attention SES and sleep duration (Krueger & Friedman
to the social origins of health behavior runs 2009, Moore et al. 2002). Still further, health
counter to perspectives that ignore how SES care consumption, adherence to treatment
structures social life. regimens, interaction with physicians, and
For several reasons, we limit the health be- acceptance of new medical technologies
haviors we examine. Avoidance of tobacco, par- greatly influence health and mortality and
ticipation in physical activity, and maintenance are the subject of large literatures (Cutler &
of proper weight and diet involve actions that, Lleras-Muney 2010, Glied & Lleras-Muney
certainly for smoking and by most accounts for 2008, Hadley 2003, Lutfey & Freese 2005,
the others, promote health and extend longevity Phelan et al. 2004, Ross & Mirowsky 2000).
(Rogers et al. 2000). These behaviors also dif- Because of space constraints, we give only
fer from others that depend more directly on minimal attention to these behaviors.

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SES (or sometimes socioeconomic position) between SES and health would change little,
refers to standing in the stratification system as other sources of disparities would grow in
and is usually measured by education, occupa- importance (Link & Phelan 1995). At the same
tion, employment, income, and wealth. These time, health behaviors account for, on average,
components of SES are not interchangeable roughly one-quarter of SES disparities in
and have different kinds of influences on health health—an amount of some importance.
behavior. SES can reflect diverse underlying To present some numbers, Table 1 de-
theoretical concerns such as material well- scribes the disparities for several components
being, human capital, prestige, and produc- of SES and smoking, exercise, and body mass
tive relations. Even so, it is convenient to refer using the 2006 National Health Interview Sur-
to SES as a summary term (without assuming vey for persons ages 25–64 (National Center
that it represents a unidimensional construct) for Health Statistics 2008). The dichotomous
when the particular measure does not have key outcomes assign values of one to survey partic-
importance. ipants who currently smoke, do not participate
Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2010.36:349-370. Downloaded from

in vigorous or moderate physical activity,

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or have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or

IMPORTANCE OF HEALTH more (obese). The SES predictors are treated
BEHAVIOR FOR SES HEALTH categorically, with the highest category serving
DISPARITIES as the referent so that odds ratios compare
The focus on SES disparities in health behav- lower SES groups to higher SES groups. The
iors has generated some dispute. Lantz et al. logistic regression estimates for SES control
(1998) reject claims that elevated mortality for gender, race-ethnicity, age, age squared,
risks among disadvantaged SES groups come and foreign birth.
primarily from the higher prevalence of risky The results in Table 1 show large disparities
behaviors in these groups. In comparing for smoking and no exercise and more modest
mortality over a 7.5-year period, Lantz and disparities for obesity. Of the SES variables, ed-
colleagues find that the odds ratio for the ucation generally has the strongest influence.1
lowest to the highest education group falls by For example, without controls for other SES
only 14% with controls for smoking, drinking, variables, high school dropouts have odds of
sedentary lifestyle, and relative body weight. smoking and not exercising that are, respec-
Similarly, a study of British civil servants tively, 3.7 and 4.9 times larger than for college
over a 25-year period shows that smoking graduates. The three columns on the right of
and other coronary risk factors account for the table show that controls for the other SES
27% of the inverse social gradient in coronary variables reduce the odds ratios to 2.9 and 2.8,
heart disease (Marmot 2006). Studies that use respectively, but they remain substantial. The
different methods find stronger effects. Using lowest occupation and income groups have net
indirect estimation techniques to attribute odds ratios for smoking and not exercising rang-
mortality to either smoking-related causes or ing from 1.2 to 1.9. Renting rather than owning
other causes among men ages 36–69 in four and unemployment increase the odds of smok-
nations, Jha et al. (2006) calculate that smoking ing but do not increase the odds of not exercis-
accounts for nearly half of the excess mortality ing. Not surprisingly given evidence suggesting
among the lowest stratum in each nation. that SES disparities in obesity have lessened
Regardless of the method used or conclu- over the past three decades (Zhang & Wang
sion reached, SES disparities clearly involve
more than health behaviors such as smoking,
exercise, and eating. Some suggest that even if 1
Although measures are seldom available and rarely studied,
differences in health behaviors across socioe- subjective status may influence health independent of objec-
conomic strata disappeared, the relationship tive status (Schnittker & McLeod 2005). • Health Behavior Disparities 351

SO36CH17-Pampel ARI 3 June 2010 0:58

Table 1 Odds ratios from logistic regression of health behaviors on SES variables (Ns range from 14,129 to 14,608)a
No controls for other SES variables Controls for other SES variables
Currently Currently
SES Variables smokes No exercise BMI obese smokes No exercise BMI obese
Education (years)
0–11 3.7∗ 4.9∗ 1.8∗ 2.9∗ 2.8∗ 1.5∗
12 2.7∗ 3.2∗ 1.8∗ 2.4∗ 2.1∗ 1.5∗
13–15 2.3∗ 1.8∗ 1.6∗ 2.1∗ 1.4∗ 1.5∗
16+ 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Labor-Farm 2.2∗ 3.1∗ 1.5∗ 1.2 1.7∗ 1.2
Protect-Service 1.9∗ 2.0∗ 1.7∗ 1.1 1.2 1.4∗
Admin-Sales 1.6∗ 1.7∗ 1.4∗ 1.1 1.2 1.2
Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2010.36:349-370. Downloaded from

Prof-Manager 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

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Low 2.6∗ 3.4∗ 1.5∗ 1.5∗ 1.9∗ 1.2
Middle low 1.5∗ 2.3∗ 1.2 1.1 1.6∗ 1.0
Middle high 1.4∗ 1.6∗ 1.3∗ 1.0 1.2 1.1
High 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Yes 1.6∗ 0.7∗ 0.2∗ 1.6∗ 0.7∗ 1.0
No 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Rent 1.9∗ 1.5∗ 1.1 1.5∗ 1.1 0.9
Own 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Controlling for age, age squared, gender, race, and foreign birth.

p < 0.001.

2004), the results for obesity show smaller SES whereas starting to exercise often increases feel-
differences. The odds ratios reach 1.8 in the ings of well-being and reduces weight. Given
gross models and 1.5 in the net models. these differences, we treat literatures on smok-
Socioeconomic conditions may produce an ing, exercise, and diet as separate but also at-
underlying health lifestyle that similarly af- tempt to draw some generalizations.
fects smoking, exercise, and diet (Cockerham
2005). Vigorous exercise, for example, pro-
motes weight control and nonsmoking. This EXPLANATIONS
clustering encourages prevention efforts on un- Link & Phelan (1995) point out that resources
healthy behaviors in general and warrants draw- favoring high-SES groups are so extensive and
ing generalizations across multiple behaviors. wide-ranging as to make SES a fundamen-
However, health behaviors differ in important tal cause of health. Because the underlying
ways that may affect the potential for disparities. relationship between SES and health persists
Smoking requires action to purchase cigarettes, through historical changes in causes of death,
whereas lack of exercise involves inaction; advances in medical treatments, and new pub-
quitting smoking often produces unpleasant lic health efforts, no single mechanism accounts
symptoms of withdrawal and increases weight, for the observed relationship (Lutfey & Freese

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2005). Rather, some diminish in importance in behaviors. Johnson & Hoffman (2000) find that
particular situations while others increase. To smoking increases among poor performing stu-
define the sources of enduring SES advantages dents in more competitive schools, a proxy for
more clearly, we consider nine broad mecha- pressures faced by students. Colby et al. (1994)
nisms that underlie the relationship between find that a stress index based on divorce, busi-
SES and health behavior. ness failures, and natural disasters for U.S. states
relates to state smoking prevalence. Several
studies measuring perceived stress or biologi-
Deprivation, Inequality, and Stress cal stress markers find relationships with higher
In the stress paradigm, disadvantaged social fat consumption and lower levels of mild, mod-
position is both a source of adversity and a erate, and strenuous physical activity (Burdette
drain on the capacity to cope (e.g., Pearlin & Hill 2008, Dallman et al. 2003, Ng & Jeffery
1989). Given these circumstances, smoking, 2003). Grunberg et al. (1999) find evidence that
overeating, and inactivity represent forms workers who report higher job stress also report
Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2010.36:349-370. Downloaded from

of pleasure and relaxation that help regulate problem drinking and heavy drinking more fre-
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mood among the disadvantaged (Lantz et al. quently, but only if they also endorse the notion
2005, Layte & Whelan 2009, Wilkinson 1996). that drinking is an effective strategy for coping
The coping or self-medicating functions of with stress.
these behaviors make the costs of giving them The research on the relationship between
up particularly salient and limit the ability SES, stress, and health behaviors faces at least
of low-SES individuals to adopt healthy but two limitations, however. First, although low-
challenging behaviors (Lutfey & Freese 2005). SES individuals may experience more stressors,
Those deprived economically and living in they also report lower levels of perceived stress
disadvantaged neighborhoods face a variety of than their high-SES counterparts (Krueger &
chronic stressors in daily living: They struggle Chang 2008, Schieman et al. 2006). Further,
to make ends meet; have few opportunities to low-SES individuals report fewer but more se-
achieve positive goals; experience more nega- vere daily stressors (Grzywacz et al. 2004). The
tive life events such as unemployment, mari- inconsistent relationship between SES and var-
tal disruption, and financial loss; and must deal ious measures of stress (e.g., perceived stress,
with discrimination, marginality, isolation, and acute or chronic stressors, daily hassles) sug-
powerlessness (Baum et al. 1999, Lantz et al. gests the need for research on whether some
2005, McEwen 1998). These stresses trigger a dimensions of stress are especially important
host of compulsive behaviors such as overeat- mediators of the relationship between SES and
ing, drinking, and smoking (Björntorp 2001, health behaviors.
Marmot 2004). Studies give indirect support Second, prior research often assumes that
to stress arguments by showing higher smok- stress precedes rather than follows unhealthy
ing among persons in positions of high stress, behavior, although the evidence on smoking
including unemployed workers (Fagan et al. and physical activity is less clear. Parrott (1999)
2007), poor single women with childrearing du- argues that smoking worsens stress by creating
ties (Graham 1995, Marsh & McKay 1994), nicotine dependency. Although cigarettes tem-
those from disadvantaged backgrounds (Lynch porarily relieve withdrawal symptoms, greater
et al. 1997), and residents of deprived neighbor- exposure to nicotine withdrawal increases stress
hoods (Duncan et al. 1999). In terms of diet, among smokers. Lang et al. (2007) similarly find
Miech et al. (2006) find that family poverty that levels of pleasure differ little among low-
status is associated with increasing overweight SES smokers and nonsmokers. Exercise and
prevalence for 15- to 17-year-olds. stress may also have a bidirectional relation-
Other studies do more than describe ship. Although most individuals may respond
the association between stress and unhealthy to stress by becoming more sedentary, Salmon • Health Behavior Disparities 353

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(2001) suggests that exercise may produce neu- Fewer Benefits of Health Behaviors
rochemical changes in the body that reduce de- for Longevity
pression and anxiety and moderate sensitivity
to stress. Although smoking or inactivity may Claims that low-SES groups have less to gain
alleviate stress in the short term, they might in- from healthy behavior come from economics,
crease stress levels in the long term. epidemiology, and sociology. Economists argue
A related version of the stress argument that the lower lifetime earnings and wealth of
focuses less on absolute than on relative de- low-SES groups give them less reason to invest
privation. Because the SES gradient in health in future longevity and more reason to focus on
behavior is continuous, with each level show- the present in making decisions about health
ing quantitatively higher prevalence of health behaviors (Cutler & Lleras-Muney 2008). In
behaviors, something more than a threshold the language of economics, their risk or time
of economic and social deprivation must be preferences more heavily discount the future.
involved (Adler et al. 1994, Marmot 2004). For example, the declining cost of food in re-
Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2010.36:349-370. Downloaded from

Rather, disadvantageous social comparisons cent decades should increase the utility of all
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among nearly all SES groups with those at individuals, but some economists suggest that a
higher levels weaken social cohesion across so- subset of individuals have hyperbolic discount
ciety in ways that motivate unhealthy behaviors functions and benefit intensely from eating im-
to deal with the stress (Marmot 2004). High mediately, regardless of the medium- or long-
degrees of societal inequality thus worsen feel- term health costs (Cutler et al. 2003).
ings of relative deprivation and contribute to With regard to smoking, the rational addic-
disparities in health behavior (Wilkinson 1996). tion model of Gary Becker (Becker & Murphy
Support for arguments about relative de- 1988, Becker et al. 1994) predicts that, given
privation comes from studies showing a posi- their future orientation, the highly educated
tive relationship between income inequality and are little influenced by cigarette prices but that
mortality across nations, states, or metropoli- less educated persons make smoking decisions
tan areas. However, a huge literature that has based more on current cigarette prices. Evi-
grown on the topic has led to negative evidence dence that cigarette prices reduce smoking is
(e.g., Beckfield 2004) or at least failed to reach strong—a 10% increase in cigarette prices leads
a consensus on whether the relationship is real to a 4% decline in smoking (Gallet & List 2003).
(Schnittker & McLeod 2005). Although health Consistent with the model, some argue further
behaviors have a prominent role in the relative that prices more strongly reduce smoking
deprivation arguments, few studies examine be- among low-SES groups and therefore reduce
haviors directly. Using individual-level data on disparities (Farrelly & Bray 1998, Thomas
smoking, Siahpush et al. (2006a) find that high et al. 2008). However, skeptics claim that youth
perceived income inequality is associated with are more influenced by peers than by prices
higher smoking, and Eibner & Evans (2005) (DeCicca et al. 2002) and note that SES
find that deprivation measured relative to those disparities have failed to decline as expected
in the same state, race, education, and age group in the United States with increasing prices
increases the probability of taking health risks. (Pampel 2009).
In an aggregate-level study, however, Pampel Physical activity, eating patterns, and
(2002) finds that relative deprivation does not sleep, although different from smoking in
explain strong SES smoking disparities across their requirement for substantial time com-
egalitarian member nations of the European mitments, also reflect different incentives by
Union. Similarly, Chang & Christakis (2005) SES. Economists note that individuals with
find no positive association between income in- higher incomes face greater opportunity costs
equality and the odds of being overweight or in exercising, preparing nutritious meals, or
obese. sleeping because their time is valued more

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highly in the labor force. Simultaneously, early in their lives feel a heightened sense of
however, individuals with greater human hopelessness throughout the life course that
capital or higher earnings gain more financially affects health behaviors, and Vangeli & West
from exercise, nutrition, and sleep through (2008) find that high-SES groups attempt to
improved productivity and longer lives (Biddle quit smoking because of future health concerns,
& Hamermesh 1990). High-SES groups whereas low-SES groups are more often mo-
therefore exercise more on weekends and tivated by cost and current health problems.
holidays when the opportunity costs are lowest Niederdeppe & Levy (2007) find that the less
(Mullahy & Robert 2008), report shorter sleep educated are more likely to agree with fatalistic
hours on average (Biddle & Hamermesh 1990, statements about their ability to reduce their
Mullahy & Robert 2008), and avoid very short risks of cancer. Those agreeing with fatalistic
sleep hours (Krueger & Friedman 2009). statements are more likely to smoke and are less
Technological advances in food process- likely to exercise or eat fruits and vegetables.
ing and preparation lower the price and time Indulging in enjoyable but unhealthy be-
Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2010.36:349-370. Downloaded from

costs of eating but may increase obesity, al- haviors may make sense given a shorter life
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though those changes likely affect all SES expectancy and a limited payoff from health-
groups equally (Cutler et al. 2003). Chou et al. ier behavior. Interestingly, Blaxter (1990) offers
(2004) find that the growth in fast-food restau- empirical support for these beliefs. She finds
rants and the simultaneous decline in the rel- that healthy lifestyles do less to lower mortal-
ative cost of a meal over time in the United ity among low-SES groups than among high-
States coincide with weight gain. The authors SES groups. But recent evidence contradicts
suggest that this may result from the “increas- Blaxter’s hypothesis (Krueger & Chang 2008,
ing scarcity and increasing value of household Pampel & Rogers 2004). Even so, belief in the
or nonmarket time” (Chou et al. 2004, p. 584). limited benefits of healthy behavior may ob-
Because both high- and low-SES groups value struct action among low-SES groups.
their increasingly limited time outside of work
and come to rely on fast food, such explanations
may partially account for the declining SES gra- Latent Traits
dient in obesity in the United States (Zhang & Some arguments suggest that latent traits
Wang 2004). determine both SES and health behavior. If
Epidemiological and sociological arguments traits determined early enough in life affect
also suggest that increased risks of premature educational and occupational attainment as
death brought on by worse social conditions well as adult health behaviors, then SES has a
among low-SES persons make health behav- spurious relationship with health rather than
iors less beneficial. Low-SES groups may be- a direct or indirect causal effect (Fuchs 1982).
lieve they gain little in terms of longevity from Studies generally find a causal impact of ed-
healthy behavior (Lawlor et al. 2003) and feel ucation on health more generally (de Walque
fatalistic about their ability to act in ways that 2007, Mirowsky & Ross 2003). However, some
extend their lives (Niederdeppe et al. 2008). arguments about self-control and intelligence
For example, smoking is more common among fit a latent trait perspective.
blue-collar workers who are exposed at work One stream of literature notes that both
to dangerous dust, fumes, and toxic substances crime and unhealthy behaviors such as
(Sterling & Weinkam 1990). Adams & White cigarette use come from the same family, peer,
(2009) find that a strong concern with the future and community influences ( Jacobson et al.
consequences of health decisions partially me- 2001). According to Gottfredson & Hirschi
diates the relationship between SES and body (1990), both crime and smoking involve
weight. Lynch et al. (1997) find that those hav- low self-control, attraction to risk, and the
ing experienced socioeconomic disadvantage propensity to choose short-term gain even in • Health Behavior Disparities 355

SO36CH17-Pampel ARI 3 June 2010 0:58

the face of long-term harm. The attraction to distinction as well as means to a longer life.
short-term gain emerges early in life, in large Although applied to health behavior rather
part through poor parental socialization, and than consumer goods, such arguments stem
in turn leads to poor performance in school, from classical and modern theorists (Bourdieu
limited career options, and unhealthy behavior 1984, Veblen 1992 [1899]) who emphasize
(Hirschi & Gottfredson 1994). Gottfredson lifestyle as a source of social differentiation and
(2004) suggests that general intelligence rather the adoption of innovative fashion as a way to
than self-control and attraction to risk is crucial reinforce those differences.
to the relationship between SES and health. Smoking represented an innovative behav-
This latent trait not only affects educational ior early in the twentieth century that, despite
and occupational attainment but also physical early worries about its harm to health, was first
fitness, nonsmoking, preference for low-sugar, adopted by high-SES groups, perhaps as a form
low-fat diets, and adherence to regimens to of distinction, and later diffused to lower SES
change unhealthy behaviors. groups (Pampel 2005). In more recent decades,
Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2010.36:349-370. Downloaded from

Few direct tests of the latent trait arguments class distinction shows in the early adoption
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appear in the literature, nearly all focused on of the innovative idea that changing individual
smoking. Farrell & Fuchs (1982) show that the behavior can extend life (Link 2008). Today,
relationship between schooling and smoking at smoking is stigmatized more among highly edu-
age 24 is accounted for by smoking at age 17— cated than among less educated groups (Stuber
before education is completed. They do not et al. 2008). If class distinction gives motives for
measure the factor underlying the early emer- high-SES groups to act in healthy ways, it may
gence of the relationship between schooling also motivate lower SES groups to set them-
and smoking, but their results are consistent selves apart with behavior like smoking that,
with the latent trait argument. Other studies in some contexts, symbolizes independence,
demonstrate that health lifestyles are related to toughness, and freedom from convention.
crime and deviance among teens (Paternoster High-status groups also distinguish them-
& Brame 1998) and that college students who selves from low-status groups by participating
smoke are involved in various risky activities in activities such as strenuous aerobic sports,
(Emmons et al. 1998). Again, the findings pro- moderate levels of weight training, compet-
vide only indirect evidence. Gottfredson (2004) itive sports that limit physical domination,
cites much literature on the relationship be- or activities that require extensive training
tween intelligence and health, but Link et al. or other hidden entry requirements aside
(2008) find that controls for intelligence do lit- from simple economic costs (Bourdieu 1984,
tle to change the relationship between SES and Stempel 2005). In contrast, low-status groups
health. Also rejecting the latent trait argument, participate in activities that emphasize strength
Cutler & Lleras-Muney (2008) cite findings of or the visible appearance of strength, physical
little relationship between risk preferences and domination, and direct physical violence.
smoking. Wilson (2002) finds that higher levels of eco-
nomic capital (as indicated by income) and cul-
tural capital (as indicated by education) predict
Class Distinctions greater participation in sports in general, but
High-SES groups may use the adoption attendance at automobile or motorcycle races
of healthy behaviors and lifestyles to set is most common among those with low levels
themselves apart from other SES groups of cultural capital and is insensitive to levels of
(Cockerham 2005). Tobacco avoidance economic capital. Scheerder et al. (2002) show
(Pampel 2006), exercise (Stempel 2005), that high occupational status groups are more
and thinness (Hesse-Biber 2007, McLaren likely to play golf, low-status groups are more
2007) represent forms of SES-based social likely to participate in boxing or wrestling, and

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both high- and low-status groups participate in Lack of Knowledge and Access to
soccer. Information about Health Risks
The tastes for different sports across socioe-
conomic groups may result in SES differences Less educated persons with jobs that offer few
in lifelong activity levels. First, high-status opportunities for learning may have limited
groups often embrace activities that can be knowledge of the harm of unhealthy behavior
maintained throughout middle and older age and therefore less motivation to adopt healthy
such as tennis or jogging. Second, Howell behaviors. They are exposed less often to warn-
& McKenzie (1987) find that high-status ings about smoking, poor diet, and lack of exer-
individuals cultivate participation in any sport: cise and may not grasp the potential long-term
Compared to students in vocational tracks in harm of these activities (Siahpush et al. 2006b).
high school, students in college preparatory They instead may be exposed more to advertis-
tracks have higher levels of sports participation ing that promotes the enjoyment of tobacco and
in later life. Further, watching television is a unhealthy food and associates smoking, drink-
Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2010.36:349-370. Downloaded from

sedentary activity that often displaces time for ing, and eating with a glamorous lifestyle.
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exercise and is stigmatized in higher SES house- However, evidence suggests that knowledge
holds. College-educated parents are less likely of the risks of smoking is widespread and does
than others to permit their children to have little to account for SES disparities. Although
televisions in their bedrooms or to allow televi- differences in knowledge of risks of smoking
sion viewing during meals (Berry 2007). Finally, played a more important role in the past (Link
high-status groups exhibit the characteristics of 2008), more recent antitobacco campaigns,
cultural omnivores—they have wide-ranging public education, the nonsmokers rights move-
participation in both elite and middle-brow ment, and comprehensive state programs to
sports but avoid the low-brow sports favored raise prices, pass clean indoor air laws, and fund
by low-status individuals (Stempel 2005). media campaigns have successfully publicized
Participation in a wide variety of sports among risks and reduced smoking (Warner 2005). In
high-status groups facilitates continued activity 1999, 92% of Americans linked smoking with
even if injury, time constraints, or other barriers cancer, and in 2006 84% agreed that smoking is
limit participating in any single activity. very harmful for adults (Saad 2006). Although
Although the effects have possibly lessened they may rationalize their habit by minimiz-
over time, there is also evidence of class distinc- ing the harm, smokers in all SES groups likely
tions in diet and weight (McLaren 2007, Sobal know of the majority opinion about the harm
& Stunkard 1989). Research suggests a socioe- of smoking. In support of this claim, the desire
conomic gradient in diet for more developed to quit differs little by SES (Barbeau et al. 2004,
countries that results in lower weights for the Link 2008). In fact, Viscusi & Hakes (2008) find
most well-off (McLaren 2007). The gradient is that better educated persons perceive smok-
especially pronounced for women (McLaren & ing as less dangerous than less educated per-
Kuh 2004), where thinness is viewed as a sign sons. Layte & Whelan (2009) find that mea-
of beauty, fashion, and prestige. In less devel- sures of knowledge about the risks do little to
oped countries, a positive association between explain SES differences in smoking. Interest-
SES and weight predominates, where excess ingly, many physicians in developing nations
weight may signify success and well-being. Es- smoke, despite medical education and knowl-
pecially for men, larger body size is often viewed edge of the harm of smoking (Smith & Leggat
as a sign of physical dominance and prowess 2007).
(McLaren 2007). Consistent with class-based Knowledge about the importance of ade-
norms in higher-income nations, however, an quate exercise and sleep for good health is also
inverse gradient in obesity is emerging in lesser widespread. In 2005, 86% of adults agreed with
developed countries (Monteiro et al. 2004). the statement that a lack of sleep is bad for their • Health Behavior Disparities 357

SO36CH17-Pampel ARI 3 June 2010 0:58

health and 63% said that regular exercise is a dealing with the difficulties of adopting and
highly important activity for a healthy lifestyle maintaining healthy lifestyles.2 In fact, highly
(Lyons 2005). educated persons may induce short-term stress
But knowledge about the risks of obesity is as a means for long-term gain (Thoits 2006)—
less widespread and differs by SES. Only 36% of a key to overcoming initial feelings of discom-
U.S. adults rate obesity as a very serious health fort and deprivation that come from adopting
problem—far behind AIDS, even though obe- healthy behaviors. Conversely, less educated
sity contributes to more deaths each year persons in positions of powerlessness have more
(Bleich et al. 2007). Compared to those with less trouble overcoming the obstacles to healthy be-
than a high school degree, those with more than havior. Thus, the ability to act on health knowl-
a college degree are 3.6 times as likely to report edge rather than the knowledge itself affects
that they pay a lot or a fair amount of attention health behavior.3
to nutritional information from scientific ex- Efficacy and agency include the search for
perts. Similarly, higher educational attainment innovative means to help change behavior and
Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2010.36:349-370. Downloaded from

is related to an awareness of whether one is relate to a long tradition of research on diffu-

Access provided by on 05/29/23. For personal use only.

overweight (Paeratakul et al. 2002), and knowl- sion of innovations that identifies education as a
edge about the risks of obesity can contribute to key to early adoption (Rogers 2003). Consistent
attempts to control weight (Kan & Tsai 2004). with diffusion research, high-SES groups are
Indeed, the effectiveness of educational pro- quickest to use new medical technologies, such
grams for promoting proper diet among low- as Pap smears and mammography for screen-
income adults (Howard-Pitney et al. 1997) sug- ing or coronary stents and statins for treatment
gests that poor knowledge about nutrition may (Glied & Lleras-Muney 2008, Link et al. 1998).
partially account for SES differences in weight. High-SES groups not only seek out new health-
promoting technologies, but they also are bet-
ter able to overcome obstacles to using those
Efficacy and Agency new technologies effectively to promote health
Schooling increases the efficacy, problem- behavior. In relation to health behaviors, then,
solving skills, ability to process information, high-SES groups are open to new smoking ces-
and locus of control needed to overcome ob- sation methods, diets, and exercise regimens.
stacles to good health such as nicotine addic- Consistent with these arguments, studies of
tion, the inertia of inactivity, the discomfort smoking find that education increases both the
of exercise, and the desire for unhealthy foods use of aids to help quit (Honjo et al. 2006)
and excess calories. Mirowsky & Ross (2003, and the responsiveness to antismoking ad cam-
p. 1) make the case for the causal benefits of paigns (Niederdeppe et al. 2008). The higher
education: educated also learn more from negative health

Education creates desirable outcomes because

it trains individuals to acquire, evaluate, and Mirowsky & Ross (2003) in particular make causal argu-
use information. It teaches individuals to tap ments. They reject claims that latent traits or advantaged
backgrounds produce a spurious relationship between edu-
the power of knowledge. Education devel- cational attainment and health. Rather, those attaining ad-
ops learned effectiveness that enables self- vanced education learn new skills and gain new confidence for
direction toward any and all values sought, problem solving that make it easier to adopt healthy, though
difficult, behaviors.
including health. 3
This form of means-based knowledge differs conceptually
from knowledge of the risks of unhealthy behavior discussed
The increase in human capital, effective above. Although knowledge of both risks and ways to re-
agency, and a sense of personal control that duce risks overlaps, the more widespread access to knowl-
edge of risk across SES groups makes it different from
comes with greater education (Mirowsky & the less widespread knowledge and skills to adopt healthy
Ross 2007) proves particularly important in behaviors.

358 Pampel · Krueger · Denney

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events. Wray et al. (1998) find that educated whereas the income per hour of leisure time
persons are more likely to quit smoking af- has fallen most among those with lower in-
ter a heart attack. Droomers et al. (1998) find comes (Berry 2007). Droomers et al. (1998) find
that locus of control and active problem solving that income accounts for up to 40% of the in-
explain about half the relationship between creased odds of physical inactivity among less
education and physical activity. Cutler & educated individuals, even after adjusting for
Lleras-Muney (2010) attribute roughly 30% of psychosocial factors. And for weight control,
the education gradient across a large number some researchers contend that the obesity epi-
of health behaviors to cognitive ability but note demic is a relatively simple matter of chang-
that the influence of cognitive ability stems ulti- ing economics—the drastic increase in obese
mately from higher education rather than from persons in developed countries coincides with
a latent trait determined earlier in life. dropping prices of refined grains and added
A weakness in the efficacy argument comes sugars and fats, making these cheap, high-
from SES disparities in health behaviors other calorie foods accessible to low-SES groups
Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2010.36:349-370. Downloaded from

than smoking, exercise, and weight control that (Drewnowski 2004).

Access provided by on 05/29/23. For personal use only.

require little in the way of effort, problem solv- Occupational resources overlap with finan-
ing, or efficacy (Freese & Lutfey 2010). For ex- cial ones. Those with good jobs and benefit
ample, seat belts require less than a second to packages gain access to aids for healthy behav-
buckle, but despite decades of publicity about ior without having to purchase them. In regard
the benefit, laws making seatbelts mandatory in to smoking, workers with better jobs may have
many states, and dashboard warning lights, a employer-provided health insurance and better
SES disparity persists (Harper & Lynch 2007). access to health care, which increasingly em-
This persistence suggests that disparities in- phasizes the treatment of tobacco dependency
volve something more than problem solving or (Manley et al. 2003). In addition, the work-
cognitive ability. sites of higher prestige professional, manage-
rial, and administrative employees more often
have clean indoor air rules that make smok-
Aids for Healthy Behavior ing more difficult, and they sometimes offer
Adopting many healthy behaviors does not re- smoking cessation programs that help smokers
quire money, but paying for tobacco cessation quit (Bauer et al. 2005). Blue-collar and fac-
aids, joining fitness clubs and weight loss pro- tory workers have less access to these benefits
grams, and buying more expensive fruits, veg- (Sorensen et al. 2004).
etables, and lean meats can help realize desires Working in some occupations can directly
for healthy behavior. Income and the ability to impact physical activity. Since the 1950s, many
pay for these kinds of aids can help overcome workers have moved into occupations that
low education, efficacy, and agency and thus are traditionally sedentary, whereas strenuous
represent an independent means to healthy be- occupations have become less so due to tech-
havior. Cutler & Lleras-Muney (2010) attribute nological changes, leading to lower levels of
roughly 20% of the education gradient in health physical activity and higher levels of obesity
behaviors to economic resources. (Brownson et al. 2005, Ladkawalla & Philipson
For smoking, individual counseling and 2007). And although some have found that
medications to ease withdrawal symptoms can blue-collar workers who have more physically
be costly, and low-SES groups tend to use low- demanding jobs are more likely to undertake
cost and often less effective methods (Lillard more vigorous activity in their spare time
et al. 2007). For exercise, since the 1960s the (Wu & Porell 2000), others have found that
prices of sports equipment, bicycles, and sports white-collar workers with the least strenuous
club memberships have increased more quickly jobs are more likely to participate in vigorous
than the prices of televisions or movie tickets, activity outside of the workplace and, as such, • Health Behavior Disparities 359

SO36CH17-Pampel ARI 3 June 2010 0:58

are more likely to retain their higher levels between distance traveled to nearest grocery
of activity even after retirement (Berger et al. store and weight. Similarly, Morland et al.
2005). Consistent with that perspective, leisure (2006) report a lower prevalence of obesity and
time has increased in recent decades, and overweight in neighborhoods with greater ac-
low-status groups allocate a greater share cess to supermarkets.
of their time to sedentary activities than do But the effects of supermarket availability
high-status groups (Berry 2007). on SES differences in overweight and obesity
are inconsistent across nations. Studies from
the United Kingdom and Australia find no
Community Opportunities socioeconomic differences in food and super-
Communities shape opportunities to adopt market availability, nor in fruit and vegetable
and maintain healthy behaviors. Low-income consumption (Cummins & Macintyre 2002,
neighborhoods have more than their share of Pearson et al. 2005, Winkler et al. 2006). The
fast-food restaurants, liquor stores, and places persistent relationship in the United States may
Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2010.36:349-370. Downloaded from

to buy cigarettes and have less than their share result from high residential segregation in cities
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of large grocery stores with a wide selection of and neighborhoods (Cummins & Macintyre
healthy fresh foods. Some research finds that 2006) and more pronounced inequalities in the
low-SES neighborhoods have greater or equal availability of high-quality foods. Evidence for
access to gyms, parks, or recreation centers fast-food outlet density and increased weight
than high-SES neighborhoods, although is more consistent across countries. Studies
others find that high-SES neighborhoods have from the United States, United Kingdom,
more attractive open spaces and free recreation and Australia show increased numbers of
facilities, and greater access to beaches, rivers, fast-food outlets in poorer areas and propose
golf courses, tennis courts, and bike trails a link with the increased levels of obesity in
(Giles-Corti & Donovan 2002, Powell et al. disadvantaged neighborhoods (Cummins et al.
2006). Even when residents in low-SES neigh- 2005, Maddock 2004, Reidpath et al. 2002).
borhoods have access to more recreational Nevertheless, selection effects may operate.
resources than residents in high-SES neigh- To some extent, grocery stores and restaurants
borhoods, they tend to report lower perceived sell the food in most demand, cigarette compa-
access to recreational facilities (Giles-Corti & nies market in neighborhoods with high smok-
Donovan 2002). Poor communities and neigh- ing, and physically active people locate closer
borhoods are targeted by tobacco companies to parks and amenities for exercise than less
for outdoor advertising (Barbeau et al. 2004) active people. The literature has done more
and have weaker enforcement of restrictions to demonstrate an association than to establish
on sales of cigarettes to minors (Gemson et al. causal direction (Freese & Lutfey 2010).
1998). In contrast, affluent communities are
more likely to pass clean air laws that tend to
lower smoking among high-SES groups (Skeer Social Support, Social Cohesion,
et al. 2004). and Peer Influence
Research from the United States and Group membership—and the characteristics
Canada (see Cummins & Macintyre 2006 for a of individuals within communities—can affect
review) finds associations between obesity and health behavior through two forms of social
food quality, prices, and availability in a com- capital (Kawachi et al. 2008). First, networks
munity. Persons in disadvantaged areas with of health-oriented family members, relatives,
less access to healthier foods also consume friends, and neighbors support healthy be-
fewer fruits and vegetables and have higher havior, sanction unhealthy behavior, and ex-
body weight (Cummins & Macintyre 2006). change information on ways to change (Smith
Inagami et al. (2006) find a positive association & Christakis 2008). Given that high-SES

360 Pampel · Krueger · Denney

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persons adopt healthy behaviors and associate parental SES affects smoking among teens
with other high-SES persons, their networks (Lindstrom 2008). However, teen disparities
of social support, influence, and engagement based on parental SES are weaker than adult
promote health and widen disparities. Freese & disparities based on own SES ( Jacobson et al.
Lutfey (2010) refer to spillover effects as the in- 2001, p. 93), suggesting that SES disparities
fluence that high-SES persons who care much in smoking crystallize and strengthen after
about healthy behavior have on other high- adolescence when disparities in social capital
SES individuals who otherwise would care little widen (Glendinning et al. 1994).
about healthy behavior. Second, social capital based on social co-
The effects of network social support on hesion helps explain community differences in
SES disparities in smoking emerge in several health behavior. Kawachi et al. (1999) define
studies. Cutler & Glaeser (2007) find a social this form of social capital as encompassing trust
multiplier impact of workplace smoking bans between citizens, norms of reciprocity, and
whereby workers who change their smoking be- group membership that facilitate cooperation
Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2010.36:349-370. Downloaded from

havior influence family and friends outside the for mutual benefit. Social cohesion tends to be
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workplace to do the same. Such processes tend greater in high-SES neighborhoods and to pro-
to occur more strongly among the highly ed- mote healthy behavior (Lindstrom 2008).
ucated. Christakis & Fowler (2008) find that Studies offer mixed evidence of neighbor-
among friends who both had at least one year of hood and community effects on smoking. Ross
college, a decision by one friend to quit smoking (2000) finds that neighborhood disadvantage
decreased the chance of the other smoking by increases the smoking of men but not of women.
61%. Among friends with a high school educa- Miles (2006) finds in a study of seven European
tion or less, no such influence appeared. Inter- cities that indicators of neighborhood disorder
estingly, highly educated smokers who continue such as litter, graffiti, and the lack of plants and
to smoke become less central to their network flowers increase smoking, again more for men
than do less educated smokers. than for women. Brown et al. (2006) find that
Using national data from the United States, community social capital from religious groups
Boardman et al. (2005) show that persons liv- reduces the number of cigarettes consumed, al-
ing in economically depressed areas and neigh- though not the overall prevalence.
borhoods with high rates of obesity are more The importance of social capital for un-
likely to be obese, regardless of their individ- derstanding the relationship between neigh-
ual characteristics. This suggests a type of so- borhood SES and exercise is ambiguous. Resi-
cial contagion. Indeed, Christakis & Fowler’s dents of disadvantaged neighborhoods are more
(2007) analyses show that obesity can follow likely to walk to shops or work but are less
social networking paths that influence persons likely to walk, bicycle, or participate in other
and cement inequalities in obesity by SES. sports for leisure, even after adjusting for indi-
Although not couched in terms of social vidual SES, in part because low-SES neighbor-
capital, a huge literature on teen smoking high- hoods are less safe and attractive (Giles-Corti &
lights the importance of peer influences and Donovan 2002, Ross 2000). Wen et al. (2007a)
group membership. The smoking of friends find that an index of social capital is associated
is perhaps the strongest predictor of smoking with regular exercise among neighborhood res-
among adolescents ( Jacobson et al. 2001, idents in Chicago until adjusting for neighbor-
p. 85). Similarly, support from peers, parents, hood SES, which suggests that the relationship
and siblings are important predictors of adoles- between neighborhood social capital and phys-
cents’ physical activity and drinking behaviors, ical activity is either spurious or mediated by
as are opportunities and access to recreation fa- neighborhood SES. But Wen et al. (2007b) find
cilities or places to acquire alcohol ( Jessor et al. that neighborhood SES in California is not as-
2006, Sallis et al. 2000). In terms of disparities, sociated with physical activity, although higher • Health Behavior Disparities 361

SO36CH17-Pampel ARI 3 June 2010 0:58

levels of neighborhood social cohesion persis- the gradient. Knowledge and measures of cog-
tently predict increased physical activity. nitive ability explain an additional 30 percent.
Social cohesion is also linked to neighbor- Social networks account for another 10 per-
hood obesity levels. For example, examining cent. Our proxies for discounting, risk aver-
adolescents in Los Angeles County, California, sion, or the value of future do not account for
Cohen et al. (2006) find that neighborhood SES any of the education gradient, and neither do
is not significant in models of body mass and personality factors such as a sense of control
overweight after adjusting for neighborhood of oneself or over one’s life.
collective efficacy. Burdette & Hill (2008) find
in Texas that the relationship between neigh- Although their findings need replication with
borhood disorder and obesity is entirely me- other data sets and measures, these conclu-
diated by the psychological distress associated sions help organize and evaluate the diversity
with living in a disadvantaged neighborhood. of causes and represent a valuable starting point
Although arguments about social capital and for future empirical research on SES disparities
Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2010.36:349-370. Downloaded from

peer influence receive much attention, they are in health behaviors.

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incomplete. They do not explain the origins of In addition, we can offer some thoughts
SES differences in norms that support healthy on improvements in theory and method that
behavior or why social capital supports healthy go beyond the current state of the field. In
behavior. If cohesive groups of high-SES fam- terms of theory, it may help to organize
ily members, friends, and neighbors who adopt these mechanisms by distinguishing between
healthy behaviors help others do the same, then motives and means for health behavior (Freese
additional arguments are needed to account & Lutfey 2010). First, SES can affect the
for the initial adoption of healthy behaviors incentives or motivations for healthy behav-
by high-SES groups. Other theories relating to ior. Low-SES groups may have less reason
motives and problem solving thus remain cru- than high-SES groups to want to forego the
cial to arguments about social influence. short-term pleasures of unhealthy behavior for
long-term gain in longevity. Arguments related
to stress, limited benefits, class distinctions, and
DISCUSSION knowledge of risk each emphasize how SES
The literature has done little to systematically shapes motives for healthy behavior. High-SES
compare and contrast the mechanisms reviewed groups face less stress that might encourage
here. This makes it difficult to offer an overar- coping through unhealthy behavior; they gain
ching framework that integrates or adjudicates more longevity benefits from healthy behavior;
between the various approaches. We instead they accrue prestige by setting themselves
aimed more modestly to present interrelated ar- apart with healthy behavior; and, although less
guments in a way that helps organize previous clearly, they have greater knowledge of risks to
work on health behaviors and sets the stage for motivate healthy behavior.
future research. Second, SES can affect the means to reach
The very recent study by Cutler & Lleras- health goals. All SES groups may have simi-
Muney (2010) represents a notable exception lar desires for healthy behavior, but low-SES
to the lack of comparative research on mecha- groups have more difficulty in realizing their
nisms and evaluates numerous explanations of goals. Arguments about efficacy in reaching
the relationship of education and a variety of goals for healthy behavior, access to aids for
health behaviors using several data sets. Cutler healthy behavior, and community opportuni-
& Lleras-Muney (2010, p. 1) conclude that ties for healthy behavior focus more on SES dif-
ferences in resources for goal attainment. The
income, health insurance, and family back- distinction between motives and means tends
ground can account for about 30 percent of to blur at the edges, as strong motives increase

362 Pampel · Krueger · Denney

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efforts to find effective means, and possessing has received the most sustained attention in the
scant means tends to sap motivation to change. literature on physical activity—SES appears to
Indeed, arguments about social support and so- have different relationships with walking out of
cial capital tend to mix motives rather than em- necessity (to work or to shops) than walking for
phasize one over the other. However, motives leisure. But the method of tobacco consump-
and means are analytically distinct, and distin- tion (e.g., cigarettes, pipes, cigars), the kinds of
guishing among them may aid in the study of alcohol consumed (e.g., wine, beer, or spirits),
disparities in health behaviors. the ingredients and food preparation methods
In terms of methods, the literature has done employed, or the contexts where food, tobacco,
better in describing associations than in testing or alcohol is consumed may also provide
specific causes. Designs that distinguish among important insight into how the behaviors are
the various mechanisms are not straightfor- linked to SES. Research that compares mea-
ward. Creative efforts to measure stress, control sures from multiple theoretical perspectives
for latent traits, and examine the psychosocial across multiple health behaviors could clarify
Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2010.36:349-370. Downloaded from

benefits of schooling move in this direction, but when specific mechanisms are most important
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studies can do more to explicitly match mech- for shaping SES disparities in health behaviors.
anisms with measures. Future research could The approach of comparing health behav-
also do more to help isolate the causal in- iors also applies to health care consumption.
fluence of education and related components High-SES groups may see adoption of healthy
of SES. Progress toward these goals requires behaviors and effective use of medical care as
longitudinal studies with adequate controls for closely linked in the pursuit of health (Ross &
underlying heterogeneity, well-measured me- Mirowsky 2000). Medical care, which depends
diators, and attention to the emergence of greatly on access to insurance and relates di-
health behaviors that begin early in life and rectly to income and affluence, has some simi-
accumulate over the life course. For exam- larities to lifestyle behaviors. Much as they af-
ple, with detailed data on genetic, family, and fect smoking, exercise, and diet, SES differences
school characteristics, the National Longitudi- in knowledge, efficacy, and opportunities affect
nal Study of Adolescent Health (http://www. the willingness to use new medical technolo- offers op- gies (Glied & Lleras-Muney 2008) and follow
portunities to evaluate the mechanisms that link treatment regimens laid out by medical person-
education to health behaviors early in life. Al- nel (Lutfey & Freese 2005). Commitment to
ternatively, qualitative designs such as used by a healthy lifestyle could encompass efforts to
Lutfey & Freese (2005) in their study of dia- take full advantage of medical care resources
betes clinics can help us understand how the and to avoid unhealthy behaviors, and compar-
motives and means for healthy behavior differ isons of the determinants of medical care usage
by education and SES. and other behaviors may offer new insights.
Some insights may come from designs Focusing on historical trends in health be-
that compare health behaviors as well as haviors may also illuminate the mechanisms
the determinants. Our review emphasizes that link SES to health behaviors. First, the
the similarities among health behaviors, but salience of mechanisms may change over time.
each behavior also has unique dimensions For example, high-SES individuals accumu-
in terms of the time and effort required, the late the most benefit from their knowledge,
pleasure it provides, and its social meanings. efficacy, and resources in adopting innovative
Whereas physical activity, sleep, and preparing health-related behaviors and using emerging
nutritious meals take a considerable amount of medical technologies (Glied & Lleras-Muney
time, smoking and drinking practices seem less 2008, Link 2008). In contrast, more widespread
constrained by temporal concerns. Modeling publicity about and agreement on established
the different dimensions of health behaviors risks (e.g., smoking) or common medical • Health Behavior Disparities 363

SO36CH17-Pampel ARI 3 June 2010 0:58

treatments (e.g., cholesterol tests) tend to re- Goldman & Lakdawalla (2005) find that the in-
duce the importance of SES differences in troduction of beta-blockers to treat hyperten-
knowledge. Second, the direction of the re- sion led to reduced disparities in hypertensive
lationship between SES and health behaviors heart disease. In these cases, other influences
can change over time. For example, high- such as the ease of using new medicines and the
status groups once had higher rates of tobacco willingness of clinicians to prescribe them may
use (Pampel 2005), cocaine use (Miech 2008), overwhelm forces of stratification in health be-
and cholesterol (Chang & Lauderdale 2009). haviors. Historical trends can thus offer lever-
Changes in the social meanings and circum- age in understanding changes in the mecha-
stances affected the motives and means of high- nisms that link SES to health behaviors and
SES groups to reject these behaviors. However, reversals in the relationship between SES and
changes can occur in the opposite direction. some health behaviors.
Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2010.36:349-370. Downloaded from

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The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that
might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.

We received funding and administrative support for this work from the University of Colorado
Population Center (NICHD R21 HD051146), and thank Stefanie Mollborn, Richard Miech, and
Bruce Link for helpful comments.

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Annual Review
of Sociology

Contents Volume 36, 2010

Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2010.36:349-370. Downloaded from

John W. Meyer p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p xiv

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Prefatory Chapter
World Society, Institutional Theories, and the Actor
John W. Meyer p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 1

Theory and Methods

Causal Inference in Sociological Research
Markus Gangl p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p21
Causal Mechanisms in the Social Sciences
Peter Hedström and Petri Ylikoski p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p49

Social Processes
A World of Standards but not a Standard World: Toward a Sociology
of Standards and Standardization
Stefan Timmermans and Steven Epstein p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p69
Dynamics of Dyads in Social Networks: Assortative, Relational,
and Proximity Mechanisms
Mark T. Rivera, Sara B. Soderstrom, and Brian Uzzi p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p91
From the Sociology of Intellectuals to the Sociology of Interventions
Gil Eyal and Larissa Buchholz p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 117
Social Relationships and Health Behavior Across the Life Course
Debra Umberson, Robert Crosnoe, and Corinne Reczek p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 139
Partiality of Memberships in Categories and Audiences
Michael T. Hannan p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 159

SO36-FM ARI 2 June 2010 4:38

Institutions and Culture

What Is Sociological about Music?
William G. Roy and Timothy J. Dowd p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 183
Cultural Holes: Beyond Relationality in Social Networks and Culture
Mark A. Pachucki and Ronald L. Breiger p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 205

Formal Organizations
Organizational Approaches to Inequality: Inertia, Relative Power,
and Environments
Kevin Stainback, Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, and Sheryl Skaggs p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 225
Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2010.36:349-370. Downloaded from
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Political and Economic Sociology

The Contentiousness of Markets: Politics, Social Movements,
and Institutional Change in Markets
Brayden G King and Nicholas A. Pearce p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 249
Conservative and Right-Wing Movements
Kathleen M. Blee and Kimberly A. Creasap p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 269
The Political Consequences of Social Movements
Edwin Amenta, Neal Caren, Elizabeth Chiarello, and Yang Su p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 287
Comparative Analyses of Public Attitudes Toward Immigrants
and Immigration Using Multinational Survey Data: A Review
of Theories and Research
Alin M. Ceobanu and Xavier Escandell p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 309

Differentiation and Stratification

Income Inequality: New Trends and Research Directions
Leslie McCall and Christine Percheski p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 329
Socioeconomic Disparities in Health Behaviors
Fred C. Pampel, Patrick M. Krueger, and Justin T. Denney p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 349
Gender and Health Inequality
Jen’nan Ghazal Read and Bridget K. Gorman p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 371
Incarceration and Stratification
Sara Wakefield and Christopher Uggen p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 387
Achievement Inequality and the Institutional Structure of Educational
Systems: A Comparative Perspective
Herman G. Van de Werfhorst and Jonathan J.B. Mijs p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 407

vi Contents
SO36-FM ARI 2 June 2010 4:38

Historical Studies of Social Mobility and Stratification

Marco H.D. van Leeuwen and Ineke Maas p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 429

Individual and Society

Race and Trust
Sandra Susan Smith p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 453
Three Faces of Identity
Timothy J. Owens, Dawn T. Robinson, and Lynn Smith-Lovin p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 477

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The New Homelessness Revisited

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Barrett A. Lee, Kimberly A. Tyler, and James D. Wright p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 501

The Decline of Cash Welfare and Implications for Social Policy
and Poverty
Sandra K. Danziger p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 523


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 27–36 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 547

Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 27–36 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 551


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Contents vii

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